~A message from Nibiru and the AnAnnUki~

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Wed, 10/10/2012 - 08:06


Wed, 10/10/2012 - 08:54

I Already feel the Light from this message, i have not read past the line where you ask us to comment, but will after i write this. I Know the Anannuki has Freely made the choice of Love & Light. Thank You for being Brave to stand and to share this with us. Like you said "they have indeed turned to the Light". No Dark can ignore the Light, All Beings will return to Creator/Source. We Thanks them for the roll of Dark, so we as evolving beings can see the contrast and Be the LOVE WE ARE at ALL Times in the Present moment of NOW. Thank you again, I Love You!

Not sure about this message...most light messages give more details & dont constantly harp on how good & non destructive they are.Like i said not sure about this message...50 50 at this point.              LIGHT & LOVE BILLY 510-415-1919



I liked the message.....They seem and sound true.....It makes sense that we think positive and in Love...

It was also backed-up by Archangeal Michael....

In my opinion we should give them a chance and loose our prejudices....


I send you all a Big Hug of Light,



oriannubis (not verified)

Wed, 10/10/2012 - 08:54

Thank you for this message I felt love and its a confirmation on some of the things it contained. I look forward to seeing them and thank them for the warrning. lol

They appeared in my dreams a few nights ago and put a large banner with a black symbol over my third eye. The symbol was the same as one that appeared in the sky in August (see photo on dot media). Too, I'm hesitate of their past but my intuition is to trust. They used to visit me a night and the message I remember most vividly is them telling me that no matter what, they would return.

To back this up concretely, my older brother says he saw me as a child talking in the night with a being ... it happened almost every night. He heard me talking and laughing with one with red eyes and knew when I  would fall asleep because the being would then zip up to his bunk. Despite his fear also, there was a sense that they would not hurt us. Over the years, the dreams disappeared but now are back. My own fear of this and them is dissipating. I don't know what all of this means but am carrying on this journey of discovery. I have photos with clear symbols that appear in the sky and have traced some of them back to the Anunnaki. Thank you for your work. LOVE! 


Please be sure to refer to them as the AnAnnUki from now on, to reflect the new energies. There is so much energy in a name. As they stated, those who called themselves by the old name, no longer exist. It would help them and us, to send us the new love energies for ascension we need. We need to let bygones be bygones. The angels and galactics have stated many times, to send love to those in the cabal. If we can send love to them, most certainly, we can do it for Nibiru and the AnAnnUki! Forgiveness is the key to ascension.

Karen Kraemer (not verified)

Wed, 10/10/2012 - 10:22

Thank you for posting the channeled message, we need to know what their intentions are as they are headed this way. Love and positive energy will always prevail, the more people that remain postive the better, you might be able to keep some from going into fear about Nibiru by posting the channeled messages from them.  Another aspect of my soul is an Annunaki as I was shown a while back.  They are important to our ascension so please continue to post their messages of love. 

I have a question for them, will we be able to see Nibiru in our skies? If we can when?  I can hardly wait, we live in the most momentous times here on planet Earth - what a gift to be here experiencing the wonders of what is possible.


Love & light


Thank you, for having the courage and werewhithall to post this message. I thought it was overdue, as well. Take a look at humanity, at large, for a moment. Think of all the horrible things we have done, daily, to others, to the environment, to the animals, insects, beings in the ocean. Think about all the horrible things we have done, knowingly or unknowingly to the land, the ocean, the air. Everytime we drive, everytime we eat flesh, everytime we hurt someone. There is a quote in the bible that says:"Let he who has not sinned, cast the first stone!" We must forgive the ancestors of these beings, the AnUnAki, who created this mess; those who so willingly went along with their program, and us, for letting ourselves be led like sheep. We must forgive ourselves, for taking part in this drama, and for the purpose of learning. These beings reflect us! Let's let go of the heavy baggage, and let's make a new beginning. If we can't trust them, how can we trust ourselves. Let them be an example, of how a collective consciousness can turn itself around, and make the necessary changes, to return to their pure essence, which is the Divine Creator. If they can do it, so can we. So let's extend our proverbial hand with love, and receive the gifts they have to offer. It's all in the Divine Plan, anyway.

Your courage speaks for itself. I saw this earlier and was unable to post at work and had to find it again. Those without sin cast the first stone is what I was taught. Certainly, I have done things I wish were not there yet God does not judge me for what has been done in the past by ancestors or even a young self. I welcome your prescence and help as you know we need all the love that can be brought forth. If we were to cast you aside it would be like casting ourselves aside. Without love and forgiveness we are without wholeness. I know truth when I see it and especially when I feel it. I embrace your kindness. I hope some day to meet you and am sure I will if I have not already done so. I see so many humans who people say are bad yet their heart says something else-you just have to feel it. Love Cherie.

Karl Kukat (not verified)

Wed, 10/10/2012 - 17:13

Hey Meline, let me thank U and congratulate U for having the courage to step out and do what Ur heart told U to do. U broke with what seemed like the familiar, exactly the right thing to do, particularly after Ur thorough investigation. Doubt or fear of doing the wrong thing did not deter U. That is a wonderfully positive trait, which it would be nice to encounter more often among lightworkers. U can only do that when U really know who U are. It will also encourage and empower the Anannuki, who still need and wish to establish their credibility and identiy with all their new friends and family. Notice how much love and support their message exuded?


David Porter

Wed, 10/10/2012 - 18:11

The concept of our thoughts and creations will be instantaious I have reads from many now, and I believe this to become our truth sometime in our "ascending" future, who knows when?


One question I have on this article is why do they make this up to be a special trip, visit or mission to come to Gaia's rescure on Her request? This particular planet come by every 3,600 years reguarless, right?


And after what these one's have been responsible for in our history, OMG, get me the Beings that know of them and let Them tell the story on their behalve. We have at least 13,000 years of forgivness to work on here for these critters.


And "When" will this planet pass on peak-point??


Thank you for your support



luke (not verified)

Wed, 10/10/2012 - 21:55

Greetings Anannuki,

Thank You for your great message, we all here to expiriense and learn, on hard way, in this life of duality of 3 rd dimension of illusion. Some must play hard role of negative 

beings, somethomes emotionally very hard for you, to teach us to expirrience all variaties of emotions through all our incarnations, from the lowest pain, sorrow, grief,jelous,greed, temptation, to Love, joy and feel of freedom, now connecting with

our inner guide and our Star family. Now, theatar is over, many learned so much, ready to spread the wings to learn more, others will be play thier scenario little bit more, to round and accomplish their 3 D school. I am personaly, looking forward to meet you and work with you, now Dear light being, because, after our ascending, we all became great 

beings of light an love, we all become connecting with our Devine source of unconditional Love, Light and Harmony as One.


...but I would echo Pres. Ronald Reagan when reporting on his dealings with Gorbachev & the Soviet Union re: cutting back on mutually assured destruction weaponry:  "Trust. But verify."


For example: Is Nibiru scheduled to ascend with Gaia into 4D with the rest of this Solar system, or is it likely to be cut adrift in that process and left to its devices in continued 3D 'quarantine' - with all those unfavorable prospects for it?  The Annunaki could be looking at their sheer survival, and geting desparate, and think to do whatever they have to to 'hitch a ride' into the New, or hold more Humans back from their ascension out of 3D.


I don't know how these things work.   But I would ask other channelers to see what they get on this subject, from their Galactic - or Celestial - sources.  


Our job as evolving souls is to practice & embody Love, yes.  And forgiveness.  It is also to practice discernment.  


As I say: This SOUNDS good.  And IS a chance for us to put all our lessons to the test, and welcome others onto the path into the Light.  But there's a lot of history here...not to be discounted 'lightly', so to speak.  

If you'd like an answer form a HUman being instead from a channeler we can confirm this Message, Meline did a wonderful work as what is here written is correct. 

Believing that one that has awakened and turned to the light could then "turn back" is a 3d way of thinking is Not, in any way, what could possibly happen in Truth. Once you ascend/remeber, the "going back" option does not exist. It's the awakening itself that erases it. 

EveryOne is free to feel this Message as one preferes/resonates with. One thing has to be kept in mind though. NoOne can ascend before one forgives ALL and EVERYTHING and recognises that it simply was part of the illusionary dream/game. Because until a single blame remains, that blame will hold the illusion real and prevent Truth to unfold. 

Dear One, God = All, and it also = Love. How could anything be left out? And how could One that Re-Members One Is God/Love.... want to go back to do harm? 

Love and BLessings 

Lesley Cox (not verified)

Thu, 10/11/2012 - 03:43

Meline, the Nefilim left this Planet in 2024 B.C.E. and Niburu's cycle, orbit, oliptic takes 3600 years, therefore I do think these guys have had time to change their minds, repent and become enlightened during that period.  I would take it on trust that they are genuine.


As an Astrologer, I would be grateful to hear from them what Niburu's influence is on other planets, especially on Earth.  It is many Astrologer's intuition that Niburu rules Libra, so we would like some confirmation of this when you are next in contact with them.


Many thanks, and thank you for sharing the channeling you receive - we mere mortals are really grateful for the great work you do.


With kind regards




Sat, 10/13/2012 - 03:14

Thank you all, from the botom of my heart, precious hearts, for being suportive and honest at the same time!  I did feel respect in every comment and that is much apreciated!  I, myself am letting it sink in since I now know why I hesitated to let them through, which is of course mainly the same reason why you all are sceptic too :-) I myself was mistreated and even killed by them but I did not allow this memory to come back fully, because it does not matter for me anymore; I forgive and send Love and am now moving on and give it the chance to expres its meanings towards us.  I felt it was important as they are passing our planet any way, so why not let them share their influences this time.  I have received enormous comments from a lot of souls over a few blogs and they were actualy 9 of 10 positive.  So thank you again for this, I never thought it would be so appreciated, I was nervous for this but saw myself as just the messenger spreading their message out for once, and so it would be known.  I have never ever read somthing about Nibiru because everytime I started to read about it, it made me feel not so comfortable and started to doubt.. Could not understand what it meant or was, so I let them come to me under the guidance of Michael.  Now that all is said and done; I am letting this behind a bit.  Glad and happy I was able to contribute in this important thing and change, but on the other hand not choosing to channel them like I channel my team every week sort to speak.  So I am continuing on channeling my team leaving Nibiru a bit behind me now,the word is out and that was what seemed to be the perfect divine timing for it.  I do feel that they are asking for another chance to come forward through me, since they asked this immediatly after this message.  But more in a way of one more time and the last time, since Nibiru is approaching I feel it will be nearing December or in December that they will ask for sharing something again.. Lets call this my intuition, we will see if it is so, and I will make a decision based on my feeling and heart feeling on that particular time of our NOW.

Thank you again for everything, I feel loved and respected and I feel the same amounbt of Love and respect towards you all!!!!!!!!!

Love, Méline ♥♥♥


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