Mitt Romney’s Tax Dodge

Submitted by Rain on Tue, 10/16/2012 - 13:28

Guest (not verified)

Tue, 10/16/2012 - 13:34

That was Capitol gains tax they forgot to mention for the many people who would not look into it further which means its tax on the top of money thats already been taxed and they forget to mention that he did not ever recieve a salary for being governer and that 1/3 of his profits were donated to charity and that he also worked as a head of charity orgs and also refused his salary

What else ya got?

Crystal Mystic

Wed, 10/17/2012 - 18:51

In my humble and possibly unenlightened opinion, this type of divisive rhetoric does nothing to expand love and light on our little planet and actively feeds the dark side.  When we make allegations of lying and cheating, we have fallen below the level of the ankle biters - and they have won.  So I will sit in my little unaware world and send love and light to you all.

The only thing that could be feeding the dark side is the emotion with which some people respond to information like this. Information is information. It is neutral. We do not post information like this to get a reaction. If some people are still responding with emotions other than Love, then that is a useful cue to them that they should make more efforts to release ego.

Please remember also that there is a difference between judgment and observation. If somebody is lying or cheating and you say, "You're lying or cheating" - that is not judgment. It's just a statement of fact. (Just FYI, I AM not speaking of this article in particular, I AM talking about things in general.)

Love calls a Spade a Spade and Love and Truth go together. You can't have one without the other. Again, this has nothing to do with trying to get an emotional reaction, it has to do with the process of shedding one's ego and embracing the Higher Truths. It has to do with becoming fully conscious.

As I AM sure you know, one of the events that is happening during our Ascension process is the disclosure of all types of Truths. This is important because it is part of the process of freeing humanity. Hiding your head in the sand and not acknowledging that some unpleasant things have happened is not going to help anybody. If one does choose to go that route, they should not engage in judgment of others who choose to shine a Light on The Truth. Can you see that you are judging us for engaging in our mission to disclose The Truth? Does that seem helpful to you?



I appreciate your comments and take them in the spirit with which I hope they are given.  However, I feel compelled to address the "truth".  While I believe that it is possible in theory to arrive at truth as a singular and undeniable concept, I also believe that in this dimension the truth is an elusive concept.  Your truth is different from my truth which is different from Rolling Stone's truth which is different from Romney's truth which is different from President Obama's truth.  In this dimension, each individual's truth is colored by his or her own beliefs, education and experience.  We each believe so vehemently in our own truth, unwilling to accept or even see the truth through another's eyes.  And when we espouse our truth with vitriol and labelling, ignoring details that color the truth through another's eyes, we demean not only those we attack, but also ourselves. 


Well-meaning committed individuals can see the world in very different ways.  Christians and Jews and Muslims and Hindus and agnostics and atheists all believe they know the truth.  Who is right?  Who is wrong?  Who am I or you or anyone else to dictate the "truth" to another, particularly when that "truth" resorts to accusations and name-calling.  Argue the tax policy, advocate against policies that disadvantage the weak physically, socially or economically.  But don't attribute the worst beliefs, opinions, motives or outright wrongdoing to those you may not agree with.  In my view it serves no purpose but divisiveness.  We won't solve this world's problems with division,.  We must come together, we must find common ground.  Until we do, I hold us all in love and light.  \


Namaste - C.M.

I appreciate your comments as well.
Yes, the Higher Truths are singular and undeniable. When people say that everybody has their own Truth, this is a way of rationalizing belief systems and engaging in distraction that only serves to keep one from approaching full consciousness. What is true is that everybody has their own illusion, which is a distortion. Focusing on that keeps you from freeing yourself from The Program. Our Truths are the same - it is our illusions that are different.
I agree with you that there are ways to describe the actions of people without resorting to judgment such as name-calling and that it is preferable to do so. Let's talk about observation and judgment for a minute.

Observation/Truth/Love - that guy robbed a bank.
Judgment/Fear - that thieving scumsucker robbed and bank and he should get The Chair! I hate him! It's people like that who are ruining our society! What a selfish bastard!
Yes, we do see the latter a lot in our media. We have to look past that and focus on the facts.

Unfortunately, when looking for The Truth in the media that is available to us, we have to take what we can get, even tho the language or style is not ideal. Really, it's about looking for the facts in whatever crap they may be buried in.
It is up to each of us to take in information without reacting or reacting only with Love. That's kind of what being a Lightworker is all about - transmuting everything into Love, not running away or complaining about things we don't like.

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