Metatron~ Update on Current Events

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 10/01/2012 - 17:06

 by Jimmy

Jimmy: Hi Everybody:

I asked Metatron to deliver a message through me, and I specifically asked him for new information which had not been shared before. I then sat down at my computer, focused on my heart, and started typing whatever came to the surface. I don’t really know if this is a valid channeling, and I don’t really think it is full of new information. It may just be my own imaginings, but I thought it was worth posting. [Note from Wes: I think you will find this channeling very genuine and enlightening upon reading it!]

Here goes:

Lightworkers, I wish to update you on current events from this side of the veil. We see progress on multiple levels, and reassure you that everything is occuring as planned. The activations of multiple power nodes throughout the crystalline grid have increased the potential for multidimensional experiences, as many of you have noticed.

Many of you have increased your light quotients to almost full capacity. The final activation of the crystalline grid which awaits will occur before the year’s end, and you will all enjoy greater ease in accessing your multidimensional capabilities such as interdimensional travel, bilocation, and telepathic communication. These skills will take time and effort to perfect, but we suspect you will be more than delighted to see the ease in which you develop these skills and the clarity of the experiences which result from having them. Ladies and gentlemen, the crystalline grid is powered primarily by the light of human consciousness.

In other words, you are the crystalline grid. Each time you do anything to increase your own light, you are increasing the power of the crystalline grid for all concerned. The more humans who align themselves with this concept, the faster will come the transition into a higher dimensional reality. Some of you are experiencing high vibratory levels on a constant basis. We wish to assure you that these vibrations will continue to increase, as will your experiential levels of love and joy.

Many of your are familiar with the idea that each individual is a universe unto themselves. Literally, you all have galaxies and solar systems inside of you, which operate in a similar fashion to the macro universe in which you exist. There is reason for this, Lightworkers. It is because the external universe you experience is a projected image of the universe you carry on the inside. Therefore, when we say you are a universe unto yourselves, we mean that literally. And we also mean to say to you that the macro universe in which you find yourselves is 100% controlled by your subconscious mind and your conscious mind in creative dance.

If you doubt the power of your subconscious mind to create an entire universe, we suggest you consider the dream worlds in which you find yourselves during your slumbers. Most people accept that their subconscious mind created the dream world yet refuse to believe they are powerful enough to create the world which appears external. We say to you that the only difference between the dream world and the “real” world is one of perception. That perception is changing, and soon you will know the truth within the depths of your being.

The people within your universe are also your creations. This is a concept many people have difficulty accepting. Your universe is yours alone. You and your higher aspect (subconscious mind) may do with it as you wish, but neither of you can do anything without the others’ cooperation. Neither may you interfere with the free will of your creations.

The people in your universe, your creations, also have universes of their own. Such is the nature and power of your divinity. You have created a vast array of universal creators. From their perspective, you are their creation and you live within their universes. This is so because you and your creations share the same subconscious mind. They in cooperation with their higher aspects (subconsious minds) have 100% control over their universes. They cannot, however, interfere with your free will unless you let them.

In fact, they cannot even enter your consciousness unless you let them. Your will is never subjugated to the will of your creations, just as the will of your creations is never subjugated to your own. You are all universes unto yourselves. You may choose to share the same reality, or not. The decision is yours, but it must be made via a cooperative agreement between the conscious and subconscious mind.

The challenge, therefore, for lightworkers, is to align the conscious and subconscious minds. When these two aspects of self are in alignment, everything is possible. You can literally change the physical laws of the universe if you so desire. Why shouldn’t you? You created it for your own benefit! That which you term the ascension is nothing more than a thinning of the veil between the spiritual and physical aspects of self.

As you ascend, the entire universe ascends, because the universe and you are one and the same. Many of you are experiencing the results of a thinning of the veil via lucid dreams and out of body experiences. You may also be experiencing synchronistic events and feelings of freedom, power, love, and joy. These feelings are part and parcel of your ascension, which you have planned for eons and which is finally coming to fruition as you come to a knowing of the true nature of your divinity. What you have experienced thus far barely scratches the surface of what’s to come. You all have chosen eternal and infinite expansion of your awareness. Enjoy the journey and congratulate yourselves for the beauty of your own creations.

I, Metatron, share with you these truths.

Guest (not verified)

Mon, 10/01/2012 - 21:42

"Ladies and gentlemen, the crystalline grid is powered primarily by the light of human consciousness."


we will remain in 3D forever!!!! kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

Guest (not verified)

Mon, 10/01/2012 - 21:56

In reply to by Mario

Please take heart, the collective consciousness of humanity is indeed rising into the Light of Love.  There are signs all about us, some obvious and some not so apparent.  It is happening now, but slowly because that is the nature of change in this universe.  It must happen gradually so that the change can be safely incorporated into being.  My higherself told me once, patience and faith is crucial at this pont in time.  Much Love and Light.

Guest RA-n (not verified)

Tue, 10/02/2012 - 12:44

In reply to by Mario

Consider this if you will, We are told through contact with members of the Galactic Human tribes that giant spacecraft wont go warp speed, which is basicly instantaneous from here to there, while inside a solar system because when they make the move evrything around close to the craft goes with it so they only make the jump outside away from any other bodies. If we accept that being so then it is easy to see that with this shift upward we are all being lifted up in the same way. Those strongest ones making the leap will take all the rest  upward as a matter of course. The wave has been created and now we are surfing into the golden future that awaits...Once the fire gets going all will be warmed by it. Cheers you starseeds, warriors of the light, indigos, crystals and clones who have followed the light for you will be immortal now and walking forever into the future of your creativity. Be helpfull and kind to those around us who are making this mass exodus into the heavenly realms and in a short time we will be there, relaxing and reminising with long lost families from the stars.


This is one of the most beautiful expressions I have read......EVER!

Thank You so much for the words of encouragement. It has been a difficult time for many of us and your message comes at the perfect "time"!

Many Blessings Upon YOU!

guest (not verified)

Tue, 10/02/2012 - 08:15

In reply to by Mario

we will remain in 3D forever!!!!


I believe the we you speak of would be you and at least one

other person that would choose to stay there "forever".

InJoy your stay.


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