cancer woke me up!

Submitted by newgreenworld on Tue, 08/28/2012 - 16:26

I was diagnosed with cancer in October of 2011.  It was strange... It was like I already knew.  I had moved from Detroit, MI to Bend OR, with a feeling that I had to be here for some reason.  I had this strange feeling like time was running out. I moved here with my small broken family knowing no one totally following my heart in 2010. My children and I were living in a DV shelter, I was on the path of finding stable housing and work for myself and my little ones when I was slammed with the diagnosis. Modulo Blastoma, I had a craniotomy Oct,20,2011. During the time between Detroit and before going into surgery, I had prolific dreams and visions that had led me to start following my heart or "soul path". After the surgery I was thrown in to a sort of "mania" I was having audio and visual hallucinations. Or so I thought.  After some time of craziness of being terrified certain and uncertain constantly changing every 5 min I voluntarily went in to a mental ward in hopes that I might get the answers to why I was getting these strange visions and info downloads. I was there for less than 24 hours when I was asked to leave, They told me what was happening to me was not mania or psychosis.  I ran from chemo and Radiation but when CPS told me that if I didn't comply with my doctors wishes to treat they would keep me from my kids I broke down and endured 31 days of radiation and chemo together, then agreed to continue treatment.  The visions and messages stopped!  I didn't dream.  Today I am half way threw chemo and CPS is out of the picture so I have decided to stop treatment.  I'm starting to see my purpose again.  I know there is an awakening, it's real and I am so glad that I'm not alone!  Thank you thank you thank you to all who are getting the word out.


Devi Cholet

Tue, 08/28/2012 - 18:19

Oh Love, you are doing great!  I was woken up by cancer too.

It is criminal how hard they make it to not go with the "system".

But you have done it and will now be able to fully recover.

If you want to speak about all this, I am available.



Legalize Freedom (not verified)

Tue, 08/28/2012 - 18:23


The cannabis plant is a cancer cure
the indica strain in particular deals with relief from pain, shutting off pain receptors and keeping them closed down when the dose ends, unlike an opiate they give which cause hangover, misery, and can easily be overdosed upon
these oils taken each day dissolve tumors over time, so the plant is an ideal cancer treatment
of course the medical industry is run by greed and evil most satanic heinous and vile
which is why american boys get circumcised, i do wish i had my body pieces they took from me, i need them and so does every male, whether they realize it or not, 
now other than this, i suggest a crystal singing bowl, resonate your cells with light, because you've subjected yourself to radiation and that's not good, play a singing bowl each day 
you can and also should listen to 528 hz a good period of time each day , a free program called sigjenny will let your computer play it, it restores dna 
and you can and should brew your own kombucha tea because its an anti-cancer medication working with detoxifying junk 
yoga is also very important, the yoga poses that are held longer than 2 minutes release toxins and encourage new vitality to circulate, so are the yoga breathing techniques, many people will heal cancer just by doing enough yoga breathing called pranayama each day 
the bhastrika pranyama and the alternate nostril breathing being the more effective for this as far as i understand, but ujayyi is good too, that sense of new oxygen they induce is new life to the body 
there is a lot to learn about overcoming all this, there are particular mantras that invoke healing when said dozens of thousands of times, such as the OM Tryumbakam mantra, i've had it send a pulse of light into my body to delete the toxicity of the poison known as coffee which i am still addicted to, if i had access to pot i'd give up coffee i suppose 
the gayatri mantra is also supposed to heal. 
my email is if you need more information, doctors facilitate mass murder, i've been circumcised against my will as a baby and poisoned as a teenager and even young adult with their pharmaceuticals. 
not that synthetic things can't be useful, some thing synthetic cannabinoids which are legal in most states  can also heal cancer, but nature produces it in its own laboratory called the earth , 
vitamin c IV's from the hospital alsol are good at curing cancer. Vitamin C will cure the flu at 7000 mg and also work as a laxative, but its worth it ten thousand fold , so why are kids being miserably ill for a week straight when they can be back to normal in an hour? 

God bless Obama to do the right thing, free health care doesn't mean much when health is usurped by crooks, like the vatican abusing children whlie pretending to be saints, the catholicism is like a circumcision removing what is pure from the teachings of Christ then selling guilt to the masses, i find that the circumcision atrocity is an apt metaphor for all that is wrong with the world. 

Your information regarding the corruption within the medical field, which is now the medical industry, within it the cancer industry. When greed suprasses need, failure to humantiy takes place.


The cancer information was useful and contained good suggestions or resources for those seeking alternatives to cut, burn and poisoning cancer. We have to understand there are many times such treatments, cutting, burning it or poisoning it does make a difference, however those that respond to such treatments positively would no doubt have done very well with other non-invasive treatments as well. We are conditioned through negative brainwashing to assume surgery, radiation and chemo are all we have, and great science has brought us these things; yet the truth is these treatments provide billions of dollars of profit from the doctors and nurses, right up to the FDA, American Cancer Society and all the Pharmacuetical companies. If allowed, non-invasive treatments would end the billions but would save lives; greed does not care about the people but about the money.


You will never see a cure for cancer, to do so would be to put an end to the money supply, no one within that industry will allow such loss of profit. Certainly the very society we as citizens are conditioned to walk, run, collect and give our estates to: the American Cancer Society, will never 'find' the cure for cancer, you will continue to walk, run, collect and give your estates to a muli billion dollar corporation, so it can retain its sad, sorry eyed imagine of a caring society. The top executives are also the top executives at major pharmacuetical companies, each being millionaries, each so smuge about putting one over on the people who buy into their sorry eyed imagine of helping those poor people with cancer, all wanting to do something. A feel good donation, doing no good for anyone, but taking hard earned money that could truly help the people if used for supporting cancer sufferers for treatments that could and do work.


You got it all, understood most of it, until you hit Obama; one, like all the rest that cares less whether you or the next guy dies of cancer. His health care bill, if read, clearly shows that most of what cancer patients need will be denied them. Rationed care at best is what cancer patients look forward to with fear.  The latest and the most desired drugs that take the edge off of much of what they give you, chemo and raditation will not be paid for, so cancer patients will suffer further. When stage IV arrives, counselling on death will be a common topic, no more trying to fight it, the decision will not be yours but the doctors and they will determine through mandate of the goverment who will live and who will be counselled to die. If this is considered progress, may I ask to what direction everyone thinks they are going? Are we not enlighted people, looking forward to a broader idea of how we shall live; having a vision of love and understanding for all?


I don't profess to have all the answers but we do open doors our government does not even want anyone to know they exist. If you love people you must not lie to them but open your heart to them. If you need some answers about cancer, take a look at what some truths are:


happy (not verified)

Tue, 08/28/2012 - 20:28

i think your brilliant,,,and amazing,,,i just wanted to remind you of that in case u ever 4get ,,legalise freedoms comments on the sacred plant are spot on,,heres a chunk of info all on the one link for you,, ,,and if u need any advice on it,u only have 2 ask.its been a daily part of my life for a few years now, ..did i mention i think your brilliant and amazing ;)


light and love :)))))))))))))))))))  


Jesicha's Hope

Thu, 08/30/2012 - 12:31

Many times we are put in a position in order for us to wake up and understand the true purpose for why we are here. This is one case where the awakening was not ignored, as many people hear the knocking but it goes unnoticed or ignored.


You have seen the vision and know now many truths and answers to many falsehoods; it is now your opportunity to share what you know so others may also know the answers and the truths.  Given this knowledge, you must understand you were entrusted with it because your higher conscience knows you can do the job. Many are awaiting to hear your news.


Within this knowledge you shall find hope, if you have not already done so; this hope shall take you on your journey where complete joy and love is found; your life experience shall now be full. There is nothing greater than the joyful experience of life, living is a wonderful thing, all that surrounds us is there for our pleasure and experiencing it is part of the pleasure. Your awakening was intended so that you may also experience life to its fullest.


Share this with your children and allow them to know life fully. What you show them, share with them and teach them makes the next generation more enlighted. Let them become teachers of life.


I wish you hope, peace and love on your journey of cancer and life. There are answers out there for resolution to cancer, review all options and read all resources, your decision is there and let it be from your inner being that your answer is given you. It always knows what is best.


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