Updated - What Can I Do To Help?

Submitted by Rain on Wed, 10/17/2012 - 06:30


GFP Note - I AM reposting this because very few people have read it. I also noticed this morning that people are still asking us to tell them what they can do to help. If you want to help, read this and get Creative! It's Your Mission.

We will be discussing this at today's Council Meeting so please join us and bring your Creativity.


We have had some Family Members offering to help us and asking what they can do to help.


We do need help. We also need for you to tell us what you can do to help - not the other way around!


What I mean by that is that YOU are the best judge of what YOU are here to do. For example, we could ask you to report news stories of UFOs but that might not be what you are here to do. You might not find any Joy in it.


It’s time for you to step into your Divine Role. You define your Divine Role by looking at your unique gifts and talents and determining what activities bring you Joy. Maybe you enjoy making music videos or taking photos or talking to people or looking up the latest archaeological discoveries online.


All of these things are valuable to our Mission but only if you share them. If you write a Heartfelt poem about your Awakening but are afraid to share it, it can’t help other people. If you draw a picture of a beautiful butterfly but you’re afraid that it’s not good enough to show to others, then the only person who gets to see that beauty is you.


Yes, it’s time to be brave. No fear, remember? It was hard for me to share some of the drawings and other images I have created, but it gets easier. It’s liberating. Exhilarating, even.

And yes, sometimes somebody might make an unkind comment about something you have created but so what? When somebody puts you down, that is a reflection of their issues, not of you. Don’t waste your time listening to those people. Invest in your Family – the BEings who Love you unconditionally. When you accept that you are surrounded by Love, it gives you the courage to put yourself out there and to BE YOU - The Brave, Courageous, Authentic Self who Freely Co-Creates and shares everything with others.


So what can you do? Again, that is a question that only you can answer but we can give you some suggestions to consider. Maybe one of them will Light a new path for you to explore.


enlightened GFP BLOGS – everybody who is a registered user has a blog on The Press. Start using yours. Let us know if you need help with that. We do read the blogs and often promote the material to the Front Page where it is more prominent. You can put anything you want on your blog – poems, stories, videos, images. Whatever you feel like sharing has value and the potential to touch other people.


Write a poem or story about your Journey. Add drawings or photos – yours or images from the internet. Edit your photos or drawings with quotes about Peace, Love, Awakening, Ascension. Use famous quotes or write your own.  


enlightened BECOME A LOVE REPORTER. There are two ways to participate in reporting. One is to send links to current articles to GFP Staff members. For example, you can send links to UFO videos and stories to me. You can send links to spiritual stories to Andrea. You can send links to Good News stories to Phil.

If you’ve been reading The Press, then you know what kind of stories we post. We focus on spirituality, weather, physical Earth changes, certain types of 3D news (freedom, disclosure, the economy, archaeology, space), UFOs, and Good News, etc. Help us keep up with the latest news in those areas. Remember that we can’t catch everything you post on Facebook! Posting something on Facebook is not necessarily the best way to share what you find.


The other way to participate in reporting is to become a staff member. If you are interested in committing to this, talk to Mother God. It doesn’t have to be a full time job. For example, you could commit to posting one Good News story every day. Or to covering earthquakes. Or to taking over the Blue Starship/UFO Report. Alternatively, you could post these stories on your blog and ask us to promote the blog to the front page.


enlightened MAKE A VIDEO. Nobody expects you to produce the next Citizen Kane, so don’t be afraid to try making a video. It’s really not that hard.


Do it by yourself or ask the group to participate. Interview your family, your friends, people you don’t know. Put images to your favorite song. Talk about how you feel. Go to the zoo and talk to the animals. Go to the woods and film some trees showing their autumn beauty. Film cloud ships. Film people doing the ordinary or the extraordinary. Film the sun rising and setting. Remember, we can find Beauty everywhere we look. Really, once you start thinking about the possibilities, you will see that they are endless. There is no wrong here. Experiment!



enlightened START REACHING OUT TO OTHER LIGHTWORKER GROUPS. Start building bridges. Invite everybody and anybody to our gatherings. Get involved with the Earth Star Network.


enlightened PUT TOGETHER A PHOTO SLIDESHOW of your life in this incarnation. Post it on our YouTube channel.


enlightened HOST chat sessions or meditation sessions or Disco parties in our chat room.


enlightened MAKE A  music video playlist. Something like, “Ten Great Songs About Love.” Let us share it on The Press.


enlightened SHARE entertainment videos with us. For example, start posting clips from The Matrix or The Celestine Prophecy. Post funny songs. Put together some videos of baby animals or funny dogs. Everybody likes to be entertained and We Love Humor!


I hope this post has helped get your Creative juices flowing. Everything you send out has an impact on people's consciousness. Anything you share with LOVE brings more LIGHT to all of us. What you Create and Share is valuable and so are You!


Its time to come together - to unite in a common purpose and reclaim our Planet and freedom. Together we are Victorious!


We will be discussing this at Wednesday’s Council meeting so please join us and bring your Creativity! Thank you! WE. LOVE. YOU. UNCONDITIONALLY.



Wed, 10/17/2012 - 08:03

Thanks Rain :-) What is the best way to submit info/links/videos/images? email?


Well, it's up to you. Since you're registered here, you can use the messaging system here. Some people might want to do it on facebook. Let us know if you  are having trouble reaching people. Thank you for your interest in helping. I Love you!


Maybe I'm a spaz, but I have not been able to figure out how to upload images from my computer to send in messages through this site. I have uploaded some stuff thru the media tab, but that appears to be just like a scrapbook and does not necessarily go to anyone in particular. I'm not on FB.

Maybe if there was a tab, like the contact tab, for the staff members - with their particular areas of reporting listed - where we could send stuff directly to them.

I won't remember who does what when I come across something.

thanks again Rain :-)


Good afternoon, 


I will also like to have your e mail address, so I could share some links or stories on the page.


I have had the experience of listening to different kind of music and videos with beautiful messages that can cheer someone up. 


Thank you very much. 


Kind regards. 

Hey Rain :-) One more thing I wanted to mention regarding the blog area - today I wantecd to upload an image to my blog and I don't see how to do that - it only allows you to link to a URL for an image, not to my own computer. I would love to be able to upload images from my computer to blog posts :-)

Thanks for your help!

many blessings xoxoxo



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<p>Welcome to the Galactic Free Press blogs section! This is a place where anybody with <a href="/galacticfreepress/user/register">a free GFP account</a> can post information.</p>