Kp Message… My “Get” on the “Transformations of Government” (in the U.S., at least)

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 09/24/2012 - 20:28

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Kauilapele at Kalalau, 9-10-12
(click for better view of Kp beard hair)


This is my “get”. And only my “get”. Maybe some of you have “got” the same thing that I “get” here, but what I describe below is from my own “Get Central”.

Okay, I’ve been reading and listening and wishing and intending and visualizing (with INTENSITY, sometimes) for these “government changes” to take place. And this has been all over the internets in the past, and even now, via “intelligence” type articles, “channeling” type articles, “my insider knows these arrests will start happening on this date” type articles, “so and so says this” type articles, “dammit, when are ‘they’ ever going to start arresting those a$$holes” type articles, “people are getting so pissed off that they’re joining militias and are ready to get their guns out and start arresting these governmental buggers themselves” type articles, and so on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on.

Not too long ago, I was of the “desire” that all of this transformation would happen all at once. “Arrests, Announcements, Governmental Changes”… all at once. Get it over with. We can deal with it.

Only thing there is, who’s “We”? Many in the Light Worker type community would likely be just fine and dandy and cool with something like that. Same for Disclosure. All at once… Millions of Ships Showing Up… Git ‘R’ Done…

But the challenge is, there are a few more other “we’s” on this planet who might not be so-comforted by such all-at-once scenarios. In fact, collectively, there might be such a global “freak out“, that any gains made by those changes, would be offset by the global “freak out”.

At some point a couple years ago, it sort of “hit” me that those “all at once” scenarios (at least regarding disclosure) had been (were being) changed. And that a more gradual approach would be much more helpful for this planet. I don’t recall all the references, but whatever. Maybe it’s kind of like, the “Hare Scenario” (really fast, all at once) was looked at, and set aside for the “Tortoise (but with a deadline) Scenario”… slow and steady… wins the “governmental changes, disclosure, Ascension” race.

So… Somewhere yesterday, it just hit. How could this governmental change come to pass, here in the U.S.? Well, we do have these things here, coming up in, I believe, November, called “elections”.

And it really came in strongly, that the bulk of (at least, a lot of) the U.S. government changes are going to take place via these 2012 elections. At least that is how they will start.

And after the November U.S. elections, watch out for the fireworks. Maybe they’ll be “slow and measured”, but once the “dark” folks know they’ve been voted out, they, and many of their minions, may just start running out. And those ones will be the ones doing what’s in the song in the video…

Guest (not verified)

Tue, 09/25/2012 - 02:26

Sure, I've thought of that and I can respect that. But on the flip side there are many like myself who are not okay with the slow pace of things and I find myself wondering if it will happen at all. I stay hopeful but I'm too aquainted with disappointment for my own liking.

Viktoria (not verified)

Tue, 09/25/2012 - 04:01

We are becoming one!  After reading your article I too feel like you do over this whole governmental fustration. We all feel like this... so why not get on board and use the powers we have with energy and blast/beam their hearts with love/light daily?  Politics have been a sore subject to even talk to one another about calmly these days.  I tell people this... I ask MF/God to give us the best man for President that's good for humanity during these times of Global Conscious Awakening.  Then I visualize or/know it will be done. 


I have also hoped for change at least in the financial section leading to govt changes but have also come to realize that would be too much at once for most people at least here in the US. We have seen dramatic changes other places followed by chaos so more slow deliberate moves feels right. I feel like the financial changes would help ease the way for everything else as it would alleviate suffering all over the world and the people would no longer be hungry in much of the world but I feel you point. It does feel like we are quickly approaching one timeline though. I do believe the elections will be pivitol but am not sure how. I think there will be many suprises. We all only have to look forward to Oneness in any case as it won't be long. Thanks for summing up what at least I also feel.

Guest (not verified)

Tue, 09/25/2012 - 05:55

Yes, I have thought this all along that it would be too intense for it to happen all at once and we do not need anymore chaos. If things are going to happen it needs to be so that people can digest but steady none the less. Anyone who is wanting instant changes is only thinking of themselves. Just have faith that there is much more going on behind the scenes than we can comprehend right now but is for the good and benefit of all. Stay focused in faith that changes are already happening & together we will bring it into manifestation. Trust that it is all in Divine timing and in the meantime, keep spreading the word and leading by example how we as humans should act and be none other than love and understanding with compassion for all <3

Guest (not verified)

Tue, 09/25/2012 - 08:23

What if it has already happened and our job is to raise our vibration frequency to match that time line.  The outside world just reflects/mirrors what is happening on the inside.  What is "out there" was created in the past, you can not fix it out there.  Change the dream, the picture we are sending out, dream it as done. 

Sweet Dreams!

King David (not verified)

Tue, 09/25/2012 - 14:21

I believe that every single one of us including the ones that we don't title as "Lightwokers", that if we see but one suggnificant sign, and I mean related to what is a pre-courser of things to come that are in direct alignment with what has been nearly wore out for the last years on the subjects of NESARA, Disclosure, arrest/containment, New Earth, clean-up, end war etc then we may be contented by this happening as proof to our little 3D selves that the best IS yet to come.


Tue, 09/25/2012 - 16:42

I liked the comment about asking F/M God to give us guidance in this election. Since we know cabal controls both so-called "viable candidates" I will choose to write in the one who has already shown a deep understanding of our economy - "audit the Federal Reserve" should give you a clue! What happened to "there won't be an election, and someone will be put in place as an 'interim' President?" Well, whatever happens, the cabal is going down once and for all! Love and light to everyone who finds it in themselves - let it burn brightly and help fan the flame of others who may be just "flickering!"

Paulette Redburn (not verified)

Wed, 09/26/2012 - 00:52

To manifest I like to sit and live as if I am already there.  Travelling alone all I need to do is think myself there, and I am.


 Bringing the children along...all I need to do is step out my door and get on a hover craft, and we're on a family outing.


I rejoice that I need no longer do dishes, clean house, or go out and earn money in order to live. 


This is so relaxing that I no longer grind my teeth.

I quit worrying about when it will all happen.


Just doing my thing and sending out energy for everyone to find their own peace of mind.

This has done so much healing for me.   You might want to try it.


Blessings Everyone.



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