~ IMPORTANT~Thank You for Participating In your Part of the Divine Plan~

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 08/26/2012 - 14:05

Surprise! Join US Live Today!


photo taken next to etna volcano on 15th august FOund Via FB


Greetings Love Beings, Due to the Increase In Energies We are Hosting a Surprise Love Party Beginning at 3pm Pacific time Zone to Assist in The Smooth Transition for the New Paradigm. Here is the Link to Join US and Play Your Role In The Divine Plan!




In the Last 48 Hours Huge Amounts of Energy have been grounded into Planet Earth=Heart. In this Powerful Energy, our Events for the Highest Outcome for Humanity to unfold become closer into Manifestation. The More of Us who Gather In the Light, Love and Truth, the closer we GET!  This is Getting Very Exciting and Things are Defiantly Heating UP! We are Getting Reports from Across the Planet in which many can internally feel big changes are unfolding and experiencing the Soul Housing is being dissolved. This is Bringing In the Higher Self Into Physical Manifestation which is the God Self.





The Soul's are On Fire!





 The Truth is Marching On. Just when You thought, The Light Was Really Getting Bright, We are Taking this Energy to a Whole New Level Today.Thank You for Playing Your Part In this Divine Mission.




Join Your Earth Allies Live for A Surprise Love Party to Really Lighten The Planet UP.  We are Now engaging The Full Divine Contracts for the Upliftment of Planet Earth=Heart into a Blue Starseed Nation. The Moments of Love In Action are Fully Engaged. Join US Live






  Due to This Surprise Event We will push our next Update to Monday August 27th.


Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies

James Douglas …

Sun, 08/26/2012 - 14:15

“In that very moment, when free energy ( Zero Point Energy) will be given away to Humanity, it will not only be meant to use as an absolutely free, environment friendly, perpetual workin energy to use in each and every industry, transportation, or private homes, but much more chains of Humanity will be broken FOREVER. A New Era of Freedom, Friendship, Understanding and Love will rule, opening a New Golden Age for people of the Earth and beyond…” Nikola Tesla


The narrative of the quickly approaching energy revolution is much more exciting than just electricity. Free Energy is foremost about people! The shift engages our dreams, our imaginations and our soul-purposes together as well as individuals. Free Energy IS a metaphor for the free energy of spirit, consciousness and collaboration. The Roadshow will ultimately be about giving and receiving and encouraging the exchange of this expanded definition of Free Energy… the energy of generosity, compassion, laughter, creativity, love and so much more.

I think you hit the nail right on the head my friend. : ) What especially gave me 'sublime chills' were your words "The shift engages our dreams, our imaginations and our soul purposes together as well as individuals". That reminds me of an insight I got a while back when I was pondering about 'contrasts'....


I was sorta 'brainstorming' about the way life would be we had no conflicts - no inner-conflicts, exterior conflicts, or otherwise - and at first I thought it might become rather boring. . .


See, I had myself convinced for a long time that there can't be moments of high joy and elation without there also being severe struggles and hardships as a sort of counter-balance. . .


Well, when I was having my aforementioned 'brainstorm', I suddenly realized that something didn't seem quite right about my philosophy of 'elation vs. hardship'. Something about it was a little 'off'. . .


I know now that the reason I real-ized the flaw in my philosophy is because I was actually no longer thinking with only my brain. : ) I was tapping into a deeper part of my consciousness; the part that resonates, intuits and harmonizes- my 'Inner-Mind', aka 'Inner Energy Body', aka 'True Self'. . .The real me who is the one inhabiting my body and using my intellect as a tool, not the other way around. . .


Anyway, I had a 'eureka moment' and real-ized that "hardship" only exists in the mind. We can choose to create "hardship" for ourselves be interpreting things to be difficult, or we can choose to Accept things as they are and form our own opinions about them. Those opinions can even be joyous and enthusiastic if we want. Nothing has to be a "horror" or a "struggle". . .


I shared this insight with people, and a lot of them told me to be careful, because it seemed to them like I was trying to ignore the "other side of the spectrum"; the so-called "dark side"; the "yang-side". I was warned that I was favoring one extreme over the other, and that I would become imbalanced that way and distrupt my polarity...


I meditated about it and this is the insight I got - one can be balanced and centered deep within without having to sacrifice the gift of polarity. The way to do this is to 'datach' from your mind. ie, while it's true that you still use your mind, you do not have to identify yourself with it. You are the one having experiences via your mind & emotions (and body), but while your mind/emotions/body are indeed faculties of you, they do not do justice in explaining who you are; YOU are the pure, conscious, intelligent essence who is indeed connected to those faculties, yet you can differentiate yourself from them even during the times that you use them, and this will 'plug' you in to a whole new type of consciousness and awareness. You'll find that you can be fully functional/coherent/aware even if you completely silence your mind, and also when your mind is active. Again, staying tuned in to your 'Inner Self' will keep you balanced within. It will keep you aware and coherent no matter what you're experiencing. So in this way, you can experience the "highs and lows" of polarity if and when you want, and enjoy the many contrasts among the "light" and "dark", without becoming "tangled up" in the extremes and getting hindered. You could choose to experience an "intense" situation, such as white water rafting for example, and remain balanced during the entire experience, even though there were many moments when you felt intensity within. And after you're finished, if you want a more gentle contrast to your intense rafting, you could go bird-watching, while still remaining balanced. [I should mention here that when you are balanced and "plugged in" to your Inner-Self, you get to "calmly ride the emotional spectrum". In other words, you can feel excitement and elation, peace and tranquity, intensity, or any emotion in between. And I want to mention here that "intensity" is not the same thing as "fear". "Fear" and "negativity" are only possible when your mind creates a judgment, and when you are subscribed to that judgment (<< and that would only happen if you identify yourself with your mind and the fear that your mind has created.) Fear debilitates and dulls the senses. It distrupts coherence and cognition. But even if you feel intensity when you are plugged in to your Inner-Self, it will actually be empowering, uplifting, enhancing, vitalizing....which is what the entire range of emotions are meant to be. In this eternal Present Moment, when you have Unconditional Acceptance and you remain balanced within, all the frequencies within the "emotional spectrum" are experienced as different "shades" of life-enhancing Love, because that's exactly where emotion comes from - Love.


-Balance & Love-


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