Holy Moly! These people are going nuts!

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 09/20/2012 - 08:40

Ok it is official.
The people around me are completely losing it...going nuts.
So incredibly emotional, irrational, and flying off the handle.
Crazy stuff happening all around me.

I feel like the center of the hurricane,smack in the center of chaos.
People spinning out of control all around me.
To say that the light is shining on everyone's "must release" issues is an understatement.
Including mine of course, hehehe.
I am ejecting issues and people like crazy.
My often asked question is "what the heck was THAT all about???"

But here is the really cool thing...
I don't feel like I used to.
I don't take it personally.
I don't engage.
And I think to myself..."gee Marie you should be really upset by this...you should be a blubbering idiot dealing with this..."
The old me would have been...lots of crying and spinning into the why me? mentality, going down...mayday,mayday...

But this new me is way different,really amazingly different.
I am still in here but it is like I am enhanced.
And I feel hugely protected.
And fairly centered... for the most part...for I am still clearing and cleansing and letting go with everyone else.
But in this state of peace it is so much more easy to do.
To let go.
To watch.
To listen.
And to love.

I guess the big difference in my life is that now when someone does something which in the past would have upset me, I think differently.
Now my first thought is... "they are doing the best they can with the information they have..."
And then I think they too are me.
All this change in just one year for me.
Oh yeah something is happening alright, and I have experienced the change within me.
It has been monumental.
My heart is really running the show right now.

You know the saying... there but for the grace of god go I?
I could be any of them experiencing this time not being awake.
Can you imagine?
Going through this time not knowing what the heck is going on?
No thank you.
I don't want to play that game anymore.
The fear they must feel...

So yes, things are picking up speed...for all.
But I have wonderful news.
After years and years of pain and suffering, a beautiful girlfriend of mine called me the other day.
She has been one of two left with me in this my new path which left the old behind, and she has gone through my awakening with me.
Brave soul she is.
And she said..." I get it,I finally get it...I don't need to worry about anything...I feel such joy and peace, I completely control my world[thoughts]...and then she said...love is the answer to all."
She woke up.

I expect many more to do so in the days ahead.

So here I am, in the center of chaos,watching in awe, as the world spins around me.
Offering light and love to those that seek it.
Receiving light and love in immeasurable ways from all of my Light family.
All of them, including all those here.
Rejoicing in this beautiful new me, to whom all is as it should be.

In Light and Love
Keep shining, keep centered, keep being yourselves.




Thu, 09/20/2012 - 09:09

Thank you for sharing! I feel the exact same way, and it is so amazing! Fights between my husband and I used to be so horrible, and now they have cooled down to a simmer as I no longer engage like I did before. I can tell my calm persona while he is steaming mad is driving him crazy, but I can also see his anger fading away each day as he seems to finally see that I am unaffected by all the negativity. I just smile and tell him I love him, and he soon responds in kind, rather than use the hurtful words he would not too long ago. I feel the changes, and they are wonderful! This LOVE is INCREDIBLE!!

Marita (not verified)

Thu, 09/20/2012 - 09:52

OMG.... I am soooo with you on that. I am at a place I have never been before in my life, nothing seems to get me very upset. If there is something which seems to bother me and I am getting aware of it, I am finding my way right back to this peaceful place I am usually in. It is so awesome to know, I am not the only one who feels like that. I am so happy for everyone who shares the same feelings. Just let us share with everybody......much, much love and light to all of you out there!!!!!

I AM right there with you, lightlover. I totally feel you. Thanks for sharing.
WE ARE all in different places in the process and WE ALL are having a unique experience yet - WE ARE ALL going through the same thing.
It's nice to be reminded that we are all on the same path.


David Porter

Thu, 09/20/2012 - 19:18

If I may title you word as such, I resonate with this so well and since Dec, 24, 2010, I too have returned to the path of Light I travelled for a number of year and forsaken for marrige with children and lots of hours earning lot's of money cuz they used it up fast!


New me here, over.. I used to live in Sedona, AZ. and sit in those montains for hours and sometimes over night. Gods Land no doubt~I'm not 'there' but 'there' I am in Mind, Heart and Spirit.


Thank you for your words and thoughts as we travel this wonderous timeline together

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