Submitted by Lia on Sun, 09/23/2012 - 15:15








Earth Star Network is an earth-based communications network for the spiritually awake, who are fulfilling their mission to shine pure love and informational light into the collective consciousness of humanity. 

Our mission is to provide a communications grid that will enable fully awakened lightworkers and spiritual luminaries to share high frequency information and broadcast it into the biosphere, assisting planetary level ascension.  We at Earth Star Network do not represent a single perspective of one lightworker, but multiple insights of many awakened beings.

Part of our mission is to circulate clear information in to the spiritual community to counterbalance the problem of disinformation and dimensional distortions.  This is due to an abundance of spiritual information naturally being filtered through third dimensional (3D) consciousness for the last 25+ years.  

In the run up to 2012, many people have been in 3D looking towards 5D and have naturally been working with spiritual content and matters that mirror the 3D outlook and perspective.  This has unintentionally skewed 5D perspectives and has led towards the creation of a spiritual message and vision that has inevitably been partially dualistic.  This can technically be described as ‘dimensional dissonance’.

In keeping with Earth Star Network's Lion’s Gate 2012 activation of planetary manifestation, this bulletin provides a number of clear illuminations about the nature of dimensional shift written from the perspective of 5D consciousness in an attempt to begin helping lightworkers clear the transitional distortions.  The bulletin describes in universal terms the spiritual basis for the information presented.  

This service is provided to assist lightworkers, commentators and awakeners who may be confused by the current disseminated flux in dimensional/informational distortions.  It is also a firm call to lightworkers who are fully awake to work with us to put out clear 5D information and signals into the biosphere and stay focused on their own higher message now that we are moving into a phase of full light manifestation.  This is not a trivial undertaking as our influence is now in a new world that will be oxygenated only by pure light.  Gaia's ascension depends on our co-operation, unity and ability to speak in high vibrational truth.



The source of our external reality is a divine none physical intelligence that we all originate from and are inescapably part of. 

In order to reestablish and take possession of our 'realtime' connection with source and heavenly frequency, we need to consider (and for some 'reconsider') the role of none-physical energy in our own world and how thoughts and feelings create our material experiences and relationships.  In the entrapment 3D reality, we the human race have been consciously captured and separated from the intelligent presence of source: the will, magnitude, majesty and beauty of the God self within us submerged beneath our day to day lives. 


Over the course of our history we have been persuaded to perceive and believe ourselves to be merely ‘separate’ beings and not extensions of a deeper, divine order.

This ‘illusionary’ perception, has absolutely created a reversed mirror and distorted perception of reality, where we believe the physical world is exclusive of our inner state and that we are all not expressions of one universal self.

2012 represents the turning point where these distortions and corruptions will come to an end due to the collective awakening of many humans.  We will know with absolute certainty that as a ‘soul conscious humanity’, our true higher self, the source energy part of us, is exclusive and superior to the ‘lower vibrational state’ of our physicality.




 2012 represents a point where we will learn and know that our full spectrum of self goes beyond visible light - our own body fractally mirrors the energies of the universe

Becoming fully aware that consciousness creates what is experienced in this physical plane is in large the perspective shift of our ascension!   This ‘polarity shift’ in awareness; means that we understand internally the world is built in a quantum fashion out of our thought forms and that in the sphere of source thought and love, we are all one family.

Spiritual activity that prioritises physically expressed events before psychological or internal divine revelation distracts all of us from understanding the true nature of shift which will largely be ‘attitudinal’ in nature to begin with.  Distracted posturing misdirects us all of us from studying and implementing our individual and collective role in the new co-created higher reality and understanding that energy events in 2012 and beyond are:

transcending to thought and feeling based manifestation.

A real 2012 headline is a private encounter with love or a triumph of the heart over material nature, yet some spiritual attention - as an example - is currently focused on encouraging the military to announce UFO landings which would represent a lower vibrational event if many human beings have not shifted their internal perspective.  The internal shift must come about first; a huge external perspective altering event would be nothing more than a temporary band aid for humanity if love has not been truly realised first.  


The heavenly state of 2012 is in our own hearts! 

How is shift occurring and being expressed then?  Very simply through our personal challenges, dreams and relationships - and it is in these individual dramas and day to day circumstances that ascension is happening RIGHT NOW.  



The shift of consciousness that occurs as a person ascends represents a complete revolution in awareness. 

Realisations include the full knowing that we are expressions of a higher divine order, complete trust in 'beingness', a true inner understanding of the equality of all beings and recognising that we create through emotional rather than physical responses to events.  This 360 degree turn about tells us that ascended humans will bring about a reality that looks nothing like our old world, and as such we can be confident that the new ascending Gaia that is emerging wears entirely new clothes. 

With this in mind we need to consider that the real changes in 2012 will not be coming from the old paradigm but a newly emerging one - which is, in fact, being spearheaded by the ascending community.  For example, a new government in a world that is connected to its soul consciousness is unlikely to come from a dualistically constructed arrangement; it is, in fact likely to come from a completely different direction altogether and one that is balanced in feminine and masculine outlook reflecting the divine harmonics of the soul.  In this respect waiting for our old governments to get up and become realised is simply a false flag event that distracts us and keeps us focused on 3D energy.

The realities produced by 3D and 5D are entirely different and therefore we are likely to see a split occurring between old and new modes of governance, creation and experience rather than the 3D world simply ‘retro-embedding’ 5D into its structures.  Leadership and signs of shift are coming purely from the spiritual community at this moment in time.

Being confident in this illumination should inspire all lightworkers to stay focused on themselves, since it tells us that the awakening community will be the source of new realities and we must therefore trust in own direction and dreams.  We are indeed the ones we were waiting for, so we must keep our vibration strong and our attention on our own light since we are the channels through which higher soul consciousness is embedding itself into physical reality right now.



The primary focus of multi staged lightworkers across the ages has been the removal of the ‘dark cabal’ from this 3D reality.  The cabal is described in many different levels and forms by lightworkers, channels and other types of freedom fighters: the lucifer rebellion, the 13 royal satanic bloodlines, the Orion empire, the Dragon Court, the Black Knighthood, the ego, minions, the greys, the illuminati, reptiles and the archons.  All of these groups originate from the fallen Arch Angelic energy of Satan.

In multi dimensional reality, the cabal or this energy is not a group of human beings, but a type of thought that ALL humans have consciously or unconsciously interbred with.  This has perverted humanity and prevented us all from consciously working or even being aware of our true none-physical nature and origin. It is the type of thought that has separated us from source, and thereby each other.

This causes humanity to project thought forms into the higher dimensions that are not based in PURE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE (source energy).  This unfortunately creates fourth dimensional beings that are powerless, energy-less or ‘illusory’; an alien entity or ‘false God’.


The Ouroborus is a symbol of Christ Consciousness and wisdom because it signifies our ability to consume or 'slay' our own false consciousness so that we can be born in to full wholeness

The task for all of us is not to condemn our human brothers and sisters but clear these illusory thought forms from our collective earth plane consciousness.  This is done through moving the individual and collective conscious thoughts to that of those based only in love, compassion and mutual respect.  Love represents the energetic fabric of the universe in this context and is not just a random moral code. 

This is the journey of ascension as we move through the plane of the fourth dimension which includes both real and non-real (energyless) entities.  It is also not our job as 2012 lightworkers to remain purely fixated on the power of the cabal as a matter of focus as this validates the power of the illusion.  Our collective 'chief' responsibility in a post 2012 world is to see its work transpired and transmuted in our own lives and move on to becoming the being of pure light we already are.  By way of living this light and setting an example for others is what we are charged to do from the beginning as lightworkers.  This is what we orginally agreed upon before we came here; do any of you remember?


The Galactic Butterfly symbol reflects the resolution of all opposites; in ego-free reality there is no absence or negative condition 

This process explains why some lightworkers are able to present and ‘channel’ spiritual intelligence' but also cause susceptibility in distorting it at the same time with 3D perceptions.  Here is the actuality; the perceptions of this 'illusion based reality' can still be wholly or partially present, interweaving it with the the truth coming through channeled information.  Lightworkers who focus largely on the power of love rather than this illusion and the power of the dark are working from a position of pure love empowered vibration that is unthreatened by illusion based thought.  The energy is one of FEELING (energy) since their thoughts are embodied in source energy and LOVE!  They do not acknowledge darkness in any degree because they have already cleared the cause of it.




Every single human being is an emanation of source; we are all part of ‘THE ONE’.  The only hindrance to our source expression is illusionary thought which is a planetary issue every person born into this reality has experienced.  Awakening means recognising the sovereignty and equality of every being, and knowingness that another person is another part of you at a higher expressed level.  The awakened are here to liberate the divine self in themselves and others as far as is possible without undermining their own vibration and the rights of others.



We all flow from the single energy of the ONE; when we dismiss another being, we dismiss ourselves and the sovereignty of the universe

We must be cautious of content that positions ANY one being above another since this type of information does not reflect the sovereignty of every soul and the one-ness of heaven's higher reality!  A fifth dimensional channel loves every being no matter what and celebrates the God in everyone!  Seeing ascension as a morality game of ‘right’ vs ‘wrong’ is a 3D perspective.




Illusionary reality means we think physical reality is under our control and that our underlying thoughts and perceptions do not affect the ‘whole’ .  This self delusion means we think we can tell lies to others (ie say things that are not aligned with source truth) and get away with it. 

The intentional and unintentional lies that perpetuate this false reality of none real thought forms continue to disconnect us from source.  This is why it is important for lightworkers and the awakened to speak clearly from the heart, ONLY TRUTH, and to listen with their feelings and intuition!  Higher truth vibrates in our heart and is more than words alone which can be created and spoken from a perspective of separation.

The growing emphasis in conventional media and spiritual circles on 'truth' reflects a humanity that is growing in its ability to distinguish between vibrationally aligned speech and falsity

Lightworkers who allow open communication and are unafraid of being challenged within their forums and channels are more likely to be awake since they allow for the perspective of all beings and are confident of their ability to detect and express vibrational truth. They know that every being’s perspective forms a part of our natural reality, and do not wish to hide or bury any thoughts or perspectives - whether they are in separation or not.

Channels that restrict communication (content is filtered or restricted by any one person) may possibly be operating off centre in a 3 or 4D state. We would also draw attention to light workers who co-operate in groups and work in partnership with other channels since they recognize that real change can only be brought about through a collective voice and uniting in the one-ness energy.




We are at the end of a cycle and now in a galactic period of evolution.  This represents our ascent to being able to work with our own higher dimensional being and families.  The higher self or what's known as the over soul is extra-dimensional and therefore ultra terrestrial in nature. 

First contact is a none physical process where we are able to work with our higher being and families from dimensions outside of the physical plane.  One of the common misconceptions of this evolution is that galactic beings are aliens that are divorced from ourselves and coming to save us in a conventional physical body.  This perception is a 3D concept. 

The cosmic language of the stars is an allegory of the full self, which is infinite and working from the perspective of the higher multi dimensional source or ‘star self’.  The Merkahbah is our personal time, space and dimensional tool or 'ship' waiting for self in fifth dimensional reality.



Every being has a divine star nature

We must watch out for 3D confusion about the nature of extra dimensional space; shifting consciousness means being able to understand physical reality a representation of the complete soul self, and thought based reality as the primary basis of experience.  In other words, true form is psychological rather than physical - this wisdom can be found in the teachings of Plato and Jesus through to the contemporary work of quantum physicists. 

Also note the distinction between being able to channel higher dimensional entities, and the personal full integration of the higher self.  The latter indicates a human channel has a galactic or divine level of consciousness, where as the former does not guarantee the channeller has yet cleared themselves from 3D perspective.




In separated 3D realities, energies of the whole self have been split into masculine and feminine to mirror our split with source and this causes us to feel separation, like something is missing in ourselves.   This means that we tend to see the world in ‘have’ and ‘have not’, ‘this’ vs ‘that’ as well as other polarising opposites of duality.  It is an inevitable illusion projecting the need to be complete. 

In moving to the heart space of the higher self, we recognise that in the non physical higher dimensional planes, our full self is whole and every other being is already "ONE WITH EVERYTHING".  We therefore start loving the pure joy of being and expression, rather wanting to be loved because of need and lack.  Relationships in this context are based in pure joy and energy creation, rather than the validation of physicality.



Our higher self is both masculine and feminine - an ascended being therefore seeks expression of their wholeness in love rather than sexual gratification that is purely carnal in focus




There is also a further outcome of recognising the divine intelligence of the higher self.  There is nothing that is not already known or any need to control our realities since we are the expression of the source creator.  Anything that does not flow from the energy of the heart is illusionary and creates unwanted stress (density) and manifested suffering on our earth plane of illusion shaped reality!

Channels that privilege one way of being over another or do not recognise the presence of all energies and expressions in our world just for being what they are and are always susceptible to being distorted by 3D interpretation. When we arrogantly divide and judge others, then we are not receptive to the oneness of higher energy, possibly causing the demise of our own ascension!






Being spiritual is not just about meditating and expressing spiritual wisdom; our true spiritual nature is to be a creative physical expression of source.  While spiritual work is required to take us into the fifth dimension and for some beyond, the ultimate goal is to become a true expression of our higher self (on this earth) using our own special gifts to express higher vibrational energies in to this beautiful and unique world.  Our spiritual calling and path is designed to also help us understand what our gift to the world is.  In this respect our journey into understanding will mirror our unique insights learned along the way.

Lightworkers that build a picture of a full world built on the diversity of energy and gifts we have to bring to the table recognise the divinity of all beings.  We humbly and gratefully recognise the divinity in all of our many blessings and talents.

The idea that ascension is about disembodied beings floating around in space and making objects materialise out of thin air is a myth of the spiritual world created in 3D consciousness.



This information is provided in the interests of clarity and the preservation of pure light AND truth. 

It is not intended to negatively discredit or lower the energies of others.  We (which are the voices of many) embrace our 'sacred charge' to ensure that a true clear and concise picture is lovingly made available for everyone!  This necessary clarification helps everyone to understand better, therefore enabling humanity to move past the confusion while we are on this journey through the fourth dimension into the fifth dimensional plane.  We acknowledge the important work of all lightworkers who lovingly dedicate their work to bringing in the light, whether subject to distortions or not!



We bring this information to you as a divine collective working in partnership to bring the light of the new age into manifestation.  We recognise that the unfolding of the light on earth cannot come from a few select 'gatekeepers' and individuals, but every single light being possible in order to fully represent the scale of the new energy that is resonating across the globe.

If you are interested in working together to bring soul consciousness into the world join us at Earth Star Network to spread this blessed message of pure love, truth and light.  We invite both your internal insights and news of your creative manifestations on the earth plane by way of news, posts, blogs, videos and other reports. 

Our role is to enable a communication 'hub' thereby providing a strong and viable broadcast vehicle for the flow of higher truth.  Earth Star Network is where awakened souls of ALL KINDS can successfully move forward unhindered, so that our collective co-creative energy is effectively disseminated to the masses without distortions, for the benefit of all. 

We are GROWING and in the process of advancing our communications ability.  The upcoming Earth Star Network website will manifest this 'hub' by successfully linking and working with current and new lightworker groups.  The focus is to build a strong and effective global community with fast and accurate dissemination of real time information and light stories.  In the meantime you can pre-register at or follow us on Facebook at for interim updates, conversation and insights. 

Our collective endeavor is to provide the tools through which ALL lightworkers - every single one - can freely come together to be the beacon of light that they are!  We work in full conscious co-operation with our family at Galactic Free Press who represent the galactic centre at the planetary root chakra of Mount Shasta and are a divine channel through which our data can be disseminated in total clarity and without distortion. 

Our prayers are to help the new light across Gaia heal humanity and assist in advancing the ascension of God's children and all life forms that are with her during this wonderful and blessed time. It is time to walk with the angels and know "YOU ARE, I AM".

We thank you very much for taking your time to read this, for being a part of this wonderful adventure, and just for being you!   We are your galactic brothers and sisters in service to prime creator, humanity and gratefully fulfilling our heavenly charge.

Andrea Harding and Sal Parisi on behalf of Earth Star Network






Earth Star Network's vision of disclosure:



Lion’s Gate Activation and Opening of the Planet's Heart Chakra: []





★ ☆ ★ 

Ring all the bells sing and tell the people everywhere that the flower has come 

Light up the sky with your prayers of gladness and rejoice for the darkness is gone 

Throw off your fears let your heart beat freely at the sign that a new time is born 

★ ☆ ★ 





Very grateful for this posting - I have shared it far and wide -


with gratitude to all who worked on and posted this _/\_


Mon, 09/24/2012 - 10:05

Waving our "We are One" flag for All to Join the Oneness. I AM Light!


Thank you, Thank You,, we are all lining up for sure. I Feel it in the Air :) Love The vid about your vision as well. You Rock and Keep being the Light House you are :)

Guest (not verified)

Mon, 09/24/2012 - 19:00

This is a breath of fresh air, resonated very deeply indeed,thank you so much for doing this, I see youve worked very very hard on it <3 <3 <3


Perfect timing to!



Alicia (not verified)

Tue, 09/25/2012 - 01:49

Absolutely beautifully spoken!!! Earth Star Network aligns perfectly with my Heart. Thank you ALL! I LOVE YOU

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