Submitted by amissvik on Thu, 09/27/2012 - 07:34




I have had an unusual month. Those who follow my blog know of a portion of the weirdness afoot in my reality. I have been given the freaking ropes course, and I was really just hanging on by my fingernails until the equinox.


I am certain I am not the only one who noticed how absolutely PURE the energy has been since the equinox. Pure and sweet. Loving and fierce. Astoundingly strong.


And then, yesterday, a miracle happened. To be more accurate, I co-created a miracle yesterday. A miracle of such astounding mercy, such overwhelming unconditional love. I will not go into details. People who read my work will know this is uncharacteristic. But I honor this individual too much to intimate anything but his well hidden divinity.


I proved to myself and my support that I am now no longer a novitiate, but a Master.


And these last two days, rather independent of this personal drama, I am having intense physical symptoms which I can only describe as pre-ascension prep.


Please read my entry about A Special Graduation, May 25, 2012. Whether what I experienced that day was an NDE due to a crappy ticker or conscious co-creation of my evolving soul's plan for ascension I will leave to your discernemnt. But the same sensations are bearing down on me with increasing urgency, increasing vigor.


I feel a power/heat surge. I starts with weird flutteries in my abdomen, almost-but-not-quite nausea. Then the power moves into my chest, and I begin to feel tremendous heat. Sweat lodge heat. I feel as if I am vibrating at such a fast rate that my chest is humming, om-ming.


Then my sensorium begins to blur just-that-much. I begin to feel a congestion of being, a feeling to being impelled outward, through, into. I feel movement. I being to feel a bit of a spin.


I have not meditated for two days, because I know it is going to take very very little to pop me out and over and away. I know this at a deeply instinctive level.


And this morning, I am having the crazy thought of, why not?


Maybe now is the time.


Maybe it's not about 12-12, Nibiru, any of the bells and whistles, and maybe this is MY divine timing.


What happens to my son, my family and my friends, my patients and co-workers if I opt out? Am I opting out if I go before others?


I am putting a call out to others. I do know that some have been working for as long as I on ascension. I do know others have just begun learning. But I know above all else that we are here, in community, because we are hardwired to so this in our lifetime.


Please help me by telling me your stories and your impressions, and maybe even your anxieties. Thank you.


Guest (not verified)

Thu, 09/27/2012 - 08:22

Is us evolving to higher dimensions and taking our physical bodies with us -- yes they will be vibrating at higher and higher levels but we may choose to take our skin suit with us. 


We have already been moving from carbon based to crystalline based for a very long time. 


Ringing in the ears, buzzing sensations in the head (pineal gland activiation), heart palpitations for no apparent outward reason, feeling extreme heat, feeling extreme bliss, seeing energy, hearing disembodied voices and strange sound frequencies are just some of the 'normal' activation symptoms. 


Whether one has been slowly recognizing these over the years or feels they are suddenly being hit with them, one experiences what is right and true for their own soul. 

The answer you seek lies within. 


Much Love & Light to you. 

Your gentle wisdom was very beautiful for me. Thank you for the reminder that the final authority for me is me. As is the way for everyone. GOod we can compare notes from time to time though, yes?  :-)

Couldn't have said it better. Yes, it does feel EXTREMELY imminent at this point. There has been a monumental acceleration since mid August and even more so since the Equinox.

I had a pivotal dream the night before the Equinox wherein I was taken to a secure location to participate in a very special and important meeting regarding the Ascension wherein all participants verified to each other that their tasks were complete and the "new stage" was ready to be implemented. What's more is that just prior to the meeting I was approached by a man that seemed to be an Ascended being and he was so excited to give me a present that he had under a blanket. As he took away the blanket I saw that he was holding a newborn baby boy! I was instantly in love with the little lad and realized that not only was it my baby but the baby WAS ME! As I held the baby for the first time I realized that he was literally buzzing with a sort of electromagnetic energy that was so intense my body felt like it would pass out. However, the sheer power emanating from the child put me in a state of awe. I then realized that "the infusion" or DNA upgrades had completed within my body which is what the new baby represented and all that was left now was a little bit of time for the baby to grow. In other words, the inner or outer catalyst that will LITERALLY change our physical bodies was very near indeed.

In addition to this experience last week I felt another huge shift last night and felt like a "switch" of sorts had just been turned on. It was so intense afterwards that today I find myself absolutely exhausted and yet serene and whole on the inside.

Who knows, perhaps the proverbial "tipping point" or final activation won't be reached until Dec. 21st but, like you, I feel it could truly happen at any moment. Graduation is at our doorstep:)

Cheers- Jon


I was brought to tears when you described the significance of the baby you were given, full of a new energy, full of power and light.

Oh my GOD.

Thank you for replying to me in this way. I am so excited. This really is all happening, isn;'t it?!

God bless!


Thu, 09/27/2012 - 08:58

You are right that you don't have to wait till 12-12-12 to reach ascension on a personal level. My experience was that when I discovered the difference between love and unconditional love on a very deep level and understanding and had proven with different tests to my guides to live on an unconditional level for several months in oneness consciousness, It took another few weeks to reach my ascention.


I also had a strong intention to do my ascention as well, to be one of the openers and got a lot of help from my guides and really felt one angel healing meditation touching my aura to unite my layers around my soul with al fragments together into oneness energy.


I drunk a lot of high energy water the last weeks and went a lot into the forest to get a deep grounding between earth and the cosmos. That's very important. I got an enormous download through my crown chakra tthe day of my rebirth and there was some disturbance in different electric systems for hours around my house as well. Then I reached a complete sense of wholeness and deep peace inside.


You can much better handle low energies and are no longer deep attached to them anymore, it feels also very unconfortable to visit the astral realms in your dreamstate for example.


This doesn't meen you have no emotions anymore, but you know how to get back to the peace wihin your heart very soon, so you don't feel nearly any stress anymore.


My body didn't look different after the shift into my lightbody, but I think that with the material ascension of Gaia before the end of this year, there are more material shifts I have no idea yet. We will see. It's still possible to get ill after your personal ascension, the physical body still needs your attention this year.



"The day of my rebirth." I LOVE IT.

I called May 25 "my conversion." I like rebirth. It is more hopeful, organic, and intimates celebration! Well done.

I also like your reminders. What a well-balanced message. I wish I had access to a forest... bless you for gracing Our Mother in her natural sanctuary. Thank you for coming so far and helping. Such encouragement, so lving and kind. Thankyou for reaching out, friend.


Thu, 09/27/2012 - 10:00

You are a LightHouse to help Light up a path way for others. So you are not opting out if your time is Now, We only Live in the Now, the Present.. so Light up a Path way for your kids, family, Humanity & Me who is You. some of us just waken, and you and many others will help Light up the Path. Thank you. Love You

You know, that phrase "opt out" seemed so right in context, but upon re-reading I immediately realized that going in my right time is not opting out. I think I said that because I have wanted to opt out so many many many times. When the opportunity has arisen, I have said NO. I am still here. And that situation, wanting nothing more than to go and sticking around anyway, hmmm... I have almost gotten used to it. I think you are right, looking at myself as a lighthouse helps. A lighthouse that gets a lightbulb upgrade is opting out of nothing. They are opting in to more service.

THANKS for framing it so nicely, and for reaching out to me. So glad you replied, friend.

Barbra (not verified)

Thu, 09/27/2012 - 13:05

You are not alone in this. :) Last month I felt myself about to leave this reality. A dear friend of mine on the other side of the globe sensed what was happening and we talked about it. My personal take for myself is, not yet, though I want to more than anything. Someone has to hold light where I live, a very dark place. I have family as well that spiritually depend on me. 

It has me feeling as though I am about to "lose" something, I am in tears frequently, not knowing why. Not sad or grieving, just tears. 

I was having the awful chest pains the other night and a really messed up heart beat, not really a beat at all. I thought, well this is it, time to go home. then intuitively I knew it was my friend I mentioned before.  I spoke to the pain, I released the emotional pain and trauma in proxy for her. The pain left. I then spoke to the anxiety and the irregular heartbeat left. I then contacted her online adn found her pain and heart problem had just left. :) I explained to her what had just happened and she is now free of the emotional pain and trauma she had been unable to release. I released it for her in a way. We release, but it doesn't always release us. :)) I encourage any and everyone when led to, stand in for others, take on their pains that need releasing. Yes, we can do this. :))

Very strange knowings are coming up within us for acknowledgement. Things just aren't simply as we have seen them, maybe our vision is skewed still in areas. 

I sense if it is your time, you aren't alone and won't release from your body alone. There are many of us, sweetie. I am still hanging in here for now though I am beyond ready to go home. :) 

Trust yourself in this as in all things. Like I said, many are experiencing the same. I think it is up to us to stay or go at this time. I promised gaia I would shift with her and I am keeping that promise. 

I love you precious being that you are. :) and I so appreciate that you have shared this with us. I know how "personal' this is. thank you. 

Your reply really spoke to me. I hear the weariness, wanting to go home, and I have to tell you, that is the one constant note that has rung in my heart since I came here. 51 years of longing. Now we get to go home in the Ancient way. How lucky are we? I am ok with it happening any time... I know I will be in good comapny, friend!

Oh, Dear One,

It can be excruciatingly hard to be here, can't it? Sometimes I want to run screaming into traffic, or rail at the sky, or rail at myself for "still" being here in what often feels like waist-deep peanut butter with a world-full of people who absolutely refuse to wake up! It can be downright painful, and I, too, want so much to GO HOME!

I had an NDE in 1985. I was given the vision of the Golden Age we will have here on our beautiful planet earth. I spent at least 10 years so depressed I could hardly move because I couldn't imagine how we would get from where we were in 1985, as the human race existing in the world, to that Golden Age that I saw. THEN things got worse. Much worse. For years, I woke up every morning and literally prayed to die. To go Home. I KNEW it had totally been my decision to come back from my NDE, but i couldn't imagine WHY I would make that choice.

Oddly enough, with these amazing waves of energy that are coming in... with CHANGE so palpable in the air now that you can almost reach out and feel it hanging there... NOW I am almost glad to be here. Well, glad might be putting too much of a happy face on it. But hey, I don't loathe it anymore! ;->

I can feel, deep down inside, why I'm here. I'm here because I chose to be here. And I chose to be here because I've been working my butt off for lifetime after lifetime to get to this linear time/space. And I chose to be here because I don't want to miss the party! And you probably made the same choice.

I may be bone weary of life on planet earth. I may feel like I've been carrying around a mountain on my shoulders. I may feel like I've been holding up a matching in the largest, darkest cave that ever existed. But you know what, I do not want to miss the party! I've worked too hard for too long.... slogging through this waist-deep peanut butter... to BE here now! To shine my Light and make a difference and help this all actually happen. And the party starts in about 5 minutes. We've been gearing up for it since the 60's and that energy of "we can change the world" is BACK!

I think we are all exhausted. We are all hitting the wall at times, feeling like we can't go on. Having doubts.... what if we've been wrong all this time and there really isn't any change??? (That one hurts!) We're all wanting to leave.

We all hit that spot and then.... if we wait a minute, the energy shifts, and we are surfing the energy wave again. Don't set yourself up by thinking you can move through these huge energy waves and not fall down once in awhile. We aren't supposed to find some kind of static "balance." We are supposed to be "balancing." Even better: DANCING! It is an ongoing process. It's not preventing ever falling down, it's how fast can you pick yourself up, how fast can you rebalance after falling out of balance? You'll find it's a much faster process now.

So, take deep breaths, and relax. If it's your Time to Go, you will! If it's not, you won't. And when it IS Time, you won't have any doubts because it will all be as natural and as normal as it can be.

I truly believe we are here now to create Heaven on Earth. And we WILL do that, no matter how it looks "out there."

Hang in there. ALL is WELL. The party is about to begin. I may just take a quick nap first, but I'll be there in all my finery to take off my Mask with everyone else when the clock strikes Midnight and this amazingly long masquerade ends! Don't know exactly when that will be, but it's so close I can almost taste it. And don't cling to a specific time or date... that might be a setup for disappointment, too. Just FLOW with it!

I made a video about my NDE, and I also just made a presentation about how we will create Heaven on Earth (one soul at a time) at the annual conference of the International Association for Near-Death Studies. Check  out both videos on my website (LionMagic.com). They are Just a reminder that we planned to be here, and we will accomplish what we came to do!

And always, always, remember to LAUGH!

Love and Laughter,


Your post was inspiratonal.


I felt moved to reply, and had written quite a tome when I was called away to tend to a patient. It gave me time to think thigns through before I hit "send," and I am glad for this.


I had written about the huge, monumental proof I now have in my life that something is afoot, blah blah blah.


Here is the bottom line. I came in not wanting to be here, and have had robust resentment and deep depression about being here, feeling off-purpose, never feeling the complete connection I knew must be possible...


And then miracles started happening.


The biggest and most significant miracles have not led to riches or or a "twin-flame" lover or any of the things people associate with being happy and comfortable in life.


Nope, for me, finally being at peace with being here came in one fell swoop, right in my living room... I was transfixed, transmuted, transformed one evening after comforting my son. I left his room and walked into the living room, and I was transported by such divine ecstasy, such bliss, such profound and utter love that cannpt even be called love, because our understanding of love is puny and insignificant compared to this great tidal wave that rocked my soul.


In a moment, I was within a telescoping breathing in and breathign out of the cosmos, moving through me, explaining my relationships and hardships, my greater identity and purpose.


After that it has become commonplace for me, from time to time, to become absolutely and completely blissed out when considering how much I love God. I do not mean small g God. I mean The All. Source.


I am so utterly and compltely in love, in deep and irreversible love, with The All. I am God's and God is mine. They told me that during my conversion on May 25.


Once I came to understand that I am God's, and God is mine, here really is nothing on this Earth that can do me harm, or shatter my peace for too long.


I am in love with something most people do not even understand exists.


THis explains why, since childhood, I have wanted to be a nun or monk, and it also explains why I never could follow that path. THe religions are too limiting, they miss the point, and they are frequently harmful to self and others. I am in love with something which defies labels, organizations and explanation.


But this love, this deep and unshakable love I know, this is what keeps me here. I don't even mind being here. In fact, I sort of enjoy it. I cannot even begin to express how weird it is for me to say that... ok to be here, kinda happy even.


So, that is what I really wanted to say. I could rehash my resistance and sadness, but it is very clear that you know all too well this soul fatigue, this deep world-weariness that is as real to me as the air I breathe.


I know nothing more than this. But it is all I need. My realization of GOd and its revealing itself a bit to me, oh, this has made all the difference. I know now that I do not have to go home to touch the face of God. I have touched it in my living room, in a casino, and sometimes when I am just sitting watching a show with my son. THe feeling comes over me and I am filled with ecstasy. Bliss. Rapture. Hope. Love.


Because I feel this love, I know that all good things are coming. I do not have to worry. I do not have to fret. It is still easy to get to worrying about what will happen to my son if I leave. Now, really, knowing how much God loves me, him, all of us, how can I worry? How arrogant is that, to think that my little mind is necessary to guide or instruct the great One in The Plan. Mine is to listen, to love, to live in my heart.


THANK YOU for such a loving, supportive and encouraging reply. You helped me to access a central truth that, up until now, I have not organized, formalized, verbalized. I am God and God is mine. Knowing this as I do, radical trust and complete surrender are my greatest gifts to creation.


THANK YOU, God bless, and keep on writing... your work is compelling, articulate and so gentle and wise.



Thank you for sharing that with me! Such a wonderful crystalization and breakthrough for you, and for all of us out here holding up our matches and bringing in the Light!

You have tapped into the amazing unconditional love of Home that I returned to in my NDE. No words can describe it! It is there for all of us at all times; it's just a question of knowing it's there for us and tuning in to it, like being a human radio. We just have to remember the frequency of Home.

I am humbled that my small sharing helped serve as a catalyst for you to "bring that understanding home" and reinforce Heaven on Earth for you!

We are ALL such amazing divine Beings, now in the process of shaking off our collective voluntary amnesia, and our Work is amazing and exponentially powerful when we work together and touch each other's hearts. Thank you for touching mine!

WE ARE changing the world. WE ARE creating Heaven on Earth. Right now! Together.

Many Blessings and Much Laughter,


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