Libyans Gather To Condemn Yesterday's US Embassy Attack

Submitted by will on Wed, 09/12/2012 - 17:14

shelly (not verified)

Wed, 09/12/2012 - 20:06

Yesterdays edition of news from Ben Fulford warned of this attack and more happening,he said that the seeds have been woken by  the cabal to go on a killing spree,these poor people have been acused of 9/11 there Profit slandered very bad and Mohamed was a great man,its a shame...Id like to know why the GFL isnt able to help these poor people who are being killed in Libya and anywhere else if they can guarantee were not going to have martial law or be sent to camps? HELP THEM!







and no of course Im not excusing what was done to the four that died but millions of there people are being killed,its gotta stop!



bring some light to them to,Im sure life much seem so dark for them


Namaste everyone

hello, sister.. there are far deep events happening beyond our vision or even understanding at times.. i am pasting down one of the latest Kobra msg, regarding your question..there in that msg you will also find the reason of this bloody attack.


remain with in light and love. this is going to end very soon.




kobra msg:


Fall of the Reptilian Empire
We are in the last phase before the fall of the Reptilian empire. Reptilian empire on the etheric and astral planes around the surface of planet Earth under the dictate of the Archons and black nobility guided Cabal financial slavery system on the physical plane of the surface of this planet is the last stronghold of once vast Orion dark empire that was feared throughout the Galaxy for countless millennia.
However, the progress of Light in the last few decades was such that we are just before the final breakthrough that will bring this Reptilian empire to its knees. There was a very successful operation of the Light forces completed on this planet on August 25th that sent a very clear signal to the leading Archons that their defeat is near and undeniable. This has set them in panic mode and inside the time window between August 25th and October 7th they are trying to do everything they can to stop the progress of Light. This is their last chance to create as much division, confusion and conflict between all people that are working towards the liberation of this planet as possible. 
During this time frame you will read all kinds of accusations, distortions and disinformation on the internet. My suggestion would be for everybody to turn inside towards the still small voice of Truth and learn not to judge people or get involved into conflicts. The Archons will try to instill as much conflict as possible, commanding their Reptilian minions on the etheric and astral planes to pressure on the weak spots, doubts and insecurities of everybody.
During this time frame, fears about world war 3 and martial law will arise. Although the Cabal has plans to make those things happen, they will not be successful. Positive ET races and the Resistance Movement want peace and it is within their power to prevent world war 3 or martial law simply by pressuring the key members of the Cabal. 
Today is September 9th. No "doomsday clock" will go off as some people are afraid. Instead, this day is a portal of Light that is very much needed to brighten up the atmosphere. Today I would ask as many people as possible to join our Weekly Liberation Meditation to reinforce that Light.
Between September 15th and September 23rd there will be the most critical period as this is the exact time of the second Uranus Pluto square in 2012 and Archons will then try to provoke as much violence and conflict worldwide as possible.  This Uranus Pluto square will be even stronger than the one in June because its exact moment will happen just one day after Pluto turning direct:
This is Archons' last chance before the breakthrough of Light. As it was said in my previous post about Uranus square Pluto, here are instructions for that challenging time:
"Regardless of the events in the next few days, please remain calm, but alert.
Archons and their minions will try to provoke you. It is natural and human to feel anger, fear, doubt or impatience. But do not act on it. Just calmly observe your emotions, take a few breaths, maybe play your favourite song and then decide how to act.
Do not engage in violence, whether physical (rioting, violent revolution) or verbal (attacking messengers on the internet, hateful comments to anyone, relationship quarrels). Violence will NOT solve our problems. Clearly planned and focused action will.
Focus instead on beauty, nature, meditation. Find calmness within. And when you need to act, act from that calmness."
Before October 7th, billions upon billions of Reptilians will be cleared away daily from the astral and etheric planes by the Light forces. This is a very volatile time during which the Event will not happen as it would be very unwise to trigger things during the peak of the Archons attack as this could lead to many casualities.  After that,  more Light will come in and after October 7th I will be able to release more intel about the Event.Fall of the Reptilian Empire

The one thing all of us can save ourselves a lot of fear, anguish and pain is to understand and know that the word DEATH does NOT mean an end, does not mean one lies in the ground until Gabrielle blows his trumpet, does NOT mean one goes to Hell. After seriving over 35 years as a Ghost Psychologist, I KNOW that "dead" is merely a change of address. The vehicle the spirit uses (body) does "die" , stop functioning as the life giving force, The Spirit", has left to go HOME so the body has no energy to run. When you are "born" you take over the vehicle that has been created for you. When you accept the vehicle and it becomes yours you give it your energy (which appears as your AURA) and it comes to life because you give it the energy need to run properly. When the body becomes so disabled it cannot operate properly you may leave it (die) and go HOME. The body will then decay or burn and gradually desolve (i.e. "dust to duat"). 


Not everyone goes HOME, If the "death has been traumatic (which accounts for the thousands of Earthbounds still bound here to the earth and is why there are so many ghosts on old battlefields) or have psychological dysfunctions such as guilt, belief, not even knowing they are dead, etc. I have rescued hundreds of these poor lost spirits thanks to angels, relatives, loved ones (I had a music teacherclient  who had 76 of his students come to rescue him - what a joyous reunion)! 


Simple, we are all children of God and therefore eternal, even the bad ones. They are the ones to be pitied for when they "die" they will go HOME BUT they, before anything else, MUST REVIEW THEIR LIFE, every thought, every word, every DEED, AND the EFFECT on others, without the Ego and anything else to protect or deny. There are no excuses - there are only CHOICES! FOR MANY THAT CAN BE PURE HELL.! I did that?!  God did give us "CHOICE" but Man has consistantly refused to take responsibility for his decision - he then has to face that in Heaven. 

well said brother/sister.


my wife and me, we are chanting sometimes for the spirits who could not return home by themselves.. and when we begin hundreds of them are coming around us..


i have a question to you.


do you know a huge bird of light? in last 2 chantings this being of light coming to sky and creating a path of light for the spirits.

in first meeting this big spirit bird (looks like surrounded with a holy flame) sent down hundreds of litle spirit bird, which each of them carried one lost spirit.. ( we were in a genocide field in asia)


..does anyone know anything about this holy being?


peace and love to all


may all spirits return home peacefully

King David (not verified)

Wed, 09/12/2012 - 20:13

Karma can be resolved in other way Galactic Federation stop these monsters from the killing, stop the killing, stop the killing, and do it now please. 

Wonderful! The dark has kept up its efforts to start another feedback looping cycle of negativity and hatred, and over and over again we're beginning to see those cycles broken by the light. By people who have awakened. We would have never seen Muslims doing this a year ago.


Yet even now US ships are heading for Libya to use those godforsaken drones to hunt for the ''terrorists'' responsible. Given the fact that we now know that the CIA and their dark cohorts were using Gaddafi's regime to torture people for us, I would not be the slightest surprised to learn that this latest atrocity should also be laid at their doorstep as well.


Send your light and positive thoughts to the families of the victims and to  the Libyan people.


Today is T -99.


''In Lak'ech Ala K'in''



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