~ The GFP Quick Update: Why the Delays?~

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 10/16/2012 - 18:29


We have a Very Important Cobra Interview in which will be released tomorrow. We asked him why he felt we continuely are having delays. His response fueled us. We have supposed lightworkers who were in Key positions who did not fulfill their task or missions and on top of this have been compromised. Instead of connecting and unifying, they have been isolating and separating. Supporting the minions agenda, this is the reality and this is why we are having delays now.


Father God and I and The GFP Staff, Simply cannot do this Alone. We need Your Help. We have been working 24 hours a day 7 days a week for 6 years straight. When we started this mission we lived off food bank food and 50$ a month. We continued no Matter what was thrown at us. We walked 2 miles [even during snowstorms] a day to post the messages. We share this with all of You, so you know Our Work and Dedication will pay off for this Planet and this is coming soon. What is unfolding is very real, we have been behind the scenes for a long moment and all events are inevitable, however they occur. This is not egos planet, this is Love's Planet and is being returned to Love.


If You want to see change on this Planet then Get UP, Stand UP, Get Involved, Participate and Help. We Need to Unify NOW! We have 10 weeks left. The Hopi's stated Gather Yourselves together. This is the Solution Right NOW. Be a part of the solution instead of part of the problem if you are not participating.


We need to gather together the moment is now! If You would like to see the end of the cabal and your Freedom then You Must Participate. We will have more to share with you once we can get the Interview out. In The No Matter what, we have a Divine Appointment to Meet on December 21st, 2012.




All Our Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies

Cobra's interview VIa Video and Transcript will be posted tomorrow

If You would Like to Learn More about How to Participate and do your part you can join us Live at this link at 10:30am Pacific Tomorrow Wednesday October 17th, 2012



Or Contact us at this Link



Guest (not verified)

Tue, 10/16/2012 - 19:10

It is a feuling response... I just hope that those in the "key" positions are well supported and don't feel isolated by others in the "lightworker" community. There seems to be much judgement within the community, someone struggles or hits a skip and they are judged, not helped. We need to support each other not bring each other down. Not all is as it seems. There is warfare going on and those that are in key positions are targeted, as soon as they open their voice and shine the light of truth. We must realize this and be gentle with each other, not judgmental, no one is above another, no one has the right to judge another, we judge ourselves. Time to unify the community not tear it down by our judgments. Forgiveness is key, it is so easy to forgive another, not so easy to forgive one's self, realize this and be gental with one another. 

there is no "warefare" going on. the person who has caused the delay did so of his own choice and as it turns out this choice will only seve the grater good. there are no dark ones minions or archons involved in this situation.  in fact the planet was cleared of all unhelpfull beings and energys in feb. looks like cobra still isnt aware of this.

Barbra (not verified)

Tue, 10/16/2012 - 19:55

My sources say Cobra is major disinfo. Look at the judgment he has meted out. Blaming us for their lack of action. Just like the channelings of late, all judgmental and blaming us. BS!! No more of this. Go within and find out the truth for yourselves. When these people have us meditate around the world at certain dates and times the energy we create does NOT go into positive good. They are using our energy to fuel their black magic deeds. We have been fooled for too long now. Time for everyone to have a reawakening. I did and it has freed me in ways words can't convey. :) 

You Only want to hear and see what you want to see. Barbara Father God and I and The Earth Ally team are in full consciousness, are you yet? and why not? When a Collective mediation comes together focused in the Highest Good for all, yes it works even James redfield shared this truth. Cobra was very genuine we spoke to him~ her personally. We did disagree with some points however, what he said is true. This is not about blame or being wronged. All we have is the Present Moment Of Now. If you are not present in the Moment of Now, your energy serves the minions, simple as this. When You are Present In the Moment of Now all of your energy goes to serve Love and for the greater good of yourself and others. Its time everyone be a part of the solution instead of the problem. This is the Reality right now. Can you give us a specific example of any information which has been shared here at the press is blaming and judgemental? Or is this just your projection. If this is your projection, you are not awake yet. We Love You Unconditionally Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies

Guest (not verified)

Tue, 10/16/2012 - 21:26

Mother\Father God.

Thanks for trying to bring clarity and move things forward in a positive way.  It is a Damn Complex subject and I know I am perhaps not the most completely prepared for the situation at hand.  Part of the frustration is not knowing how to directly assist.  Violence, frustration, depression and apathy are clearly not the answer.  Prayer to Deaf Gods seems like a waste of time.  So what do you suggest we do?  Seriously, make a list of 10 things and I'll give them a try.


In any case, Thank You for your service. 

Good Luck to us ALL.

Peace and Love.



 Attend our Council Meetings, Attend Love Parties, Be Present In the Moment of Now, make sure you are free of all belief systems, Be In Joy in the No Matter What! Be An Example of Love and Truth, Trust Love and the Highest Outcome, everyday set up your field in gratitude and for the Highest Outcome to Unfold. Here are some Brilliant Ways to Begin. We Love YOU!

zalmos-is -AWAKE (not verified)

Tue, 10/16/2012 - 22:38

In reply to by mthree




"Wake up, you sleeper, rise from the dead and Christ(the Real God of everything) will shine on you(2)" (Eph. 5:14)



Maybe YOU ARE A GORGEOUS SPIRIT WITH A BEAUTIFUL SOUL,rather ...BUT also with a …little-naive and still ignorant ego(yet) incarcerated in a humanoid body...Well, even then you still ned to AWAKE  from this amnesia(...)

My friendly advice to ALL OF YOU HERE is this: Get Rid of it, repent to Christ and ask The Real God to give you a brand NEW SOUL!!!

and... By The Way: HURRY UP, for the time is soo short and the wolves are many!!!

=starve the ego, feed the soul...AWAKE THE SPIRIT WITHIN =




♥`*.*´¨) Infinite PEACE, JOY -WISDOM and Infinite LOVE ♥

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨) •`•.¸¸.•`•Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

(¸.•´ (¸.•` * *» ♥ zalmos ♥



"Wake up, you sleeper, rise from the dead and Christ(the Real God of everything) will shine on you(2)" (Eph. 5:14)

Maybe YOU ARE A GORGEOUS SPIRIT WITH A BEAUTIFUL SOUL,rather ...BUT also with a …little-naive and still ignorant ego(yet) incarcerated in a humanoid body...Well, even then you still need to AWAKE  from this amnesia(...)

My friendly advice to ALL OF YOU HERE is this: Get Rid of it, repent to Christ and ask The Real God to give you a brand NEW SOUL!!!

and... By The Way: HURRY UP, for the time is sooo short and the wolves are many!!!

=starve the ego, feed the soul...AWAKE THE SPIRIT WITHIN =



May you Be Blessed and FREE...

♥`*.*´¨) Infinite PEACE, JOY -WISDOM and Infinite LOVE ♥

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨) •`•.¸¸.•`•Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

(¸.•´ (¸.•` * *» ♥ zalmos ♥

shelly (not verified)

Tue, 10/16/2012 - 23:54

Nothing but distractions and misguidance to keep the frog in the pot of water until its to late,wake up!

Pablo (not verified)

Wed, 10/17/2012 - 03:40



Ok folks forgive me if I am confused.  We are told the light coming to eath is increasing incrementally, and various portals will open on various powerful dates, all helping to wake us up,  so the light is waking people up, and we are given that the date of 21st December is very important, and on the other hand there are constant delays in freeing up humanity, so which is it,  will the people not wake up anyway if the light is ever increasing?


Sheldon Nidel  says all is well and things are SOON, arrhh that magic word to happen, its always SOON, but not today or now.........


There are far too many mixed messages from all over the place about this process, people's opinions, are not FACT,


So its all up in the air, sure things are changing, the truth is coming out, we can see that on the ground, and people are I think waking up to the total negative control we have been under, and we do have to fight for our freedom, not with guns and bombs of course, but by saying NO NO NO  and all standing together an all supporting each other.


December the 21st is a date, and I don't think suddenly we are all going to get sucked into inner earth or sucked up into space ships, people do have vidid imaginations don't they:)





Not so much about the delays but this statement made in todays message from Mike Quinsey-SaLuSa. "We encourage this approach as it will lay down the foundation for what is to follow, when any laws and legislation taking away your rights will be reviewed." Umm, Errr ,REVIEWED? Not removed or resolved? Something about that statement sounds really fishy to me. I don't know anymore about all they are saying. My gut/heart is saying, and we are told to trust our gut/heart, and mine is telling me that we are NOT going to have complete freedom. Just under another type of rule. This is scary to me. I had felt for so long that hope was here and things were going to change. I believe things are going to change but not exactly how so many of us hope that they will. If anyone can help me see this differently then please make a statment that can and will help me go back to how I was feeling a year ago. Now this does not feel the same to me as my consciousness is expanding. I am feeling that there is something in all this that is not truthful. Sorry, so sorry but I cannot get around this feeling anymore. The more I listen to my Self and heart it feels less good. Keeping the Light even more then before.

I too meditate on light and love and visualize in detail a new earth w/o the globalist fecal matter. Despite my anger showing I try to keep positive visualization. But, if push comes to shove... I am sure that I am not the only one ready to lock and load.  I hope Iam wrong about the extent of disinformation.

JEFFRY BENNING (not verified)

Wed, 10/17/2012 - 13:57

In reply to by Zenith_Sunrise

The only consistentcy is that things will happen "soon."  Thjat gets really tired and we are tired of that word. It makes us wonder if disinformation is that extensive.  What the hell are they waiting for?

Guest (not verified)

Wed, 10/17/2012 - 18:32

currently im living with many many younger souls and I just want to ask why Im not seeing any change in behaviour such as more loving attitudes? Is it my fault for not doing enough? or are they just not supposed to wake up in this lifetime?

You are not doing anything wrong.  I know it is frustrating.  Your job is to give them whatever knowledge you have, but to encourage them to educate themselves.  You can give them some leads, but much of their awakening will happen as they learn what has been occuring, and start to connect the dots.  Help them to understand to Question Everything.  Share with them unconditional love, and your heart light.


You also need to take care of yourself.  Accept that you have done what is required of you, in shining your light on the darkness they currently reside in.  They will come around, as more and more energy comes in with each new phase.  Meditate for yourself, for the light, and for the needed strength required to press on.  Take some breaks and well rewarded time for yourself to recharge.  


It is a long process, some days you will see major leaps in their consciousness, and other days you may see them fall back into a deep sleep.


Connect to others of the light often, to help you through.  Remember we are operating in oneness, and it is not your responsibility to single handedly awaken people.  You may also consider how close these dear ones are to you personally, you may be to close to see objectively their progress.  


Love and Light to you and your dear awakening ones.  All will come in it's time.

Ree Rakhealle (not verified)

Thu, 10/18/2012 - 11:38

is the info ive bought forward about the delays gona be included in the info been bought forward from cobra? hes got key points wong and these key points im concerned about. misinfo. like i said alread this is my life your reporting on.

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