Windmill Hill, nr Avebury Trusloe, Wiltshire. Reported 14th October.

Windmill Hill, nr Avebury Trusloe, Wiltshire. Reported 14th October.
<p>Welcome to the Galactic Free Press blogs section! This is a place where anybody with <a href="/galacticfreepress/user/register">a free GFP account</a> can post information.</p>
This is a beautiful crop
This is a beautiful crop circle. When I looked at it I wondered if it is a flip flop, ying and yang of a parellel twin interdimensional Gaia shifting with Gaia as we know her now..With so much happening on, in and around Gaia and us anticipating the 12-12-12 -12-21-12 portal, could this be the "shift" we're feeling? The flip flop, ying and yang of switching universes some how?? Just a thought...
I'd love to know what you're feeling about this crop circle and what it's saying to you. Sending Much PEACE, JOY, LIGHT AND LOVE TO ALL! NOW! :) <3
Hey ! I feel also that is
Hey ! I feel also that is ying yang .. I just met my twin flames ! So much understanding from this reunion ! Light n love
Oh Boy Cookies
These guys make some cool cookie cutting designs!!! Hope this one means they want us to set some out for when they come down, BEFORE CHRISTMAS please.
Hi, I think part of this crop
Hi, I think part of this crop circle is about the alignment of the planets which is happening now and something about a particular phase of our moon. Just guessing:)Thank You Loving Galactic Family for your message. Love & Light!
The spiral in the center
The spiral in the center could also represent the Milky Way Galaxy.
"As above. so below." The
"As above. so below." The flow has been restored and Mother Earth is now in realignment with Her Higher Self. It is the mystical marriage and we are all heirs to our true birthright... a galactic family from which many joys will come. LIFE is life. All is sacred.
To me it looks like a
To me it looks like a magnetic pole shift ♥
It looks like to me ---The
It looks like to me ---The fading of the one Earth dimensional energy we have known for the last thousands of years in the middle background--the separation of the worlds; the 3rd dimensional world and the 5th dimensional world---and yes, the balance of yin and yang between both worlds.
looks like to me ..someone
looks like to me ..someone been very busy with their hedge trimmers