~ SaLuSa ~ 10/8/2012 There are Lots if Changes coming to Earth~

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 10/08/2012 - 09:06

It is never too late to turn your eyes towards Ascension, and do realize that if you feel ready you are certainly at a point where you could achieve it. It requires focus and intent to go forward, but you must understand that whether you ascend is dependent on your level of consciousness. You must apply yourself to whatever your understanding is of being at One with all life, without exception. Love is the operative word that will see you succeed, but you will need to work at it so as to overcome the very human emotions that often pull you back. You have a tendency to act first and ask questions later, so a new way of responding to situations has to be found. Forgiveness is also vital when you have been the victim of someone else’s actions, even if it is not attributable to you in anyway.

The advice given is also going to be useful when you are clearing karma connected with relationships. These are probably the hardest challenges you are likely to confront, and you are best advised to try and leave those concerned with your forgiveness. You simply cannot move on if you persist in carrying resentment or continue to harbor negative thoughts. Let the past go and step onto a new path that leads to the Light and Love. Then you will feel at ease and know that you have cut your links with the old paradigm that no longer serves you. The likelihood is that those who read these words, have already decided to change their lives and concentrate on preparing for Ascension.

Remember that your body is your temple, and look after it and move away from any practices that you know are causing it harm. You cannot for example take your drug habits into the higher dimensions, and the sooner you are determined to break the addiction you will succeed. The same principle can be applied to other addictions such as alcohol, which will in any event harm your body. Think carefully about what you need to do to ensure your upliftment, and you will receive help from your Guides. God wishes for every single soul to ascend, but accepts that having given you freewill the final choice is yours. Ask yourself seriously if you wish to remain in your present 3D cycle, and if you cannot see your way clear to desiring such a move it will be final.

The end of the cycle is approaching very rapidly and our delight is in seeing how the Lightworkers have lifted up the Light upon Earth. Light attracts even more Light, and your pathway to Ascension is opening up. The time lines are converging, and soon the most powerful one will be uplifting you with Mother Earth. It must happen and will separate those who are ready from those who are not, and it is a natural result of the changes that you are going through. It also means that once ascended, the dark Ones will have been totally removed from your lives. The peace you have sought and prayed for will at last be yours, and through the Ascension process you will indeed experience the changes within yourself. It is not that you only experience the changes at that time because it commenced some years, ago but the actual Ascension will be a milestone along your way.

There are a lot of changes about to occur on Earth, and have been considerably building up this year. That means your problems will grow until something in the nature of a clean sweep can be made. The more obvious areas are connected with politics, and many countries around the world are experiencing great upheaval. It is unfortunate that it has to reach such extremes before the need for vast changes is accepted. However, once agreed there will no time wasted in setting up the new systems. We see that once the political issues are decided, the rest of the changes will follow on quite quickly. For the time being, it is you as an individual that is most important, as we wish you to realize what a wonderful opportunity is being presented to you through Ascension.

You do not necessarily have to give up your attachment to your possessions to ascend, but anything that carries a low vibration cannot go forward with you. For example some of you have pastimes or hobbies, that involve collecting memorabilia that relates to people or events that are undesirable. The new vibrations will in fact allow for the manifestation in a new Light, of many things in your reality. Everything will be expressed in an energy that will bring out the beauty and perfection in them. Objects will seem to be more “alive” and you will have a closer relationship with all sentient beings, as consciousness levels will be that much higher than previously. In real terms you will gain from ascending in so many ways, you will soon forget your time in duality. It will eventually seem like a bad dream, although you will always benefit from the experience.

In the future your every need will be looked after and you will want for absolutely nothing at all. As time progresses and you develop your skills in creation, you will be able to provide for yourself. In the meantime you will benefit from the advantages of using new technologies, that will cover your needs. It is all ready for you, and only waits the right time to be introduced and distributed. Do not however expect too much immediately, as the changeover will not happen overnight. As we have told you previously, our priority is to bring help and relief to those who are underprivileged and lack the basic necessities of life. You will be lifted up in a series of progressions from where you are now, to take your place in the Golden Age of absolute beauty and joy.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and know that If only you could get a glimpse of what is in store for you, your present worries would seem of little or no consequence. There is such a short time before Ascension, so try to think in terms of the benefits that you are soon to receive. You will have earnt your rights to them and they will totally transform your lives. We of the Galactic Federation of Light will continue to work with you after Ascension, and help you achieve full Galactic Consciousness. Until that time you will not know what it is like to have that level of consciousness, as by comparison you are now very much unaware of your real capabilities. Look at us, and you will see in us your true selves as you will be in the near future.

Thank you SaLuSa. Mike Quinsey. Website: Tree of the Golden Light



Mon, 10/08/2012 - 09:55

Dear SaLuSa,

        I need your assitance. I am in deep trouble and I do not know how to get out. I was in a serious car accident three and half years ago. I nearly died from the impact to my brain and it severly herniated the discs in my back. My various doctors want to do surgery on my spine, I am a vegan, I meditate for a hour each day and do a hour of yoga, I am in hidious pain. They first put me on some painkillers that almost killed me, not emblishing that at all, I would up in a hospital trying to detox myself off the medication, however after only about a month of taking a pill to block the effects of the narcotics which made me even sicker I was in so much pain that they put me on something weaker. I am constanly tryinng to reduce my dosage and I do everything alternative that I can!!!! However now the injury has but me into so much pain that they want to operate on my spinal cord and I am afraid that I feel the need to medicate at least a little as I do not want surgery and cannot deal with the pain. I truly and dearly want assension and I am worried I will not make it. What do I do, have the surgery that will hurt me more and keep my on medicine for the rest of my life or continue as I am doing everything I can that is homopathic and allow for some room for being in terrible pain and treating it midly, I feel like I am boxed into a corner and now I wonder what is going to happen when then time comes to go into the 5th dimension, any assitance you can povide would be gratefully appreciated as I do not want to be left behind. My doctors say I am not a drug addict because a drug addict would not ask to be taken off medication but I cannot function without something, what do I do SaLuLa, I am in need of some serious help here and I am thinking that my only way out now is just to kill myself, I am in serious trouble, dammed if I do, dammed if I don't,how can I help myself? I am on my knees in prostration asking for your help! Namaste!



have you heard of EFT`Emotional Freedom Technique. It is very effective on chronic pain. I heard from Mother Mary that Taking painkillers and usual medication is totally okay. You can fill it with love and light together with your angels. This will have a great effect as it does good and neutralizes the harmful ingredients.

I would not operate, but that is your choice. I think that doctors have not the capacity yet to do good with operations.

love and Light to you,



Hi, Im not Salusa but I am someone who has just gone through the same kind of dilema, my back was broken in 7 places and my neck in 2, Ive had 10 surgeries now and went through the same thing with the pain meds, I went cold torkey off of them and wound up in the E.R alomst gave myself a heart attack and told my Dr the same thing,I dont want to be addicted to any drugs.He gave me a brace for my back, a tenz unit and I got myself a leg and foot massager used off of craigslist from a beauty parlor gone under and I started taking Melatonine so I could sleep through the pain alot of hot baths and No that didnt help take away all the pain but it did help alot so the Dr put me on a medicine called Exalgo and I dont take it as much as the other stuff because you dont go through the sweats and more pain if you miss doses, have you tried Exalgo? and Flector patches help to without getting you hooked, also theres an all natural oil I use but I cant find the bottle right now (sorry) ill look more for it and post it hereanyway, its advertised on natural news and it works pretty good


As far as Ascension goes I think what there talking about is more of a mental addiction to drugs that bring you to a physical dependency then things like what were going through thats important in the process. We have to be able to make it to the point of ascension right? We will be healed when we get there right? Its about not holding on to things we dont need and right now we do need some help like it or not. We are not turning to drugs to escape reality, thats not what you are doing by taking meds to ease the physical pain. You are not allowing the meds to control your life you are controlling them,right?


I feel your pain and confusion because I have walked in the same shoes as you and still do, Im not 100% yet but I have faith things will get better for all of us and we just have to hang on to that. As long as we are in control of our minds I believe we will be fine. Please dont let anything cloud your judgement, thinking clearly is the key(I think)


Namaste :-)





Dear Guest who is still recovering,

        I have a tens unit and use felor patches as well, I use something called APR it is  natural from herbs in Florida, it stands for Arthritis Pain Relief, i don't know about the massager but I take a lot of epsom salt baths with auromatherapy and healing herbss.I have never heard of Exalgo how do you get this from a doctor, I will do some investatgating of my own, I also have a back brace and most likely will need the neck brace soon. The old expression is so true you cannot know how a man feels until you have walked a mile in his shoes, in many ways you have walked a mile in mine. I do believe I have control in my mind, I am not  space cadet by any means, I am just fustrated and confused, I just get sick and tried of the pain.

So I guess at least were doing some of the same things, more than anything I wanted to say, Namaste. It is so kind of you to reach out to me, I never have posted anything, anywhere, somehow I feel safe here with souls like you. I cannot find the words, my heart is full. I wish you good luck and hope and pray you feel no pain, one day it may be possible for you and me

Get on the net and find a Chinese acupunturist, Older one the better, Chinese know this art best, I assure you success of some kind, that will likey be cure or near cure even for the back. When I lived in California, I was on a motorcycle when I hit a car that made a left in front of me at a combined speed of 70MPH, they said, I died, I had nearly no blood in my body when the amulance arrived on the scence, after 8 minutes of "dead" which I assure you there is no such thing, I retuned to pick up my original misson with at new paradigm to assist. This was in Orange cnty, and Wa Wong Ku was the accupunturist I went to several times for other things than just my broken back, and the success was incredible. I don't know if she is still in business as this was in 1990 and she was very aged then.


In the mean time give thanks for you condition, and do it ever day until there is no more need to.

Dear David,

        Namaste, Many blessings I appreciate your advise, I have to keep trying, I appreciate your help and guidence and I am so glad that your back was healed.

        Jai Guru Dev


Guest (not verified)

Mon, 10/08/2012 - 12:37

Please don't take your life for I feel you will reap the karma for that as well. i feel that is what you are doing now is releasing karma more quickly than others and you have found the process that will keep you on track. There are guided meditations that will help you call on Archangle Michael to cut the cords of pain. Christie Marie Sheldon is one who works with this energy. Seek the energy healers. A good herbal man is Dr. Garland at www.askdrgarland.com. You can find them on fb and by googling. Blessings, Love and Light for your life and for your pain to ease so that you can be comfortable until your acension.


I have always been afraid of taking my life for the very reason you mentioned, Karma, I know somewhere inside that this is also my Karma although I do not know why. I read somewhere that if you take drugs you will not assend, that scared me more than i can say, so I am so grateful for your response and assitance, this awareness is getting harder and harder, although i do not run from difficulty ever this has been a really big challenge for me, and hearing that drugs will hold you back form assending scared me, I will seek these healers, I will heal and I will assend, that is why I am here now, isn't it? All I want is for this world to heal, even if I don't, I feel the pain of every child who has no food or water, why so sensitve. Also why so much suffering in this place that was meant to be our heaven on earth. Maybe too sensitive, for there is much suffering here, maybe please it will change, that I pray for everyday!

My heartfelt thanks, Many Blessings!


My heart aches for you! My mom is going through the same thing you are, exept she's not as aware perhaps as you are. After reading your post, the first thing that popped into my mind, was accupuncture. If you have a healthplan, please see if it might cover this very effective method of dealing with bodily pain. They even do operations with accupuncture in China, and it is very effective. That would take care of the body, anyway. I happen to believe, that there is no such thing as an 'accident'. By that I mean, what happens in our lives is very carefully orchestrated by either a) your Higher Self, for the purpose of learning or balancing karma or b) caused by a pattern that was taken on by the bodies cells, either in childhood or due to a traumatic event in ones life, that has taken on an energy field of its own. There was a biologist, (I have forgotten his name, because I read his material so long ago) who theorized and proved, that family enery patterns have a way of perpetuating themselves within other family members, who most closely match vibrationally that particular pattern. To give you an example: Someones mother dies from a fall on a particular date in October. The person who was closest to that mother starts to experience accidents, whenever the anniversary of the death comes around. The family member might even have an accident and die the same way, at the same time. It can be uncanny.

A painful event not dealt with, and supressed will rear its ugly head when least expected, and in ways not anticipated. All it is, is energy trying to find a resolve, to be released, in other words. Until the real issue is dealt with, the energy pattern will remain in place, causing havoc. If I were you, I would book a session with a reputable sensitive psychic, (there are some wonderful and accurate people on this site) and gain some insight as to why this is happening to you. I get the feeling, that you are not seeing the full picture, (I'm sure due to the pain) but would benefit tremendously if you knew the truth about this situation. Hypnotherapy and Quantum Touch may also help you gain insight and deal with the pain. Know this, you are loved, you are not alone, and if you knock loud enough, it will be answered. Much love is sent your way!

Deat Kind Soul,

        Well I have not told you what alternatives I have tried but suffice to say, all but a intervention with a healer of another sort, I have done accuptuncture, shots, herbs, cupping, massage, water therapy and land therapy using many techniques such as the John Barnes method, I take arnica, rescue remedy and many vitamins and suppements. That is why the only thing that I can think of is Karma, Karma Karma. I was a professional ballet dancer, have been active all my life and as a result look no were near my age. My good fortune was discovering a metaphysical reality at a very young age. Both my Mother and I cannot take many medicines and I do not smoke or drink ever. By the way my father is also still alive and doesn't take drugs or liquior or smoke either. I was raised on Louise Hay and Adele Davis, we were eating organic before anyone knew what it was, well almost so with all this information that I have gained in my life here on planet toxic I would know how to deal with this better than I am. 

It is not the reality I thought I would have manifested for myself however somehow because of someone's, not me, not paying attention, I have several discs herniated and bulging. Further, I am now being told if I do not have surgery I may be paralized for life. My Mother has no issues except she is getting older, my Father the same except for diverticuitis which I do not have. So I guess it is time to reach out for a healer, I do not have medical coverage that allows for accupunture, massage therapy outside of PT which is regulated by a certain number of visits per year, so all my other alternative healing has been thru my finances which are exhusted at this point, it is very difficult to go on day after day, not being able to be active, having to walk with a walker, or screaming in agnoy thruout the day, but I am positive most of the time, say affermations, pray, chant, smudge, use crystals and Pink Salt Lamps. I really am at a loss at what I should now do! So I will look into what you have suggested and pray your aim is true

Dear Kind Soul,

        Many thanks for your response and suggestions, I omitted this from my reply and it is the most important thing I have to say, thanks for helping me to not feel so alone, I haven't been able to tell someone I care about a lot about this because I am so ashamed of being in pain and taking medicine, it is nice not to feel so alone and I have been isolated because when I get around people I am afraid they will notice not so much the medication but the extreme pain and I do not want anyone's sympathy. I am proud, stupid proud maybe, but I don't want want to show my weakness to others even though we all have them.

Many Blessings and Namaste, your kindness means the world, and I have no words adaquate to say how grateful I am for your interest. 

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