The God of the Mountains: Tabor

Submitted by Yojman on Thu, 09/27/2012 - 18:44


 I Am / We Are appreciative and aligned with all (many)

of us / Lightservers that think, See, Feel and "Know"

that the uninterupted New Age of Unity in Action:

and or No more human ego acting ... will be set in 

come December 22 of this yeqr. We wish for all to be

aware that the "Big Cats" , the Ascended Masters of

Ascended Masters say otherwise. Though you may only 

find this Knowledge in the Highest Vehicles of Light,

(otherwise known as  "Cental Sun channelings")

Here is one from the Great God of the Mountains:

Who are Called the Great Earth Mother/Father Gods

or simply the Gods of the Earth, not in anyway a gender.


Lord Tabor: He is speaking on what the overlighter Beings

should be or wish to be doing with nature but can't right 

now due to all the emergences. 

> ... Now, we are so behind in this activity and your proof is before you. Gardens that do not give off the beautiful full tomatoes and carrots and broccoli. Plants that are artificially infused with chemicals.  Before 9 billion people reached upon this plane (on bith sides of the veil) there was no need for chemicals. Why do the people need fertilizers? Why? I’ll tell you why. Because we cannot get at the work we are created to do. We are being pulled away and pulled away and pulled away to handle the emergencies of discord and war and pollution to hold a precarious balance upon this planet so that the people can continue to embody here and finally enter into a 7th golden Age and I say to you Dear Hearts, God bless your Mother Akasha that she is keeping so much from you. She does not wish any fear.


Once we get into 2015, the third year of the 7th Golden Age we are guaranteed the success. Now either way there is going to be success, but success by removing a good portion of humankind is not the Divine plan. That’s not the kind of success we’re looking for. So you’re not out of the hot water just because you enter into December 22nd. We register that by 2015 if we continue to get your help, if you continue to do everything to awaken yourselves and resurrect, so that you yourselves can be a greater power and influence upon this planet and we can get into the spring of 2015 we are clear to move forward without a catastrophic removal of a great portion of human beings.


That won’t need to happen. Do you understand? So we’ve got about three years. We have a tremendous job and that’s to hold a balance that is very precarious. Not a balance of perfection Dear Hearts, a balance between what is a good vibration in the elements of your planet and the evil that has perpetuated and the tremendous  pollution and abuse of the lands and the water element of your planet. And the proof is before you. The vermin that is upon this planet, the insects, that destroy crops, all of that is the dark side. And do you know what it’s not allowing Dear Hearts, again the will of the people and all that went wrong. It’s not allowing us to do our work and make sure that all of us are projecting the Sacred Fire to maintain perfection.


I tell you Dear Hearts,  there is not a blade of grass, a rose, there is not a crop of wheat that could possibly be encumbered by weather conditions or by the vermin of the insects, none of that could be touched if the Sacred Fire was doing what it supposed to be doing. Raising rising up through every blade of grass, rising up through the trunk of every tree ... , ....


This is copied from the radient Rose Academy


another very High flow of Knowledge would be from 

Ascended and Free, ( <> )


I agree and know for myself that Patients' true Love

will make space for more time to finish the game 



Sat, 09/29/2012 - 18:12

I AM using my powers of discernment while reading this BLOG! And I AM very confused about what you are trying to tell us!

Are you saying that it will take us another THREE YEARS in order to clear all of the negativity from Mother Earth, before we can ascend?

That is what I THINK you are saying. And if I AM wrong, I whole-HEARTedly apologize for what I'm about to say.....

What you say is NOT the TRUTH!
I believe, and AM bold enough to say it.....Whoever YOU are......Not only are you INCORRECT, but are totally full of B.S.! What you are trying to do WILL NOT WORK!

WE have worked far too hard and long and FEEL the changes that are
already happening to US to be led astray by the dark! I do believe that you, my brother, have decided to help them in trying
to make US believe that which is NOT true!

ASCENSION is WELL under-way and WE KNOW IT!

I do hope that you make the choice to get back in touch with the TRUTH, which is who you truly are!


... for your gift to my Lifestream. Your call for Huge Blessings and Light Be Upon You.

Stick around please, stay in your body, and be a direct part of the timeless oneness of Life's Patients and tolerent extension for Freedom to so many more than even you can imagine dear Earthchic. Life and the Planet here has given you so very much , eh.

Peace Beloved 

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