Submitted by Lia on Tue, 11/29/2011 - 09:21

Guest (not verified)

Tue, 11/29/2011 - 09:47

We all are discouraged and disappointed Blossom....so many channellers spoke about positive things happening by years end....NESARA, disclosure, among a few....we were also told if things did not happen according to plan, intervention would happen to speed things up....who knows if this site is valid....or the messages....seems like we are meant to stay in a state of confusion, and YES.....we are JUST hanging on by a thread.....


When I read today Laura Tyco s last channeling got from Settufeut i was very unhappy -


Our messages aim at bringing you joy, comfort, hope and support throughout these times, not to create division or to supply Intel to you. We must remain in a more or less neutral position concerning all beings involved.
First of all, there are a few things that will lead to the euro collapse, as all can predict by now, I am sure. This has however been a planned scenario by the cabal. Indeed they have carefully planned all the negative happenings on Mother Earth, in order to assume even more control and power over your private affairs.
The cabal has never planned a world where all of you would be happy and free. .
They do not desire anybody to achieve financial independence, because they would lose control over you. .
 They desire you all to be nothing more than objects or pets at best. With the increase in technology, they have foreseen, a few decades ago, that only a few million of humans would be enough to provide for their needs.
As you may be aware, they intend their plans to come into fruition for 2012. The constant seeking for warfare in the Middle East, the lack of help for Developing Countries is yet another display for maintaining control over populations.
They dictate, behind the scenes what governments will fall, and who to replace them with. It is always with a government that they can control by various means. What you are observing now is again fight for power, global control of Mother Earth’s resources and gifts to her children.

The cabal is aiming at Mother Earth control as well as space supremacy and control. Can you feel already that all your actions, your thoughts all your gains are dictated and controlled by the ones sitting on top of the pyramid?

 What the cabal will try to introduce, will be designed to more control over you. Their plans for a global currency will be made attractive to you all, and will seem like a reasonable solution to you.


So financial collapse is Cabal s plan to enslave us? It is not the end of the old Paradigm?

Nobody is going to stop Cabal!

Where are our friends from Sirius, Andromeda? Where are our cousins from Lemuria?

Guest (not verified)

Tue, 11/29/2011 - 10:11

I can understand the feelings Blossom is having, yet to me there are only two logical paths to follow!  One idea is that somehow these messages have been from a not so benevolent source attempting to lure Blossom in with good words, only to make her and others lose hope and give up!  If that is the case, I would say that ending the messages with this connection may be a good idea, but ending chanelling all together seems like a victory for the dark!  My other logical theory is simply that this is one big test of faith!  If one gives up faith so easily, than it was never very strongly rooted to begin with!  In that case I think Blossom must continue these messages and find her faith!  One must be patient and allow for mistakes!  Even the federation is not perfect or acurate all the time!  For those that are lost, this is an excellent time to stop looking externally for answers and instead, turn your focus inside of your heart to find your own truth!  Everyone's truth is different!  If anyone cares to converse more with me I am on facebook as Brandon Starseed!  Namaste! 

I can fully empathize with Blossom's melancholy ponderings.  I experienced them often, moreso on this day, however, a resignation to depression and apathy is something I cannot consider.  I've been there and done that in the past, only to return to the same place of decision.  Its not   Decision time has been greatly shortened by the grace of God, as I know that Entity to Be.


We are not the first to encounter this place, as the apostles who followed Jesus also met it, and no doubt anyone who has walked the path has also.  "Simon Peter answered him, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life" John 6:68  They followed Jesus in the flesh, and they were at a lost without him.  We follow  a similiar Spirit, albeit not in the flesh.  Love Unconditional is a concept accepted as a place to live in.  If that is left, where does one go?  Back into the world of duality?  We know what that's like, we can just turn on the news or speak to anyone who still believes it to be "reality".


We don't have Jesus in the flesh either, but we have 2,000 years of life to look back on.  We have a plethora of brothers and sisters producing a steady stream of input to keep us up to date.


Yes, its tough without concrete evidence our eyes can see and convince the oppressors that this world we speak of is real, but it has yet to help us in that respect.  Has it helped us in other ways? 


As for me, I'll keep using the joy option that I can produce with my decision to keep on keeping on and have fun doing it.  I hope this little input helps you make your journey easier...  really, where else can we go besides back to the world we know doesn't work?


Love and Peace.


Almurta (not verified)

Tue, 11/29/2011 - 20:10

I read this  post earlier today and can't get it out of my mind so I've decided to comment. 


It is easy to get down hearted and feel like 11/11 and the ascension journey is  a hoax if you focus on the material world and look for outer manifestations of what is essentially an inner process.

Sometimes personal belief systems can obscure our view as we fixate on the idea that the ascension process will take this or that form and will occur on this or that date.  When the desired outcomes do not occur we feel betrayed and let down. 

One way through this feeling is to consider that perhaps the belief system is in some way limited and is restricting our understanding of the wider scenario.  There are many teachers that come to us as we walk  the spiritual path.  These teachers can take many forms.  Sometimes a teacher can be something as simple as a shell upon a beach at sunset, other times the teacher can be a highly complex, structured belief system that we can devote ourselves to for extended periods of time. 

At times on the spiritual path we reach a crossroads.  The teacher we followed to that point is seen to be in some way lacking and we lose faith in their teachings.  Rather than dismiss everything the teacher gave us as hocus pocus it is ultimately more productive to come to understanding that we have outgrown that particular teacher.  They have given us all that they have to give and we now must walk on alone. 

At that point we often want to go back to the world we knew before the teacher came and changed our life but this is extremely difficult to do.  The teacher opened our eyes to a wider reality than the mundane materiality of the world we knew before.  There is nowhere to go but on remembering that one doorway closes another opens.  The Light is limitless and is not restricted by our understanding of it.


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