Ascension is Here

Submitted by Unity5D on Sun, 09/30/2012 - 17:58


Its been pretty quiet after this beautiful equinox. We are in the "calm before the storm" period. Disconnecting from 3D life has been a primary focus for myself. When I stand up from a deep meditation, my consciousness is so high, and my thought process is so quiet, that I lose all interest of physical life. This is because the vibration within has surpassed this low 3D vibration. I read a channelling yesterday that made me understand this process completely. We are on the edge of the cliff, the tip of the iceberg, about to make the complete transition into full consciousness, and we are vibrating back and forth between dimensions. Eventually, 4d/5d will be so close that we will no longer have to make so much effort to gain access to it, even though part of our consciousness is already there.


We are still not sure when ascension will be completed. No one but God and mother Earth really know, in my opinion. From everything I have learned, my heart tells me that in the month of December we will all have a better idea of ascension events. It is not likely that it will all go down on the 21st, but still that day will be very powerful no matter what. As lightworkers, we live in the moment. It does not matter what the predictions are, because we know where we are headed, and all we have to do is BE in the NOW. Does not matter what events will unfold between NOW and ascension, that should not be of great concern to us.


Energies are stronger than ever, each day increasing in frequency. I feel that we cannot put a date on anything, because we as a collective consciousness (awakened or unawakened) are creating and manifesting with every thought, feeling, and action every second of linear time. Trust in the higher realms, and their messages. We will reunite with our star families and inner earth family, and we will all become ONE on higher level of existence. This is all we need to know and trust in. Raise energy and consciousness within you everyday, and you will begin to realize this even more.


Besides going to work, and maintaining your living situation, what is more important now? Is there anything in this physical world that is more important at this time than connection with god? And Raising vibration? Anything at all? Listen to your heart, and you will find your answer.





The last fre days I have been more switched on, more ready, more expansive, than I have ever been. Christ consciousness stuff, amazing amazing amazing., I now have a growing suspicion that the first wave of us will be ascending! That it really is happening, and that we are going to be going sooner than later. Then the second wave can work on things until the superwave hits. The third wave may not even happen. Who the hell knows? But I get a very strong sense that things are imminent. Time is so fast now, it is becoming absolutely irrelevant! It's all happening in the now anyway! I feel no worry, no fear, no fatigue, no longing. Just prepared, just confident, just joyous.

Love and peace, my friend. Your article was absolujtely lovely!

Googie (not verified)

Tue, 10/02/2012 - 06:59

In reply to by opnskye

I am experiencing difficulty with my financial status....will this  change when the Ascenion manifests??? In my late 60's, widowed with a very small pension and a very small savings, and have not been able to find work to help compensate from tapping my little nest egg...this quandary is most perplexing as money is going out and nothing is coming in .... will our financial situation change when we make the shift into 5D???.....

I thank you for any consideration you or anyone could give regarding this matter...

Peace and Blessings,


Dearest Jennie

Most of us in this journey we have had to bring ourselves to understand that putting so much concentration upon money we are either pushing it away from us or removing it for long periods of a time due to not trusting our inner wisdom


Living within the means of what you have surely is most good for you bringing money in your life can bring havoc if not handled in a way to understand it's not always what you think it is


Let it flow the time that you have and soon to be not expected we shall all inherit the funds that we have all so seeked in helping us many different ways


Do not harbor upon the thought of money 24/7 for this is unhealthy for any one

Trust in your spirit wishes and all will come aboard with you

Bring happiness and joy into your inner life and watch the days and months soon to bring your self worth of having more


Once you begin to fill your Heart with Joy you will witness good as it prevails in all faithful Love


Much Light and Happiness ~ Maidenhair

What very pleased to read your kind and tender words in response to my "trust my inner wisdom", to not dwell on money, to have happiness and joy

in my inner life, to fill my heart with joy and again, to "Trust in Spirit"....all recieved with much gratitude and appreciation of your divine wisdom,  dear heart....

Know that you are  a blessing and know that you are blessed,


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