Get Out of Jail Free ~ help with current energies.

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 10/05/2012 - 21:10

... or a quantum leap

Right now, we can claim our “get out of jail free” card.

The energies that have been building and really coming to a head in the last month are causing many of us who work with energy to have real solar plexus issues. Manifesting in different ways, it is like the actual nerve plexus itself is in a state of shock. It can be felt as simply as heartburn in some, right down to full abdominal melt down, with pain, constipation or diarrhoea, lower to mid back pain, and liver and kidney discomfort. Why is this so?

We are in the process of taking yet another upward step in our collective consciousness, and this step is very much about transcending lower dimensionality, and coming home to multi-dimensionality. At this time, if we haven’t released the fear and negativity we have accrued since the last upward step, we will be having a hard time of it physically. But why the solar plexus?

Think of the body in relation to the spiritual awakening process – the energetic arrangement of the body is analogous to the energetic arrangement of our reality. The lower three chakras equate to the lower 3 dimensions, the upper 3 are gateways to higher dimensionality, and we are in the process of entering the abode of the heart, the transition between lower and higher dimensionality, the place in the body where heaven and earth meet, the eye of the needle, the cross-over point of the infinity symbol. This zone is not without problems though, because it also contains energies lost in the transition. Dark shades, this is the place where Buddhists find the hungry ghosts of the Bardo, where Christians find purgatory, where pantheists find the Hall of the Gods. As our energy approaches this dimension, if we are not free from fear and negativity, we will attract lost energies to us. At the same time, the transition itself is problematic if we have residual fear. Our solar plexus is the initial gateway, and if we are not prepared, our passage will be blocked or problematic. Hence the abdominal pain, our energy is hitting the actual nerve plexus which curves under our rib cage like an umbrella. But what to do?

No matter how much spiritual work we do, we will always accrue fear and negativity, and there is always fear associated with leaving the old behind. I was reminded last night to release that energy, and I did. The fears I released were both concrete and formless – there will have been fear that I was not even aware of – but it doesn’t matter, we can release even the fear we are unaware of.

Lay down, and relax. Try simple yogic breathing of short strong inhale, moderate holding, long exhale (ratio of 1:2:4). As the breath comes in, trust that is full of the love of the all, and full of vital life force (chi, prana, whatever). Imagine it collecting first in your heart, filling it with your own love for yourself, and for all. Move the energy down to the solar plexus, and let it wash down through your body (imagine trickling water, or a gentle breeze) carrying away the fear. Say either out loud or internally “I release you”, or “I let you go”, but say these things with love. We don’t seek to banish this lost energy, or to leave it for another to deal with – we seek to transform it with love.

While my work with this is not complete, I am much better after releasing my fears. I would add that when entering the transition zone, that while our earthly heart symbolises the process, we should be in the high heart chakra space as we enter. This is the place we find the nature and strength of the multi-dimensional heart. Likewise, the nasal chakra is where we find the true nature and vision of the multi-dimensional all-seeing eye.

So, release the fear, and claim your get out of jail free card. Approach all you find in your travels with pure love, and you will be fine. Remember at all times to love yourself, and to love all.

Here is some simple first aid for symptoms.

Aloe vera, olive leaf extract and colloidal sivler taken internally. Don't overdo the the aloe, I take a tspn morning and night. Chamomile essential oil, in the bath, or mixed (with hemp seed oil ideally) and applied to the area. Chamomile and/or lemon balm as a tea. A little catnip wouldn't hurt either.

Slippery elm powder (1 tblsp) with a mashed banana (ripe if constipated, greenish if loose), manuka (or melaleuca or other) honey, good active yoghurt or keffir.

First thing in the morning, 2 tspn apple cider vinegar in a glass of water.

Restore probiotics, as unfriendly gut flora will have risen to dominance during the period of abdominal weakness: yoghurt, keffir, kombucha or a do as I do: a good home-fermented sauerkraut or kimchi. Kimchi (spicey Korean "pickle") in particular is good and easy to make. I'll write out the recipe if anyone is interested.

Here are links to two pages of accupressure points, easier than me explaining them all, these two pages hit all the bases, except for a further point: right eye, just below the brow, two thumb widths from the nose, find the point against the bone. Use this when your liver feels a bit stressed. Don't overwork the points, but don't be shy either - let your body tell how much is enough.

Anxiety, nervousness:
Fear control: and select "fear control" from the menu.

Also try this one for discernment and self-esteem: Big toes, skin at the bottom corner of the nail, on the side next to the other toes.

Samareh (not verified)

Fri, 10/05/2012 - 21:19

haha last week,i woke up with what i thought was a kidney stone or problem, ended up being in so much pain, i went to the after hours clinic, they said it was a pinched nerve.. this was so out of the blue... . gave me some anti inflamitory/pain meds... NOW i read this... i am thinking lol... this is what is happening to me. THANK you for posting this.. if only i had come accross this earlier, i would have missed the appointment.



Wow, thank you for telling me how much to use. This morning I put about a half cup of Braggs apple cider vinegar with a teaspoon of wildcrafted honey in a glass of water. I've been sipping it all day. Two teaspoons will taste MUCH better!

Love and blessings, Astreia

Mel (not verified)

Sat, 10/06/2012 - 13:31

Ive been having these syptoms.. and as i was reading thru this article i kept getting more freaked out because .. for some reason ive been wanting to buy aloe vera juice cause i seen it on the shelves at walmart and i was curious but i didnt know how it would help me the second weird thing is that im not a drinker, at all. and i got blood work done recently and it seems that my liver has been working extra harder for some reason. This is all starting to make sense now !

Please don't buy your aloe vera juice at Walmart. The best aloe vera juice is George's. It is made from one particular variety of aloe vera plant, and there is no bitterness - it tastes like springwater. I haven't been to the website for awhile, so I don't recall their URL, but you can run a search on google or duckduckgo and you will find it. If you can't find it, let me know and I will look it up for you. I'll be ordering some soon myself. I have some aloe vera juice from a health food store and I just don't like it - the one that tastes like spring water has spoiled me for all others. This is not spam, just my personal experience. I order it online and they deliver it. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

Love, Astreia

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