~What is NESARA Law?~ REPOST~

Submitted by Rain on Tue, 09/11/2012 - 11:45

Guest (not verified)

Tue, 09/11/2012 - 12:28

Hopefully, you would be able to post articles concerning the upcoming revaluations we are reading about lately.  


Im a bit worried because the message from st germain meant that people of every class for the entire world will lose everything they had to start from scratch by giving each man, woman and child a new seed money equally leveling the playing field. 


It sounded like the poor people had most to gain and the richer you are the more to lose?!?  also it made an impression to me that people who has significant money and i dont mean it has to be in billions but a million at least is considered would best spend as much as they can in a controlled rate before the revaulation happens or risk losing it. 

Dear Guest,

please try to focus on the big picture and remember that there is nothing to fear. WE ARE moving into a New Age of  LOVE, LIGHT, and true equality. Who cares if a trillionaire suddenly becomes a millionaire or whatever? It doesn't matter. It won't matter. Money is part of the old paradigm and worrying about losing part of a vast fortune (which is what I think you are talking about) is the last thing WE should invest energy in. The LOVE of money is one LOVE WE should celebrate saying good-bye to. EVERY HUman BEing will be better off. That is what WE ARE focusing on.


Im a prodigious saver so my wealth today comes from discipline & self sacrifice and not because im well connected with the cabal, so in my duality 3d mind all this wiping out wealth to start from scratch (again) because i did start from scratch is disheartening.  It is very hard to go back again.  It makes me think to spend it all before it happens otherwise it makes me comparable to a thrifty person who lose it all w/o fuly enjoying the fruits of my labor. 


Anyway, i can't stop any of this and i pray that their plan to one day wipeout the need for money as everything is free and well provided will be achieved so all this confiscation will be worth it.  The need to hoard or acquire money for security or otherwie will stop thus ending all crimes that is related to it.  


May the heavenly father guide me.



Thank you for making the effort to change your way of thinking, Guest. That is what all of us have to do in order to break out of The Program. The reality is that all of the fiat currency (paper or imaginary money that only exists on a computer printout) any of us have will be worthless anyway. (Please note that I do not wish to start a debate about buying gold and silver so let's not go there.)

Most of what you have done in this incarnation is like a dream. It's not real and one day, hopefully soon, you will be able to let go of the feeling that the work you did to save that money is important. This is not to put you down in any way but that work and that money only have value if you choose to learn lessons from them. When you free yourself from investing energy in worrying about money, you raise your vibration and put yourself closer to the next dimension. I admire your efforts to look on the bright side. Now all you have to do is stop wishing and accept the fact that your Bright Future is a reality.


Very well said.  The focus should be on Love and Equality for all our Brothers and Sisters.  "I" is becoming obsolete and all energy moves to the collective...."We" becoming the collective "One".  Each indiviual spark returning to the whole; to those gifts which have long lain dormant.  The caste system is being released, for it will no longer serve that which we have always strived to attain...... becoming the Sons and Daughters of the higher realms of Creation.  Rising to the Ultimate heights of the "God Mind".   Pure Love, Happiness, and Joy for Everyone.   What could be more Beautiful!


Tue, 09/11/2012 - 12:43

The Prime law is my mission in life to have it amended to our contsatution.Please go to you tube and see Mark Hamilton's 3000 year old secrit It the law that fixes all curruption.Then go to TVP2012.org and see the platform and see what you think .I Have herd that there will be no election for a new President .but if we do it would make perfict since to have a President that know's what to do to bring peace to the wourld .I got her back .Her name is Jill Reed.Please tell all your friends to write her in if her name does not appear on the ballet for President of the USA         Reed/Carey          Reed /Carey      Reed/Carey.

Corinne (not verified)

Tue, 09/11/2012 - 13:27

THe provided link is broken, and so,

no connection to arcticle. We have been waiting, hope it comes out globably around the same time.


Thank you, Guest. I AM sorry the link is broken but this is a repost so it's an older article. WE will be posting more articles on NESARA and I will try to get something up about "How NESARA came about" today or tomorrow. In the meantime, anybody who is interested in finding out more can use our search function on the upper right.


Am I missing something here? If you want to know about NESARA just go to the original website: NESARA.org


Your above description of NESARA is not accurate. It destroys the credibility of this website when misinformation is given. How can you claim to be teachers of truth when you don't even research the basic origins of your teachings.


Besides, what's the point of NESARA if we're going to ascend? Which is it; ascention? Heaven on Earth? Nibiru? Hollow Earth?


I'm an open-minded seeker, but this website is making me dizzy...


If I may clear up the term "Acend", does not in fact mean what you may think. The Ascension is much more of an "energy" than a physical term. It is the ascension of the energy were permeate than that of "Ascending to Heaven". The focus on the 12/21/12 is to increase the energy vibration that we ourselves "give off". As you may knwo ALL things have a vibration, the Ascension is to become one with your higher self, and increase your vibration rather than release from the Earth, and Ascend to another place. The world has MANY demensions and they are all coming togerther as we hold a higher vibration, which in turn releases the "walls" of reality, to it's true form. As the date 12/21/12 is just the START, "The Beginning" if you will, of the "energy ascension". The next few years we have to oprotunity to change the views, and reality of what is. We just need to open ourselves up to the changes, and agree, to open ourselves up to who we really are. I hope this message finds you with light and love.

Guest (not verified)

Tue, 09/11/2012 - 14:41

Its a nice dream, that all debts will be wiped out etc etc, but come on. If all the worlds wealth was distributed evenly each person would have less than $20,000 each. pmsl. Yes there are huge changes happening and many things will start to unfold and be revealed. But this is not one of them. Yes nesara exists but what you pertain it to contain is so far from the truth its laughable. What flavour crack are you smoking!! lol Stop misguiding people, its a dangerous game you are playing with people.

There is alot you are unaware of, Nesara is very Multi Dimensional!!! It is really to Bring evesryone into true equality so everyone is abundant and all there needs are provided for. This will be released prior to our craft decloaking as to bring everyone up to speed with real reality where struggles will no longer be. The illusion of lack has been just that an illusion created by the powers who were, who thought they could keep Humanity as there slaves, we are here and this is no longer an option. All Our Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies



Absoloutly, this is right. Unconditional love. But there is so much BS being posted about what is happening. LOVE is all that matters. Love is what is happening. The sooner we focus on love and project love, the sooner we will all be LOVE

Michael owl (not verified)

Mon, 10/08/2012 - 15:01

So, does it matter who is going to president? Why would nesara exist if most humans are going to ascend? When will the nesara law be announced? Still confused a bit regarding the program.

Or...you could declare yourself among the Living and the Divine Embodiment of Spirit made flesh. There is actually paperwork for this. The Fed makes you a merchant vessel(SSN) and declares you a ship lost at sea w/ no survivors. This is done in order to gin control of your BOND issued at birth and now traded on open market. Plug Birth Cert. # into Fidelity Investments and see what you are considered worth( I KNOW you are ALL priceless) however, slavery was never abolished by Lincoln, just a definition change to include everyone . Read his "new" version of Constitution again, especially 14th Amend. There is also some other paperwork involved. The highest office in the land is that of Post Master General not guy in Oval Office. We have had tremendous success with false debt and false mortgage dissolution. Banks lend you your own money. Besides I can't imagine the Billiam did anything so magnanimous. He also signed, into law, a Bill that allows the DOD and its contractors the right to test biological and chemical weapons on the American public as long as FEMA gets 30 days notice....and thus, chemtrails were born. FDR did away with powers of Prez by signing International Organizational Immunities Act. UN , now, controls ALL public office. Yes, you guessed it, your vote hasn't counted since the end of WW II. The Queen of England is actually running the show and the Royal family always have been since Treaty of Paris, 1789. I'm just sayin.....(of course, I didn't relate all of it, it takes about 112 pages to explain it and site references) works tho....

I don't really know what to believe.  This version seems too good to be true.  Then when I read the "official" story from Nesara...this version is fiction and has harmed the true cause of the original bill.


At any rate, I will reserve my thoughts about it...until I see something happening towards it in Congress.

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