Update from Tolec: Andromeda Council on “US/China Joint Naval Operations Against Extraterrestrial Threat”

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 09/23/2012 - 10:47

“This Is Absolutely a ‘False Flag’ Report”



“UFO War: Chinese and US Navy off San Francisco”

Tolec, what is the real deal with this joint U.S./China Naval forces working together just outside of the San Francisco Bay area, a U.S naval warship being attacked, and a Reptilian war going on?

date: September 21, 2012


ANSWER: No, no, no. According to my Andromeda Council contacts, this is absolutely a “False flag” report.

Think of this story in the context of Dr. Carol Rosin’s knowledge of the five (5) ‘cards’ the Cabal / Illuminati would attempt to use in their last bid to hold their control on power: [Carol quoting Dr. Werner Von Braun] “…the last card is the alien card… we’re going to have to build space based weapons… against the aliens… and it will all be a lie.”, “…the last card will be the extraterrestrial threat.” This is all about the Cabal & Illuminati perpetuating fear.


Also, think of the movie “Battleship” released just this summer in first run theaters around the country – U.S. Naval forces – operating out in the Pacific Ocean off of the coast of California are attacked by a huge… Reptilian/human hybrid operated… fantastic underwater alien ship utilizing highly destructive technology, energy weapons. Now, think about this movie in the overall context of this present, alleged, U.S/China Naval military cooperative – UFO war story. Does any of this sound familiar?

Again, this is a False flag story.

First, here is a back drop on the Reptilian situation to give all of this context:

a.) the very last undersea Reptilian base was taken by the Procyon forces of the Andromeda Council the last weekend of March 2012;
b.) 2,000+ of the highest ranking Reptilian & Reptilian/human hybrid Military Officers & Cabal / Illuminati officials were taken prisoner;
c.) the taking & clearing of this last Reptilian undersea base & highest Reptilian military officers & officials has left a gap in the ‘power structure’ at the top of the Cabal & Illuminati. [find News Story: "Procyon Lead AC 'Delta Team' Strike Force Takes & Clears Out Last Reptilian Undersea Base" - on "Archived Interviews" page, half way down, right hand side, this web site.
d.) as I indicated in my 08.21.12 article - "The Hard Reality and a Difficult Truth" - there are still some - Reptilians, Reptilian/human hybrids and clones operating & controlling the highest levels of the Cabal & Illuminati on this planet;
e.) there are also purely Human military lead factions... of the Cabal & Illuminati.

Now, here is what really happened out in the Pacific Ocean:

f.) with the gap in the power structure of the Cabal & Illuminati - there have been continuing skirmishes between various factions;
g.) this was one of those skirmishes - between factions - nothing more, nothing less;
h.) an escape pod from one of the last undersea Reptilian bases holding three (3) Reptilian/human hybrid, lower rank 'workers' - fired on a human operated, U.S based, elite, Cabal & Illuminati, 'special forces', scout craft [think "UFO" operating underwater], acquired from technology provided during an earlier Human & “Grey” technology exchange agreement;
i.) the escape pod had minimal offensive fire power, as well as minimal defensive capabilities, and it was disabled;
j.) the three (3) Reptilian/human hybrid, lower rank workers, Reptilian undersea base escapees, were taken prisoner and were transported to a human run & operated, Cabal, deep underground [about a mile & a half (1 1/2) underground] military facility located in the in an underground complex in the Rocky Mountains in Colorado;


k.) the various Reptilian & Human factions of the Cabal & Illuminati have been having these skirmishes since the last Reptilian undersea base was taken & cleared out by the Procyon people of the Andromeda Council… the last weekend of March 2012;
l.) China Naval warships – are not – cooperating in any joint U.S/China joint war operations being conducted by both parties in an undersea war against the Reptilians;
m.) the story of a U.S Naval warship being attacked, and alleged U.S/China Naval cooperation – is a “False flag” story;
n.) there are no remaining Reptilian, Cabal & Illuminati, undersea bases in operation. None.

Guest (not verified)

Sun, 09/23/2012 - 11:43

all this is also in the agenda 21 plan that I have tried urging people to read up on, we know this for what it is and I think the woman you spoke of "Think of this story in the context of Dr. Carol Rosin’s knowledge of the five (5) ‘cards’ the Cabal / Illuminati would attempt to use in their last bid to hold their control on power: [Carol quoting Dr. Werner Von Braun] “…the last card is the alien card… we’re going to have to build space based weapons… against the aliens… and it will all be a lie.”, “…the last card will be the extraterrestrial threat.” This is all about the Cabal & Illuminati perpetuating fear." she might have gotten that info from there as well.its the plan the cabal has for pretty much right now, so much info that we know is true because they are doing it step by step, I recommend very strongly that everyone at least look it over so you know what there up to for yourself.

Thanks for this post,I wasnt aware this was the claime at the moment,retards,(cabal)lol



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