Morgan Robertson Writes About the Titanic... 14 Years Early

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sat, 09/29/2012 - 11:44


Morgan Robertson Writes About the Titanic... 14 Years Early

A hundred years before James Cameron turned douchebaggery into an art form at the Oscars, American author Morgan Robertson wrote a shitty book called Futility, or the Wreck of the Titan, about the sinking of an "unsinkable" ocean liner. When you see the cover, you figure you're pretty clearly looking at a fictionalized version of the Titanic story.

No surprise there; it's a story that's been told over and over (there were 13 Titanic movies before Cameron's, including one by the Nazis) but Robertson's book was first.

Where it Gets Weird:

He was so eager to be first, apparently, that he didn't bother to wait for the Titanic to actually sink before writing about it. The Wreck of the Titan was published in 1898, 14 years before RMS Titanic was even finished being [cheaply] built.

The similarities between Robertson's work and the Titanic disaster are so astounding that one has to imagine if White Star Line built Titanic to Robertson's specs as a dare. The Titan was described as "the largest craft afloat and the greatest of the works of men," "equal to that of a first class hotel," and, of course, "unsinkable".

Both ships were British-owned steel vessels, both around 800 feet long and sank after hitting an iceberg in the North Atlantic, in April, "around midnight." Sound like enough to keep you up at night? Maybe that's why Robertson republished the book in 1912 just in case enough people didn't know that he wrote it.

And you thought this guy was an ass.

Where it Gets Even Weirder:

While the novel does bear some curious coincidences with the Titanic disaster, there are quite a few things that Robertson got flat wrong. For one, the Titanic did not crash into an iceberg "400 miles from Newfoundland" at 25 knots. It crashed into an iceberg 400 miles from Newfoundland at 22.5 knots.

Wait, what the f*? That's one hell of a lucky guess!

What 41.1 million square miles looks like.

But maybe the weirdest thing about Titan were points that had nothing to do with the story, but check out after numerous inquires and expeditions to the Titanic wreck site.

For one, both the Titan and the Titanic had too few lifeboats to accommodate every passenger on board; the Titan carrying "as few as the law allowed." While Robertson decided to be generous and include four lifeboats more on his ship than Titanic, it's an odd point to bring up when you consider that lifeboats had nothing to do with the fucking story. When Titan hit the iceberg (starboard bow, naturally), the ship sank immediately, making the point made about lifeboats inconsequential. Why the f* mention this?!

It'd be like HAL 9000 addressing the danger posed by O-rings at low temperature decades before the Challenger disaster.

Read more: 6 Insane Coincidences You Won't Believe Actually Happened |

It does not bother me so much BUT it is so unnecessary to convey the meaning and truth of the article.

Even the CABAL controlled main stream media have the decency to blot out foul language. You could have also done the same and still published the article - no?

As for 'it's a word' as you put it - words can attract light or dark and foul language lowers the vibration of the speaker and the listener.

You are the wayshowers and light bearers for the rest of us and as such need to set the highest standard of light and purity.

And yes, I did find the article informative!

Yes. The Cabal controlled media have made it their business to try to scare the crap out of us by sharing and hyping up all sorts of horror stories about murder, war, torture, rape, terrorism, abuse, sexual abuse, animal abuse, all sorts of natural and manmade disasters, etc. When I was a kid I was horrified by the nightly news. But you're right, they never cussed. That would have been uncouth.


I did not feel sarcasm, I read it for what it is. Personally I prefer rude truth rather than shiny lies, that is what has brought things to be as they are. Choosing what looks better instead of the Truth. 

Sorry if by posting this article I offended some sensitive ears, I guess the level of detachment is not enough for something like that, we still need to censor things and change them to fit expectations and never move from a comfort zone.  

How should we then post about the vatican crimes against humanity (and children)? Saying they happily played together? 

This is a story about a book. A book that seems to have manifested in a weird way.

THe author wrote it in a pretty exited manner and maybe hasn't even ever heard of any other way of doing it, or maybe yes, I don't know. 

But we, those that are here on this site should be here for a reason. 

That reason is Truth, Compassion, Forgiveness.

I see none of this in those comments. I see letting out steam where it's possible to without thinking it's actually a lettingo out steam. 

This is so superficial compared to what Really matters Now for the Planet and it's inhabitants I even can't see a point in spending energies in it. 

THAT, is what makes me wonder, not the f* word in the article. 


Astreia1 (not verified)

Sat, 09/29/2012 - 17:23

I suppose we could go through and remove the offensive language, but it might be copyrighted. Still an interesting story.

Love and blessings, Astreia


Fascinating information. All sorts of implications here. I AM looking forward to hearing The Truth about the Titanic soon.


As for the language, cussing has never bothered me. I don't do it as much as I used to but that's a personal choice. What I'm thinking is that reacting emotionally to 3D language is as silly as reacting emotionally to 3D news and events. Information is just information and words are just words. How we react to them is up to us and since we're on the path to full consciousness we should choose to either not react at all or to react with LOVE.

Transmute this into a chance to see how far you've come in removing judgment and negative emotional reactions from your repertoire. LOVE others enough to not create negativity. LOVE yourself enough to let go of ego and The Program. If you're still working through issues, wait before you comment on something. If your points are worth making, they will still be worth making a half hour from now.

PS Lighten up!

Reiki Doc

Sat, 09/29/2012 - 20:34

On a Ghostly Walks tour in Victoria, BC, we heard of a story of a man in a hotel being thrown out of bed and doused with the water from the pitcher of water from the wash stand at EXACTLY the same time the Titanic sank. The former long-term resident of that room was aboard ship, coming back home to Canada. At the telling of the story, my intuition told me this was something to do with the cabal. I felt it in my bones. Thank you for validating my impression.

Guest (not verified)

Sat, 09/29/2012 - 23:43

Not sure what's up with some of the articles lately, the swearing and some outright creapy articles (Sophia)... but if it continues I will not be returning to this website.... Hard to manifest light with so much gloom.

Probably it was not Real Light? Light does not care as we did as it was the only article we found that explained it all and it would not have been nice to cut an article for some "only light" ears. We prefer give a message supposing all our readers are enough balanced to be able to sustain some pitoresque words, thus it does not seem the case, even if in the outside world people get killed and raped and all that stuff. I guess you're not manifesting light there too right?

Oh... but if you can't manifest Light where there's a perceived darkness... sorry WHEN do you manifest it?

Blssings Guest


About the Sophia post? I found it brilliant. I guess you're having a moment with truth and being direct right now? Hope it's going to get better my sensitive friend.

You do not know me so don't pretend to and assume such things... Looks like your EGO is getting in the way... Why bring such ugly things into light instead of focusing on the positive?? Just because you like an articel dosen't make it perfect for everyone.

Never pretended to know you, simply answering to your words. 

"Why bring such ugly things into light"?

Because we're supposed to be LIGHT-workers and whatever seems "ugly" (which is a polarized/illusionary term) is up to us to transform and get out of polarisation. If we bring Light where there's already light, what's the sense of it??


If you don't like the article, it's easy to skip it without any fuss. This one and all others that seem to make it so difficult for you to manifest Light

I did not blame you, simply answered to your comment that pretended to make it a Light issue. Such kind of one-way comment seem a pipe used to let go steem. You did not talk about the article but used it to blame the whole website using it as a comparison which makes no sense. You're free to leave this site if it does not resonate with you. For if you claim that Light cannot be brought into darkness it means we're definetely not on the same page. 


You seem to be attacking people here to force your opinion, and putting word in my mouth at the same time... Maybe you need a break from all of this, because sooner or later it ends up doing more harm than good... and I know you will just reply with some twisted words again to make it seem as if your light is so much more powerful and focused (your EGO again), and as you say I am in the darkness or that is what you wish it to be, we are definately not on the same page here. I hope you find a way to work around the EGO, I know I'm not perfect but I would not be-little someone for sake of my own EGO.

If you're offended by something so trivial as an occasional "fuck" or "shit", then you might want to go with your original thought and find another website. We're not going to feed into the illusion that those words harm anybody, people do that to themselves.

Guest (not verified)

Sun, 09/30/2012 - 11:33

I read somewhere - forget where - that the cabal foretell their plans in plain site.  However it is done in such a way that the vast majority pay no attention.  Or it is done in such a way that is makes not sense at the time. It is only in hind sight that the dotts can be conected.  perhaps that is what this book was- telling of their plans beforehand. 

I AM thinking that most people commenting here are not familiar with Cracked, the magazine this article is from. It's kind of like Mad Magazine or National Lampoon except it's not fiction-based. Cracked has what most of the commenters here would call an "immature" sense of humor. To give you a better idea of what I AM saying, the current popular topics on are: boobs, zombies, hipsters, urban legends, and Skyrim.

That doesn't mean that an article produced by Cracked is not important or untrue. Sometimes, in order to get to The Truth, you have to wade through some crap, like bad writing or poorly designed websites that make your eyes hurt. I think that's a good analogy for Life in 3D. Sometimes, in order to get to The Truth, you have to wade through some crap. Or, as I often say - sometimes you step in dog shit. It's not the end of the world. You scrape it off your shoes or wash your feet and then get on with your life. There's dog shit everywhere! It's just a fact of life here.
Anyway, you all might want to read our Primer:…

WE ARE on the path to full consciousness. Full consciousness is not about being sensitive, self-righteous, or judgmental. It's not about reacting emotionally to 3D events and language. It's not about "purity" or being "pure" - this isn't Nun School.
Lighten up, Brothers and Sisters! Focus on your own spiritual development and you will realize that a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

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