Transcript: Sheldan Nidle on The Light Agenda ~Part 1/2

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 09/20/2012 - 09:19

Transcript: Sheldan Nidle on The Light Agenda – Part 1/2

 Commentary by Stephan Cook: This is Part 1 of my interview with author and Galactic messenger Sheldan Nidle on The Light Agenda from August 9, 2012. Thanks to Ellen for the transcript.


Sheldan first went public with the messages he received from his Sirian star brothers and sisters in 1992. He has since written several books, including You Are Becoming A Galactic Human, and continues to share his messages with us every week and host monthly webinars. We talk about Sheldan’s childhood, family and what lies ahead with regards Ascension, Disclosure and December 21 – and more..

You can listen to the full The Light Agenda interview here:

Stephen Cook: My wonderful guest today knows a great deal about our star brothers and sisters. And yes, we, too, will be talking about Disclosure today.

Sheldan Nidle is one of the pioneers of galactic messages. He is a representative and lecturer for the Galactic Federation of Light, and he has now been bringing us direct communications from the Federation since 1992.

And in fact Sheldan has been meeting, conversing and sharing with the Federation and his own personal guide Washta and traveling back and forth between Federation ships for almost all his life.

He set up the Planetary Activation Organization in 1997, and he has written several books, including one of the first books I ever read, called You Are Becoming a Galactic Human. I can highly recommend this book to any one of you who would like to know the real history of our planet and our race’s origins.

And, no, the Darwinian theory of evolution is not in there.

Now, Sheldan has also written three other books: Your First Contact; Selamat Ja — A Handbook for Galactic Humans, and Your Galactic Neighbors.

He continues to post his weekly message from the Federation and has made words like dratzo and selamat ja part of our many of us lightworkers’ vocabularies, and he also continues to host his monthly webinars on a variety of subjects and topics. And this month — incredibly timely, of course — he will be covering preparing for Disclosure.

Now, what you might not know about Sheldan are the things we’re also going to be discussing today, including his life, his childhood, his degree in political science, his role in scientific programming and free energy, and his fascination with the man who brought free energy to Earth, Nikola Tesla, which also resulted in him making a documentary about Tesla.

Sheldan Nidle, I think that’s the longest intro I’ve ever done on the Light Agenda! What a life! And welcome, and thank you so much for joining us today.

Sheldan Nidle: And I am very glad to be here, Stephen. I’m sure we’re going to have a fun time together.

SC: Oh, I hope so! We always have fun! [laugh] Now, you have been front and center for 20 years now, and you are still every week keeping us abreast of the latest information and the situations. What keeps you going?

SN: I’m here to do certain things, and one of them is to prepare the planet for contact. And so as long as that is up there, and on schedule, here I be.

SC: Does that mean you’re going to be out of a job when first contact’s made? [laugh]

SN: They said I’m going to be doing something else. So, I don’t know what that quite is yet, but I suppose as we get closer to the actual event, I will find out exactly what that is. But right now I can say I have concepts, but I don’t know what really is really it, because you might say my new orders haven’t been published in front of my face yet.

SC: Okay. It’s been your lifelong mission. Do you love what you do?

SN: Well, it’s been all-consuming, and I’ve been doing this. So this, to me, is kind of like what I’ve been doing. People can say, “Well, what do you do?” and I’ll say, “I do this, because that’s what I do,” so…

SC: But, okay, so, so, it’s not just that you love it, it’s kind of like, well, this is my job.

SN: This is my job, and I have a passion for it. It’s very fascinating. Of course, it gives me a very odd kind of life, but I just … it’s me. It’s become me.

SC: Okay. Now, unlike many messengers and channelers, you’re not sitting there trancing. You’re not being asked to take dictation. The messages that you share with all of us have, and always have been, actual conversations where you’re involved with I think it’s a committee of around about 20 members of the Galactic Federation. And you’re, like, in a meeting, and then they tell you bits and pieces of what they all wish to share. So, is that how it works?

SN: Right. They all pick up what they want to do in certain paragraphs, and then they come on and tell me those things. Because that’s my job. I’m the messenger. So, my job is to take the dictation as best as I can, and of course they did pick a guy who was just a hunt and peck typer. I’m just a one finger — a one finger magician with the keys.

SC: [laugh]

SN: So, I’m always looking down at the keyboard, unlike people who are trained typists who can actually see what they’re doing.

SC: But in taking that — all right, we said it wasn’t dictation because they’re actually conversing with you, but when you’re sitting there is it really difficult because you’ve got 20 people speaking to you at the same time?

SN: Well, we’ve learned how to work out the general concepts of an etiquette for how it’s done. So, because of that, it’s not that difficult. But yes, we are constantly … as I’m typing we are constantly carrying on a conversation, because I’ll be asking questions about what that one person or a couple of people are talking about. So, and they’ll all be … they sometimes complain to me a little bit, saying, “You’re a little too slow,” or I talk too much…. [laugh]

SC: [laugh] So they tell you to shut up, do they?

SN: No, they don’t. They do it in a nice and kind way. They don’t say it that way. They just say, will say things like, “Well, I’m going to go over it again for the second time. Now, please, keep your attention on what I’m saying…” because they can see what I’m doing. I mean, they … they do what the computer does, which is correct words, but they also correct the syntax and everything, so…

SC: Oh, well, that’s good.

SN: It’s interesting. Sometimes I’ll be writing and I’ll stop for a second, and I’ll see the screen changing. So it’s kind of an odd thing. But I’m — I’m used to that. That doesn’t freak me out either. I just keep going. So, I’m used to it.

SC: So, with that committee of 20, do you know who they all are? Are they regulars?

SN: No, they change every week.

SC: Okay. So, do you get to see them at all? Are you, like, when …

SN: Right.

SC: Yeah?

SN: Well, with the, with the system they’ve set up with me, I have the equivalent of like a 3D conference call in my head. So I have like the equivalent in my head of a 3D video phone. So I hear them crystal clear, I see them crystal clear, and in fact in 3D. So I don’t just see them like you do on these computers, I don’t just see them as a flat thing, I see them as real people, with depth.

SC: Wow. And what do they look like?

SN: Big humans.

SC: Okay.

SN: All of them are…. They usually are dressed in different color jumpsuits, but the Galactic Federation sets it up that each star nation has a different color. They all have different pastels or dark colors. And they’re … it’s like I said, they’re mostly in jumpsuits, and they just … they sit there and we converse. Because they’re used to using … telepathic communications, I guess would be the best way to say it. As … because they’ve been doing it since they were born. So to them it’s no new, unique thing.

And, so, that’s what we do. I tend to talk aloud more than they do. They … matter of fact, sometimes they will ask me to not speak that way, to just be quiet and just talk in their head. Because they can pick it up either way, but they would prefer it that way because they’re more used to that form of communication. So, we go back and forth with that. So a lot of times I’m not saying anything except in my head. Other times I’m speaking.

I like to … I’ve learned since I was a kid to speak aloud. So, people maybe think kind of weird, when they watch me doing this, this stuff. They probably say, well, he’s typing and he’s talking to somebody, and I don’t see anybody. [laugh]

SC: So, I guess it…. That’s no different to any of us walking down the street on our mobile phone, I might add. [laugh]

SN: Oh, no. It’s not.

SC: And you just said they’re in pastel colors. That surprises me. Because I would have thought everybody was in very bright colors.

SN: They’re … they’re from … they go from a very bright blue to a very pastel light blue, to all different colors like that.

SC: Wow. Okay. Now… Sorry?

SN: It’s very, very colorful. I mean, if you look … if you were to see them like I do, you would see, wow, this is really a complete spectrum of colors.

SC: So it’s like a rainbow?

SN: Yes, it is.

SC: Wow. So, when you’ve been writing your books as well, though, have they been there as a committee assisting you when you’re actually sitting there writing?

SN: They come in and they help me with it, yes.

SC: Um-hmm?

SN: In fact, that’s how I … how I do these particular things. I, when I was doing chapters it would be on a certain subject, so I would have them come in and they would narrate it for me. So I would start just doing the same process we were just talking about. They come in, they give it to me as one sentence, three, four sentences, whatever, paragraph, and we keep going that way.

SC: And I suppose when you’re writing the book you have access to the particular expert who’s … within that topic that you’re actually penning that chapter about?

SN: Like, they will have … if I’m talking a certain thing, or talking about a certain thing in that book, that chapter, for instance, or that paragraph in that chapter, or that section, the person who they have decided to be the in-house expert on this particular subject is there to do the narration.

SC: Wow. I’m so envious that you have access to this incredible and direct communication!

SN: Well, it’s something that to me is like, you know, it’s normal. It’s not something that seems odd…. In the beginning it may have to me, but that was so long ago that I just … this … like I said at the beginning, this is what I do. I’m the person in charge of being the messenger, and this is, this is what I do. So…

SC: Well, when you first wrote You Are Becoming a Galactic Human, you talked about our true history. And I have to say when I read that, while it totally was the opposite of everything I’d ever been taught at school or anything I’ve ever read, in, you know, encyclopedias or whatever, or anything I’ve ever seen on TV, it rang true for me. And I thought, I remember thinking to myself, oh, my gosh! We’ve really been lied to all this time!

SN: What we have to begin to understand is that all the stuff that you may have heard in biology or anthropology or anything related to that is wrong. We did not evolve as from primitive apes all the way up to these advanced, sentient beings that we are today; we actually evolved on another world, which is a planet in Vega, which is a star that’s roughly about 25 light years away from us. Vega is a part of another system which is called in English the Harp.

And so what happened was we moved out of that into other systems. The first one to be colonized, with the permission of the local hierarchies in that area, was Sirius, which is a multi-star system. Sirius A is the bright big blue star that everybody sees. Around it are a bunch of smaller stars, almost near dwarf in size. These are Sirius B, C and D.

Sirius B is where humans came. We came roughly around 4.3 million years ago. We became fully conscious beings, we moved quickly through technology into very advanced technologies, we learned to unite with other light species that were non-humans, and we created our first groups of what later became, what is now the Galactic Federation of Light.

If you want the details and the step by step of this procedure, read the book.

SC: Yeah. Exactly! [laugh] Okay, so it’s been a gradual, gradual move back to the light, but it’s certainly sped up in the last few years.

SN: Right. This is the time when we’re supposed to make the big move, so to speak the jump, the shift, whatever conceptual names you come up with for it. We are now at the edge of a time when the Anunnaki and their groups on this planet — the various minions they have, which I now call the dark cabal in my updates, whose purpose was to do two things — step aside, and encourage, by bringing out all the hidden technology and other things that they had kept hidden, into our knowledge.

And that would also allow us, through Disclosure, to see basically that we are not just a limited being that has a small mortal lifespan of a few decades, to a being that actually has the potential to being a physical angel and being a person who has an immortal life, and who now understands the nature of how heaven works — the basic laws of heaven, the rules of heaven — and can take those laws and move them into this physical world and apply them and then become a true co-creator with heaven of unfolding the divine plan.

And this is what we are really meant to be. We are now returning to all those things that we are meant to be. So …

SC: And about time! [laugh]

SN: If I had my way, it would have happened yesterday. But anyway…

SC: Well, funny talking about that, though, because in your message this week you’ve talked about the fact, or the Galactic Federation have talked about the fact, that many of us have been feeling that nothing is happening — you know: Where is this change? Where is what’s happening? Why can’t I see it? Why can’t I feel it? — when in fact a lot is happening.

SN: Oh, there is — there are tons of things happening on this planet. Like in Mexico we have this huge set of demonstrations going on everyday about changing the government, about the fact that their last election was not real, and we need to redo this in a fair way.

You have things going on in Iceland, where Iceland has completely overthrown its old government, has told the cabal banks to take a leap and has thrown the leaders of these banks into jail, and is now writing a constitution based upon what people who are elected by other people in that nation decide is what needs to be in the constitution, and that that constitution will have in it things that prevent what the banks and what the Anunnaki and their minions were doing in Iceland to never happen again.

And we have a massive debt problem all over the planet. The entire EU, the European Union, is on the verge of collapse because the Euro has a hard time being supported when it has virtually un-amounts of monstrous amounts of debt that are so unspeakably huge, that if everybody knew what was really happening they would prob — the world would probably be in panic.

Luckily they don’t know, but they do know that something is happening. There is a whole new system that is going on now. There are new … new banking regulations that are slowly making their way to the top.

Occurring on our planet right now is a massive change, but it has not yet bubbled over to where it becomes this massive thing. But is nothing happening? No. Lots and lots of things are happening all over the planet.

Ireland, with its studies which start the court case against the banks and their debt; Greece, which is in problems right now, which mirror everything else in Europe. I mean, Spain, Portugal, France and Germany are not that far behind in doing all the incredible problems of just living that is going on in Greece.

So, the only way out if you start looking at it country by country, continent by continent, is that we need massive debt forgiveness, we need a new system. The present system has basically failed; it’s just hanging on because the minions know that to change the system as drastically as is required will mean that they’ll lose their power. So they do not wish to do that.

So, the tipping points, the tipping scale, you might say, is now happening.

SC: Which is fantastic. Now, speaking of history, I’m not sure that many people know your true history itself. Now, you were born in New York City on November the 11th, so an 11/11 baby — I wonder if that’s prophetic or not — in 1946. Your grandparents were immigrants from Germany, and because you basically spent a lot of your early life growing up with your grandparents, you actually spoke as a child with a German accent, which surprised me.

And your father … well, you’ve said that your family was quite dysfunctional, but your father was quite violent and he would actually beat you senseless as a child. So can you tell me a little bit about growing up, what that was like?

SN: It was like living in two worlds. It was crazy. Okay. He was a man who lived in a world of violence. He was a former boxer, boxer trainer, and promoter. And feeling very dysfunctional, and he took it out with violence. And of course my …

SC: And often on you.

SN: Yes. Especially when we moved from New York City to Buffalo, New York, which was where my mother was originally from. He suddenly felt isolated, and then he became even more violent. And what further made the whole thing worse for him was all the phenomena that started occurring almost immediately after my birth.

SC: Okay. Now, your mother, though — and we’re going to come back to some of those things — but your mother was a mathematical genius.

SN: Right. She wo — she twice won the Jesse Ketchum Award in Buffalo Public Schools, which meant you could go to college basically free. Now, it was in the Depression, and of course she was — she was basically keeping the books for her father’s business. My grandfather on my mother’s side was a baker, and he had come from the German liners. He was — he basically left the German liners in the early 1900s. I think he came to Buffalo originally around 1906, 1908, some time-line around there, and he of course started a bakery, a German bakery.

And of course I grew up with baking. And my mother was an excellent baker. She wasn’t much of a cook, but she was an excellent baker.

SC: So, in fact, though, you’ve got a mother who’s a fina — or, sorry — a mathematical genius, and a father who came from a quite pugilistic background, and yet the two of them really loved you from the moment you were born.

SN: They had a love-hate relationship with me. It was really weird. I had this … It was insane, actually, as far as I’m concerned ….

SC: [laugh] In what way?

SN: My dad would take great deference to me. My mother would take great deference to me. Because they were afraid of me because of the stuff that happened around me, the phenomena. The … so …

SC: Well, talking about that phenomena, your first extraterrestrial UFO experiences actually began quite soon after birth. And you were quite threatening to them in many ways, as in your parents.

SN: My parents had never seen blue lights flashing in their homes. They had never seen strange beings come in and leave. They had never seen the fact that I suddenly was there, and I wasn’t there. They also saw that I had the ability to move things around. They also saw I had the ability to talk to them even when I was a small child and couldn’t quite talk yet — when I was like six months old I would be able to telepathically speak to them.

That caused a great deal of difficulty with them. They were totally confused by this.

SC: Well, you would be, though, because in that day, in that age, it would almost be like you thought you had — and I don’t like this word — but almost like you had a devil child come into your home.

SN: Probably. You could see, you could see that. Of course, the thing that probably got them was when … if they would try to get too violent with me, there would be this energy around me. So they couldn’t do really anything initially.

SC: So, when did visitation begin for you?

SN: From the beginning.

SC: Okay. So, almost from the moment you were born, and you can remember that vividly?

SN: Yes.

SC: And what were those first visits like? Because you had a guide. His name was Washta

SC: … and he instantly made himself known to you.

SN: He made himself known instantly. He just took over — he said his job was to be my mentor. And that’s what he was.

What happened was I, I began to believe that their world, meaning the world of the ships, was the real world, and the stuff I was encountering every day in my life on Earth, whatever incidents or whatever things going on to me seemed totally crazy. I could not understand why people were violent. I could not understand at all what was going on.

SC: So this is even as a very, very young child?

SN: Very young child. I did not und …. I felt like I was like a Chinese coolie who had escaped across the ocean and suddenly wound up in San Francisco.

SC: [laugh] So tell me about Washta. I mean, I know that you’ve said he came to you in blue and purple robes. But what was his energy like, and what did he do for you when you were a baby?

SN: It was like being with an angel. It was the most beautiful, fantastic, incredible experience. I cannot say enough about that energy. It was like being in heaven.

SC: Wow.

SN: …it was heaven expanded. You had no fear. You had no anything, except feeling this unbelievable, incredible joy.

SC: Because he told you you were Sirian, but through him you also had contact with Andromedans and Pleiadians. And he helped take you to and from the ships even as a young child. How did you travel to and from those ships?

SN: We teleported.

SC: But he also placed you in a bit of a heavy trance?

SN: They did when I was young. Was they said the best way for me to teleport was to do it gradually. And so they would put me in a stasis state, which would put me to sleep. And then I would go … and the only sense I would have.… When I finally grew older and I finally went to … I used to love to go up to the top of the Empire State Building, and the way the elevator feels just about the time before it stops? That’s what it felt like.

SC: Okay.

SN: …..wonderful feeling. And so I’d have two minutes of that, and then you would be there. And the energy was immediate, and you would feel it, and you would no longer feel any, like I said, any fear, any limitations. You were put in a special state on that ship where you were completely able to be almost like a fully conscious being. And so I began adapting that that reality.

SC: And they instantly started teaching you, though, didn’t they? You were six months old knowing how to speak or to telepathically speak. They downloaded information to you the whole time?

SN: Right. I felt this information. And when I got a bit older, when I got a few years old, like two or three or four, and to have full-out use of their educational system, which is … I call it the learning wall. They would take you to the ship, they would put you in this special chair where you felt absolutely comfortable, they would turn the energy on on the wall of light, and you would telepathically feel, and you would see … it was like in 3D television, which I experience right now. That’s why when I experienced it after what I did with the learning wall it didn’t feel anything odd or strange or unusual.

So, you would just go in there, and you would wind up falling asleep, because it was perfectly balanced energy, and you’d just go into a natural stasis. And you would feel this energy around you, and you would feel like you were a fly on the wall in any kind of history situation. They would take me backwards in history, and they would take me a little bit forward.

And once they even showed me, well, what will the world look like after all the changes happen? And so they, they did this. They showed me what the world would look like. And there were no buildings, there was no civilization whatsoever on this planet. It was just incredibly pristine, and you didn’t see roads, you didn’t see planes, and all that, all that stuff was nonexistent.

SC: So, when you were going up and back, though, like, were you freaked out? Because in my visual of, you know, reading your books and seeing and talking to you and hearing you over the last few years, it sounds like it was a scene out of Star Wars. You know when you walk into that cantina and there’s all those incredible faces and beings from all around the world? Sorry, the galaxy, rather, or the universes. Is that what it was like? And was it scary at that time? Because you were young.

SN: It wasn’t. Mostly, I started out mostly with humans.

SC: Um-hmm.

SN: Actually, what Washta started doing was he saw I was totally acclimated to the fact that you felt awfully small because … I was a small kid until I was about ten, then I started to really grow. But — I’m about five eleven right now. But I was little, and of course when you see a dinosaurian, they are eight to nine feet tall. So to me they looked like these huge monsters. Because they were so big.

And of course they looked like the dinosaurs. And my sister at the time was, was a, doing all the stuff that I guess a lot of kids now that are eight, nine and ten and eleven do, which is to get totally into dinosaur paleontology. And so I would see these pictures in these books on Earth, and then I would see these guys, and they looked just like ’em! [laugh]

So, even with these energies, my initial concept, first basic conception of these guys, was that they were dinosaurs. And what had happened, when I was three years old, I watched this movie — maybe I was four; anyway, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that this movie, which was called The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms, completely scared me. I took … went to my dad, too, and it completely scared me for three days.

And, so when I saw these guys, when I was six and seven and eight, that was my first basic image. Okay? So, I got over it quick, but the initial aspect was, “Oh, my God!” [laugh] And I got over it fast, because these were actually very wondrous beings. They just looked like the creature in the movie. [laugh]

SC: It would. It would. So, just going back a little bit, prior to that, you were actually reading, back on Earth, by the age of three, even though you hadn’t been to Earth school, as I’ll call it. But in going up to the ship, were your parents aware that you were going up there and having lessons at the, you know, the wall of education, if that’s what you want to call it?

SN: Well, the crazy thing that I did was when I would come back I would tell everybody what happened to me. I wound up getting treated, when I was six, seven, eight years old, you know, second, third, fourth grade, people continually, you know, made fun of me all the time. They thought I was crazy.

And so I didn’t understand. And I also started telling this stuff to my mother. And of course she would look at me in awe, but she wouldn’t say anything. I guess it was just feeding the, “Why, why did I end up with him?” you know, kind of concept. Because I’m sure she was looking at… being a very intelligent woman she was probably trying to figure it out, and she couldn’t.

All she, all this crazy stuff happening — the lights going on and off, the abilities I had, like to open and close light switches, move furniture or small pieces of statuary or plates, whatever, around, things like that. So, it was scary to them, and of course, as I said, my dad’s only reaction was to be violent.

My mother was trying to figure it out. At first she tried to control by saying if I didn’t do certain things my dad would get upset at me, and all this kind of stuff like that. Then, finally around 12, she changed. And I came down one day, and to my amazement, she had totally shifted. She put all these various newspaper articles that she had collected on the refrigerator with these magnets, and she had put in a whole thing by Wadsworth and a few other of the transcendentalist philosophers about a different drummer.

And so she suddenly said to me, when I sat down, she said, “Son, I’ve been wanting to ask you this. What planet are you really from? Where do you come from?” [laugh]

SC: Ah! And what did you say? [laugh]

SN: Well, then, I was honest. I said, “I’m from Sirius, and I’m here to do a mission.” After that, I explained that I wanted to go to college and all these other things related to it. I want … my concept at the time was to take science and expand on it, and create a science that was a galactic science. And I said, “That’s what I want to do.”

SC: And was… is that what the galactics had also told you? Because you were chosen to be a representative and a messenger for them.

SN: They wanted me to do different things. They wanted me to basically do what I’m doing right now, which is to write messages, set up an organization whose basic concept was to prepare for contact and to talk about consciousness. I, on the other hand, wanted to change science and move it beyond the whole concept of quantum physics, which was just starting to gain some degree of, you might say, authority in science at that time.

I wanted to make it even more advanced, and I wanted to take that and switch it not just from a post-quantum physics but into a physics of consciousness.

SC: And how old were you, though, when they told you you were going to be this messenger?

SN: I was about six or seven.

SC: Six or seven. And then how old were you when Susan, your sister, came along?

SN: I was five.

SC: Five. And up until five, though, you’d had to deal with all of this by yourself. Just prior to Susan coming, Washta told you that you were going to have someone that you could share all this stuff with.

SN: Right. And it turned out to be my sister. My sister believes. And of course she doesn’t like to say this a lot, because she’s a cardiac nurse. So she tries to be scientific, you know, medical and all that. And so she really doesn’t want to admit it in public. She thinks I’m very courageous for doing this.

She tends to be very reticent about talking about this stuff. She doesn’t like to talk about spaceships and being raised in the ships. When I talk to her about it, just one on one, she will give me all kinds of information.

SC: So, she arrived when you were five. But you together then started going backwards and forward to the ships. And she had an almost identical experience to you.

SN: Right, she did. They all treated us with deference. They all were very kind and very wonderful with all of us. And of course when she went up on the ship she didn’t have the asthma. She has bronchial asthma. It was so severe that she was basically bedridden when she was 12. And when she went up there it was gone. She was normal.

SC: Okay. So, for many years the two of you traveled backwards and forwards, and you shared this as kids, even if you didn’t as adults. And then at 12 you actually finally said to your mother, “I’m from Sirius,” and she seemed to accept that. But suddenly, at the age of 14 or 15, you asked the Galactic Federation to leave and to leave you alone. Why was that?

SN: Well, I had this … I told you, I had this mis-concept that I could somehow create a bridge between the science I had learned on the ships and the science that I knew that I was learning about, because I was already reading college texts when I was 11 or 12.

SC: Umm. And in fact you actually read the whole of the Encyclopedia Britannica, which I think we all had as kids. And you actually were able to read them just by placing your hand on them, and you would know everything that was in each volume.

SN: Yeah. As a matter of fact, I once wrote to them, and I said, “You said a lifetime of reading.” And, I said, “I’ve already read them.”

SC: [laugh] Did you… did you get a response?

SN: They said, what about the — you haven’t read. It is a lifetime of reading, because it’s the yearbooks. They come out every year. And I said, oh, so that’s the little secret of the commercial! Okay.

SC: Ahh. That’s too funny. So, all that knowledge had come to you, but you just suddenly said, “I don’t want you guys around anymore.”

SN: Right, because I wanted to concentrate on the Earth side of this, which was actually naïve and erroneous in my belief system. But when you’re 14, 15, you think you can do things that you don’t realize the amount of obstacles and what you are trying to face are so immense.

So I thought that I could do this. And I didn’t realize, well, look you don’t even have any degrees yet. If a professor who’s in a major position at the university that you’re at decides they don’t want you to get this degree, they can work it so you can’t. I didn’t realize how… the truth behind how all the Earth systems operate, that the people at the top of any system in any part of it really get to determine who walks through those gates.

So, I didn’t know that yet. I was going… about to find it out. So, I discovered that, since they were the gatekeepers, they determined who got the degrees and who didn’t. And they could change the curves on any test to make it sure that you didn’t get through the gates, that you flunked out. And that’s what they basically did.

I did something very stupid. And it’s a sign how naïve I was when I was doing my orientation. I told the vice-chairman of the physics department at the University of Buffalo that Newton was not the great god that he thought he was, that he was just a subset of a greater science. And …

SC: Which went down really well. [laugh]

SN: It went down really well. He decided, this man does not graduate from this university! [laugh] So I was forced during my first year of college to switch degrees and become… what had come to me to be my secondary degree now became my primary degree, which I got all my degrees in eventually, my master’s, my baccalaureate, and my second master’s, which I went all the way up in my Ph.D. Program to being one paper away, but I couldn’t get a committee, because I ran into the same problem I had with this vice-chairman.

SC: That fascination with science, though, prior to this, that fascination that you had with science, you, actually, when you were doing junior science, started working for a major chemical company. Can you tell me a little bit about that?

SN: Well, in ’58, ’57, ’59, they had what they called the Junior Science Program. There were a lot of chemical companies in the area where I was. Buffalo-Niagara Falls was loaded with all kinds of chemical companies at that time, in the late ’fifties, early ’sixties.

SB: And this is around the time… so you’re like 15, 16 by this time.

SN: So what I did was, I got one of these jobs. Because one of the things that happened to me when I was in seventh grade was — the start of seventh grade, so I’m starting junior high school — the chairman for the entire school system for science goes and has their annual science program at the beginning of the year, right, and so she calls me up and she says — and here I’m one guy, I’m one little kid in school, and I’m on the stage — and she said, “This is your future junior scientist, right here.”

So, when I got into the chemical company, I was able to get grants because, you know, she signed letters for me. I got in, I was enjoying it thoroughly. And of course because of the telepathy I was able to converse with them at a distance. And they were all talking about they wanted to make a new set of special polymers. And these of course were people who had post-docs and all that, and they were doing research, on their own, in the programs that they had created, their own research programs, their own grant programs.

And I walked behind them, and I was basically a fancy bottle washer. I found out, that’s all I really did all day, was wash chemical equipment of some sort or another — bottles, burners, whatever. So, what happened was, I took an interest in this, because this fascinated me, what they were doing. So one of the things that experience had given me with this wall of light was you’d tap into a person’s brain, you’d look at his full potential, you can then take that full potential and expand out on it. So that you completely take whatever they have and show them a solution. So that’s what I did.

And so I wound up saying it in their language, which was their basic scientific jargon, in their biochem. And so I discovered that they were fascinated with what I was doing. And they never bothered to turn around. They thought I was some incredible guest scientist who had decided to walk the halls with them or whatever.

So, ’cause I thought this was fas … I was bored to death, you know, washing bottles every day, and test tubes, and things like that. So I decided to use the teachings that I had been given at that time, and so I used it, and so I got to them where they had solved and invented a brand new polymer.

And so finally they turned around, and they were, they were saying in their minds, which I…. It’s strange they never figured out that they really weren’t talking. I was just having a three-way telepathy conversation. So they turned around and they saw this little kid, dressed in this funny little white smock. And they immediately got all upset.

And so they ran into the room and wrote down what they had learned. And then after that they came out and they walked me to the supervisor of their… of this little program that I was a part of, and had me fired, and put on a black list so that I would not get another job.

And that was, that was my amateur science program!


SC: As you just said, you went to university, and you originally thought you might study science, but you didn’t, because you ended up doing political science. So what attracted you to political science?

SN: My mother was heavily involved in Erie County, which is the county that Buffalo is in, with Erie County Democrat politics. And so I got heavily involved in it. That was her passion, beside mathematics and accounting, was politics. We would talk about it every night. I mean, once she really got into knowing me and accepting me, we would talk politics all night.

She loved politics. She lived for it. If she hadn’t been so shy… I mean, she was so nervous around things she couldn’t even drive a car. So, she was… no way that, with her nervousness, she was ever going to be a candidate for anything. So she loved politics. She worked behind politics. She did phone banks and stuff like that. But she was absolutely involved in it. So I grew up with it, so it was my background. I, from the age 10 on, it was my other background.

And so, when I had nothing else to do, I said, well, I’ll do political science. I got straight As from all my social science in high school. So that’s what I did.

SC: Well, you ended up with an MA in southeast Asian government, from Ohio Uni in 1970. You also got an MA in American politics and international public administration from the Uni of Southern California. And you also did a Ph.D. And you thought that was where you were headed. But suddenly, in the 1970s, you ended up as vice president for scientific programming at a company in California, if I’m correct.

SN: Right, a small film company. Doing this thing on Tesla.

SC: Well, I was going to say, let’s talk about Tesla, because Tesla is your hero of all … all time.

SN: I first began reading library books about Tesla when I was eight. And he fascinated me. He’s always fascinated me. I feel that Tesla, if he had ever been allowed to complete what he was capable of doing in a public way, instead of all these secret documents that we keep talking about…. One of the great conspiracy theories of the world is, what did Tesla really do, and how much did it affect all the underground programs?

And of course we know from various stories around Tesla that he was involved with zero point energy; he was involved with anti-gravity; he was involved with death rays and all kinds of things like that. So, he was the equivalent of your mad scientist, because of all the things he did, but he was a very sane scientist, because he understood, and he didn’t really believe in Einstein and the atomic bomb, et cetera. He had a funny little quote about that. He said, “Some scientists learn to think deeply about certain subjects. Others learn to think clearly. But if those who think deeply would really think clearly, they would see most of their ideas were insane.”

SC: [laugh] And is that what attracted him to you, though? I’m sorry, you to him?

SN: No. I found that quote later. But what attracted me was the fact that he was really ahead of himself in just about every aspect of physical science you can think of. The stuff that people know is, of course, polyphase current, AC, alternating. He was the one who had Westinghouse decide for the United States on 60 cycles, and it’s 50 cycles overseas. He invented that. He invented the meter that works on…. He invented all the switches. All the wires you see overhead are original designs patented by Tesla.

So he invented the generator. He invented the motor. He invented the transportation system for the electricity. And he invented the meter that’s used to measure the electricity in everybody’s house and factory, et cetera.

But he went beyond that. He said, well, this is alternate currency. And as a resonance frequency, as an RF, it can do other things. So he came on and he invented radio. He saw that, well, radio has a potential. It can be used — a current can be used to carry other current, so that you can then broadcast power. And that’s the big thing that he started on in the 1890s, his broadcast power station.

But he didn’t just want to broadcast power. He wanted to create radio. He wanted to create television. He wanted to create a ticker-tape that could go around the world. He wanted to make it possible for the world to be entirely different. He wanted to create aircraft — and of course this is the early 1900s when aircraft were flying at like 40 miles an hour and were crashing a lot because the motors weren’t very good.

So, he wanted to invent electrical motors, so he would have things the size of large blimps that would fly high in the air and would be powered by this wireless power transfer. And so he was already thinking about aircraft that flew through the air. He was already thinking about broadcasting power from one continent to another, around the world, actually. He was talking about creating a civilization so far in advance… he also came up with the concept for computers.

SC: Umm. Ummm. And, like, have the galactics ever told you anything about him, and what happened to him?

SN: He was a very advanced being. He just left this world because it was no longer time for him to work in this limited conscious world, and his body was starting to fail. He was in his eighties, he had had a very serious car accident. A car had run him over when he was in his — when he was about 76, 77. And he had spent a long time in the hospital, and ever since then he had a bit of a limp, and he ne … his mind didn’t quite work the way he wanted it to.

So, he was deteriorating, and he understood that. And when a certain time came, he decided it was just time to leave, and he left.

SC: So, do you think he was killed? Because there are rumors that he was, because he just came up with so many things that would have changed the world that the dark didn’t want him around anymore.

SN: He might have just, well, been that happened, because his body was failing, he was willing himself to die, and so death, no matter how it came to him, would have been welcome. So it just may have happened that way.

David Porter

Thu, 09/20/2012 - 20:44

In my book two I show how to uncover your lift path with numerology. If you continue to add Sheldan's DOB 11/11 to 1946 or 1+9+4+6=20, 2+0=2. But the century is 1+9=1 and the year is 4+6=10, 1+0=1 which is double ones. 11. His full DOB is also 11/11/11, which comes to six as a life path and this is concruent with what he does, 6 is the number that is represented by Service, acceptance, consciouness, counselor, economy, family, healer, innner knowing, listener, loving, nurturing, order, responsibility, socia,l truth and vision.


Thank you Sheldan for your service to us, I love your blogs

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