Earth Allies: The Masters are coming back Now

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Mon, 11/12/2012 - 23:30


And so it is.


As the awakening speeds up and the Light pour In like a tsunamy of Love the Planet is finally seeing the return of the Masters.

They are here, everywhere.


It's those that remember Who they Are.


It's those that Know that Love is All that is as All is God and God is Love and therefore they Know they Are Love(God) too. They don't need prooves, they already have themSelves. Thus they Are All they need to Be.

If your're among those that still can't see them, go and look in the mirror and tell what you See.

Can you see your light, how bright it shines, can you see God's sparkle shining through you? Do you Feel Love for what you See? Do you See a whole Universe combined as a body? Dimensions flowing through You?

Or do you see a face, made of flesh and bones, wondering what you should see more than that? 

Wondering where all the Magic is? It's right there, shadowed by your dreaming.


Some still believe that claiming to Be a Master/God is not humble, or that saying one is Love(God) is arrogant as this cannot be achieved in 3d. 

Arrogant though is saying you are not what you Are, claiming you know better than your Creators do, denying God in YOU equals denying YOU. That is simply stupid. 

And stupid is thinking that Masters cannot walk on Earth right Now. Earth has around seven billion Masters walking on Her right Now. Some simply don't remember who they are, and if you still cannot See it, then you're among them. 


Being Yourself is not a cult, it's not following a "new age wave", it's not about following some teachers or leader, or ascension role or rule, it's Being You. And by Being You you Become part of God. You already Are All You need to Be. And God is Love and Loves All of It's Creation in the same way: as One. God does not judge, nor blames, nor punishes Its Creation as it would mean God judges, blames and punishes ItSelf. It simply does not make any sense. 


You are among the Masters walking on Earth right Now.

Welcome back.

The you died and YOU resurrected to Your Self.

Love Your Self, as You Are part of Me, and I Love US. 

Thanks for coming back to Life.


Love, Andrea

Great post Andrea! 


"“In almost all endeavors in life we are to go forward, but in religion we need first to retrace our steps back to the source and then move forward. Let us realize that we can replace the primitive laws of force, bigotry, hatred and violence with loving kindness, meekness, understanding and forgiveness. Every other attempt to usher peace into our world has failed. The practice of Jesus’ teachings is the answer for human ills. This Galilean prophet’s simple and direct message was free of theology, doctrine, and dogma. He had no intention of starting another religion nor was he the founder of Christianity (Churchianity) as we know it today.”

Therefore, let us join and participate together in demonstrating Jesus’ principles and teachings in our daily living. This will bring peace and heaven on earth for all of us".


Love and Peace  ellion




Tan (not verified)

Tue, 09/25/2012 - 16:10

Was just talking about this very thing to someone - you couldn't have put it any better Andrea.  Beautiful!  Thank you XXX

YOU ARE on a roll.
Another great message. So inspring and insightful!

YOU ARE so awesome! I LOVE YOU!



Wed, 09/26/2012 - 00:58

Thank you for another wonderful message! Your words are like reading the scrambled thoughts in my head, put together in-to a piece of Beautiful Art: )Thank you for all the LIGHT you shine to ALL!


                                          LOVE & GRATITUDE,



Wed, 09/26/2012 - 07:58

I Love Us too :) thank you for this, its is indeed the message I Live Now :) Love You Super Much

Lord Sananda as Jesus was quoted as saying:"......Ye are All Gods, Children Of The Most High!" Something the religious institutions would love for people to forget.

"Can you see your light, how bright it shines, can you see God's sparkle shining through you? Do you Feel Love for what you See? Do you See a whole Universe combined as a body? Dimensions flowing through You?"

For these words, Thank you ♥

Wow. A picture of the door! Surely everyone will be able to find it now.

I do so love your messages!

Love, Astreia

Dan Antonson

Mon, 11/12/2012 - 23:26

We are just minding the store for King Jesus and the other Zodiac Kings while they are out on a mission

Kings? There is a sports team, the Sacramento Kings.

Other than that, I do not recognize any kings.


1.a male sovereign or monarch; a man who holds by life tenure, and usually by hereditary right, the chief authority over a country and people.
2.( initial capital letter ) God or Christ.
3.a person or thing preeminent in its class: a king of actors.
4.a playing card bearing a picture of a king.
5.Chess . the chief piece of each color, whose checkmating is the object of the game; moved one square at a time in any direction.
6.Checkers . a piece that has been moved entirely across the board and has been crowned, thus allowing it to be moved in any direction.
7.Entomology . a fertile male termite.
8.a word formerly used in communications to represent the letter K.
origins of the word: reign as king.
10.Informal . king-size.

11.king it, to play the king; behave in an imperious or pretentious manner: He kinged it over all the other kids on the block.
before 900; Middle English; Old English cyng, cyni ( n ) g;  cognate with German König, Dutch koning, Old Norse konungr, Swedish konung, Danish konge. See kin, -ing3

king·less, adjective
king·less·ness, noun
king·like, adjective
out·king, verb (used with object)
sub·king, noun
Word Origin & History
king O.E. cyning, from P.Gmc. *kuninggaz (cf. Du. koning, O.H.G. kuning, O.N. konungr, Dan. konge, Ger. könig). Possibly related to O.E. cynn "family, race" (see kin), making a king originally a "leader of the people;" or from a related root suggesting "noble birth," making a king originally "one who descended from noble birth." The sociological and ideological implications make this a topic of much debate. Finnish kuningas "king," O.C.S. kunegu "prince" (Rus. knyaz, Boh. knez), Lith. kunigas "clergyman" are loans from Gmc. In O.E., used for names of chiefs of Anglian and Saxon tribes or clans, then of the states they founded. Also extended to British and Danish chiefs they fought. The chess piece so called from 1411; the playing card from 1563; use in checkers/draughts first recorded 1820. Applied in nature to species deemed remarkably big or dominant (e.g. king crab, 1698)
Love, Astreia


David Porter

Tue, 11/13/2012 - 14:42

And it is beoming conscious of the "Who" that "You" already "Are" that each and everyone of us seeks.










"WE" wrote the book on it in 1998

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