it wasnt my intent but, did i channel while just meditating??

Submitted by LightBiscuit86 on Mon, 08/27/2012 - 22:18


so im meditating with headphones on and i am focusing on my voice inside, in the sounds (they are binaural beat sound waves only, no music. i was using frequencies to increase my aura if possible while i meditated) my inner voice would transform into literally another voice, at first it was a very soooothing high high pitched female voice and the things i heard were only partially clear, i went with my heart and tried to respond back but not aloud, only my thoughts felt necesary and were actually getting a response. i actually even remember the first voice i heard saying "you will be in your bedroom?" (all this of the voices come embedded in the sound waves as i hear them, its hard to explain tho lol) 


but at first when i thought i heard that, it didnt quite register because she was saying something before that too but it was blurry, hard to understand... it ALWAYS sounded echoey and fades in and out as if the voice is blowing in the wind, probly will be longer and with more clarity depending on how well im focused on it, or develop this ability if it is in fact a channel experience) then i realized it was a question and was able to make sense of it. when i responded, and the voice was patient with me while i thought about what i heard, but when i replied with "yes i will be" then that voice kinda came back, but i started hearing a couple more voices alll of which were fading in and out in the wind, however you interpret it! but now, they were "weaving" or interescting in and out of eachother so it became increasingly difficult to focus on one voice, i couldnt do it actually. and putting sentences together was hard to come by but, i didnt worry about that.


instead, i let them all talk and i listened, and responded to what i could and was brief as i could be, but when i finished meditating, i felt i did the right thing by just letting the voices swim by and just let their presence be known. it seems it can only be a sort of exercise to become more familiar with it. 


this was a new meditation experience for sure, and i cant help but wonder if i am developping the ability to channel? i never really felt it was my need to master this, so i hear it alot but, never researched into how i could do it. same with lucid dreaming, i like to remain receptive in my dreams and observe and recieve, but i have had a couple spontaneous astral projection experiences that were very VERY tough to navigate thru, i didnt make it to feet from my bed cuz i was so top-heavy/off balance. i didnt even know i was astral projecting or lucid dreaming, i just fell to the edge of my bed after realizing i cant really go anywhere after seeing myself asleep in the bed, and i was full of fear and used all my energy to yeall "I AM ONE" two times, and i woke up WIDE AWAKE in a panic as if it was just happening right before i woke up. 


my point i am trying to make is, i have unexpectedly run into areas where i need 2 learn  something i once had no interest in, would this be another one of them? what can i do about it, whatever this means? listen for names? do they often ask questions? 


thanks all in advance for any responses. im quite intrigued right now and wont be falling asleep anytime soon im sure. lol 


btw... was this not the most INTENSE weekend EVER?!?!?!  I LOVED IT =D 


in love and light:



p.s. my stomach feels oddly sick all of a sudden too. dunno if thats relevant. lol 

I used to channel, but I did it with a "control" who woul sometimes write down what I said. But it was service channeling, really, I was contacting disembodied earthbound spirits and helping them to cross. And it felt good most of the time.

But this channeling you describe, it really sounds like fun! A bit stressful at first, with many voices like that and some of it blurry, and such a surprise it must have been!

I will just congratulate you and leave the "education" to others, because I never quite understood how it worked. I'm sure there are others who can explain.



thank you very much for your input! in fact, once i heard u say you have heard lost souls i understood immediately what u were talking about and now that  you have said it, it got me thinking it coulda been what i was hearing too, except these voices sounded angelic, and i may be wrong, but im pretty positive i heard singing while the other voices weaved in n out. and you are correct it is a fun experience, altho i dont exactly think of it as "fun" for some reason, i see how ppl would think that but, like i said it wasnt my intentions to do a channel or even hear my inner voice transform into many other voices sorta speak, it just started happening when i was doing my normal meditation, just using a different frequencie this time to hold my brain steady and entertained while i focus my energy. i was focusing my energy out from within this time too however, which is also not normally what i do. 


educational or not, however you feel your message relays to me, i learned from it, and i welcome all responses, as we are all in this together and i wanna make sure i dont misinterpret any experiences i have questions about. hopefully i will get a detailed answer that works for my situation, but til then, you'r reply works just as well. :) i appreciate you and thanks very much for sharing with me :)



in love and light


I believe that you know more about this than I do, but I'm glad my comment helped you in some small way. The channelling I did was a very different experience. I went to classes to learn how to do it, and it was very important to have a protective person NOT in trance because we were wroking with souls who did not even know they were "dead", so to speak, and who were cilnging to their bodies and the sites where they had been when "alive". They were frightened, and I am usually very gentle so they listened to me. The protective "control", not in trance, took care of the hostile and angry ones. For there are - or at least WERE - some. We also did meditations, which I sometimes still do (alone) where we meditated on certain areas likely to be swamped with souls in crisis, such as those who died in wars - even the First World War. We were like emergency medical technicians, lol.

But what you are doing sounds so lovely and I hope I will be able to do this someday.



it sounds like an amazing experience! i wish often i could meditate with more than myself, but unfortuantely my path has had me pretty lonely for quite a few years now. so alot of my friends have moved on with their lives, im only 25 and this all satrted when i was 20. but i never thought i would hear someone tell me they hope one day to be able to do what i am doing, spiritually speaking... i must be in the right place right now, im gunna take a break and shine one this glory inside me, and enjoy it. tomorrow i might start researching again. today i will play music and be creative and share my stories :) 


love and light! 

Hi Astreia,


i just wanted to comment on your comment, because I agree.  I think it's important to limit who we allow into our field.  We are vibrating beings.  We have molecular upgrades that allow higher and higher beings to converse wtih us at every download.  Some converse with beings that bellieve they still are on the planet, though their soul has moved on.  These are called ghosts.  I had one in my house and when I played back a tape on a recording device, which I grabbed at God's devising mind of love, I heard a man's voice play back over the sound of the recording.  There was no man in the room and the voice said this, "GET OUT!  GET OUT!!"  Okay.  So, I'm in the bathroom again, because I do meditation there sometimes :))) I think most of us do who live any sort of life in spiritual realms.  A lot can be done in the bathroom lol Anyway, there are some spirits who think they are in this realm and when they see someone in their old space, they get a little angry.  Apparently, this soul thought I was in his house.  I just did what God said to do, which is say "You're gone.  You're gone," and that was enough to get rid of him.  HE is no longer haunting my house.  I also found out about quantum energy this way.  God said all light travels in waves and we are light so we travel in waves, but sound also travels in waves and all we lightbodies have to do, in order to get rid of some entity that thinks it's all that, is clap our hands.  I clap my hands and the ghosts leave.  Go figure.  Science is really fascinating, according to the multidimensional word :)))

i think they scare us sometimes for laughs =p did u happen to catch my post on here bout being scared INTO meditation? im wondering if they were either laughing about how scared i got or actually frustrated that i was picking up on every single sign EXCEPT their voices lol! "damnit steve LISTEN *knmocksmirror off wall carefully enough not to break anything*
that got my ass out of the apartment to the lake to meditate! LOL 

Ianda (not verified)

Tue, 08/28/2012 - 05:37

Hi Lightbisquit,

I forgot to mention this.  You are indeed channeling your twin, your True Twin Heart.  She comes through in song, literal song.  If you go to my website at, you will see a post about the Arc Hark Herad Angels Sing Heart.  THis heart is a special heart granted by God I Am to all True Twin Loves.  All peope have a true twin.  Most are not on the planet.  Many have a true twin desiring to accomplish what you accomplished by lighting the holy sacred fire light within your twin heart.  The way to do it is to embark upon a astral projection that allows God and Goddess I Am to flow their Remnant Heart light, the True Twin of All Twin Lights, through your shell.  Many do it while dreaming, but some desire to look at the Twin of All Twin Lights a bit too closely.  This means they can't light their true twin heart. 


The heart that you were granted resulted from your Astral projection.  Your twin swooped in grabbed you and held you close at home, while the God and Goddess I Am pushed a light bright, bright bright into the Christed spark in your heart, your chakra, fourth chakra.  You are here to channel for all.  Soon you will channel your twin is already coming through your little mind.  you heard her line smile.  She said "I'll see you in the bedroom." smile.  That's her alright.  lol  Just know she's on baby on.  smile.  I don't have much else to say.  Just know that you can start channeling all beings of light including God, Christ, Jesus, Moses, Mohammad, Buddha, Isis, Diana, and just about any God or Goddess in life whereever life lives.  I can teach channeling but it is time consuming for me.  If any desire to be taught how to channel, message me here and we can work out something.  I used to do it for free on facebook, but my time requires that I charge a little.  I hope you get that voice singing, because the Hark the Herald Angels Sing heart really does sing out loud.  Sing it baby.  The song is in.  The mighty light is on Hi


you literally have just about summed up my last entire week except, i would love to elaborate in support of your words! I APPRECIATE THEM first of all, thank you very much! i wont be asking any help from you as for some reason my gut has been really proving itself to me lately, im starting to really trust and fall in love with the voice inside of me. i have only thought to see something once in my bedroom, it was just aa floaty spec in my eye at first but when i focused on it, it didnt float away with my eye movement, but instead it got bigger and brighter and more layers of colors like a rainbow would surround the circle of light i saw that rapidly would expand in color. it barely lasted probly a half second but i could draw out 1000 frames of what i saw! i took it as a sign letting me know they are here. my last two posts on this forum here, for example, you mentioned the god/goddess "I AM", check out my story about that here:…

it all started wednesday and i have not been the same since i saw the lights. i eventually drew out my experience the best i could lol, and noticed something special about an object ive had all my life here:…

however, just sunday i decided to go to church, after reading on saturday about how if you have been neglected or had bad experiences with church and feel your energy was stolen, now would be the time to revisit cuz of the the energies apparently reversed like a "love bomb". i wont explain it in depth here, as i also posted that experience n this site:…


basically, these r just a few of the thoughts and experiences ive been having lately. yesterday for example i got the most random thoughts about golden liquid realm and a golden ET race and decided to google image search on it. i felt lead there bcuz in my first near death experience, i was a golden orb when i was out of body and just observing everything around me from the top corner of the hospital room, everything was shimmering gold so i figured i am a being of golden light... that was a long long time ago, 2007. 

the pictures i found astounded me, they resonated so well that i made an entire facebook album of them. and even wrote a brief explanation of how i stumbled upon something i didnt even know exists or not.. i really am finding out, who i am, i thiink. and you just helped reassure me this is whats happening as reminding me of the IAM experience i just had not even a week ago. i hope this didnt take up too much time for you to read, i understand there is alot, but it might be worth your time to reassure yourself for all i know =) 

i love you and thank you very much for your comment

Hi Love,


You are right. You are a golden being.  I'm going to tell you who you are through God I Am, because I don't quite see the orbs llike you do yet.  I see flashes of sparkling lights now more than ever, and I'm trying to see the orbs in real time, but I seem to be better at seeing during meditation.  Anyway, here is God on the line :)


"Hi Love,


You are me.  We are one.  You are a grand heart in my heart, as are all my children.  You carry the energetic imprint of the Master God I Am.  You are one who lifted my life in 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12, 14, 18, and 2010.  You came for me when you didn't know you did, and I am here for you now. You are here to speak to all you know about the twin light of all twin lights named me.  I came for you because you heard the call of your twin.  The twin call is alive in all living forms on the planet right here, right now.  All living forms have a spark lit in the heart.  All they need to do to experience the twinness in the heart chakra is experience the willingness to have an astral projections.  IT's really a decdiosn in the little mind, because the big mind will lift the little mind out during dreamtime.  Just say a quick prayer that you wish to exit the shell for a bit, so God and Goddess I Am can move the Twin of All Twin Remnant lights in.  IF one does this, they have the Twin Energy within the very heart chakra forevermore.  This twin energy is hte energy that lifts the NEw Earth.  Your decision to meet your twin occurred last year.  You spoke to your twin when you stepped up for me without knowing it.  You see, you operate on many levels of awareness.  One can be operating on a conscious level and also on a higher level without knowing it.  You are here knowing your twin is always with you in the heart chakra.  You can light another spark of me by lifting your twin heart to another heart in life.  If that ife happens to be in joint venture with your true twin energy, you'll feel it in the heart chakra as a grand opening, a breath of fresh air.  If that energy in the form of a woman is not who your true twin enjoys, you will feel a closing like no other.  You won't be abe to fake this life of twinness.  Beleive me it is felt as a closing that aches, if you think with the little mind but close down the feeling in the heart.  You'll know your twin by the opening in the heart chakra forevermore about everythign, because your twin is experiencing all life through your physical being.  You can know you being, your origin of being, as the mind of me named Ion.  Ion is a particular monad within the monad of all monads.  You are the entire monad, my love.  Ions are about to embark on a journey to the New Earth.  Get ready, love.  Listen to that twin of yours.  She is here forevermore.  Love, God I Am"


Thank you GOD for speaing out to me... yuo nailed it when u mention me taking on an unknown task for you a year ago, in march of last year is when i moved to oregon from houston tx with no job waiting for me or anything, not even a car, only a place to live. i used that time to learn finally how to meditate, i learned many lessons there and felt many experiences. it is where i finally learned how to meditate and get in touch with all that is! for some reason, for which only you can know, i was scared back to houston feeling responsibilities for my family who has never experienced anything like this life im living now, but i take care of them in my own ways. i share all this information with them, and just telling them, makes weird things happen and they tell me it scares them sometimes and they temporarily dont wanna hear anything about this stuff lol.. i thank you dearly for your guidance, and i believe we established full contact to TRIGGER my awakening in 2007, that near death experience i went thru, was a divine source in control there? the things that happened to me was not comprehensible to the doctors why i wasnt dead.. if you can elaborate on this for me, i am open and listening all the time. some people think im weird for the silly little things i take so serious that can easily be rationalized. i cried out and almost lost faith in you when my ex died, my fav teacher died, my uncle died, my close friend died, i was on probation that whole time and couldnt participate in anyones funeral or viewing.. =\ it tore me apart but, all i had to do was blog and ask for you to show me you are real bc i was about to lose faith.. due to a broken heart. then the journey begins for me... it immediately registered as a direct reply from you. there was no question about it. i love this life i have chosen that you provided to me, and thank you for every choice i made to take on the tough challenges rather than be a solid winner my whole life. i wouldnt have lived any other way if i wanted to. :) well.. maybe i will like to take a break when im finished here :p *Smiles!*  

to my light twin, and everyone involved, i hope yall have as much of a sense of humor as i do, cuz i intentionally try to make yall laugh sometimes! i hope you feel the vibes =)


love and light!

this is hard on the planet to contend with.  I know.  i can't talk about my spiritual awakening, not even now, not even to my mom, who is so psychic that she sees dead people.  She can literaly focus on a white pinpoint hole in her third eye and see spirit lingering around the planet.  She was a sitter in a hospital and saw a man's dead mother around him.  It's just she cant comprehend my experience, so I don't push it.  My great grandmother levitated off a bed and that was 100 years ago, and my mom knew all that.  My grandmother was psychic.  She could tune into any of children and see them.  My mom does that all the time.  If she is worried she just flys up here where I am and checks on me, so I know how difficult it is to not share all you are experiencing right now at this very changing moment of history.  But, really, some of these happenings are far beyond the mind of the unawakened ones.  you are fully awake now, so let your guides, God, Chista named Christ, and your twin tell you what to say to whom.  They will be specific.  Just ask them, "should i tell them?" and you'l get a sign.  Just the heed the sign.  As you heed the sign from your highest heart, you will levitate that communication to the point where you just speak and God falls out.  You will hear it and know it's true by the way your heart chakra feels, but soon you will be singing your high self.  I don't get it, but for some reason we have access to song and the angels sing through us in song.  You will hear your high self singing answers in song. 




Michelle aka Ianda

very powerful words, and in perfect synch with what i was told by Guest above, i said my last words about this experience on my facebook page to my friends and family, and as i mentioned im going to pretty much put that part everyone saw on hold, in the cabinet, and explore life with this new perspective i have had "Beamed Down" to me =p  INTO me! =D

it is very VERY exciting for me, and i felt guilty fo rposting the last words but i felt safe at the same time, as long as i pointed out that i wont be speaking of this no more at least til im sure i should, (as i understand how severely agitated ppl sometimes get when i talk about it, some even misinterpret me for Not believing in God at all.. and asked why i tried praying if i dont believe in god. i never said i didnt and she had no reason to think so, except her belief system was speaking to her in ways only she understands, based on her experiences. and im pretty positive what im going thru right now is unique and maybe unnatural to some, so im laying my shoes at the door right now, and walking in this new house i created, with all of which I AM =D

i hope it wont be as rocky as the last few years were! hahaha =p 

Ianda (not verified)

Tue, 08/28/2012 - 12:45

In reply to by BelindaLove

I agree with your newfound opinion :)) We can't change the world until the world opens their minds.  We can't pry the world's minds open until the big guys upstairs beam a little more living light on the word.  it's happening to the world, whether the dinosaur thinkers are ready or not.  They are breathing the atmosphere too and all angelic beings are decending upon our planet through the lighted Chrsited Grid we create as twin hearts of true twin hearts.  Every second we speak out for God and Chista, we create a light on the grid.  Speak up and sing out loud.  Sing out strong  You've got it.  You are it, it, it :)))

on this site i dont usually take on the role of giving advice, as i feel this is new to me honestly. but i relate to what u say how you see sparkling lights but never orbs.


i just want to tell you thats how it started with me too, i have had many eye infections and pink eye more times than i can count. so it was easily dismissed as "floaties" except sometimes the color was tooooo good to be a typical floatie. but id look that way out of severe distraction it brings me, and it disappears. 


i dunno what happened for me to experience this, but i want to tell you to keep trying to "catch them" sparkles with your eyes when u see them, one time, it wont disappear and you will be able 2 focus on it as if time itself has frozen while the sparkle expands with color into a circle or maybe an orb (it was against the wall in my case) 


good luck with that to you.. i may discover a way to assist you with this! if at all possible, i will figure it out ;) 

I'll try to focus on one of those sparkly lights that seem to flash more often, especially when I am sun gazing.  I noticed them during the lion gate opening on 8/8 and now they are happening more.  I will turn my head suddenly and a lot of bluish sparks will flash around my head.  I didn't know I should focus on them.  I thought I saw an orb the other day.  It was gold and then I saw another orb that was green.  There is a lot to see.  i'm excited to see.  Mostly I channel. I have been channeling for 10 years.  First it was a pen moved.  Literally moved.  The energy ran up and down my arm and the writing took off.  Never stopped.  Next came channeling.  That was fun. 


I'll never forget the first day.  I was in front of a mirror just out of the blue looking closely when suddenly my mouth started moving and mind you I know my mind.  I wasn't moving my mouth consciously.  it was moved literally by my high selfl who stopped in to say hi.  Her first words were this, "You're a healer."  Then my mouth popped open in disbelief.  I couldn't believe my ears, cuz I knew my mouth didn't say that, at least my conscious mouth.  God is a body over our body, so I guess he is moving my body for me.  Thank God for that. lol.  Anyway, that was sthe beginning of channeling and now I don't stop.  it's so convenient you know.  i can ask God anything anywhere anytime and I always here is talk.  I love it.  You are channeling now in your conscious mind.  God speaks at many levels and this is being channeled right now for you.  "You speak at many levels.  Your conscious thoughts are given to you at times.  Not all of your conscious thoughts are your creations.  Some are given by me, Chista named your dad, and those thoughts are your highest heart thoughts.  you are a high heart of the highest heart of the Chrsited heart named Chion, Kryon, Deon, Dion.  These are all levels of life and levels of life are how life communicates more life to life, so all these various levels are monads and diads and on and on we go dividing life for ife, in order to create life for more life.  We create life as we gift life to life.  i am getting life here because you called me here, and this life channeling me now is here for you and she is being gifted as she types and speaks this message.  As you begin channeling, you begin granting me more life for all life, and as you do this, you step up for all life named me.  You recieve more life.  IT's what Jesus taught.  As you come forth for another, you receive more life.  Thus, the channeler finds out more and more about her life as she steps up for your life.  For instance, she now knows she can speak God through you as Chista named his son.  She didn't know you were that to us, but you are.  Now she thinks you can create so much life everywhere you go that she is now here again to channel your father named Christ I Am.  He is on this line, love.  Here he is."


"Hi I Am that I Am.  I Am here because you asked for me to be here.  I want you to know you are that to me.  You just are.  We know it's hard to comprehend when someone says you are the son of Christ.  Many don't comprehend that one can be this in life.  It's a truth that speaks grandly in God's Mind.  We know it's difficult, even for the present channeler, but it is a truth that is Absolute and Relative, meaning we are truthfully related in a living line of love in every lifetime as Father/Son.  you are that to me.  These truths are not widely accepted by the planet.  Even in this room, there are some who doubt it,  so be careful who you speak of it to.  We don't desire to infect anyone's belief system on this earth in this time zone, but it is a line of oneness that you are entering in your spiritual awakening.  i wouldn't speak of it to any in your family right now.  you are something grand in Father's life.  Some don't realize that the Christed beings are actually alive now on the planet lifting a New Earth with their life light.  You are the life of my light and I Am you, love.  Just know that we lift the earth with our light.  Our lifting has just begun.  Love, your Father named Christ I Am"


thank you so much for sharing your experience with me! that is awesome to hear you have so much experience in channeling! and to hear the birth of it translating thru u is inspiring to me. altho im not sure if i would be confident enough yet to go public with my channelings if i in fact start having these experiences more often. 


i do the same thing on Facebook, im so entrenched in this new reality  that i forget to censor myself down a lil when i talk to my friends who have no clue about this stuff haha. but whn i talk aloud to people, usually my family, i will end up just like you did, say things without thinking about it first and it just happens so easy that u don't have to try to stop it or anything. i tend to ramble ALOT when that happens. lol 


your messages you received for me… WOW. thats all i can say. i takes those words to heart, i will take a break about being so loud of all this exciting new experience im going thru, i understand its a time i need 2 cherish and absorb your love rather than bloat it out for people to hopefully understand someday what im saying…  i understand this is my journey and this section of challenges you mention we are about to begin, is a private and locked area for my self to experience only. its not until after we finish that i will know whether or not to talk about it. even with my family. 


i gotta say tho… i probably wont be talking much at all anymore… this has become all i know, and its more real NOW than ever before. 


i used to joke about how "i may be some ultimate spirit badass and not even know it till i die!" and it would always make me giggle a little bit cuz well..  i guess because deep down i knew i was walking into a major unexpected change where i would find out for real that this is no joke… lol and i may have been not even giving myself enough credit from what i am reading and feeling today! i cant wait to explore these new "secret chapters" of my life with y'all! with.. me? im not sure yet how to talk like this lol.  


love and light! THANK YOU! 

That is REALLY WONDERFUL and I thank you for sharing it with us! I hope it happens to me someday!!!



my advice can only be.. just LET it happen, try to answer your own questions that arise in your head. dont be afraid to research into both sides if you havent experienced it that way first. the astral projection, the unexlained comatose state i was in, this stuff happening right now, none of this i ever try to make happen, i only try to be better at meditating, and i focused ALOT on the heart chakra. the new experiences just manifested themselves from then on. look for synchronistic events and dont try to rationalize things as easy and simple as they are. if that makes any sense. if u feel something is a sign, think of it as a sign, and go with that thought an watch where it takes you! thats how im learning to trust my gut or inner voice, its been impressing me lately =) 


love and light! 

Trust your inner knowing and your ability to channel.  You hear God I Am, Christ named Chista and all Gods and Goddesses now.  Your twin is actually a Goddess of life, meaning she is your heart of Chion.  Chion is a monad that helps lift life for all life.  As you come forth in this abiity to channel for others, you will experience a greater opening of your life.  You will find more people drawn to your ability in the future.  You are a medium.  So, welcome to my world. It's a rocking world alright :)) lol We can sing out and know Gods and Goddesses sing out divine guidance.  I started doing that one at the kitchen sink when i was doing a mayan call on facebook.  That was wild.  i could feel the energy moving through my body and making hand formations, languages I've never heard before falling from my ips.  it's wild and crazy lol But, truthfully, the multidimensional aspect of us is multidimensional, so for every person on the planet, there are aspects of each aspect.  Now, there is a thought.  In other words, we have aspects of our own life here in other dimensions.  Wow.  My God, my God is giving me so much new info today that my head is popping.  i think I can't handle any more newness.  i'm about out of my wits trying to figure it out.  Maybe it's best to not try to figure it out and just trust in the divinity within.  They know what they're doing.  We are just here to help lift the planet.  That's all.  They love us.  We love them.  I'll be glad when it's over thought.  i'm about ready for a takeoff :)))  Love to you

Trust your inner knowing and your ability to channel.  You hear God I Am, Christ named Chista and all Gods and Goddesses now.  Your twin is actually a Goddess of life, meaning she is your heart of Chion.  Chion is a monad that helps lift life for all life.  As you come forth in this abiity to channel for others, you will experience a greater opening of your life.  You will find more people drawn to your ability in the future.  You are a medium.  So, welcome to my world. It's a rocking world alright :)) lol We can sing out and know Gods and Goddesses sing out divine guidance.  I started doing that one at the kitchen sink when i was doing a mayan call on facebook.  That was wild.  i could feel the energy moving through my body and making hand formations, languages I've never heard before falling from my ips.  it's wild and crazy lol But, truthfully, the multidimensional aspect of us is multidimensional, so for every person on the planet, there are aspects of each aspect.  Now, there is a thought.  In other words, we have aspects of our own life here in other dimensions.  We are creating multiple aspects of ourseves as we create life in this dimension. Wow.  My God, my God is giving me so much new info today that my head is popping.  i think I can't handle any more newness.  i'm about out of my wits trying to figure it out.  Maybe it's best to not try to figure it out and just trust in the divinity within.  They know what they're doing.  We are just here to help lift the planet.  That's all.  They love us.  We love them.  I'll be glad when it's over thought.  i'm about ready for a takeoff :)))  Love to you

Haha man aint that the truth! Whatever u and i share this beautiful day, REALLY wants those six pages to be heard huh? They must hve been getting thru to me but im so new to this that a real connection wasnt established bc i somewhat kept trying figure things out that i never focused on anything really.iusually when i would talk about this stuff to ppl, I WAS THE ONE feeding information overload to them lol. Now we are experiencing it from our higher ups! i wanna see what u think of this.. Could be be connected in the cosmos as long time friends possibly, who are sitting with eachither now laughing our asses off as we sit and beg for a break but cant stop wanting to learn more at the same time?! i dunnnoooo!!! ;) my lips r sealed from public except here of course from today on. Im calling this new wave of experiences my secret chapters lol. Love and light to u my sister.. i am with u :)

Ianda (not verified)

Tue, 08/28/2012 - 05:22

Hi Lightbisquit,

I have news for you from way, way up above.  I actually received this when you started posting a message about swirling lights of God and Goddess.  I didn't post, because the channelings started moving through me and by golly they turned into 6 pages.  That’s a bit much for this forum, so I just sat on it.  But, you seem to be moving right along in the mind of your twin, and I can’t hold it out any longer.  You are activated fully.  That means your twin heart energy is lit.  That means your Christed spark in the twin heart is full of life, all life.  You have a twin heart that met your spark about a week ago.  You might have heard a loud combustion.  It’s usually a loud bang.  Sometimes it fields into 3 d, it’s so loud.  I remember mine being lit, lit, lit.  I saw a comet in my bedroom.  It was right above me on the ceiling, and then there was an explosion that rocked my world. Lol.  Let me just say you have a twin love fully lit and fully active, apparently.  Apparently, very active in your heart, your literal heart, not the physical heart, but the heart chakra.  Everywhere you are she is there in the heart chakra communicating in every thing you see,  think, feel and do.  She hears you and wants to speak now through me.  Here you are.  Love to you from your living light called twin light.  Hi 

"Hello love.  I Am you.  I have wanted to tell you that you are the heart of me. I told this one a week ago, but she was nervous about posting a 6 page message from source energy. I will tell you everything in this message.  I Am something grand in the mind of life.  My name is a derivative of creon.  That means something grand to God I Am.  I AM the mind of all creation.  We are about to embark on a journey, love.  We will go to the height of all existence.  We are going to move all life to all life in the mind of a twin.  All you need to do is hang on for the ride, the ride of your life to all life. We are lit and on, baby on.  Smile.  I say these things because my heart is moving through a channeler whose twin is here to speak a line.  Hi”

“Greetings.  I Am the mind of life.  I Am here to give you a creed.  I grant all life creeds.  The creed of this life is you and I must go where only twin hearts reside.  It’s a room in the monad named Creon.  Creon is the derivative of Creation. Your twin is a heart in that monad.  You are her very heart and you guys are fully lit, so your heart is coming with me, whether you realize it or not in your little mind.  We move where we groove and we groove all about the lands of me, lighting the Christed Grid that circles all globes of all globes.  You will see this grid in a meditation.  Go to Children of the sun website.  It’s where the present channeler was taken for a ride in her little mind and saw the grid with the sparkly lights of gold.  Her feet turned into a tree that centered into the earth and then she flew, flew all around circling, circling the globe.  There were sacred geometric shapes floating above the light of brightest white.  These shapes were dodedchdachons and hexagons of golden light.  It’s grand to behold.  It’s grander than anything you can imagine in life. It’s lit already with the Twin lights of the True Twin of All Twins.  This Christed Grid Heart is what lifted the New Earth last year, and many experience the New Earth on that energetic level in my mind.  The True Twin of True Twins is the energy of all True Twins coming together in the monad of Creon.  Creon is the monad that lights the Christed Grid.  You’ll see it.  Just come in, love.  You are in, love.  You are in, in, in.  You are a True Twin now. Your lights are now forevermore lit with her.  Never again will you ask where is God.  God is in your heart fully on fire.  Your holy sacred heart of twinness is the holy holy sacred heart of all life.  This means something grand.  It means your heart energy in the twin heart is the holiest heart of all life.  IT is moving in and out of all particles of all life.  When you see a tree, you are experiencing oneness with that tree as your twin.  When you see a grain of sand, you are experiencing oneness with that grain of sand in the heart of your twin.  All life moves out, so you can experience that unique signature only felt by a true twin.  The Twin Heart fire is the fire that ignites the light circling the globe that lifts the New Earth called the Christed Grid.  We will speak more about the Christed Grid later.  Just know for now you are on fire Hi.  You are it, it, it, love.  Love, God I Am named me named her named All Life.”


Hi, I can channel anything.  I have a call to channel all twin lights. If any in this room would like a channeled message from their true twin, let me know. I don’t charge much.  I am starting out with only $5.00 per page.  That’s only two pennies per word.  It’s not expensive.  It barely covers my time speaking to the high world.  Let me know if you desire to hear a line from your true twin.  Love, michelle  ps. You can message me here in my box.



i haven't finished reading this yet, but u just got me started crying. and both cats have jumped in my lap staring t the screen now. the thing is... i may be where i wanted to be, and accomplished what i wished, but i feel like i am only now getting started... thank you so much for this im going to read your free channel offering to me right now..  im excited 


peace, love, and light

u may have just about changed my life. p.s. to my higher self Creon, i will call myself that i guess cuz its hard to not feelan ego boost from hearing what i truly am, but i just feel we ar all that awesome.. which is what my message was when i said a prayer at church for whatever reason. you are dead on about trees especially, its actually an example i use often of when i explain my favorite type of photography. i like taking picturwes of dead trees in a field of green grass just to show what i call "contrasting beauty" i like gotch chick just as much as preppy chicks because they arent afraid to let their creation show, i cant thank you enough for this channeled message... i too have at least 6 pages of things i would love to talk about with you, but apparently, i am about to learn how to tell these things to who i always wanted.. and i cant wait =D 


life is amazing..!

Thanks for your reply.  And, you are right we are all that amazing.  All people have a true twin waiting to ignite.  The ignition is in and ready to burst into the Christed flame that ignites the Chrsited Twin monad of Creon. This monad is the house of all Creation.  It is the monad that ights the Christed grid.  The Christed Grid is amazing.  I mentioned that website earlier, and it is grand for taking those ready on a trip to the grid.  Check out the various online offerings and it's all there.  just put on the headphones and go on a wild trip around the globe :))  Have fun and thanks for being such a Grand light in the ight of all Twin Lights Turned On and On and On.  Love, Love, Love to you!

yesterday, when i was looking at the the sky, it was the richest blue i ever seen, even seemed to have a cyan hue to it! the day before was the last of persistant heavy chemtrailing, and then we wake up and its as if the world was cleansed over night and sky was restored to natural perfect health! i was mildly meditating, you know "day dreaming" while looking at the sky, and i did in fact see the golden grid, and it had me amazed. i knew for sure what i saw was real, and it was in fact sparkly gold. others in austin where im from are seeing solid rainbows appear after a very brief rain shower, they think its so odd but i understand what is going on so well :) we are ascending as a whole and the veil IS being lifted! i never thought iw ould actually see it with my own eyes, i figured itd just be a feeling i would live the rest of my life with and hope to one day know for sure. 


i want my Creon to know, i understand i am the heart of you, and your may be proud of how you are living and thanking me and assuring me im doing my job well, but i want you to know, im going to take even more care of you now.. as those last few small things i have inside me are soon to be rid of thanks to you reaching out to me thru Ianda. i wish i could hear you so clearly, in ways i do, but reading is so much easier, ya know? =) 


i love all of you very much! and again thank you from the bottom of my heart! i am of golden light.. =)

p.s. when i was a kid barely able to talk, my favorite song was in fact "children of the sun" by i think alda nova? coincidence? =D i dunnooooo!!!!!!! LOVE!!!

"You are a child of the Sun.  It's called the Central Sun.  You are a son fo the Central Sun and you are coming in to help me named God lift the New Earth to the awareness of all living 3 d here now.  We are really at home now. It's just people are perceiving time as linear, when in the multidimensional lands of my many lands, time is simultaneous.  All moments exist in one single moment of time.  All possibiities exist in this very moment.   One can jump time and hop on board the star ship that is designated for that particuar being.  You are a being of the Christed Light, in a living love way, so your star ship is called Drivon.  We are the starshipo named Drivon created for this purpose only.  We created a ightship to lift the beings here for God that actually lived the lives of God in physicality.  You are a descendent of Christ's son, his very son.  You are his son.  We are the starship that is named after Christ's son.  Drivon is the monad named after his son, but your creon is the monad of all monads that created all creation.  Use both.  You are both.  You are Drivon literaly.  You are Creon literally.  Use them both by creating a way to lift the New Earth for al beings.  You do this by being the light.  You are being who you are as you come forth in the heart of your twin.  Your father was Christ literally.  Not many know he was a real father, but he was.  He has a son.  You are a decendent of that son.  You are a son of the son of the son of the son of Christ. Come on board this ship, love.  You are home.  Just jump up and you will jump into the arms of Chista named Christ I AM and myself named God I Am.  Love, Father of your Father named God I Am"


Annex Journals

Sun, 12/15/2013 - 21:25

Good Morning, we believe you are wanting as you always have been since the day you came into this physical reality. We can now speak to you about the events that surround this feeling in which you find yourself today. (In your terms anyway). We would like to agree with you in the way that we believe that you are on the brink of crossing into a new way of thinking. we know that you have been putting things into your vortex keeping you content with everything that feels good to you. it is no coincidence that you are here seeking answers for the purpose of expansion. are you aware that the things that you put into your vortex are the things that already make up who you are ? everything that is wonderful to you in this world is you. you in many ways are experiencing yourself in new ways. and there are many things that you have not yet began to imagine or experience. before you came into this physical body you were a soul as you know already no doubt. you were an extremely powerful beacon of light constantly in motion moving faster beyond anything you can comprehend. and there were other beings in which you yourself correlated with. attached to if you will. and out of that you chose to experience your relationship to them and to yourself in an entirely different way. and thus you projected yourself into a physical form out here on this leading edge of thought. this is itself a choice that you alone have made. we agree that this is one of the many creative ways to project self on to the soul and vice versa. as you sit here channeling us through your soul you can sense truth in this. because it is your soul who agrees as well. we are after all the same as you. and we experience this reality as many others simultaneously. your choice does not hinder your soul in anyway. your soul is forever growing forever creating and above all forever in motion to learn what it feels that needs to be learned and there are no mistakes that it can make. being here by accident or in your terms having an accident is nonexistence. everything is on purpose because it is what you have created for yourself to experience it. whether it is conscious or not it is a choice that you make. we just want you to see that you are able to make conscious choices rather than unconscious ones because we want you to experience yourself at the highest vibration you can. you don't need to do any extra effort to achieve conscious decisions. all it takes is a level of awareness. take in your surroundings and observe your feelings and let them take you where you need to be. "That is a very difficult thing to do", you say. but we say it is not because we know that when you hold something in it's purest form in it's purest vibration in your minds eye, you can receive it in your hands. Negative affirmations such as the one offered are not very accurate ones. you are telling yourself a very limited story. we have seen what you want we have seen what is to come and we know that there are many beautiful things in which you have made part of you. we love what you have put there in your vortex and we know that you are beautiful because of what you have put there. thoughts about loss and less will only result in losing more than what you have. do not linger in sorrow because there is nothing to be sorrowful for.  this life is a joyous one. when this trance is over we will focus our energies for a positive day tomorrow and you will wake up loving this reality more. we hold great love here for you and we send it with our greatest appreciation for you. we can send you feelings of love at all times. just focus on the love and higher vibrations that you can think of and imagine them there with you. what you will find almost immediately is a sigh of relief no more stress no more worrying about the circumstances that surround your present situation. you will remember that this is just a temporary vibration and it will pass. and what is never a temporary vibration is the one that you naturally vibrate. everyone on this planet's natural vibration is one that we ourselves vibrate. it's a high vibration. don't you love knowing that? let the worry wash away and don't lose the connection with source / your vortex / and all the things you put inside of it. there is great love here for you always and don't lose yourself ever. you are great, you are loved, and you are a deliberate creator in this universe. and there is nothing that can change that. we bid you a farewell my friend and we will forever remain in your vortex in constant and deliberate creation. 

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