Suspense Around NESARA Continues

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 10/13/2012 - 10:22

2012 October 13

 by Steve Beckow

Let’s review the bases for our optimism that the announcement of NESARA is only days away. NESARA predictions have been the graveyard of lightworkers. We’re torn between reporting the indications from our sources that say it’s in the immediate offing and not wanting to disappoint those who have waited so long.

But we’re assured by our sources that we’re very close to it. I know it’s been frustrating for people to hang on so long, for any major announcement.

Archangel Michael said on Oct. 8, 2012:

Archangel Michael: It will be in place very shortly. No, I do not mean soon, I simply mean shortly.

SB: What’s the difference between shortly and soon, please, Lord?

AAM: Days.

SB: Days. Okay.

AAM: Days rather than months. (1)

The Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic Federation through Sheldan Nidle said on Oct. 9, 2012:

“Many events are preparing to happen quite shortly. Your world is at a point where the collapse of its economy is imminent. … [A] concerted squeeze is about to cause a mass collapse of the fiat money system. … [The] colossal debt and the squandering of the gold-based IOUs now due for repayment are to be the twin vehicles for the change of governance and the instituting of the new global financial system.

“The global fiscal situation is rapidly deteriorating, rendering the false optimism based on the ‘cooked books’ statistics of the West quite meaningless. On the bright side, this accelerating slide is also creating the opportunity for the new system to be suddenly introduced by our sacred allies. … These diverse momentums are quickly coming to a head. … Collapse is close. Those working on the plan to replace the dark governments with new ones are fully confident that their announcement of this change is at hand.

“Your world is to be changed from a realm of treachery and strife into one where the governance actually takes heed of the people and then acts accordingly. The new financial system is designed to bring succor and universal prosperity to all. Nevertheless, this is a mere prelude to the wondrous transformations that are planned, including a formal disclosure announcement of our presence.

“We are confident that the events of the coming time will at last move your world out of the grasp of the dark cabal. Conditions are locking into place which can make this change inevitable. Our intention is to ensure that this shift happens as easily and smoothly as possible. We have used our ability and technology to prevent attempts to threaten this outcome. The dark comprehends what we are doing and knows it is powerless to alter the end result. …

“Those who sit at the very core of the legality of ancient statute law are supporting this change of global governance. This exciting development together with the imminent collapse of the world’s economic system has put the cabal on notice that its protracted reign is indeed coming to an end. …

“As you can imagine there is so much to be done, but we are fully prepared for it all. We already know where the action needs to be taken, and there will be no delay in getting things moving. ” (2)

While there is much in his report that I’m not so sure of, such as the fact that “Archons” remain around the planet when it’s my belief that all negative aliens are gone, still Cobra makes the following statement which I can agree with:

“There are a few positive groups working for the same goal of returning the funds back to humanity but you will not find intel about them anywhere on the net. They will not announce anything. When they are successful, things will just start happening.” (3)

I’ve been following the activities of some of the shadowy groups that Cobra referred to for months now. They can’t be discussed publicly. We won’t learn concrete details about them until the cabal is totally subdued.

Cobra adds that

“The first part of the Masterplan pertains to the breakthrough of Light on the non-physical planes. … That breakthrough will remove all remaining darkness from non-physical planes.

“This is a crucial step and must happen before the Event.” (4)

What Cobra calls “the Event” SaLuSa calls “the signal for us to go speeding ahead with our mission.” On Oct. 12 he commented on the delays and what the signal was for the Company of Light to move ahead with matters like NESARA:

“We, like you, have had to experience delays, but as long as we can still complete our tasks as planned it does not cause us much concern. We can easily adjust to the different situations we confront, but for you it means more frustration because we cannot necessarily give you anything other than the bare details of what is happening.

“Viewing your activities we see so many groups grasping the mantle of freedom and doing good work that is speeding up the inevitable end of the last Cabal. We shall be there to give them a final push into oblivion, so that they will no longer pose a threat to you or us.

“That will be the signal for us to go speeding ahead with our mission.” (5)

And today the Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild said the following:

FOL: We are speculating ‘disturbances’ to be forthcoming ‘any day now’.

Blossom: ‘Disturbances’ sound a bit disturbing.

FOL: Yet on doors of rooms you may have ‘Please do not disturb’. This simply means ‘Do not interrupt’. So therefore, we would say that … all being well … any day NOW there maybe interruptions from the norm and once introduced … one will never know the norm as it normally is/was. (6)

Archangel Michael explained in a personal reading on Oct. 10, 2012, one reason why NESARA has been delayed in the course of answering my question on President Obama’s awareness of NESARA:

“[President Obama] is aware of NESARA. Now we want you to put yourself in his position for a moment and we would suggest that it is not an enviable position. But he has seen and he has engineered the modification so that there was not an entire collapse of the western economic system and most beings have no idea, and nor do they need to, how close the system came to entirely collapsing.

“Now one might say to me, Lord, why did you not simply allow it to do so so that NESARA would be in place immediately, so that a new financial system, whatever that looks like would be in place, that equity and fairness and abundance would be in place?

“Had that financial ruin taken place, there would have been civil unrest and war in the streets of many countries and that is exactly what we have been avoiding because we do not create and anchor peace on Earth through any form of war, whether it is of civil unrest or out and out war.

“So Obama in many ways has been very reticent to bring forth dramatic changes in the economic system until such time as things were stabilized – yes, in his view – but that is alright. He is positioned and he is most certainly (chuckles) guided.

“He is in that position and one of the things that is taking place is that he is receiving the assurances that he needs to proceed. We will not and do not override or interfere but as we are coming together in greater partnership, in co-creation, this potentiality of completely structuring becomes concrete.” (7)

He also gave us a few insights into the latest plans for instituting NESARA:

Steve Beckow: Will NESARA simply consist of the addition of zeroes to everyone’s bank account, as rumor has it?

Archangel Michael: Yes.

SB: So… [laugh] I privately had the joking thought to myself that I should make sure my balance has a nine in it rather than a one, so that the zeroes have maximum effect!

AAM: That is a very good idea. But understand, if you really want maximum effect, simply add another zero.

SB: I have the ability to add another zero?

AAM: You have the ability to request another zero, of course. (8)

And finally GaiaPortal focussed on the importance of portal openings on 10-10 on October 12, a subject that we have not gone into much but that has had again a great impact on matters:

“Number and width of Gaia portals have increased 444 fold via the 10-10. Allowing increased passage of Galactic contacts, both 3D-4D visible, and Higher thought forms. The 10-10 additionally lowered resistance in general humanity to Disclosure concepts, by factor of 44.

“Paradigms of Prosperity are sufficiently in place for next steps.” (9)

So we are near the announcement but again dealing with global events that need coordinating. That’s as much as we know at the moment as the Long Wait continues. The economic shift when it comes will be what Archangel Michael called a demarcation line, a line drawn in the sand, between the old and the new. After it events will move rapidly towards Ascension, in relation to which AAM said there will be no delay.


(1) “Archangel Michael: The Returning Masters are You – Part 2/2,” at

(2) “Sheldan Nidle: Early Halloween for the Cabal,” Oct. 9, 2012, at

(3) Cobra, “The Masterplan,” Oct. 12, 2012, at

(4) Loc. cit.

(5) SaLuSa, Oct. 12, 2012, at

(6) Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild, Oct. 13, 2012, at

(7) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow, Oct. 10, 2012.

(8) “Archangel Michael: The Returning Masters are You – Part 2/2,” ibid.

(9) GaiaPortal, Oct. 12, 2012, at


Guest (not verified)

Sat, 10/13/2012 - 10:47

Let's hope it is true Beckow, or you have totally disappointed people AGAIN, like your Neptune fiasco.....these channels are being proved to not be such reliable sources....and you keep the people following you down your yellow brick road......hope you are ready to take responsibility for this misinformation and the let down of people if it is not...

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