Birthing the Divine Warrior ~ 12October2012

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 10/12/2012 - 16:42



Julian Rose, Guest Writer
Waking Times

These are testing times. There is little doubt that the malevolent forces currently holding sway over our world are doing their damnedest to keep the lid on the rising tide of consciousness which will ultimately depose them.

The effect is tangible; as though a block is attempting to be placed on incoming energies that nourish the awakening process. As though such energies are being sucked out of the very air we breathe – leaving a kind of vacuum and that feeling one gets just before a thunderstorm when the atmospheric pressure draws back prior to unleashing its pent up energies.

Disoriented and strangely ‘up against it’. We may even experience the sense of loss of contact with the flow of higher guidance, moments of lethargy as well as mental disequilibrium.

Hold hard my friends. Draw in and earth your internal energies. Ride out the storm. It was never going to be easy.

Yes, here we are in the run up to those much anticipated dates of the winter solstice 2012 – and instead of being lifted aloft by higher vibrations – we may instead be feeling grounded, sore and glad enough to gain an occasional glimpse of the light!


The healing and transformation process which is now upon us will not compromise its powers or soften its strength. No, we should be glad of this – even as the pain hits home. What we are being hit by is a combination of ‘man made’ consciousness suppressors and the curative fire of higher energies – and probably in approximately equal amounts.

Who ever said it was going to be a pleasurable rise into the gently setting sun?

In the vortex between two great spans of time is where we are privileged to now be travelling.

And all the while this vortex is pulling into itself the manifest events of our past history and crunching them into an ever expanding present, composed of both past and future.

Yes, we are on the inward moving outer spiral of veritable ‘black hole’. This great whirlpool is sucking and concentrating all of earthly history into a spiralling hour glass, and we, my friends, are going with it. For we too are cosmic entities that cannot be separated from the forces of the universal forces from which we are formed.

But what we can separate ourselves from is the foolish fixation upon an identity that is not ours. That is a false vessel sailing on a sea of phony propaganda, illusion and lies … and it is that vessel which is now about to hit the rocks and disintegrate into a thousand fragments, each of which will shout-out to be saved!

Don’t go to their rescue, brothers and sisters. Let them go. They are the useless detritus of our tainted past and are blockages to our present right of passage.


They want to keep you in your ‘comfort zone’ by sucking on your pranic corpuscles and enforcing upon you the illusion that, by sticking with status quo, you are ‘free’. Yes, free to choose a Big Mac or a Burger King, A Coke or a Fanta. An Apple or an IBM, a Ford or a Chevrolet. They want to convince you that what they stand for is ‘the real life’ and anything else is a dangerous and uncharted ocean upon which you should never be so foolish as to attempt to set sail.

Ah, but you and I have already set sail on that ocean and there is no turning back. We are sailing together on this ocean at this very moment and we are sailing straight into that great swirling vortex which strips and transforms our every cell into a crystalline diamond, thus laying bare the cosmic soul which is our essence.

How can it not be painful? How can we not meet the oncoming waves head-on?

Yet a voice is telling us that the pain is transitional and unavoidable. It is karmic pain. It is the macrocosmic pain of the microcosmic pain every woman passes through when giving birth. But now it is you who are giving birth, you are giving birth to the child of innocence that you are and to the Warrior you are to become!

The pain is relative to the degree to which we progressed down the ‘wrong path’ and acquired the burdensome baggage of our engagement with consumerism, vanity, arrogance, ambition and plain laziness.

All that stuff isn’t going to survive the inexorable centrifugal and centripetal forces into whose midst we are entering. So those who don’t want to part with their baggage will go down with it still strapped to their backs and will thereby become devoid of all natural buoyancy necessary to move beyond third density entrapment.

Lighten the load now, drop off the useless paraphernalia, work on the emotional clearing; shed the old skin; relight the sun at the solar plexus; open the compassionate heart to the forces of Love and the neo cortex to the crown of golden light that it is.

Then, when you are not looking, the Divine Surfboard will be slotted gently under your feet – a balancing pole placed smoothly into your hands and a loving Angelic arm slipped gently around your waist. Then, lo and behold, the black hole is black no more!

It is seen for what it truly is: a giant alchemical cosmic cleanser.

Wow, going into that? Yes, and into that ultimate cleansing energy that boils our beings down to the absolutely essential essence of “I am”. Only that remains as we surf on through the wormhole, guided by the Angel whose arm is gently and lovingly looped around our waist.


Ah yes, my friends, laugh! Laugh joyously! Laugh at the absurdly wonderful drama that is Life and soar where you will on this great and mysterious cosmic journey which is your birthright.

But understand that Ecstasy is the currency of Love and the fuel of Passion, and that these are Divine Assets. Divine Assets that will evaporate away at a moments notice if not immediately invested into the hands-on transformation of the mundane, politically, financially, ecologically and spiritually flawed world which we struggle to move through each day of our lives.

That is the first and foremost investment which we must make if we wish to tread the road to a higher consciousness. We are quite simply impelled to offer

back to our Creator the fruits of that Godly potential which the Supreme Consciousness invested in us. We are here to realise those fruits. The investment of them into doing all we can to reclaim the sanctity of our precious planet is the most crucial input we can make in this life-time. Let no aware individual deny that it is his or her role to make such an investment the centrepiece of their lives.

To be effective in this mission, we must recognise that our entry into the cleansing vortex is enabling us to be re-birthed as the Divine Warriors which our planet is so urgently calling out for. Our field of engagement is planet Earth. Our antagonists are the oppressors of the Divine Spirit.

They still hold sway on this planet.

If we want to get to the Garden of Eden, we are going to have to be party to the eviction of those who are illegally occupying it. That is the prerequisite for enabling our planet to throw- off that which prevents its evolution – and our evolution – into fourth, fifth and sixth density consciousness. We cannot get there without it. It cannot get there without us.

We are organising ourselves as the Activists of the New Resistance for exactly this purpose and we cannot rest until our task is achieved.

We will not loose the Angelic arm that holds us lovingly around the waist so long as we are fully engaged in this supremely creative task. But turn away and allow ourselves to imagine that someone else will intervene on our behalf – and even the memory of the proceeding ecstasy will soon turn to ashes.

So, warmly embrace the role of the Divine Warrior that you are. Man and woman. We are entering into the supreme engagement together. The ultimate battle is to be fought on a unified front – and as you know – you are guided in the strategy to be deployed. And as you know, the first battle is with yourself. And as you know, one of the biggest battles is to rid yourself of fear. Or at least, to be able to ‘set fear aside’. And do not let the ghoulish entities deployed by the occult engineers stand in your way either. They are just malevolent masks that hide an empty soul.


Yes, dear friends, we are going forward together, no matter where we reside geographically in relation to each other. We are inexorably moving together, and in so doing are building the ultimate ‘resistance’ and we will not be easily deflected in our goal.

When we are called upon to fight, we will fight, in defence of Truth. When we are called upon to refuse to comply with the stultifying laws of man, we will refuse to comply with such laws. When we feel called upon to pray, we will pray. When we feel called upon to meditate, we will meditate: all out of commitment of a greater Truth being manifest on planet Earth.

We are well into the vortex of ‘no way back’. Yet our passage through this vortex leads us home. Funny, eh? Home is where we come from and where we are going to. Our right of passage is everything that lies in between, and our journey is both outward and inward, simultaneously. Always both – and that is a clue to great paradox of Life.

We are as trees. We grow from seed, both putting down roots and growing upward at the same time. So when in doubt – be a tree! Be the tree you are and grow down and up from the central plexus of your being. Bring Earth and Spirit into oneness.

From now on, our true strength will come from engagement with, and the ultimate defeat of, all that which, and those who, try to block the flowering of the Divine Truth which each of us holds within – and whose time has now come.

Julian is a British pioneer organic farmer, writer and activist. He is currently president of the ‘International Coalition to Protect the Polish Countryside’ which is leading the fight against GMO in Poland. He is author of “Changing Course for Life – Local Solutions to Global Problems” 

This article originally appeared at, the source for alternative news and liberating information. 

This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.

Yet within the great game of Cosmic Lila that is the adventure called Life – what we are going through is a twenty first century manifestation of the ‘rights of passage’ of the warriors of old. The vortex we are now entering is forcing us to strip away the last vestiges of our worldly baggage that cannot be carried on our backs through this great metamorphosis that we are to undergo.

Thank you for this pep talk! I really needed it. It all makes a lot of sense, and confirmed what I too have been feeling over the last 24 hours. Something is not quite right, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Now I know.

Tan (not verified)

Fri, 10/12/2012 - 20:34

This is beautifully written and so in tune.  I adored this.  Thank you for the post - I love you <3

Guest (not verified)

Sat, 10/13/2012 - 16:20

Inspiring! I am longing to see the birth of a vegan world of love, peace and compassion for all sentient beings and a return to gentle sustainable living on the Earth as we all ascend.

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