~ Highlights from Drake and Co~ It appears that the ‘October Surprise’ is going to be on the cabal

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 10/07/2012 - 15:29

I Got What I Wanted: Drake’s Happy

~Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ We have not been sharing here anything from Drake and Company since July and we have been extra careful as to what is posted here at the Press. When we read this Highlight from His show today we feel it is in Line [accept for The Obama Part of him not being reelected] with our current information. Certain events must manifest now, to move us forward and we will see what happens. Thank You for using Your Discernment! Love The Earth Allies

A few highlights:

It was a typical Drake Show, with plenty of rhetoric, many, many questions all over the map, and some great info—but I can tell you that after mulling over this and all the intel from the past several days, I am confident that ALL IS WELL.

It appears that the ‘October Surprise’ is going to be on the cabal—if there is one this month. It just depends, and it (the coup) will happen when it happens. It is already in progress.

“THE PEOPLE are going to make the first move, and it will be soon”… which explains why the politicians fled DC so quickly that papers were still left on their desks as they ran away to their bunkers in Denver.

He says 80 -90 per cent of the military is on our side, and indeed, will NOT bear arms against the American people, so there will be no martial law. He said “forget about martial law”. (Val Valano echoed that sentiment on October 3 on her show.)

Drake says we’re planning a little party for the cabal and he wants to light the candles on the cake. When asked what the taste of Freedom is for him, Drake only said, “Yummy.”

As always, the mood was anti-Obama, but I still believe he is of the Light, and have to say that I would rather be anyone than Barack Obama at this point in time. After his debate with Romney I felt that he is so thoroughly exhausted and bone weary from the charade that he barely cares what happens next. He is not fighting for the Presidency and is just along for the ride.

Drake revealed that Obama said it would be easier to be the president of China. To me that means that this task he is shouldering right now is so great that it’s about to break his back; that he is almost done and can’t take much more. Poor guy.

The Keenan lawsuit has not yet been refiled but soon will be.

Some additional good news is that Drake believes there will not be massive disruptions once the take-down begins. The groceries will still be available and it should go very smoothly since the “heavy lifting” as he put it, has already been assigned to others who are in place and the lighter stuff will fall to us once it’s our turn to step up.

As far as the space-age technologies, once things calm down and get back to normal, those will be released to us.

Someone asked who Drake’s ET contacts are and he replied, “Lets’ say Tolec and leave it at that. Next.” [Tolec of the Andromeda Council website]

I was pleasantly surprised at how knowledgeable Drake is about Ascension and he shared some good info on that topic.

He confirmed that the military have prepared the FEMA camps for the cabal, but are calling them “Re-Education Camps”. Drake couldn’t understand where the guillotines come into re-education, but these will be the holding facilities where the crooks will be sorted out for their fate; adjudication, etc.

Something I haven’t been following is the “silver comet”. Apparently it is on the way, will appear as a blue beam, and will “suck up 3D energy” and release 4D.

Drake says Obama will not be reelected and we may have a different sort of election what with many candidates in jail. It may be voting with paper ballots, large print, and the option to reelect our current candidate or a new one. Some may be appointed to fill the gaps in key positions temporarily with limited power—in writing. We can expect disclosure of a whole lot of things.

The Gulf Stream has been interrupted and is in a circular pattern spun by the cross-current that flows around Cuba. It will not be restarted in its original pattern until the major cleanup of the ocean.

The military hasn’t stopped the laying of chemtrails because they are not yet ready to expose themselves. When the time comes, they will address it.

Someone asked why Greg Giles hasn’t been posting his messages and I can answer that one. Greg is part of an online community I belong to called “Extraterrestrials” and he posted a message this week saying that he now realizes the messages he has been channeling have NOT been from the Galactic Federation of Light, or at least from those who claimed to be in contact with him, and he will not be doing any further channeling. He was pretty bummed about it.

Drake went on to say that the Galactic Federation of Light has admitted to comprising Reptilians and Greys,and that we don’t want to be opening ourselves up to communications with them.

Rick Light (Minuteman) closed with, “Keep the faith, your ears to the ground, and freedom might be quicker than you think.”

Paul said, “Be excellent to each other and party on dudes!”

Drake left us with, “Keep your cool and git ‘her done”, and follow what you’re asked to do when the time comes.

We’ll be contacted via the American Militia website when a communication is required. If we don’t hear anything before Wed, tune in to the show. If an emergency broadcast is required before that, they are prepared.


Missy Sunshine

Sun, 10/07/2012 - 16:02

I was just in the very beginning of listening to the archived show from today for the first time in a long time!! But I paused it to do something else, and then came here to check out what was going on at The Press, and lo and behold...THERE'S A DRAKE UPDATE POST!!

Sweet...thanks for posting this. :)

Love and hugs and encouragement his way 

still I have to ask, presuming all this be true

why not just say Ashtar, buddy, its time, round em up and get errrr dun


of course, i joke with the hickly motions but , its really that simple


sure sure sure sure sure 

how hard is it ? if you have a galactic federation of light, use it 

i mean, maybe i'm missing something, someone let me know , but if you have the capacity to beam politicians, reptiles, or anyone up on a ship, why not do it all at once 


i don't think he needs to be that much more meticulous at this point

i perceive he's been a good president, and while he might want to use our military to help this out, why not just do this ? 

i can only see it being "hard' for him if he is trying to do something that doesn't involved "mass decloakings" and such . sure the world is nuts, but how many are there that are the cabal anyway,  

them vs the entire universe ? ha ! 


i always say if he wants to do it the hard way just legalize marijuana, tell people how it cures cancer, and have a long conversation about monsanto ( i.e. monsatan ) gmos, cancer, tesla technologies, and etc.  because its all the same simple story 


the 1%  holding back humanities progress and teaching us to dream and hope , for things they offer, that don't work at all, and weren't supposed to. 

Absolutely!  We may have free will but if it is truly a Galactic Federation then let's "get'er done!  There are alot of humans on this planet suffering and needing relief.  It's time.  help us help ourselves and the planet and get out from the muck of 3D and let's go!

with love


00:49 +KK4AEI • FYI, the october surprise blog was deleted today - everything is in play now, so we can simply watch events unfold beginning shortly after the elections.
aka Todd... and nimwithat... (FWH)

scripts,games,plays. old old old energy and bs....

more keywords @google: FWH exposed 2012

dear watson, have mercy on his soul....

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