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Submitted by Lia on Sun, 10/14/2012 - 08:59


JHVH Message: Testimony to Genesis and Extinction of Humanity.


By Ing. Rostislav Kocourek, CSc.



CHAPTER I. Human Psychology.




Spiritual factors” have always been decisive for the cause event creation including behavior patterns creation, effective immediately unless a symbolic or actual establishment of long-term causes of the corresponding levels of the heavenly spheres would be taken account. Therefore, the theme is important having priority over all others in terms of who and under what circumstances founds the causes of future events and, what kind of “inner values of the providers of the causes has been characteristic for them.

Within advancing "civilization" the theme of "inner human values“ has been blurred so that it has been removed out of social consciousness. Mental disorders of humanity, especially mental dysfunctions (autism, psychosis) of children have pointed out the theme of “inner values of human” nevertheless, the theme has not become a constructive part of the superstructure of social consciousness as it has been before during earlier epochs.

Thus, the neglected heritage of mankind in form of a genealogical complex factors obtained through sexual birth has became fundamental decline and destruction fact of humanity.

(Genealogical complex could by considered as a “cluster” of unconsciously personally treated residues of Light Elohim of individuals that has been entangled to personal human souls from the beginning to now through their deeds. The qualities contented within genealogical complex of inner and form Elohim Light memory are together with genealogical complex itself reported as genealogical complex factors or “inner values” of humanity. )


Presence of mental disorders in childhood has showed that there is such an element of human personality that brings together complex of “deed description” (factors of guilt) and transfers the complex beyond the threshold of death and rebirth in form of unconscious memory of mankind.

Accumulation of genealogical factors tied to the human re-birding factors has led to development of methods known under the general title “spiritual teachings” aimed at elimination of genealogical complex so that a man could rescue from hardship as fictive “pure individual.” Unknown fact the effort has resulted at methodical genealogical complex separation at level of individuals have led to an unparalleled detriment for other members of human society and later to humanity extinction




The transfer of genealogical complex factors over lives has created a permanent scheme of psychic existence of human: inappropriate deeds - suffering - an attempt to avoid suffering – guilt projection - displacement of guilt factors out of consciousness. Due to the way the impact of suffering states has been transferred at unconscious level of consciousness. The impact of suffering states has induced more or less continuous will tensions applied from the unconscious level of consciousness. The tensions arising from self-preservation instinct 'have dictated to' break away from the “terrible conditions.” The same tension has become an impressive power capable to displace the complex of genealogical and contemporary burden out of a human being - that means to displace the guilt complex completely out of the reach of consciousness. The mechanism recalling psychoses has been responsible for the humanity decline of at societal scale. The same mechanism has been used as a method of “spiritual teachings.”


Presence of the psychic scheme based on pushing guilt factors out of consciousness due to the unconscious will stimuli has been associated with a number of phenomena in field of human psychology for:

the most important consequences of the genealogical complex presence is the impact of adverse mental states resulting from the fact the accumulated "deed transcripts" of genealogical history of a human has not been harmonious as a whole.


In case of discordant relationships presence in life of human the one has to prevent the impact of adverse mental states due to mental denying his or her participation at detrimental deeds or at an incentives and motivations leading to their implementation to which the one has been forced through the genealogical complex. If an individual has been overwhelmed within the outcome of genealogical complex influence and the load deeds corresponding with the complex has taken place during his activities then the one by the need not to suffer has applied the mechanism of guilt awareness suppression associated with the guilt projection elsewhere.


The purpose of the guilt projection has been not only to avoid suffering, but also suffering transfer to others if the harm experience has already been present. One of the frequent suffering transfer mechanisms has consisted from provoking negative mental states of victims within their accusations connected with the guilt projection. Deterioration of victim mental state has led to the transfer of suffering on the victim while the one who has projected his guilt "could take a benefit from a better state of his victim."


The unknown genealogical deeds as well as the awareness suppression of active participation in inappropriate activities during contemporary life has prompted human to make self-reflection as if he or she is pure and perfect being. However, the distorted reflection has not been in accordance with reality. The discrepancy between reality and the subjective beliefs has caused the separation or extrusion of those elements of personality with which one could identify himself or herself. "Undesirable" elements of personality have been suppressed so that a personality shadow has been generated. That means the unconsciously "unwonted" elements of the personality have been partially pushed out of the human body so that „personality shadow“ has occurred. Human has begun to be separated from his genealogical and corresponding suppressed current guilt factors. The split of personality at the first phase of loosing own soul has been called neuroses.


The fear of the individual suffer state recurrence has caused reinforcement of will tensions against suffering applied from the unconscious level of consciousness and, “no exit” conscious perspective has occurred under virtual or latent or actual suffering pressure. The tension arisen from the permanent application of the unconscious will has induced "energy bridge" that has allowed more or less continuous transfer of energy between the physical body of a man and his personality shadow. The energy directed against its own creator has caused the split of his personality of various degrees.

The personality shadow has become an impressive unit able to be effective related to personal realities of the outside world and to the human himself.


If a person would continue its´ life in accordance with the behavior patterns on base of guilt projection for a time long enough the personality shadow become more independent, and more unbounded from the person itself until it has been exceeded a "limit of coherence," ie. until a human has renounced himself so that his psychic factors has been torn apart. The split of the psychic factors in form of the genealogical psychic complex separation has been called psychosis.


If the disorder has reached the level of psychosis the personality shadow has been able to survived independently out of the affected human being but still bounded to his physical body, and fulfilling its´ programs corresponding to the deed transcription within "building material" of its´ being. The programs have been applied primarily against the human itself.

This let's say the personality shadow could apply its´ programs against other members of society if there were genealogical or contemporary relationships within of them that origin has been related to the earlier genealogical or contemporary guilt projection (i.e. earlier evil deed participation).

The relationships have leaved genealogical or contemporary “psychic traces” within human souls. The traces has become the source of unconscious volitional impulses for the separated personality shadows to act against others in accordance with character of earlier deeds.

If the personality shadow would be currently separated it react vividly to the residues of genealogical relationships, to the presence of psychic traces originated from affected human beings even after many years, centuries or even millennia since the deed realization of the difficult relationships. That means one unjustified guilt projection has been followed by another one etc., even after long or very long periods of time.


Other inappropriate deeds of individuals recalled by the process of personality shadow separation have caused a gradual reduction in ability of self-awareness by extrusion of the deed records out of consciousness.

A “random daily” occurrence of a drastic self-reflection suppression has enabled the personal shadow “unconscious body” become compatible with its´creator who has been forced to leave his shadow personality come home by that way.

Usual scheme of psychotic relapse has emerged: reduction of the level of self-awareness, income of the personality shadow, relapse, outcome of the personality shadow, increasing the degree of self-awareness to the level of communication possible.

The psychotic personality disorders have been usually accompanied by feelings of persecution and anxiety generated by the absence of the genealogical guilt factor complex.

Prevailing general view paranoic or paranoid states accompanying psychoses have been associated with illusions of patients could not be justified. The threat of the secret deeds disclosure has been real as well as the personality shadow mindfulness related to the body of its origin. The deepest inner emptiness after the genealogical complex loss has at the beginning of the disorder caused bottomless anxiety induced by the fear from the kind of extinction. under conditions “no inner values left, no future for own self.”


After entering of the personality shadow into the body of human the psychotic has become a creature endowed with extraordinary opportunities of power demonstration, but also a being driven by the lower levels of consciousness compared to a human well integrated into society. The power demonstration streamlined from instinct and atavism level of consciousness, and consequent deeds executed under the threshold of self-awareness have closed borders of possible return (healing) on base of damages done to others as well as on base of the suppression of its evidence creating a solid circle of emptiness and darkness where light of consciousness should be present.


The final degree of personality disintegration has been represented by human “spiritualy.”

Methods of “spiritual consecration” have been developed copying the psychotic journeys of false "removing suffering” given by methodical genealogical complex factors separation. The hardship caused by a pressure of genealogical guilt complex has been supposed to be removed with help of the guilt factor complex projection to environment. The “spiritual degree” of personality disintegration has been the ultimate goal of spiritual paths leading to elimination of suffering. “This is the path leading to suffering removal,” says Buddha Gautama.





CHAPTER II. The Facts of Destruction of Oriental and Occidental Spiritual Teachings.


Methodical spiritual teaching approaches leading towards the genealogical guilt factors separation have been based on a conscious permeation of all available levels of human being. It has not been known certain levels of consciousness has been consciously inaccessible within the genealogical guilt factors presence.

Unavailability of certain sectors of being and consciousness has corresponded with an extent of the genealogical and contemporary psychic guilt factors of individuals. Therefore, the decisive factor in the unavailability of all levels of being and consciousness has been a subjective factor in form of an individual threats of inner human being that could not survive conscious meeting with own genealogical or contemporary guilt factors.


If one has realized a spiritual consecration despite the fact he was not eligible to enter into all areas of being and consciousness a „threshold demon“ has become from his personality shadow after his „mystical death.“


A „pure spirit“ of „body offprint“ created due to self-awareness realized at available levels of consciousness has been mostly created from spiritual factors picked up from human society. In case of the separate personality shadow presence after „spiritual“ consecration the spirit has become an unauthorized occupant of heavens after „spiritual“ consecration.

Bit has been known the personality shadow of individual could be as a carrier of specific individual characteristics identified with the consecrated human more than his spirit created with help of use of meritorious societal spiritual factors.


"No one in heaven above, or on the earth, or under the earth, was able to open the book, or to look in it.“ (Rev. 5:3) The statement has meant there was no one who could open the "book of life" called „wheel of consciousness“ at the time of Jesus of Nazareth. No one has been able to enter all regions of consciousness and being. The situation someone else than Yahweh heir could open the "book of life" according to the statement of Jesus hardly ever occurred: "All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not hear them." says Jesus. (John 10:8).

The personality shadows of the consecrated individuals on the paths of Oriental and Occidental „spiritual“ doctrines have been corner stones of evidence of the statement.


Part I. Oriental spiritual methods allowing individual "hardship“ termination at the expense of other members of human society have consisted from two basic steps called meditation and concentration.


Relaxing through meditation has enabled the transition of brain activity on different level than that which corresponds to normal daily activities. Gradual transition from the alpha EEG activity, via a beta activity to theta activity that already has met brain activity stabilization has been found during meditation.


A recommendation of Oriental „spirituality“ to move into deeper levels of being has been aimed to enable the next step of spiritual methods: concentration. Meditation has enabled a man could become more effective over others applying his or her will. The method has been in a sense an imitation of a „psychic state“ of spiritual beings in the spiritual spheres. The stabilization of brain activity has meant minimizing of mental movement or elimination of "mental diffusion“ with help of relaxation.

Hence, meditations have been methodical tools of suppression and harmonizing brain activity while maintaining a certain level of self-awareness allowing control of the state in a plane of overwhelming unconscious driving forces of human beings.

If meditations have been conducted improperly whether because of insufficiency given by contemporary or genealogical mental residues in the form of "impressions" and forgotten imprints of events originated from the conflictual environment the kind of relaxation have allowed special efficiency reaching psychic disintegration.

By that way contemporary burden has been shifted to a deeper level of being and consciousness from where genealogical guilt factors of similar character have been touched. However, the guilt factors has not been supposed to be touched but to be avoided with help of self-preservation instinct against entering into consciousness. Reducing in self-awareness as well as minimizing brain activity control has been the outcome of meditation resulting in personal integrity destruction through pathological mental diffusion and wandering in the distort mental world of a human while avoiding a reveal of genealogical or contemporary guilt with help of any means.

A man could become susceptible to have false vision, and hearing in the field of his psychic world affected or even created through genealogical guilt factor complex avoiding.


The inevitable negative outcome of meditation, mostly anxiety and depression has been supposed to be supplied through high standard of morality purpose of that has been to create a harmonious environment that usually has not matched genealogical and contemporary confines of meditators limited to the narrow sector of being and consciousness.

If ethic behavior has not sprout out of purity of human soul the morality itself would become indomitable „burden“ accelerating pathological processes of personality shadow displacement to the extend of exclusion of individuals from the human society.

If the meditations have been sufficiently deep a meditators would begin to "push" their personality shadows from the interface of subconscious and unconscious region where the pressure towards personality shadow separation has been the most effective. Meditators in comparison with those who have not transfer personal ambition to a field of achieving imaginary "God-equality“ have managed to get close to psychotic disorders much more quickly than men who have not practiced the technique.


If an individual has progressed in meditation so that he could be well aware of his state having suppressed brain activity the same one could undertake the methods of concentration.


Recommended concentrations have been associated with the retention of an essential factors in the body of meditators with help of self-centred restraint, ie. with help of asceticism at all levels of being and consciousness including the sense perception. Within self-similarity of the inner being of concentrator and air-left spiritual vehicules a human could become absorption unit of the free meritorious spiritual elements contained in the atmosphere. Certain „consumption“ of the elements has lead to the personal disintegration consisted from the personality shadow separation in form of so called "threshold demon" on the one hand, and from creation „spirit“ on the other. The separation has been autonomous based on the incompatibility of pure spiritual elements with genealogical material of human soul and the body of the individual itself.


Let´s psychosis to be defined according to the personality shadow separation and subsequent lack of compassion and feelings that is characteristic feature of the personality shadow lost ( ie. absence of soul feeling provider at the superior level of the physiological one). Then psychotic becomes everyone who has not confirmed self-awareness at all levels of consciousness during concentrations in meditation, and yet he managed to attract so many free meritorious spiritual elements from environment that the spontaneous separation of the personality shadow has occurred. In that case personality shadow has represented the inaccessible levels of being and consciousness meaning elimination of so called „omniscience“ of consecrated humans.


If a human undertaking the procedure of concentration in meditation has managed to tie and to confirm free meritorious spiritual factors of the society at all accessible levels of consciousness a "spiritual master" has emerged from the self-will effort. Sometimes the spiritual master has been marked by "deep insight," however, the „deep insight“ has been signed with restrictions related to the separated personal factors. No “spiritual master” except of hiers of Yahweh heritage has ever been “omniscient,” omnipotent, omnipresent and immortal as many of them thought.


A person under process of genealogical guilt factor complex separation has undergone so called "mystical death." The personality shadow (human soul) has been completely torn apart during „mystical death“ of consecration.

Therefore, the personality shadow as a form composed from specific individual characteristics of the lasting „deed descriptions“ mostly from genealogical past has represented the initiated individual meanwhile the spirit done from the societal meritorious spiritual factors relieved mostly from human souls after their death has represented consumed and spent ethic values of the society that have been misused by those who had not been able to carry on their genealogical guilt factors.


Personality shadow of the „spiritual master“ called "threshold demon" has become an independent figure of power of dark worlds meanwhile the "spiritual master" has become a figure of power of light worlds. They both have started aeons-long fight for power and domination earlier being one person.

Based on the “master” relationships with his environment the world has been entangled into the “spiritual master fight” with himself in a scale proportional to the high of consecration. Complete world has been touched in case of high consecration, and local regions in case of lower consecrations.

High consecrations of the Oriental type have been followed by social or natural disasters that reflected 1. the loss of meritorious spiritual values in societal scale, 2. the fight of „master“ with his own nature in form of his separate personality shadow, 3. applying self-will of consecrated human from the regions of causes.


Self-centredness at the trails of Vishnu´s concentrations has resulted in the conviction of superiority imprinted to all accessible levels of the „master“ consciousness.

Applying self-will from spiritual regions coming from belief of „superiority“ has bring arbitrary orders or behavior patterns used from regions of causes (from roofs) under circumstance of the absence of conscience that has remained within the personality shadow disappeared in the dark worlds. The arbitrary orders and patterns have later become directive guideline for life of other people on earth.

The inner life of consecrated human has been limited as a result of separation of psycho-somatic feeling provider after the personality disintegration.

Unconscious or conscious effort to maintain a positive feelings there where the possibility of feelings has been removed has led initiatics through the ways of obtaining positive feelings from their environment. Vampirism and spiritual leadership based on relationships with people as well as on a need to add harmonious feelings to their emptiness have become symptoms of their "achievement" and their “mastership.”


Part II. Occidental „spiritual methods“ for achieving a consecration have consisted from technical measures.

The role has played neither morality nor compassion for fellow human beings or any other ideal symptomatic for the “more equitable” men on the ways of their „spirituality“. The absence of morality of the Occident has bee justified by the presence of human law that could be exceeded there from a position of power or economic superiority. Crossing the earthly law rules has led to the crossing of the rules of original spiritual teachings. Elimination of morality has been assisted by the system based on "versatile advantageous“ abusing people and speculative philosophical, political or historical constructions that have got a few facts common with the correspondent realities.


The method of achieving consecration within Occidental „spiritual“ systems has lied in gaining essential factor necessary for initiation by unauthorized manners. A characteristic feature of the Atlantic and Egyptian magic has been robbing pure spiritual elements linked to the souls of physically dead people and their transmission to the bodies of individuals arbitrarily selected according to their position of power. Certain consumption of these elements has led to the consecration by the same way as in the case of use of Oriental methods, i.e. by the personal disintegration.


Self-discipline and self-awareness effort of Oriental doctrines has been replaced by technical measures consisted from magical means to imitate more honest Oriental doctrines. The degree of self-control has been replaced either by a temporary intrusion of "initiator spirit" inside of the body of the initiated human through „hirer hand effect“ or by introduction and presence of a spirit or soul or its´ offprint of someone else that partially enabled the abilities transfer and the spirit creation of the initiatics. Such a spirit or soul offprint has not been obtained by "legal" way.


Self protective measures replacing the moral status have caused keeping self-reflection in constant contradiction between "self" and "environment." The fact has prevented the initiatics against the high and the highest spiritual initiation touching the Holy Spirit. Holding the opposites in conscious spirits has made predators not only from the „spiritual people“ within whom no trace of real spiritual transformation obtained through their own efforts could be found.

Magicians of the Occident have been forced to protect themselves against the same practice of other magicians. The practice of the "spiritual Darwinian evolution“ have consisted from direct robbery of souls, and soul offprints, and spirits from the bodies of still living people and indirect robbery of the results of other spiritual efforts not only in the form of increased vitality - beside direct rifling of intellectual wealth of the more capable people „from roofs.“

More sophisticated form of vampirism has been magic invocation that served as a mean of gaining advantage in the "evolutionary fight" through influencing and ordering spiritual beings. The „spiritual“ initiation has belonged to the side effects of the practice as well as in the case of vampirism of conventional type.


In terms of transfer of magic deed imprints within psychic magician equipment that has found a response at level of their genetic information magicians have made literally graveyard from people's coexistence. In the case of a presence of „successful“ magic deed performance transcriptions within the genealogical factor complex the same magic output have been set and carried out automatically and unconsciously during life of magicians as an evolutionary advantageous element. Such unconscious order could last being used against others for ages.

Possible causes of psychosomatic disorders of people associated with the magic performance abundantly represented in human society have remained completely hidden to the general public.


Let a men leave the wrong appearance that he who wears an invoked or robbed spirit has been changed. His ethic value could not be inclined on the moral side of misused spiritual being - there is residual deed transcription at genetic level even after the shadow separation remaining: 'Their deeds go with them.'”

If magic has been regarded as a legitimate human inheritance since time began then the same magic has been the factor preventing coexistence on the basis of ethical values during the same ages.” (Human, Spiritual Development, Society, R. Kocourek, 2011.)


Significant deterioration of social coexistence has followed the initiations of the Occidental type. The cause has lied in self-will application „from roofs“ applied by those who were not eligible for the initiation and who have not passed the toughest moral and ascetic discipline on Vishnu´s paths. The consequences have been rather of local character due to the lower type of the consecrations nevertheless, its effect has been long term and no less pernicious especially in the case of purest human soul consumption to achieve personal immortality.


Implemented "spirituality" of both types has caused the rebirth and subsequent reproduction of the lower creatures compared to human that have been attracted by the light of the „enlightened“ psychotics. The beings from the lower regions have been attracted "to feast" by genealogical ties. Their passive filling with „light of world“ of the “enlightened human” radiance has enabled their rebirth in the human world without having well adapted and melted their nature in the form of atavisms and instincts and tendencies to provide inappropriate activities given by the genealogical guilt complex of their bodies.

The human gen-fond has been devastated unprecedentedly as far as mankind history is taken account.. Humanity has found itself at the lowest ethic level yet known even with its most advanced technologies.


The fact the „spiritual“ methods of suffering removal out of human life has belong to guilt projection block of “adaptations” have not become a natural part of social consciousness. An interest too maintain the "elite groups" of the humanity governing has been the reason.

The guilt theme has been hidden beyond mask replaced by assertive or pseudo-spiritual psychological methods. Psychological and psychiatric methods have not been based on adequate knowledge of reality. The methods have spread symptomatic treatment of disorders that have been reliably moved and stabilized in non-causal field where the genealogical guilt complex has been neglected.

Alternative methods of treating mental illness which have broken the limits of acceptable genealogical guilt reveal such as "holotropic breathing," and modified „holistic gestalt“ etc. not always treat a patient in such a way he has not get “instant health“ within death of his inner being - that has not been always followed by life of his physical body.

Official medical procedures of treating severe psychoses based on chemotherapy has been characterized by a similar side effects disembogued in reducing of the total level of self-awareness.


The social lies and false attitudes have become society mainstay by that the deficiencies on the facades of causative constructions of the system have been corrected so far until the system of lies has been "justified" in the same sense as at the false beginning: Adam blamed Eve, Eve blamed snake, snake accused humanity.



CHAPTER III. Genesis, Morality, How and Why Disappeared.


The lack of moral considerations has not been characteristic for the incorruptible generation that has been created by Yahweh.

The embodiment of destruction into the human world in form of moral deficiency occurred on the base of later self-will creation of reptiligenous generation. Development of psychic disorders of mankind has been conditioned by irremovable tendencies of behavior given by the creation of deed patterns with “Light of World Elohim” due to self-will genesis. The deed patterns has brought general decline of humanity. The lack of moral considerations in co-existence and social order based on lies has not allowed adequate causal revealing. To constitute measures to prevent deepening of the decline of humanity has been impossible.


From historical sources ( (Genesis 2:21-25, 3:1-14, the Old Testament prophet’s sayings, sayings of Jesus not only at Tchacos Code, saying of the authors of Nag Hammadi Codices, etc.) and from my own knowledge could be found:

"At the beginning was a Logos, and the Logos was with God, and the Logos was God." (John, 1:1.) A cloud has emerged from the Logos and the First One has appeared. The First One has similarly appeared everything what has been done.

During Genesis of the up region world the First One (Yahweh) has come and other heavenly beings have emerged there out of His will. Out of His will first man has arisen who was "built on the East of the Paradise of Eden (Genesis 2:8). So called incorruptible generation has later evolved out from that man.

Remnants of the clouds have been separated, namely those residues that have not been incorporated in the bodies of further „en-lighters“ and their helpers. From the separated remnants of the clouds, especially from the power of the residues of The Light of World called Elohim a lizard Nebro begun emanate that has been labeled as a ruler of the "sphere below."


A part of the Genesis of the First One had been imitated.

The cause of the imitation has been the fact of the creation "above" as well as presence of emotion, and thus a desire that could not be present in the „up region of world“.

A ruler of the sphere below had yearned for a friend who was meant to be similar to the One who has created earth and heaven. The desire has caused an appearance of a form of a man of imitation according to the appearance of the First One above. The form of a man of imitation later called Adam or Vishnu has been able to maintain The Light of World Elohim on base of the appearance of the First Form however, he has not been able to get more power to stand up.

A generation of imitation has later come out from the imitation as well as a pattern of behavior based on imitation.


One of the en-lighters of the world above called Lucifer has been supposed to take care about the request of Nebro on base of an order of another inhabitant of the world above. Lucifer and Nebro had made non-authorized deal: a part of Nebro „out of its need“ would be cut off from which Nebro´s friend has been meant to be done instead of the man of imitation. The friend has been done. That is the origin of the first „human like“ being.

The first „human like“ being together with Lucifer have continued their forbidden creation with help of „hirer hand effect“ (John 10:12).

They have created another reptiligenous human and their sexuality from various parts of the quartering Nebro. Some other cut of it served as food in order to achieve kind of their specific immortality, and to get the power.

During the creation certainly something else has been done compared to what that has been agreed.

There is the foundation of later system laws based on sexual reproduction and food chains.


Thus, woman from Nebro (Gen. 2:22) has emerged known as Eve. A reptiligenous generation has come out from man-made humans.

A blind snake has arisen from the lizard Nebro.


There is the source of the Oriental doctrine of so-called snake power learning a man is being composed from the snake obtained and used as a “pro-motor” of sexual organs, and the man himself.

Fast aging connected with death has been accelerated due to sexuality promotion. Therefore, it has been the „secondary“ creation carrying death that has got old and that has been mattered instead of God´s creation. Adam (man of imitation) and Eve (reptiligenous woman) could give birth to the first born man who has earlier made woman and her sex as well as sex of the man of imitation from lizard Nebro. His name was Cain.


The crime has obviously brought the sexual way of "endless mortal immortality" that has been the reason of the crime beside making the crime hidden however, an "infinite" transmission of the crime information description at level of gene has been embodied to the system. The description has contented the crime itself as well as the crime projection and making the crime secret.

There is the origin of so called primary sin arisen from self-will of Lucifer and Cain which has consisted from the assassination, robbery, and versatile abusing from that later human behavior patterns have been developed.

It was Lucifer and the first man made from the lizard who have primary used guilt projection to cover their crime blaming the hurt and devastated lizard that was resurrected as a snake after its´ “forgetting” death. The serpent has not forgotten absolutely. Therefore, the executors has introduced mental terrorising device to the head of the snake. The device has thereafter occurred inside head of human. The snake has been later called Satan and the same one has become a watcher of the Vishnu’s´down world creature. A pattern of revenge has come within the Satan s´ role as a consequence of the incredible and literally indescribable crime.

There have been created down region archetypes of imitations along the appearance of the other creatures of the upper world from other parts of Nebro during the crime. The imitations were meant to be misused for any kind of a need.

There is the foundation of later social "Darwinian evolution“ that has happened just in terms of involutionary adaptations.

Conclusion: no connection could be found between Lucipher ´s and Cain´s creation and the creation of the First One except of the fact of imitation.


After a period of time the reptiligenous generation has corrupted all up regions and down regions of the world according to the similar patterns grasping power and emulating the model of the behavior so far that only one man from the incorruptible generation has remained.

His name was Jesus from Nazareth.


The Lucipher´s and Cain´s creatures has made an attempt to destroy The First One several times to empower the world. Corresponding with the attempts the world has been several times declined. The attempts have brought Solar system as it is known, the Zodiac Circle, and the stars behind, and another improper „adaptations“ that has been connected with events of destruction. The attempts have meant decline of the system at all levels of life. Specific involutionary peculiarities in form of new lower and detrimental kinds of biological species have occurred as a result of human involution caused due the evil deeds. Due to the human decadency there have been appeared the species of parasites, molds, gems of malignant diseases etc. during that times.

In terms of the previous apotheoses a new kind of human has occurred mostly as a combination of the animals and the reptiligenous humans. A combined generation has emerged.



An order has been embedded into the system through the self-will creation procedure that derogates concept of morality from the very beginning to the very end. Concept of harmonious coexistence has been lost. To what extent ethics have been possible to fill at Cains´ and Lucifers´creation gives a list of behavioral patterns and their implications embodied into the system on base of the inner and form memory of The Light of World Elohim.

The false “genesis” has brought a pattern of continuous fight for power that at the time of their creation had meant rifling the Light of World Elohim. Food chains have originated from the "eating." Created sexuality has brought sexual reproduction and genetic endowment to repeat the same patterns of behavior. The patterns of the creation have included use of violence, execution of undesirable deeds, guilt projection, pattern of revenge, misuse of others, promotion of “hirer hand effect”, pattern of making things secret, unmanageable mental diffusion etc.

The imprint of the adverse patterns has been of the same character as four blood groups of human emerged.


Possibilities to maintain ethical values in the system have been very limited. The least difficulties to maintain ethic values has got the incorruptible generation. The generation of imitation has been able to imitate the incorruptible generation, but no more. Reptiligenous generation has been able to imitate generation of imitation, but not more.

The sights of harmonious coexistence have been transferred to the level of social behavior of animals or below within the combined generation.

Difficulties with ethical values of the system have brought genealogical guilt factor complex due to countless repeating patterns of behavior arising from the Cain´s and Lucifer´s crime.

Consequent “spiritual teachings” about how the genealogical complex of individual could be transferred to the human society has been a consequent mistaken Lucifer´s and Cain´s “devise” about how to maintain the adverse creation.

Humanity has reached the paradoxical situation where any appealing to the ethical values that have been the founds of Yahweh Genesis acted as a catalyst of mental disorders giving rise to a general reluctance to follow moral recommendations or as an incentive to curse the authors or promoters of the recommendations.



CHAPTER IV. Destabilization of The Society. (Assumed from the title “Human, Spiritual Development, Society, R. Kocourek, 2011.)


Social instability is used to be caused by elimination of moral sense of the teachings upgrading an extension of social consciousness. The superstructure of social consciousness goes with the spiritual teachings together with ideas reasoning the structure of the society.

Christian doctrine and other teachings leading to uplift of individuals in terms of moral values have been relegated by supporters of the Oriental doctrines as inadequate. Following relocation of Oriental Studies at the West, Christianity has been marked by the West himself as a „monstrous myth“ which does not fit even to postmodern society.

Modern science has described the complex of the „guilt factors“ as a part of social evolution. An ambition as an unconscious driving forces has been accepted as an element conditioning desirable social development.


Postmodern philosophy has made an attempt to solve „guilt symptom“ asking questions about human identity. The solution of identity disorder has been seen in low order promoted due to the state structures. Postmodern philosophy has built on the assumption ethic order of the postmodern society will by created through a morality transfer from the ruling law that was meant to be enforced with help of state power. The applying of the state power has led to a massive circumvent of law.

Postmodern philosophy as well as democratic principles were overthrow of self arbitrary application „on earth and under heaven.“ Non-symptomatic guilt symptom complex solution has not been included in the legal system. Morality sprout from genealogical purity has not been sown – it could not be gathered.

As far as question of identity is concerned: If the specific personality elements could be considered as the human identity features then the loss of identity , i.e. „running out of oneself“ is the first symptom of spiritual decadency. The second one is the personal shadow separation. If a man could not support himself from the reason of ethic insufficiency that has made inner weakness to him he become more facile for an imitation behavior patterns created in his environment. Not quite conscious searching for patterns of behavior has been meant to provide a noble support leading to a relieve of hardship. Latter, fixing the unconscious activities less noble patterns of behavior has been used.

At the level of psychosis question of identity has ceased within the personality shadow replacement to the unconscious region.


The weakening of the ethical values of individuals and abuse of traditional spiritual values for the effective seizure of power has led to speculations how to enrich oneself at the expense of others rather then through the performance of the statutory conditions of social coexistence. The society driven by those factors has come to the activities outside the law. Justified through flexible law diction, the activities at verge of law have become the backbone of the „evolution.“ The continuous revision of law to avoid the activities has made unsustainable burden for many ordinary people. These activities eventually have grown into an open braking of basic human rights. Human rights has been limited at many aspects either through a government official participating at the law braking or due to formal decree of governments. A pretexts used in the past has served as a pattern – security and national defense etc. Governments have used terrorist deeds in own countries to convince the public the basic rights removing was in interest of the people themselves. The convincing fact was the atmosphere of fear caused by violence.


The abolition of selected constitutional laws under the terms of peace could be considered as a premonition of all rights abolition under conditions less favorable.

Constitutional law is that what makes sense for state arrangement. Constitutional human rights only justify the existence of the state arrangement as a meaningful structure of the society. If the human rights were reduced the sense of the state structure could be lost - the meaning of state arrangements certainly has not been to exist for state arrangements.

If there is a disturbance of power control feedback due to reducing human rights smaller proportion of the population dictates its conditions as a power superior groups justified at use of any means to achieve their goals while the majority of the population could be controlled even against their will. Limitation of human rights on the one hand corresponds with the power strengthening of interested groups that usually are not meant to be affected by any right restriction.

The abuse of power has led to the reasoning of the spiritual path shortcuts by the „illegal“ Occidental practice.

Balancing the lower region negativity with the positive power of the upper regions of the world has been lost and replaced by harmful behavior patterns throughout the system.

Therefore, no unification of the world but a general decline and general split has been the result of the traditional religion values displacement into the category of anachronism.



CHAPTER V. Apotheosis of The End of Aeon: An Outcome of Lucifer´s and Cain´s Creation.


At the end of the second millennium and after its turn an event called apotheosis has happened. Generally, an apotheosis means robbing the inner being of he who bears the Yahweh heritage combined with his sexual abuse "from roofs" in the sense the heritage could be transferred elsewhere within arbitrary intentions of apotheosis executors.


Before the end of the second millennium a realization of Holy Spirit has occurred in Czech Republic promoted by the last inhabitant of seventh heaven of that time. If the realization of Holy Spirit is not accompanied by the personality shadow separation the one whose soul has touch the Spirit becomes eligible to realize Triune on earth. If so, the Triune Intermediary has to solve an outcome of humanity coexistence in the practical aspect since time of the last similar solution of that type.

The "book of life" (Rev 5:2-5) also called the "wheel of consciousness" has been opened under the option. The wheel of consciousness in a practical aspect had included a system of dark worlds that was necessary to "clean up" with help of incorporation of their inhabitants into the Triune Intermediary body. Therefore, the Triune implementation has required to remain in a status of human. To remain in a status of human has meant to keep inner being inside of the body" to prevent escape of beings who could destroy world influencing genealogical complex of humanity.

The dark word system has been eliminated. Those who have participated should be ACKNOWLEDGED: all authorized inhabitants of heavens including prophets and other holy beings and saints. Humanity has owned its remained time to them.

The cleaning took about three and a half years.


At the same time Triune Intermediary has cleaned the light regions of the world as well. Heavens have been polluted within entrance of those who have "achieved" personality disintegration before the implementation of Triune on earth.

Heavens has became accessible to the general public without previous measures that have prevented incompetent entities to get there.


During the turn of the Aeon the technical initiations done “from roofs” have been performed. Based on the last apotheosis the initiations have been done mostly by heirs of Egyptian magic, especially by the French Templ and Americans from O.T.O. whose members have suffered a conviction they are authorized to seize world power on earth and in heaven. Members of the secret groups initiated on base of personality disintegration before the Triune implementation on earth have promoted an attempt to initiate humanity as a whole.

The "spirituality" in the form of personality disintegration has become one of the most profitable world trades. Accompanied with robbing Triune Intermediary soul offprints and spirits "from roofs" mostly by Czech criminals and Frenchs the secret large-scale initiating has been supposed to be justified in the eyes of the public however, the purpose of the treatment has been to create a human shield as a protection of the organizers of the project.


Before the Holy Spirit realization there has been undertaken another "spiritual" realization of Cain who was born as Ivo Leinveber in Czech Republic. His genealogical journey through his creation has been marked by performances of executions that at the time of his immortality have been made in order to rob souls and spirits of famous people. His victim has been biblical "man in a linen garment," Solomon, Jesus from Nazareth and others.

His “spiritual” realization has been made with help of method called "magic invocation." The magic invocations has been made so that the executor should be a "master" of the original celestial beings arising from the will of YHWH. After his realization he has consecrated his genealogically devoted fellow man, Richard Noll, who at the time of Cain creatures has been called Lucifer.

The method of Cains´ initiation has amplified residual factors of his personality to the extreme position that could be ever hardly found in heaven. A possible influence of invoked inhabitants of heavens has been eliminated by the values of his personality marked by the “spiritual” performances from magic banknotes acquisition to magic assassinations. Thus the position has been realized in heavens that has meant the opposite to what that has been earlier embodied by Jesus of Nazareth.


Apotheosis caused by the presence of the Triune Intermediary and following request to seize His heritage has been carried out by analogies within patterns font face=text-indent: 2cm; margin-top: 0.05cm; margin-bottom: 0cm; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: 100%2Arial, sans-serifcreated by Cain during his illegal creation and during previous apotheosis. At the course of the last apotheosis he has contributed to the world destruction through improper use of magic by that the value order of the world has been reversed so that the good has been punished and the evil has been rewarded.


Separate personality shadows of initiatics have been exchanged for robbed Triune Intermediary soul offprints and other spirits during the last apotheosis. Abilities of the spiritual beings have been partially transferred to ineligible initiatics who have gained “their” spirit in heaven. The original inhabitants of heaven have been changed by the people with their passions, and ambitions, and destructive programs at all levels of consciousness.

Consecrated humans of the apotheosis have became addicted to the inner being of the Triune Intermediary. The fact has led to years lasting rifling of his inner being on the one hand and efforts of His elimination with help of “worms” pulled out from initiatics´ bodies to perform magic from roofs.


The "worms" have been loaded with guilt and other harmful factors incompatible with life mentioned in the Book of Revelation: "And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death." (6:8).

Consecrated people have transferred their guilt and suffering of their victims to those to whom previously robbed the spirit or soul, arguing that the destruction has been done by the victims of the robberies.


An integrity of the Triune Intermediary has been damaged within attempts of His assassination to efface witness of the apotheosis. The integrity damages has lead to an escape of selected dark worlds inhabitants before they could be melted. It has been especially devil and Satan in an anthropomorphic and animal form. The beings at the time of their release could not be distinguished from the Triune Intermediary soul offprints with exception of their inclinations that has not been shown when ineffective. The beings have been "overwhelmed and captured" in the body of Triune Intermediary.

Therefore, The thieves of Triune Intermediary soul offprints has realized devil and Satan on earth. After the magicians have pulled their inner beings out of their bodies during magic practice the devil and Satan has been released and realized in heaven and could fully apply his tendencies on earth from "roofs."


Few were those who have kept in mind their wishes and thoughts could be filled within transfer of their mental states to "their" spirit that has become a performance unit of the settings “from roofs” after the apotheosis.

Terror and damages of any kind have been ordered by the people who have been characterized by the absence of those inner values on which the JHVH creation has been built. The people have mostly applied the behavior patterns resulting from Cains´ and Lucifers´ creation.

After a long term abusing of the Triune Intermediary the One has become involuntary inhabitants of many human beings in certain sense. Due to more than seven-years lasting settings to assassinate the Triune Intermediary an irreversible task to terminate humanity has been set at spiritual level of existence based on inner and form memory of “The Light of World” Elohim.


Suffering embodied to the Lucifer´s and Cain´s creation and to human souls through the crime of cutting Nebro and making self-will creatures has been stressed by assassination patterns of behavior. From the time of the last apotheosis both types of behavior patterns have been anchored to the existence within Light Elohim that is transferable part of human souls.

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