whoa. anyone else just feel some surge of energy?

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 08/22/2012 - 17:39



woww... man i just felt this overwhelming... but brief and gentle control of my body. im watching this documentary and something was said that hit me good somewhere, then like i take a deep breath, and during that big inhale, i lost control of my body but it was like i welcomed that to happen, i closed my eyes and observed that breath, it felt like i was breathing surrounding energy into my body, and then WHOA an ocean of goosebumps ripple across my body it was almost a feeling of high anxiety but, i had no worries i was feeling really good and "comforted" like i was being taken care of or something, then i exhaled...


i closed my eyes and did something i never do, but i like magnets, my hands just came together, like i was about to pray. as soon as i connected my forehead to my hands, i was in this instant but short lived meditation state.. where i saw what i think was two swirling lights but kinda darkened blue color, a turquoise kinda, but they swirled in revolution like a spiral like... OMG LIKE A BLUE YIN-YANG! YEA perfect ill explain it like that imagine how the yin yang would look in motion where the white is spiraling in unison at an even distance from eachother but, making a spiral appear anyways. =D but like i said, this was all brief and short lived, i brought myself out of it by focusing too much on that visual, and it was so clear, i had wondered maybe my eyes werent closed all the way and maybe some light was slipping in but i couldnt convince myself anyway, and eventually the spiraling slowwed down and just disappeared as my focus was shifting back to reality.


then i open my eyes and realize i had them completely shut for sure, and im just left here braindead about what had just happened. wtf like... you know?! the fucuuuck?! does anybody know what this could mean?


is it relevant at ALL or did that breath make me see blue swirling lights bc i had taken such a deep breath that i blew everythng ounce of oxygen back out and fainted a little bit or somethin? lol i wanna know! my facebook friends have no clue, maybe yall do =D but what i wanna know mostly is,



Light Biscuits For Everbody!!! SMILE AND BE GOOFY!
i'm Steve and im 25 yrs old. ...And I dont know what to put in a signature. lol

Guest (not verified)

Wed, 08/22/2012 - 18:34

You just got 'kissed' by God. Mine started happening at the end of April on through the 5/5/12 the 555. For now just go with any and all flows of this
pure love!


I've had a couple similar experiences over the last week or so...there were a couple times when I closed my eyes and saw deep indigo lights that were side by side, almost as if they were eyes. My room was dark during both the times that this happened, so I highly doubt that what I saw had anything to do with phosphenes caused by light. And I felt a very pleasant, compassionate sensation during both experiences.


A couple days later, I had an experience where my whole body went tingly, similar to the way you described. But again, it was a very pleasant, peaceful and high-frequency feeling.


I also briefly connected with an incredibly lovely female spirit on a couple of occasions; I had a couple quick visions of her with my eyes closed, like I was seeing her in my "mind's eye"...and the love that I felt in me was powerful and intense, yet pleasant, peaceful, cleansing. The connection was very brief but profound.


I think this sort of stuff is just the 'tip of the iceburg', my friend. Get ready for more heavenly experiences to occur...we're in the times when it's all happening. : )


Peace be with you...

I was meditating with sound this morning like I always do when all of a sudden I felt like a million sparkling goose bumps were poring into my head and went down to my feet and back up again and stayed for just a few seconds in my toroso and arms. It really unnerverd me so much I opened my eyes and took out my earphones. It slowely started to fade so I decided to go back to my meditation and a few minutes into it it happened again but not as powerful. There was a strong/thick feeling of love all around me, too that was very palpable. Nothing like what I described ever happened to me before. Very strange and memorable and just a little spooky.


I'm nearly three times your age, so its apparently not age related. :) 

Love and smiles



That sounds sorta similar to the way people describe Kundalini - a powerful spiritual awakening/activation where strong energy flows up your spine and whatnot. Many people have claimed to experience this... But if that's what you experienced, it might've just been a relatively subtle "Kundalini-episode"...Kundalini is said to be an immensely powerful and life-changing phenomenon, and it's usually a gradual process that takes time to complete...it can take an entire lifetime or longer, even for those who have meditated every day for their entire lives. But anyway, if you've never heard of Kundalini, you might want to do some research on it. : )


Peace & Vitality

Cath (not verified)

Wed, 08/22/2012 - 19:08

Happened to me last night at around 7:45PM EDT.  All I can say is "go with it and enjoy!"  We also have a wonderful huge cube parked outside SSE at 6am each morning which sure ain't the moon and can't be any star I've ever seen... lol





Wed, 08/22/2012 - 20:35


I felt the tinkle at the same time spiralling energies throughout my body when i was deep in slumber last night.
It was strong enough to shake me out from my dream... haha. Feels like a couple of whirlpool inside my body!
I trust its a positive energies and fell back to sleep.
Had similiar sensations last few nights but last night was the most strongest yet.
So cool someone bothered to write about this..Very thankful.
Thank you!


Fri, 08/24/2012 - 16:02

I also have been having lots of new experiences with color, light, sight and sound.
What caught my attention most from your experience was the colors and spinning.
Just last night, when I was just falling asleep, I saw in front of me (eyes shut), a beautiful Mandala! It was slowly spinning and was different shades of BLUE in color. As it started to fade, I remember thinking "NO, Don't leave! Come back!!!"

I've had lots of stuff going on in my left ear. Different tones, beeping, sea-shell sounds and what sounds like Morse Code or something. I just KNOW that it is part of my raising vibrations and welcome any and ALL of these new phenomenon that are occurring at this time! It helps assure me that I AM indeed progressing!

Love to YOU! Keep up the GOOD VIBRATIONS!


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