Nothing is more important than the Mission

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 10/11/2012 - 08:51

Hi Everbody:

I received a message from my higher self in the form of a dream. I saw the word "MISSION" in letters as big as buildings. There were animals crawling on the letters and birds flying around them. A voice said, "Nothing is more important than the mission."

I woke up the next morning and sent a message to a group of very close friends, and I called every lightworker I know. Of course, I wanted to know what my mission could possibly be. Is it a personal mission or a group mission, or both?

I have been having a strong feeling and an image of the crystalline grid. I believe our hearts are the power nodes of the grid. I believe those of us here on lightworkers, and many others, have developed our light bodies and cleared our energy fields enough to act as bridges of light, lifting the earth up to a higher dimensional frequency (our high heart frequency) once and for all, completing the shift from a magnetic grid to the crystalline grid, resulting in a major upgrade for all humanity. This is going to take a ton of energy and a coordinated group effort. I believe it can and will happen on 12/12 at 12:12 P.M.. The time zone may be important, because ideally the entire grid will lift at the same time, but it is possible each time zone could lift its portion of the grid at 12:12 P.M. local time.

The crystalline grid is already in tact and is powered by the light of our heart chakras. However, the earth's energy has not fully risen to the level of our hearts. The earth's energy, attached to the magnetic grid, used to be powered from below our feet at the level of the earth star chakra. I feel that the earth's energy has risen to the level of our solar plexus. If you are sensitive to energies, you may be able to feel this yourself. It feels like an etheric ring around your body at level of your solar plexus. Once it reaches the level of our high hearts, the final activation of the crystalline grid will be complete. We should be able to feel it in our hearts.

Lightworkers have been purposely placed around the globe to facilitate this occurence. I'm sure coordinated efforts are already underway for group meditations. I would encourage everybody to plan to participate in meditation that day FROM WHEREVER YOUR HEART LEADS YOU, maybe with a group, but not necessarily. Focus on your heart. Visualize th earth's energy rising to your high heart, and the energy from the central sun coming down and meeting it at your heart. When these energies collide, expand your heart out as far as it will go. Expand until it encompasses the entire universe, the entire omniverse.

We don't necessarily need to gather all in one place, because the grid needs to be lifted everywhere. This is the big moment we have anticipated. This is why we have become light posts with light energy running through us from top to bottom, bottom to top. I'm sure many of you know exactly what I'm talking about. Encourage everyone you know to participate in this event. Nothing is more important than the mission!

Guest (not verified)

Thu, 10/11/2012 - 08:56

I woke up one morning as i heard a voice say, dont worry you will have evrything you need to complete your mission.  I still dont quite understand it fully but from what i read just holding the peaceful loving energy thru the transition and comforting and informing others is part of it

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