By Linda Lubin
Guest Writer for Wake Up World
How many of you have had the 11:11 experience: Hands up. Ah, I’m seeing a sea of hands waving out there. In case you have not, let me tell you of my own 11:11 initiations.
Several years ago, I had heard nothing of planetary awakening of consciousness, or The Shift, or the Mayan calendar and other prophesies about December 21, 2012.
For weeks, and eventually months, I found myself just happening to glance at the clock at 11:11 a.m. or p.m. Also 1:11. I’m not a clock-watcher, so this struck me as an odd coincidence. Time rolled on and it began happening with increasing frequency. Finally, it had my full attention. What the heck was going on? I decided to look to numerology (about which I knew nada), and the meaning of 1, or 11 was interesting, but nothing to shout about.
Then it occurred to me to Google 11:11. Go ahead and try it, if you haven’t already. Pretty impressive. Turns out I was hardly alone in this experience. For example: here’s what Uri Geller has to say:
“I started experiencing this rather bizarre occurrence when I was forty years old, at first I thought they were coincidences, I would stand with my back to a digital clock and something made me turn around, and I would notice that the time would be 11:11. These incidents intensified I would be checked into hotel rooms on floor 11 room 1111. I started noticing these digits on computers, microwave ovens, cars, documents, etc. I decided to write about it on my website. I was immediately inundated by hundreds of emails from all around the world. Individuals were telling me their own 11:11 stories, almost always saying “I thought it only happened to me.” It is difficult for me to decipher what this is all about, but my intuition tells me it’s positive.”
Unbeknown to me at the time, this was the beginning of my fascination with the planetary awakening. It was a wake up call of sorts, an initiation into the “aha” of realization that something BIG was going on, and I wanted to know what it was.
What had started out seeming to be a mere coincidence, evolved into something that proved to be a trigger, an activation of sorts. My consciousness began to awaken and take in the information that I had been oblivious to prior to my 11:11 experiences. And this is what frequently happens, when you begin seeing these numbers: something shifts within.
Once I began to “get it,” and realize that seeing these numbers were meaningful, I then began seeing other multiple numbers on a regular basis. I would go through a period where I was seeing multiples of 5 everywhere, daily. And then it might switch to multiples of 3, or 4, or 6, or 7, or 12, and so forth.
If you are one who has been seeing 11:11 for months or years (or decades??), then know that you have been receiving a download whenever this happens. Wonder why you have been evolving faster than the speed of light?? Do you look back at the person you were a year ago, two years ago, five … and think to yourself: “who the heck was that person?” You have evolved so much you barely recognize the old you anymore .
And so it goes. Not only are you as an individual evolving at warp speed, the entire planet is doing the same.
In recent years, many of you have experienced life-altering changes, however even if you did not, you probably felt the seismic energetic shifts that were occurring on the planet. You felt it on a visceral level, as the energy shifts were having a huge impact on us physically. And you felt it emotionally as well. Your perspective changed on many aspects of life, and this change was so thorough that you may not even realize it – you may have so fully let go of the old beliefs that you don’t remember having held them just a short time ago.
The process has been one of pushing all that no longer serves us to the surface, and then clearing it out to make way for that which is built on a solid foundation. This is true on the personal level, and on the planetary level. Look at your own life, and take a note of all that is happening around the globe.
This process will continue for many years. It has taken millennium for all of this darkness to be created, so we cannot expect it to move out overnight. However, as this deconstruction continues, the construction of the new will pick up speed and begin to grab our attention, giving us a heightened sense of hope, and an enlightened awareness of the potential for the creation of our new earth.
We are now coming to the tipping point in this process. In the past decade the focus has been on the deconstruction of all that no longer serves us. And while this will continue for many years, the construction of the new will begin to dominate in 2013.
These are exciting and fascinating times we are moving through. Know that you chose to be alive at this time, to experience this Shift. You are participating in it, and the more conscious you are of that, the more you will be able to effectively contribute to this process.
We are individually and collectively creating the New Earth. Doesn’t get more exciting than that.
About the Author
Linda loves her work as a life coach. In fact, she is quite passionate about guiding others along their journey to awaken. Linda finds it a privilege to walk along the path with another, and point out the signposts, the choices, the opportunities, and the different perspectives that can make the journey vastly more interesting, engaging and meaningful. If you would like to learn more about Linda’s work, please visit her website at Linda also loves to write, and you can read more of her musings at
I've noticed over the years, that I have to be in a certain vibratory frequency to notice the numbers. When I do notice them, I can feel a big energetic download. This also happens when I consciously tune in to them, as in waiting for the 11:11 hr and minute.
This is my key number, im seeing that number since 1992. I will tell most shocking experience i had with this number, once i was in london 2002 or 2003 november, my friend took a photo of me, when i saw the photo i was shocked! there was that moving bus at the backround and its number was 159!
I dont even know if that number means anything.
Yes. The 11's are everywhere
Yes. The 11's are everywhere -- 311 quite a bit. Great, isn't it!?!?
Strange l too wake up at
Strange l too wake up at 3.11am many times and many times look at the heater clock and it will be 11.11 pm
for years
I been seeing the multible numbers for 5 or 6 years now and people thought I was nuts until I would be on the phone and say 333 555 11:11 etc... and they realised it was really happening to me. Only recentley there realising it to but only a few of them most just laugh when I say 222,lol but they atleast understand something strange is happening,lol
I have been seeing 11:11s for
I have been seeing 11:11s for ten years now. It all started when I married my ex-husband. He happened to have an 11 on each upper arm. I see 11:11s a lot. I also see 11:42s a lot as well. I too noticed that I have to be vibrating at a certain frequency for these numbers to continually enter my reality. I stopped seeing them about 2 and 1/2 years ago when I was still wallowing in my severe depression and heavy energies. I really did not like not seeing the 11:11s and 11:42s anymore. As soon as I got sincerely sick and tired of feeling like crap and released all my negative energies for God and the Angels, I started to see the numbers again. I also 12:34s, 4:44s, 5:55s, 3:33s, 1:11s, 11s by themselves, and 42s by themselves. I know that seeing these number sequences, at least, let me know with external validation that I am on my path to ascension, that I am on the right and positive path I need to be. They also let me know that what I am persuing or thinking about is right on the money. One time when I was at the store with my sister and she was looking at purchasing some new undies, I picked up a pack of undies I thought were cute and they just happened to have the # 1111 on them. That was pretty neat. :) Most of the time I will see the number sequences on the digital clocks, so when I see them elsewhere around me, I especially like it and smile. I am very glad to be seeing the 11:11s.
Some more thoughts I would
Some more thoughts I would like to add. I began seeing the 11:11s (first) and waaaay before I ever knew anything about awakening, or the true nature of existence. I have always been interested in the 'unseen', 'the occult', magick, witchcraft, other dimensions. I have always known that this is certainly not all there is to life, but I never knew even a little bit of the truth of matters. I have had powerful experiences about my personal awakening and the planetary awakening long before ever consciously knowing and understanding what is going on; which only adds to my experiences of powerful truth. The circumstancial evidence, is so abundant it's not even funny. I was thinking the other night that sometimes people are locked up soley based on circumstancial evidence, with waaaaay less circumstancial evidence for their case, than what we have here with the awakening and ascension. We have so much more circumstancial evidence than a court would ever need to convince them of someone's supposed guilt, and yet some people, a lot of people, still doubt anything significant and spiritually amazing is happening. I know my ego loves to sit there and tell me I am delusional and nothing of this stupendous nature is going on. My heart on the other hand, just laughs at my ego in the joy of knowing the truth. :)))) So I have my ego saying nay, you're a crazy bitch, and I have my heart saying, oh yes, this is ALL so very true and correct indeed. I have learned to hear the gente wispers of my soul over the arrogant shouts of my ego. My soul loves my ego none the less however. I seemed to have digressed a bit, lol. When I first started seeing the 11:11s I immediately knew they are a very positive thing. I also see 12:12s and other triple number sequences. I am very happy that I have allowed myself to be one of the many many people experiencing the 11:11/numerical sequences occurance. And I can deff feel (when I put my energy out to feel, or when I particularly aligned) something of ENORMOUS POSITIVITY is going to happen rather sooner than later. I have to remind myself what my higherself told me about a year ago, and this is good advice. Hold onto patience and faith. Faith (knowing) in the divine unfolding of this glorious awakening for ALL of Mother Gaia's children and patience because in this universe, the nature of change is as such that it gradually unfolds; gently so that us beings can integrate the change smoothly and affectively. Wonder and awe is afoot brothers and sisters.
Yes, how fun!
This article really made me laugh, because I can identify with the author so strongly. Yes, it's been decades for me since I started noticing the 11:11s. At this point, it has ramped up to probably 10-20 times a day- I mean, really intense! lol, but also by this point I consciously engage the 11 11s at every possible opportunity throughout the days- especially in my job, I might just be sitting at the computer, watching it roll up to 11:11, and then roll back down- for me the 11:11s do engage huge waves of energy. Then today on the way to work, I got a 777 on the back of a bus- A very auspiciously angelic message, right?
In 2011 i was seeing 11:11
In 2011 i was seeing 11:11 everywhere but didnt know much about the meaning but right now i see 2:11 , 3:11, 4:11, 5:11, 6:11, 7:11, 8:11, 9:11 everywhere more than any other sequential number. But the one time that was really awesome was when i was pretty much starting to awaken, i woke up at 11:11 am at 11/11 2011 i was amazed lol.
There's an 11:11 Club!!
There's an 11:11 Club!! So to speak.
I'm sure you guys will feel at home there!! :-)
Missy, Omg- lol- I went last night and checked out the link you posted- first of all b/c I love and trust you. So I've just been going about all this 1111 stuff as I see fit- ok, check in w/ higher self and twin CONSTANTLY- but apparently there are other celestial beings who are trying to check in with me, too. So I decided to do the exercises to increase psychic communication, as suggested by the 1111 group. I have a feeling this is the start of something... big. Much love Missy!!!!