Make it so, dear hearts through Ron Head

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 09/17/2012 - 08:58

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Michael and all the angelic host, for the Creator of the universes.

On this day, the seventeenth of September of your time, we wish to inform you of the opening of a vast new timeline.  Your world has been positioned by you to merge and end all previous timelines on December twenty-first.  No efforts to predict the future on those timelines have been successful, precisely because they will end on that date.

Your Creator has decreed an entirely new future for you, one which you have been given glimpses of, but have not been truly able to see as yet.  Other occurrences have been and are being manufactured right now in order to keep you distracted from this knowledge.  We tell you that nothing can deter you now from manifesting the future you have spent eons in creating through prayer and effort.  The futures that each of your souls have chosen is assured.

There will be a great deal of noise made to attempt to distract you, but those attempts will now be futile. As much as separation and darkness loves to think itself powerful, it can never prevail over the will of Creator.  This time/space “reality” is rapidly approaching its “sell by” date.

There is panic in some quarters as it becomes obvious what is happening.  Those who have taken pride in knowing that they understood things which they have hidden from you are now realizing that it is likely they have bet upon the wrong horse.

Many momentous things are happening and will continue to happen between now and the end of this year.  None of them, except those which occur in your inner world, are necessary for you to place your attention upon.  We know this will be very difficult for you to understand.  But it is what has built and will continue to build your new lives.  Your outer lives are reflections of the inner, not the reverse, as you have been taught.

You, my dear friends, are the creators of your circumstances.  What has happened is that enough of you have become aware of this to overcome the effect of the relatively few who used this knowledge to control you.  Let that be.  Do not give it your attention, unless to wish forgiveness and compassion upon those souls.  Keep your attention and intention focused on getting yourselves ready to be your best selves ever.

We know many of you converse daily with your highest selves.  We wish you now to invite those most powerful and loving beings to live as and through your physical selves.  Ask for all the fragmented pieces of yourselves that your previous traumas split off from you to return home and be whole again.  Voice to yourselves many times each day now the words “I AM”, and follow them with your highest understanding and desires.  Make it so, dear hearts.

Let’s get this party started!  In love and friendship, we wish you, as always, good day.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

"Do not give it your attention, unless to wish forgiveness and compassion upon those souls."


Like the wars and violence stemming around the world. First the middle east, now the China/Japan area...spreading like EBOLA plague...I dont get it.


Its like, (Who said this, Michael?) its like we are back stepping and going back to this tit-for-tat hatred wars and futile game...but why?


No one wants to rise above it seems..OBAMA included. Its so sad.


Were all better than THIS! ALL OF US!

And yet here goes the economy like a runaway train off a cliff with no time machine...


This is a spiritual war and mindgame. We have to beat it. LOVE beats FEAR. FEAR induces wars.


Some see this as a war against DRACO and DEMONS. others see this war on both aspects like it is. Human spirituality directing the flow.


"More to this life.." Yeah. But if we dont rise up, and move on, we will never see WHAT. Weve all seen in recent days where Religion and Hate gets us...look at the news. WAKE UP people! Those participating in that movie production had blanket pulled over thier eyes the entire time!


Mon, 09/17/2012 - 12:15

In reply to by lovebeing

Yes, they are REAL folks.not just actual demons. PHYSICAL EBE ALIEN REPTILES. They've been caught on camera. VRILL in places like BC, according to Donald Marshall. Ive seen the video.


You cant fake that.







Unfortunate that Governments havent come clean about thier interactions with those races dragging us down. This isnt just a spirit war. This is a physical one. Im not saying go grab a gun. I wish guns were never made. They simply DONT WORK against Greys and Draco. When you can move things with your mind, what use is a gun?


Assert your intelligence, your dominance over your spirit, your body, your etheric body. And communicate mentally. This is how you beat this. You BE understood by those NOT like you.


I dont know how many times on ALTARA and Delta Pavonis this has sparked a war between terrans and humanoids.Yes, you are different. GET OVER IT. I once had quills.


Terrans can be different.


Dearest Jazz,


I don't know if you will allow yourself to be comforted. If you will, I would like to remind you that there is comfort in focusing on the Light. The Light is who you are. We are being assisted in this Now Moment so that we can raise our Light to it's fullest potential, but there is a catch -- we have to acknowledge it. You know the adage -- the glass is half full or half empty. You decide. You acknowledge the Light as real or the dark. You decide because both answers are true. The real question is which acknowledgment makes you feel better?


If I may be so bold, I would like to quote the Angels, "Fear Not."


In Peace and Love,

I love your light! If its one thing all Lightworkers can be in harmony over is that we have the most awesome responsiblity to shed light and be of the light. But in order for us to make full use of the light's potential we must trust in it and be in it always! Our thoughts, our words and our actions must always be for the highest good of all! Breathe in the light and breathe out love!


Peace, Love and Enlightenment!

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