SaLuSa, October 3, 2012

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Wed, 10/03/2012 - 08:11

Guest (not verified)

Wed, 10/03/2012 - 09:28

The message here and always have been that it is up to us and NO ONE ELSE to fix what is wrong in our world. I realized that to wait for someone or thing to help us is setting myself up to be diss appointed. How do we change our world? Every moment every interaction with every person makes a difference whether the experience is of love or fear. Make all your moments and interactions from love! Ignore the drone of catastrophe AND the drone of someone rescuing us. They are two sides of the same coin. The only way ascension and any thing else will occur is if we alone make it happen. Stop waiting and start doing!
I love you all!

I too believe that we must continue to progress in the Good inasmuch as we are able but there is something most dont consider here in that we are TWO STRAND DNA, and all the cosmic societies we know of are 12 strand DNA according to them. DNA is the infrastructure and hardware that allows for higher consciousness thought or being and I have yet to understand how we at 2 strand consciousness can take on 12 strand consciousness ETs who were our overlords. We keep being peppered with the idea that WE MUST DO IT as a kind of incentive to go for it but no one has yet explained to me how it is possible for limited hardware to achieve such cosmic results. If all the Powers of Soul expression such as telepathy, bi-location, and in the manifesting of thought as things, are a result of 12 strand DNA consciousness how can we aspire to such attainments unless WE TOO HAVE THE 12 STRAND DNA NEEDED to permit higher consciousness? Its like trying to drive a car that has parts missing. I get that we are apparently evolving a 3rd strand of DNA and that babies born now have it but It gets my goat that so many beings are saying to us that we can do this cosmic stuff without the right machinery. Still confused after all these years...I have faith that it will all turn out alright in the end...Cheers

Guest (not verified)

Wed, 10/03/2012 - 16:12

In reply to by Mario

it doesn't matter what obstacle you put in the way be it DNA or OBAMA or bad ETs...whatever. Take control and stop allowing obstacles to slow you down. All answers to all questions are within. ASK YOURSELF. Also, why do you have to know everything? Just because you dont know how the human body works doesnt mean it wont work. IN LOVE !!!

Guest (not verified)

Fri, 10/05/2012 - 11:36

In reply to by Mario

What you say is vaild. I do realize the we must "vibrate" our way to the "Higer" but, my quest in my inquisition is the acuracy of what I feel a True Ascended Being should have for us "down here." I am not looking forward to being behind the FEMA camp bars when it's too late saying, "Oh my, dupped again"

We each live and create in our own Reality and looking for "leaders" to be "elected" is a certain bypass to the desolate highway. Plant a Seed that is Yours.

Guest (not verified)

Wed, 10/03/2012 - 12:45

Yes, I agree that we are the ones that must make the changes happen and the only way to do that is to hold our personal vibration so high that it causes changes in others. Put on your mule blinds to stay focused on your own personal vibration and do not allow the lower vibrations to affect you. Let others see & feel your light by paying it forward each and every chance you get.  

David Porter

Wed, 10/03/2012 - 17:28

Mike, next channaling please ask SaLuSa to elaborate on this:


This is pertaining to Obama. "You are now seeing that his position is looking assured, and that means that we can wait until afterwards to involve ourselves in Disclosure. It will bring the commencement of many major changes, and you will finally see the collapse of the dark Ones."


What is the reason that Obama can make disclosure after the election but not before? And we have been told more than once that there will be no election? Sure seems like to us we are on track for one.


Yes, it looks as though Obama will retain office. If he did not, what would SaLuSa and His Team do then, especially if "Romey" got in, owch?


SaLuSa also said the They wish to make sure all people know of and are ensured an opportunity for ascension. As time is speeding up quicker each day, by Nov 7th, time will be short and moving fast! I realize They don't have clock, but we do so far, will they stop it for us or how will this part play out? It is acually 12/12 that begins the end of time as we know it and the dimensional shiftings.







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