Update from Cobra - The Masterplan

Submitted by Rain on Fri, 10/12/2012 - 16:18

Guest (not verified)

Fri, 10/12/2012 - 20:12

I disagree with many points here. One, I think everyone reading this blog should question the authors intent and historical credibility. Two, The 'true Event' has nothing to do with the "Cabal" or any other outside force/power but is purely about ASCENSION! Three, once the first group ascends their new abilities will allow them to identify and rid the world of these dark controlling forces...with relative ease I might add.

The third point might sound a bit harsh but it is all a very natural process just like the white blood cells within our bodies which literally attack and eliminate unhealthy influences. Many within the dark forces understand all-to-well the reality and power the ascendant race will poses. Ironically, their feeble attempts to create such power outside of themselves via technology and military/financial strength is their 'version' of ascension. Too bad their time has now come for them to see just how inferior their creation is when compared to the creators.


Guest (not verified)

Fri, 10/12/2012 - 20:14

Some of us were hidden in high control groups around the world. In escaping from those environments that were not full of love we were taught to shun each other. Those of us that broke free first and refound our faith must be used, as only we know the lingo that will unite the other parties. I am unsure how to get involved. I have always been drawn toward military organizations and I believe that my twin flame may be working with them. If so, I hope to be contacted. The internet is the best way to track down former jehovahs witnesses. There are some of us that have most useful talents. -- A few of us escaped, special privileges, by being female...we aren't sure what to do now without orders. 


Do these numbers mean anything to anyone else? 





While I use discernment, I find COBRA to be not credible and generally an energy lowering experience.  Their message is constant: they are "Special", they are "in the know", and whatever date they told you last time, it's somebody's fault and add another year.  They are tedious and tiresome. I question whether they should have a forum here.  Obviously, they have "provoked" a reaction.


Others, please comment (i.e.  Is it me?).

I agree with your observation of Cobra.  I do not resonate with him at all, and because of that I do not read his stuff.  I read the first fre lines of his article and had to stop.  I much prefer not to focus on negative things happening, but rather all the positive.  It's not just you and I'm sure other people also feel the same.  I respect the people that do resonate with Cobra, but I do not.

I have seen the splintering of the various so called positive groups also but can see no justification for continual delays. The only way the things get out of hand is through media and surely we have the resources to ensure they don't use fear mongering and report facts. People will need accurate information and that does not seem that hard. In addition, just take money out of the equation! Make everything free-no more money but you need to contribute. That would solve that. Any question of who is doing what could be settled easily by just giving those who people believe are the issue a vacation until things settle down and be forceful in the media about those who were doing the right thing. It boils down to the media and how they handle this!

David Porter

Fri, 10/12/2012 - 23:31

The "guidance" contiues to tell us to question everything and everyone.


Okay, Mr Cobra, you my friend are certainly no exception according to your history so far.  Much of this info sounds authentic and legit. BUT!!!


But let me ask you, why did you tell us several weeks ago that the astral planes would be completely free of all dark forces by Oct, 8th?


#2 Why do you continue to give dates and then contiue to justify them?


#3 What do mean exactly by "restructuring and first contact?" Now "maybe next year?' Do we get the blame for this on as well? I am not being negitive here, just working with the Light assisting with It to weed out "the dark."


Final question this time: Which are you?



There is only one person who I know has spent the last 30 years to develop a love based change system that allows people who learn and communicate differently to use non-threatening/trigger language that allows them to figure out what the real issues are and shows what we as individuals need to address and how to communicate with others. Her name is Dr. Jae Inglish and her website is TheInglishMotivationalEnhancementMethod.com. It is everything we talk about but through years of research she has developed the language the bridges communication gaps. She is kind of off the grid and takes referrals "sent to her". She is the only person that has put all the wonderful wholistic spiritual sides with science of language which is what makes the difference. Once you understand the basics-takes about 30 hours it is a aha moment. I use it all the time with my clients who are desperately fighting just to have a home and they get it instantly. The harder ones are the very wealthy who are miserable but it works on them as well and only takes 30 hours ussually minimal follow up. I can't speak for her except to say she would gladly and lovingly help in any way she can. She is very spiritual which is why she never gave herself the credit she should have but has made a big difference in thousands of lives.

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