Time to stand up for ourselves!

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Thu, 08/30/2012 - 05:11


Time to stand up for ourselves!


It is time to be strong and stand up for our rights! We are the many and the dark ones are the few, so why do we continue to accept their insanity of what is? It doesn’t have to be this way if we just quietly resist and live our lives the way we choose as best we can for now, but we must stop believing what we are told and we must stop falling prey to their continual manipulations. This is OUR life and OUR world and yet we allow the few to continue to destroy it. What is it going to take before people wake up and fight back for what is rightfully theirs? Seeing as how they are promoting hurricane Issac as their latest mode of fear and evil, lets look more closely at it. This storm if left alone would have probably slowed down over Cuba and not amounted to very much. With a little tweaking it can now become a hurricane, stall out and dump large, flooding amounts of water on an already vulnerable piece of real estate. New Orleans can’t hold much water nor her levee’s.

How long are we going to allow our planet and our people to be destroyed by a bunch of psychopaths who have stolen our country? I say it is time we take an active role in taking back America while it is still in one piece. Do not vote for the morally corrupt people being pranced out on stage before the people. It is more of the same lunacy! Why should we vote anyway, the elections are rigged in favor of who THEY choose to have lead next? Do not vote!! We need to stop playing along with this deadly game! We need to stop buying products made by the corporations that have taken this country hostage. If they lose profits, in time they will go down!

We need to become ingenious beings and stop sitting quietly playing along! We can create ways to not comply with their game, we can create ways to circumvent the corporate stranglehold and slowly bring them to their knees. We are able to find ways to do without what they control and create something new to fill the void. We are capable of doing ANYTHING, but we have to do something instead of sitting in silence! If we all turn off our TV sets they can’t get to us. Stop reading the propaganda news papers and soon they will go out of business. Stop buying GMO foods and Monsanto will feel it in their pocketbook. Refuse to place your brilliant, vivacious children in the dumbed down school system designed to create compliant, worker ants for future employment. Be creative with friends and neighbors in creating homeschooling that enhances your children’s lives and keeps them from being sickened with deadly vaccines. It is time to rage against the machine quietly and safely.

Yes, we can stay in our hearts and be love and think positive and loving thoughts, but we can also get active while we do that! Who said you can’t do both? We can be busy manifesting the loving world we wish to live in AND we can help to actively bring this old world down as well by not complying. The choice as always is ours. All is as it should be as I always say, so if we are active, that is as it should be in my opinion. I am totally one hundred percent on this spiritual journey, it’s why I do this blog, but at the same time I will not allow this spiritual journey to lull me to sleep and do nothing. I can see it has its dangers as well if we are not staying awake.

The long and short of the story is this, it is time we take action ALONG with being on our spiritual journey. Somewhere along the line people have gotten the idea you can’t do both. That could prove to be very dangerous indeed. We can do both and we should do both if we desire to save the planet and ourselves. So let us stay centered in our hearts and be loving and compassionate beings who are exercising their rights by not complying!

Blessings to you all,



notBianchi (not verified)

Thu, 08/30/2012 - 06:07

A hurricane does not gain power by people talking about it if thats what you are saying by "leaving it alone". A powerful earthquake, which can not be predicted like a storm, can atest to that. Did they exaggerate? Maybe a bit (my local weatherman was telling us not to buy into the whole 'second Katrina' hype himself), but its better to do that then to say "well oh maybe if we don't talk about it it'll go away," and then have a bunch of people with a nice windy suprise of death.


Also, If I had a kid, I would want them to be employed when they grow up. Sure, I would let them know if they really wanted to they could make a living by donations as a cult figure head but I want them to have choices. Dream big. You know someone has to work so they can give you and MFG money. Homeschooling is fine and all, but dont do it to shelter your kids from the outside freakin world and dont do it because vaccines.People who arent getting vaccines are the reason things like whooping caugh is coming back. Theres this funny thing about public school, no one there is dead. Somehow we all survived the "Deadly vaccine". Go us.



I do not understand your point. Though Visionkeeper migh be passionate in this post it seems you're defending you life stile but as far as I see it was not attaked was it? If your choiche is the one you wrote about go with it. I guess this post was meant for those that make another choice. Still, your life stile does not need a change to be accomplished, it's already been there for long, those that want to change things might enjoy a passionate hint.

Truly feel happy fot the weather forecast courage to say the Truth.


notBianchi (not verified)

Thu, 08/30/2012 - 09:48

In reply to by estherpap

Because telling people not to get there kids vaccinated is dangerous. Telling people to ignore an upcoming storm so it will go away is dangerous. Training your kid to be unemployed hobo jr. is just plain unfair. They can make that decision themselves when they are older. Sure, go for a change of pace, stick it to the man or whatever, but this is not the way.

Kind of strange that you're talking about the importance of people having choices, all the while pushing for your choices to be imposed upon them.

I never said I wanted anything forced on anyone to do anything. No one is forced to give their children vaccines, or make them think they should probably get a job someday and whatever else. Im just saying its a stupid thing to tell people to do.

Not sure if that law is still in place, but I know for a fact that the state in question will exept you if you tell them your religion doesnt allow for it, or if there are related health problems.


Thu, 08/30/2012 - 11:34

In reply to by confused-hurt family

I've not been vaccinated, the worst thing that happened was breaking bones cause I enjoey my life with a bit of full joung passion. Almost all I know were not vaccinated cause where I live it's not compulsory and few do. Never seen anything tragic happening, on the contrary. And as a "once neuroscientist" I guess I can speack as an insider in the medical factory: it's all about business. Which of course does not mean doctors and nurses are bad beings, on the contrary, most of them truly believe in what they do, the gap is on the education they get. That IS used to teach things that are not real. And usually you're not really encouraged to ask questions to teachers if your knowledge differs. Science usually follows human knowledge and not the opposite. What they do is trying to alter a good and natual remedy to something with the same name but highly productive as far as money is concerned. 99% of so called medicines can be found in nature and need very little processing to be taken safely. We already have all we need on the Planet without the need of distorting it. What is most missing is good common sense. Thus this cannot be bought on a shelf but needs to be re-built inside. And follows free choice. 


shelly (not verified)

Thu, 08/30/2012 - 07:31

Maybe thought doesn't but Haarp sure does! As far as home schooling,if you dont understand the point of this message that could be your lack of education kinda proves the point here and Im not talking about reading,spelling etc...Im talking about knowing how to look at the forest yhrough the trees, vaccinations have proven to cause more harm than good,mercury in your brain is unremovible and by design causes cancers,autism and many other sicknesses that are life threatning, go ahead go ask Dr's(salesmen) who have been also taught by design to obey orders and not look for the truth 2 hours of school to teach about natural defences says it all!


As was pointed out,you were not attacked but you do need to open your eyes




Peace love n light




p.s. I agree with this article and have been saying this over and over on my fb page and trust me when I say I know thousands who also who get this now

Ah yes, because hurricanes never just happen. Espesially a catagory 1hurricane. Turns out we dont always control everything. Sure, maybe HARRP really IS a weather machine, but if thats the case there are larger hurricanes to produce and bigger fish to fry. I will agree some Doctors are salesmen, but some arent, and some people recommending vaccinations arnt actual doctors, but nurses, or anyone with a medical backgound. Not everyone makes a quick buck from perscriptions. They just dont want to see entirely preventable illnesses making their way back into the population. The body after infancy can handle the 1microgram of murcury that is present in some vaccines (even eating fish will put more of that into your system.)   I know because, yet again, everyone I go to school with survived (long enough to do things that actually will probably give them cancer eventually) and as an added bonus, no one has to worry about Polio anymore! 

I get it though,question everyone but you, or people who agree with you. I'm so blind and uneducated.

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