As 2012 unfolds there is a mass awakening occurring for the highly sensitive, creative, and empathic beings known as the Indigo and Blue Ray beings. I am addressing both as they are both experiencing many of the same issues at this time.
The Indigos and Blue Rays come from different lineages but one of the main differences between the Indigos and Blue Rays that I will mention here is that the Indigos are mainly either still children or young adults at this time, they can be very outspoken and tend to go against the grain of main society and have always felt like outcasts. They are unwilling to conform to societies standards if it isn’t congruent with the way they believe things should be done. While they may attempt to go with the flow, they cannot suppress how against the “system” they really are, and simply cannot and will not accept things that do not make sense to them. Indigo’s are very perceptive, intuitive, and outspoken. They have a keen awareness and don’t understand why others don’t see what is so obvious to them. It’s actually insulting and beyond frustrating to the Indigo’s to have those in a position of authority try to manipulate or control them!
The Blue Ray’s on the other hand are older than the Indigo’s. They too have felt like outcasts all of their lives. They grew up in a world that was not highly evolved spiritually. They had to conform to societies standards and suppress their true nature. They grew up experiencing a sense of isolation and feeling different than others while those of like mind were few and far between to relate to. Blue Rays have felt powerless, timid, and vulnerable most of their lives. Only in recent years have they begun to own their power and realize their self worth. They have a tendency to suffer from low self-esteem and lack self-confidence. The Blue Rays believed they weren’t good enough and quietly lived their lives without speaking up or making waves because they didn’t believe they had much to offer or think it would make much of a difference due to being oppressed for so long they just believed what they were told.
The first wave of Blue Rays are now around middle aged, they have embraced their divinity and have reclaimed their true spirit. The past few years have been a struggle to truly release themselves from old patterns and belief systems that have been limiting and harmful. The awakening has promoted Blue Rays to sever the cords with co-dependent behaviors and truly stand up for them selves once and for all, which has been both liberating and scary all at the same time. In fact, many Blue Rays have Indigo or Crystal children or grandchildren who are teaching them how to have confidence and be more assertive!
As the higher energies and frequencies are coming into the planet and the veils are thinning we are all being pushed on one level or another to awaken. The Indigos are discovering who they really are. They are being prompted to search for answers to their true identity and are awestruck to find that they fit almost every attribute and characteristic of an Indigo Child. Knowing their origin finally grants them permission to truly love and accept themselves for who and what they are and embrace their uniqueness rather than feeling shameful or resentful for being different. It’s empowering for them to know who they really are and honoring their sacred life purpose.
Many of the Blue Rays and Indigos are feeling misplaced and lonely. Regardless of the fact that there are so many more of like mind and heart for them to relate to, they are still experiencing a feeling that something is missing. Planet Earth is not their original home. They came here to participate in the grand awakening, either as an energy holder, to make a difference, or take a stand. There is still a feeling of discontent and discomfort that this planet is way too harsh for them by the cruel realities of the way we treat each other, animals, and the earth, and the corruption in our political, religious, and economic systems. They desperately want to connect with others and be settled in a place that feels peaceful, loving and kind.
The Blue Rays and Indigos are so deeply sensitive and empathic that they become overwhelmed, frustrated, and fatigued very easily. It is a constant balancing act to maintain their equilibrium and not take on the energies around them. Indigos are a hardier breed, a tough nut on the outside and deeply sensitive on the inside. The Blue Rays on the other hand are the opposite, having had to endure so many challenges in their lives which strengthened their outer resolve, they are stronger than they give themselves credit for, however, their ultra sensitivity makes them appear weak to those who misjudge or underestimate who they are.
Many have a deep desire to make big changes in their lives and are feeling frustrated and dissatisfied with their present lifestyle conditions. Yet no matter how hard they try, at this time, things will not budge. The conditions are not ready for major changes. It is a time to collect resources, figure out our options, and take time to reflect. Lots of rest is required as there seems to always be something to deal with, so in between bouts of lots of activity, is time to go inward and connect with nature and honor our true spirit.
In 2013, there will be many more opportunities to attract and connect with our Soul Families, Soulmates, Twin Flames, find a place we feel at home in, and embark on our new life purpose and be drawn together to begin implementing all of the ideas and inspirations that are within us. Now is a time to fully awaken and blossom in our divinity and allow things to just be. It is a time to dream big and set our intentions. The more we truly know who we are, what we want, and how to get there, the easier it will be to manifest it in the years to come.
Dear God, Assist me in seeing the good in every situation and in every person. Help me make the best of everything, without judging it as good or bad or trying to control the outcome. Show me how to just relax and enjoy myself so that I can appreciate the journey and not just the destination. I am ready to love and accept myself unconditionally, please heal my heart. I believe in miracles, please guide me by quieting my mind so that I can be aware of the miracles occurring in my life.
And so it is.
Copyright © Notes to Myself by Stefanie Miller of A Magical World - Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article on the condition that the URL is included as the resource and that it is distributed freely and on a non-commercial basis. E-mail:
OMG you have hit me on the
OMG you have hit me on the head as a Blue Ray! I am feeling overwhelmed. I want things to change but I can not get them to budge for it takes all I have to get myself to budge. I feel I need rest as I am extremely tired, and easily aggitated but then I don't rest because I want to do but then I can't get anything accomplished as in routine things, I'm getting behind in my work because I end up feeling overwhelmed and stuck. I don't like being around others other than my family as I tend to be drained from witnessing them still in deep sleep and I feel very lonely in my awakening as others listen but think that I have gone crazy so I tend to keep to myself and enjoy my bliss alone and alone seems to work better for me these days.
I Hear You!
I too, am a Blue Ray and have known it for about a year. The description of what we have gone through in the past few years is bang on, and though I now feel empowered most of the time, I must keep my personal experiences and life to myself. Just today, a difficult conversation with a old friend made me question my 'Truth', just like that. I hate that we are so vulnerable to the opinions and beliefs of others and I struggled to get back what I know is true for me and my future. I really want to go home soon!
Love and Light to everyone ~
I am a Blue Ray
I always knew I was different and somehow didn't fit in. For some reason I seem to have some of the attributes of the Indigo's in having a problem with people who are mistreated and have stood up for others most of my life. Standing up for myself was another thing and something I have tried to come to grips with in the past. I feel I am getting that but everytime I get secure I backslide on one issue or another so I am not going to say anything is ever done. It is nice as I have gotten more in touch with myself I am attracting new friends who are of a like nature so at least I AM on the right track. Thanks for this as I was a bit confused as to who was what.
I identify big time with
I identify big time with the Blue Ray! I am soo glad I read this...Words cannot express my gratitude and appreciation...knowlege I am obtaining from this site..Blessed to all.. I can endure... Be Still ..Be at Peace..Love and Honor YOUR TRUTH... I am meet my TRUE FAMILY.. .