Submitted by amissvik on Sun, 10/21/2012 - 11:15




I spoke with my dad this morning about this presidential race. He is 75, highly astute politically, and has an uncanny ability to call out falsehood and affectation.


He said that Romney reminds him of when Hitler was voted into office by Germany. There was desperation and retribution in the air, and Hitler seized upon it. He promised prosperity. Some of the Germans knew prosperity. They became part of the war machine. He said if Romney does get in, we will have a certain kind of prosperity, because we will have perpetual and amplified war. That our leaders are puppets, and each bring their own kind of trouble.


It takes a consummate liar to turn from understanding that in Germany, as in America, killers have been, are and will be granted full authority and immunity by the victims, just to keep it tidy and legal. If you are filled with venom for your fellow man, thinking of them as inferior or separate, it is easy to travel to the place where a “their own good” mantra will make you doubly dangerous.


I think we have a choice between willful incarceration, or the slow, shambling walk of a crippled and terminal empire, so filled with disgust for the governed, that nothing short of ignoring it all will make it better.


I will not opt out of voting, “send a message”. The days of silence as strength are long passed.


When Reagan came in, I was so depressed. I saw the country's heart turn cold and small, and all around me were people who felt permission, finally, to feel disdain for the ones in this world who struggle and, upon struggling mightily, fail miserably. That was the beginning of trickle down. It was the beginning of people believing the lie that more is better, scarcity is bearing down on our very survival, and competition is the antidote for it all.


And then came Reagan's soulic successor, W., so bought and sold was he in the web of deception. And when he stole the first election, we stood by, with placards, lining the avenue in a profound day of shame, his first inauguration. But the re-election? Probably stolen, but look at how many of your neighbors got on the fear, war, hate and degradation bandwagon. See the polarization deepen.


And now see the trebling of this awful power, the candidate who will tell anyone anything to curry or bestow favor. An obvious paper tiger, and yet, in its midst we tremble.


I do not know if Obama is an old soul, working in the light. I do not know what silences him, and why he continues to speak falsehoods, and bed the rapists of his people.


All I know is that they are both playing out a drama fit for the big screen, one of lies and betrayals, secrets and hidden agendas.


I believe that humanity is struggling to heal from a now fulminant infection of thought and heart. Too trained to only listen, never feel, the lies are digested whole and their purulence has released, over time, the cancer throttling a once gentle and kind people. No one alive on this planet is unaffected by this horror.


The thing is, Romney is a device, as is Obama. We are creating them as they are creating themselves. Do you really think this devolution into a debate format which allows a once-governor to tell the president of his country to pipe down, you'll get your turn, and a whole audience TURNING ON one of the debaters when found waist deep in a lie he will not shelve is something they came up with themselves? They are symbols of the cancer we have allowed to grow for thirty years.


Nothing short of us waking up en masse will change this system. My choice lies only with whether I want to stick around if the unconscious allow in office someone who is not worthy to teach them a Sunday school lesson he swears he'll have memorized. It seems my only choice, after casting my pitiful ballot.


So of course, I will vote. It is a system in which I find myself entwined. I will not split the vote this year. I will vote for a party which, at least in their propaganda, want to help people who are poor rather than punish them, and which affords less of a probability of enshrining to “the highest court in the land” more advocates for the killers, rapists and thieves among us, governing us, supressing us, encouraging us to wake the f**k up.


I have no illusions. Monsanto and Goldman Sachs, the Rothschilds and other parties as yet unnamed run this show now, because we let them. We believed their lies hook, line and sinker, tried on their lifestyle and adopted it as our own, let their values become our own, in the bizarre mass hallucination we have been working on.


And when the curtain is finally drawn back, and we see who/what these folks have been getting their marching orders from, when we see how metastatic this infection is, we might want to give up the ghost. There will be shocks and thrills and spills. There will be upheaval, disruption, loss and renewal. But it will be voluntary. As voluntary as if you dash into the street to scoop up a tyke who has wandered into traffic, or decide to run into a burning house to rescue your cat. It will have to be done.


This great farce is available for your consideration, your consumption, at any moment. Filled with half-truths and illusion, hinting at reality, telling you to stay asleep, keep dreaming, don't even consider misbehaving.


I have a hard time believing that the problem is with these two men. The problem lies in every person's heart who does not have compassion for the immigrant, student, widow, worker, mother, father, son, daughter, the prosperous and the lame and the blatantly self-destructive among us. Until we understand in full that we are, have been, will be these, all, people will function from the false assumption that what happens to one does not effect all. It is silly to think we have functioned like that for so long, and it feels so good to stop.


Hitler was a man from another era, but he illustrated great truths, fierce and indelible lessons in intolerance, hatred, greed, self-loathing, self-destruction, hubris, sadism, masochism, indifference, and industry in which the ends are held higher than the means.


This mechanistic way of life is finished, at least for me. I will dip into that corrosive lake when necessary, and I will remain untouched, but left with a sadness. Just shaking my head and wondering how it could have gotten this bad. How did it get so crazy?


In the early 1990's I was told that some planet, I think it was Jupiter, had come into a position which will make lying impossible. The planet's effect would escalate, as would the contrast between light and dark. I was told I had not seen anything yet. I was told to get used to the lies you do not want revealed having a high probability of being exposed. I was told that it behooves everyone to act as if the walls of their house are glass and not lead. I was told good information. Further, I was told it is the consummate trickster energy, prone to big showy flourishes of “A-ha! I told you so! Voila!”


So let the games begin. I am detached. I want it said that I do not see Reagan, W, Romney or Obama as evil or bad or needing punishment or incarceration. Their behavior has always been right on time. Their behavior allows us to reflect upon how little respect and love we have decided we are all worth. This election is shabby and ugly and embarrassing. Very engaging and scary, full of surprises and false hope. Such is the way now. We are playing out a wonderful drama.


I hope I can tolerate all this wonderfulness.


Guest (not verified)

Sun, 10/21/2012 - 11:55

Please stop calling these bloody politicians "our leaders". There is no bureaurat alive that is my leader in any way, shape, or form. In fact they are the farthest thing possible from being my leader. If you have eyes to see, you'd know these political bureaurats are no more than self serving thieves, who will steal everything possible in their position of authority, only to further their own agendas.

See, the thing is, the word leaders, that refers to each other, ourselves, "the little guy". That's who our leaders are. The people we have placed as our mouthpieces are only that. WE run the show, WE have conjured up the mess, and we can lead each other out of the mire.

I'm just sayin'.

kabniel (not verified)

Sun, 10/21/2012 - 19:22

Re;Election, Leaders ,etc.



"Our leaders  behavior allows  us to reflect upon how little

respect and love we have decided we are all worth....."




Dat so...?

Where did you ever get such a  noble sentiment..?


I suppose they are your reflection.  That's a good one.

Reflection of who you are   (inside)  That you have inside you

the same qualities these politicians have.



Here is a surprise...!

There are many readers here who are no longer into

buying that belief.  Yes, it is just a belief to tie us down with

the unrelenting viciousness around us.  Make us participants. 



I surely won't have any self respect and self-love

if I gave myself a  grade ,depending on

"our leaders behavior."


God forbid.


We have moved on.






Dear Sister,

I meant no disrespect.

and  I did not mis-understand you.




Why validate these political posturings from both candidates

from an illegal , usurping  corporation known as the

United States Government, a Corporation...?


The Governmnt of the People, For the People, and By the People

was killed by this corporation many decades ago.  The whole world

knows this.


What is the point of voting...?


unless, of course, you want to  legitimize its existence,

and give them your power.




Barbara Newman (not verified)

Wed, 10/24/2012 - 06:25



I have been an independent registered voter for over 30yrs., and proud of it!!


I'd like to express my thanx to you for expressing your thoughts and feelings..they made me cry, laugh, despair, hope, fear, want to 'punch-out' every politition on the planet, and then 'drop-kick' the bottom-sides of my fellow citizens for allowing this s**t to get soo deep!!


So, thats when I know I need to take a deep cleansing breath, give thanx for souls like you, expel all that old energy from my beingness and trust that the Divine has got it handled.


Thank You for sharing and listening,


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