~ A Powerful Love Transmission! Enjoy!

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 10/18/2012 - 10:51



Greetings, Many Blessings, Many Miracles, and Magical Synchronostic Events. WE are Here again today, to share the Highest Truths on the Planet. Today's transmissions are Powerful, and the information contained within here is an example, as it shows you Just How Much we are Committed, Dedicated, In the True Service of Love, Truth, and Creation, as well as Just How Much We Truly Love you. May you allow yourselves to Feel the Grandness of Who you Truly are Today, a Powerful Being of Love and Light. Which is the Same Love and Light, we all Share Together, as ONE.

~The most important Current Event, occurring Right Now, Right at this Very Moment, Is the Event of breaking through and out of the old paradigm. By accomplishing this, you can then Lift Yourselves up and out of duality, which is YOUR TRUE AWAKENING, and your Return to the Higher Expression of the Love you Truly are. Once Awake you then  "Be" the Love you are, Everywhere you are, this is the Love called God Every Where Present. Then after accomplishing this, you must share this Love, this Truth with others, which completes the Circuit.
The Higher Vibrations that exist out of duality, will then carry you effortlessly to your True and Real Destinies~ 

WE are here to ReHeart you, of How Truly Powerful, How Truly Brilliant, How Truly Bright, How Truly Loved, How Truly You Are LOVE, and the Power you have within, is the Love you are. You are each as a Brilliant Star. A Star that shines Brilliantly in the Night Sky, continuously. Everything else you have ever been told, that depicts you less then How Grand you Really are, was a lie.


The Love that you are is the Same Love we all Are, for we Truly are ALL ONE. ALL one Family, one Team. By Serving the Love you are, you Serve the Team, You Serve the Family, you Serve the Oneness that we are all Together, and most of ALL, by recognizing this, you Become the Truth of Who you Really are, which is GOD.

God is the same as Love, Love is the same as Truth, Truth is the same as Light. Within this Understanding, there is only ONE GOD, which is ALL of Our Love Shared together, as ONE.


Currently there are two Reasons you are Now connecting with US. The first one is those Connecting in to share the Love they are Equal to US, and the other one is those connecting in as a cry for help. It is either one or the other of these. It makes no difference to us, which one it is, because in either instance you are Showing UP, the only difference is that if it is a cry for help, you must be willing to accept, embrace and allow our help, if you are unable to do this, we cannot help you. Bravo to the Ones Awakening and Connecting in Now, How Grand it is indeed for all of us to gather together as a Real Family of Love, in support of each other. WE Love you and our Hands and Hearts are Open to you, and only you can accept and receive this Love gift in Honor of Who you Really are.



Remember, no one can heal you, that would be taking your power away. The gift We Give you, is Providing the Truth to Take your Light and Power back .

To take your rightful place and Role within the Family of Light, it is a requirement that you break through all of the old paradigm. All of the old paradigm, is all the illusions, all of the fantasies, and all the belief systems you have been taught and told. All they really were, were like boxes and boxes and boxes placed around your True being of Love. We have shared with you, that to get out of the boxes, you keep jumping out of them until there are no more boxes. When there are no more boxes, then you Experience Love Everywhere Present. Because without Boxes, there are no more boundaries, edges, and Limits, for Love and Creation are edgeless, limitless, and have  boundless.



By jumping out of ALL the boxes You are then Setting Yourself Free, to be the Expression of Love you Truly are. To take your Place within the Family of Light, you must have released all attachments, all illusions, and then Stand Up with the Others, who have Also chosen their Love and Light. This Supports the Oneness Energy. As We gather Together as ONE TEAM and Support Each other, through all Means, this breaks down the old paradigm of isolation and separation.

While in the game of illusion, many of you experienced many different levels of challenges. These challenges were to see if you could overcome all that was placed in front of you, to make you Strong, and to show you by overcoming them, just how Strong you really are. Now, in the Truth of this, these challenges were preparing you, for the Coming Events of Now. You got to be in illusion and the game, so that you were able to see it for what it was [a game, an illusion, and not Real], and so you could Rise above it. In being able to rise above it, you then can step out of duality and into your Home, the Higher Realms of Love  Light.

This is your Graduation, and Your True Awakening.


The Family of Light Represents the New Paradigm of Power WITH Each Other. Meaning WE stand Together in One Shared Love, this is True Power, True Equality, as we gather with those that share the Same Vibrational Frequency so that WE all Contribute to the Energy of One, which then Keeps expanding in Grander and Greater ways.

We share with you that do not worry or think about the arrival of NESARA in terms of it "saving you", or how, when and where should you relocate in the Oneness Energy. Everything will unfold accordingly and effortlessly. You will be divinely guided, and divinely supported, as you are NOW.

Although some of you are busy and focused on these concerns [or trying to control everything] you are not paying attention to the signs, showing you the way. In this case if you are ignoring your Heart and only paying attention to the external, you will face even greater challenges ahead.


Many of you are asking us when will NESARA Arrive, when will the ships land, as if this is your saving grace out of illusion. At this point these things are not of any importance, because they are inevitable events. What is important Right Now, is that You Listen to your Inner Guidance, You follow your Heart and the Truth, and you Stand Up in your Power and Light. These are the Moments you Share the Love you have found within with others. Be the Change, Be the Example of Love and Truth in action, all other events will follow. Nothing else matters...



~Now Release everything you have ever been taught or told, even right up to this Very Moment. Whatever, you release and let go of, the only thing that remains is what is Real, and only Truth which is the Only Real, can Remain when all else falls away, nothing else matters or is relevant.

Only Truth can stand Tall when everything else dissolves. Out of the nothingness of illusion, will arise something way Grander, which is a New Paradigm, and a Firm Foundation has been Built on only Love and Truth, because this is the only REAL, this is the True Reality, and this is Heaven Manifested on Planet Earth=Heart.~



If you can get to the Understanding, Right Now, Today, that We are all Going Home into the Light, you will experience this as Truth, a Euphoric Feeling that YES, this is TRUE. This is the Highest Truth. JOY

The Moment has come to Breakdown and Breakthrough the illusions, and then step into the Very Center of Your Being. There you will Discover the Fire of Love burning inside, like a Brightly Lit Candle.



Once you connect to your inner soul, which is in Truth Who you Really are, Your True Being, you are Free, and never again are you alone. Once this connection is made, you are connected to the ONE, where you discover We are ALL there With you, and you reconnect to Source=God Nature, which is the Absolute Truth of Who You Really are. You then step into the Flow of ONE.


Inside of you is the Brightest Light, Brighter then the Center of the Sun. ALLOW this to shine, and when you do, reach out your hands to your Brothers and Sisters, which then Completes the Circuit.

Exciting Energy is All Around!

Join us Live This Saturday and Sunday for The Global Events, We will Be gathering everyone on Line at this Link:



All Our Love The Earth Allies

Today has been just the latest but the best of many wonderful LOVE days lately. My frequency is continually rising and today I felt the inner peace that comes with the unconditional love. WE ARE ONE!


Thu, 10/18/2012 - 13:34

The power of now is manifest in ALL! Love is breaking apart the illusion...Love is all there is! Thank you MFG for this beautiful message and for your service :-)


This is indeed a very powerful day. LOTS of energy movement!

Thank you for this wonderful message. I LOVE YOU.


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