Earth Ally Reynolds: We wish you to join us today for Star Family Contact Part 2

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sat, 09/22/2012 - 12:40

We wish you to join us today for Star Family Contact Part 2 from 8-1130am, globally,

Continuation of last weeks contact with the Pleaideans and Andromedians - this one is from ALL Star Nations - please join us in connecting with them to help bring love and light to the new Earth we are creating. - Much love to you - please pass this on so all may know the contact is near -THANKYOU! bless

We were called to go into sacred space and return to the Luminous Blue Being that blessed us the other night. Told that there was to be another contact planned for Sept 22, we spoke the code 445566 and t
hen voiced the secret code that was told to us for this divine appointment. We felt the disc return underneath our bodies, and I was very drawn to notice the particulars of the structure of the disc. The light, metallic-like material it was constructed of was a light bronze-brass color, with burnished type of markings and the inner ‘hub’ of the disc was a bit recessed where Reynolds and I sat. The edges then came out towards the edge about 36 -40 inches in a slope of about 25 - 30 degrees. The end was blunted with a collar, or belt of attached identical metal-type of material. Near the edge, were a series of symbols; triangles, diamond patterns, two half circles connected with a line, and other types of patterns, which resembled Druidic markings or hieroglyphs of some sort. Once I was done studying the structure of the disc, we took off in a rush of energies that flowed over us, like a worm hole rushing through our field. We were transported to a place in deep space, and we were not alone. There were the council, also in their discs, and the Luminous Blue One. His name is Zu-Whar, and he is the head of the Galactic Federation of Light. He said although he appears Pleaidean in nature, in truth he comes from beyond the stars, in the place of the blue light of pure love. The step down in the energy is for our benefit, and for those with bodies.

As we looked around we saw many other types of beings, all in their discs, mostly in male/female humanoid-type pairs. Some were green, some were blue, some were irridescent and pearly, some had very long fingers, some tall, some short, all a bit different, yet all the same. They came to us as if to look at us and check us out, (we were in our regalia given to us by the Luminous Blue One), and to give us their blessings and approval. We were told that the recent contact that just happened is only the beginning, and that the many races of star nations are coming to Earth to assist their star families here on Earth. Pleiadean, Sirian, Andromedian, Arcturian, the Bird beings, the Feline beings, and many many more are coming to assist humanity with their wisdom and their love. Some are still in their luminous pure energetic states, others have bodies. We are all family and we are all one, we are here to remember and to bring this back so that others will also remember. 

We were told also that this is the time of the divine male/females coming into balance. That is why so many people are either finding their other half, or are leaving one who is not of the right vibration for them, and to also find that balance within themselves. This allows society to function in honor and respect. We need to be impeccable in our words and deeds, as we create this new world in peace and harmony We are to honor all creatures.

We were told that on the night of September 22, contact will be made from all StarNations. Some will cause a feeling of love and connection, others will show themselves in lights or ships. The color green is important to this contact, but all colors will be represented. Each person will have an opportunity to experience this contact if they choose. It may be a big display, or it may be very subtle, but they will be everywhere, and they will instill a feeling of peace to those who are aware of their presence. The code that was previously given, 445566, does not expire, use that to connect on the night of September 22 from 8 - 11:30pm.

The time is now. Many people are having experiences with their Star family. All must honor that and do what they need to do to have the internal peace that comes from doing what is correct for one’s personal vibration. Many people are feeling groggy, foggy, sleepy, or disorientated in some way. This is due to the increase in contact and to the lifting of the veil that separates the realities which is merging into one new reality, preparing you for more contact. As we approach the galactic center of the Milky Way, this visit will help to prepare you for ever more waves of contact and ascension into the fifth dimension. Every time one looks to the stars and feels the glow of home in their heart, they are being heard by their star family. 

We were then told some stuff specific and personal to us, then we were brought back on the disc through the energetic continuem and brought back to where we started. 
Go to my wall and sign in.... Reynolds Kamakawiwoole......

Thank you for this post. I am looking forward to meeting our star family.

Love and blessings, Astreia

Hi, everyone!

I live in the Sacramento area, close to an airbase. Yesterday, contrail spraying occurred on a massive level, all the way from here to San Franscisco. It coincided with the Space shuttle returning to its permanent home. I, was not happy about it! As I was looking through the pictures someone had taken and posted, on the internet, I noticed something interesting. The con/chemtrails were everywhere except over our capital. In that location, the clouds were white and fluffy, and very distinct. Over my area, the spraying was very heavy. I prayed and asked for the galactics and the sylphs to clean our skies. I did this several times during the day. They must have heard me because a) the sky never became quite cloudy enough to hide the sun, (and believe my, they tried), and b) today, I noticed several cloud ships over and near our area. How do I know they are ships? Because they were holding their shape for hours. Normal clouds don't do that! I wish I had a camera. I've been feeling a little nauseous since this morning (my fault, I did the 33 spins, lol), but I went to the market anyway. I had to stay in the car though. My boyfriend bought our stuff. On the way back, I noticed several clouds. One was shaped like a very large elongated diamond, there were several cigar shaped clouds and one I didn't recognize. They stayed in the same position all the way home. Also there was some light cloud sepage coming from the bottom of the saucer shaped one, that also didn't go away. I sent out a mental message of acknowledgement, and immediatlely felt the energy. Just to make sure I wasn't just making things up, I went outside 20 minutes later, and it was still there. Same shape, same sepage. Plus, there was another one, close to our apartment, that had an eliptical shape! I was so happy, I cried. I sent another mental message of gratitude and thanks, and again felt an energetic shift, an upliftment if you will. I feel overjoyed! They heard my call and listened! And by the way, the sky was perfectly clear, except for those clouds. Thank you my Galactic brothers and sisters, I love you!

They were all over Kansas City yesterday but think it was their last shot. Cobra just posted an update-encoded of course but a good sign. No chemtrails today.

David Porter

Sat, 09/22/2012 - 20:17

All over like I've not seen ever, I know the cabal has up to the minute news from all the sites as they have enough of "our" money to hire all they need.


And yes, after all the criss-cross cover of chemtrails the last few days but Friday, OMG!!! This is outragious!!! Absolutley rediulous they know that many of know about this activity and it's effects to us, but they're betting on the 99% or the largest number of humans that have little to no clue of what the hell and Heaven is taking place on Earth just now.


They knew what was coming in Saturday morning to day and I'm betting that the reason there was not a trail in our skies today, all day from early monring is due to the "back-up" that we have on our side.


If anyone would like to take that bet, just comment back and I only accept gold or silver for now. If you win a bet against mine, the cabal will hands down take us down and out, if I win this bet, the cabal will be taken down and out and not allowed ever to return due to the fact that if our "freinds and family" can make it here from where ever they came this is proof enough that my "DADDY'S" bigger and much more powerful than these poopoo heads.


Sun, 09/23/2012 - 02:22

Yesterday I celebrated the Equinox while walking alone in nature in the forrest and hugging my favourite old tree with so much wisdom. There were no chemtrails in the air and I loved the fresh air to breath deeply inside my being.This tree helped me a lot last year with my personal ascension process. I asked the tree to help me to ground the energies of new found balance of the light and dark in Gaia to help me with the collective grounding process.


When I was laying in my bed and woke up after a few hours sleep I got a deep feeling of balance in myself like I did'nt feel before. I felt so connected and in balance with all in the universe and all my starbrothers and sisters as a multidimensional being! These three weeks of illness I went through were also almost over now and I have nearly all my strenght back now to make huge steps foreward.


I'm very gratefull for the whole cleaning process now in myself and healing the collective as well at a deep level.

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