so i went to church alone today... (im not a church goer)

Submitted by LightBiscuit86 on Sun, 08/26/2012 - 09:35

after reading yesterday of the transformed energies of the churches, i just felt a need to go to a church alone and say a prayer, originally thats all i had intended. i had NO IDEA what was about to happen to me.. and to the church itself. please forgive me if i mis-represented any of the beings of light, their names or anything, i only said what came thru me, and i was very nervous and distraught. im fairly new to these experiences, my awakening has been trucking strong since 2007 and as of that "I AM" experience day, i havent been the same sense. things like this are happening to me, here is my church story experience:
when the last prayer was closing, i sat down and put my forehead on my hands, i was touched someone layed their hand on my back... i felt a strong connection and i stayed there thru the prayer but... i busted out fucking crying HARD in front of EVERYBODY THERE and they all saw me i saw them looking confused. but that guy wanted to talk to me, and pray with me, which is what i was wanting to do but they didnt ask anyone to come to the altar, so i sat and discussed a couple things with him about why i was there, cant stop crying but he is being very patient with me and not talking in between pauses no matter how long it took to get my words back together. anyways, he decided we should go somewhere private rather than right in the middle of the big ass arena stage type thing for the preaching or whatever. he lead me upstairs, and we sat on the floor in the hallway. he said a prayer for me, and asked if i wanted to add anything to it while we were in posture.. i absolutely accepted and verbally expressed my own prayer.. and it was rough but, a dude like me never prays hardly and NEVER out loud! and now with a total stranger i just cried and explained my near death experiences to and why i felt lost but the need to be THERE at THAT MOMENT... anyways my prayer went something like this:
"steve, would you like to add anything?"
"yesss... i call on God, mother father creator of all that is, ArchAngel Michael, Archangel Uriel, Jeshua, Mother Mary, Magdalene, i ask that you surround this church in light, of love and protection, help let that light reach people, put it inside them let them expose the light of you which is in all of us, let them see that they are truly more amazing than we are being told (i start crying again in middle of my prayer), provide strength for those struggling with personal problems and let them know now is the time to shine your brightest, dont give into fear" and some other stuff i just cant remember right now, my face is a lil beat up. but on the visitor card i only wrote my name and birthdate down, but on the back i made a note, i wrote "i come here alone today, with an obligation to bring the light of which "I AM" to this church, i came to do a prayer, which i dont really know how to do. dont be afraid to follow your heart, i love you." 
i didnt provide my address or any personal info, i came alone, ppl defly were noticing me, but whatever they do with that visitors card is okay by me. after the prayer, i asked the dude if i could give him a hug for reaching out to me, and he accepted, i dunno if he was gay or anything but i dont care, nobody else sensed my sincerity of being there i dont think, the guy asked me if im gunna come around again, and i said "i will when the time is right" 
i left with an overwhelming sense of accomlishment, i did what i came to do. i feel rebirthed. that church will never be the same, thats for sure. i feel like that dude has quite a story to tell his church friends and family. i definately impacted him. i think maybe hes wondering about some stuff. who knows. all i DO know, is nothing bad is going to come of this, and i was of service to my higher self, as well as many MANY others today. i stuck with the courage i felt, went somewhere i am not comfortable at ALL, and took care of business. *wipes hands off* point for steve :)


Sun, 08/26/2012 - 10:55

Thank you so much for sharing your story, it was very heart warming, I could feel the intensity of your energy as I was reading it, it truely touched me, and I really appreciate you sharing it.  I was in amazing service to your higher-self and the rest of humanity, and I applaued you for that. 


Love and light to dear brother,




Sun, 08/26/2012 - 12:24

my uncle has replied to my post on facebook about this, and also, i was texted a prayer:

"I wanted to send you this prayer on facebook but it's not lettin me do it mobily.. I know that's kind of bold but it's a prayer about peace for your mind.. Feel like god called it upon me to speak the good news the gospel to you.. In sincerity of coarse ..
"father i come before you with a pure heart (beautiful!) on behalf of your Belov

ed Steve.. He was brave enough to open his heart to your spirit and to new things. And let the peace of soul harmony (awesome!!!) which comes from Christ, guide his heart. And getting any unanswered questions that arise in his mind.. You do not give him a spirit of fear.. but of pure love POWER and of a sound mind!!! In Yeshuas mighty name father... AMEN"
my uncle who started crying from this experience: 

awesome steve, what church did you go to? im looking for a church to start going to... i also want to be babtised... im proud of you steve. that was the holy spirit in you today. that was god touching you... and that man that prayed with you was an angel of god, god put him there to comfort you, god feels your pain.... im fuckin crying for you right now...


and here is my reply:

Steve B. And i also had my suspiscions after i left of that guy being an angel. But i thought of it as being my connection to whyever i was there. He may have been archangel michael who i called out to for all i kno, lending a hand to let it all out and witness the power of emotion. Im glad to hear u say that. I agree :)


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