Matthew Ward: "Doubt about Obama’s Light-Filled Intentions is Arming His Opposition"

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 10/22/2012 - 08:41

Thank You to Steve Beckow :This article is reposted from August 2010 and is posted to lend support to President Obama in his re-election bid.


After a long absence (since late June) following his father’s transition, Matthew Ward has returned.

I want to reproduce his passage on President Obama here. If this does not stop the anti-Obama meme (a meme is a catchphrase that is taken up by people), then people who continue spinning it have an axe to grind.

Here are those passages:

“Suzy: Are you still convinced that US President Obama is a highly evolved lighted soul who came from an advanced civilization to lead us into the Golden Age?

Matthew: “Yes! There is no reason for us or other messengers in high stations to doubt that, but we understand why some of you do. Assessments and conclusions can only be according to information available to you.

“You don’t have our vantage point in the universe or our information sources, and you have no way of knowing all the undercurrents that will be ushering in your new world.


“Doubt about Obama’s light-filled intentions is arming his opposition — that is why we urge you to withhold judgment and to envision him and your world in golden light. Negative thoughts and feelings about Obama’s leadership are reducing his ability to persuade his own government and other leaders to act in harmonious cooperation to achieve a peaceful world with shared wealth and well being for all. This is not his failing, but rather the law of attraction in operation — negativity aimed in any direction brings back to Earth more negative situations.

“Along with vibrations intensifying the best and the worst of human traits, the law is producing divisiveness in politics, ideologies and philosophies that form all systems and organizations that regulate life in your world. Each side of any issue is blindly digging in its heels instead of giving an inch. But do not despair — that stubbornness to keep the status quo and to resist reform attempts is but one element in the picture whose full design soon will “come to light.” (1)

So we need to know that we are holding up the show and incapacitating President Obama by holding or spreading negative views about him.

President Obama is the political leader here to lead us into the New Age fast approaching. His detractors on the left and right are mistaken in their estimations of him and it’s up to us to set them right.


(1) Matthew Message, Aug. 13, 2010, at

dear cohorts for bringing this most important piece of Wisdom(s) back to my attention. I feel the "Just Do It" with regards to holding each other in the Light , period. Like never before. Bless You in a Mighty Way Mamma G.  ...   Peace-out 

Are you kidding us?????

What happens when you find out about the stealing of money(read The white hats reports),hit lists,real estate fraud,stolen Social insurance number,NDAA....?

How long do you intend to confuse people and lead them astray? The "peacemaker started new wars,never ending one of the previous ones.He broke all the election promises and still you defend him.Steve Beckow works for the corporation called the Government of Canada(no secret).Can this have anything to do with his "love" for Obama?


Obama is not a lightworker! Four years are enough to prove it! He is appointed by the cabal as is the other "candidate".


What is it going to take? Are you also going to agree with people dissappearing under the unconstitutional NDAA? Incredible!


They are selling you lies and you believe them blindly.Nobody is going to save you but yourself.


Shame how quickly we fall for the "messiah" lie.Are we ever going to grow up?


Please allow your intuition to speak to you.....

This is to the person who wrote "Are you kidding us". 

What you must understand is that it is NOT Obama that is at the top of the ruling pyramid. He is NOT the one in charge. He is forced to be a puppet for the negative Elite that rules the planet. So when you say, Obama did this or that, or said this or that, then you must also know that he is FORCED to do and say these things, or else.....   You have to know that things go much, much, much, deeper behind the scenes than you EVER hear on the news etc. 
Namaste <3

I agree with you. I have been trying to keep an open mind about Obama since so many on this site say that he is a light worker. But I hear too many reports of his wrong doings and I cannot just blame it all on the cabal hanging a sword over his head. I could just as we'll say that Mitt Romney is a light worker who has to do what the cabal says. I'm sure Obama knew what he was getting himself into. I really don't think it is the place of a spiritual teacher to endorse any candidate for then they are judging people rather than pointing the way to oneness. Even though I love the spiritual teachings and visions of a better world that we can find here, I find myself cringing every time I see a post promoting Obama or condemning Romney. Show us the facts about these people and let us use our own discernment. Personally I am not voting for either.


Mon, 10/22/2012 - 13:01

JILL REED for PRESIDENT       (((((((((((((((((((REED/CAREY))))))))))))))))))))))) I would not vote for anybody offered to you by TV ,media,or anything controlled by theGOVERMENT,Eventhough they make it sound so hopeless for anyone else , Like the one person that can fix this mess does not have a chance.Jill has the PRIME LAW. It's time to wake up and take the person that is going to be President for there word.Sofor all i heard is obama saying"when it come's to secerity he mean's what he say's " that was at the town hall dabate last week.The last thing that the goverment want's is to give us is our freedom back,THE PRIME LAW is the key to our freedom,our Goverment is for protection only they are not soposto make money off of us,and robbing us of our future life that is at hand. Jill Reed is going to do this earth changing deed for us all.Please go and see the platfom at has been on a train for a year trying to be a canident .If some one is of the light they mean what they say about everything,and are very open to correction if they are misemformed.It make me sick that people that work for the government are on this site toying with our life and freedom.

David Porter

Wed, 10/24/2012 - 15:18

Steve and Matthew, we are getting too close for comfort to "the day of ascension" this day is one thing with apsolute certainty that will be here, "SOON."


Matthew, in your position you certainly have many ways to instill confindence in us all that you are for real, on our side and are here to assist us with ascension. I mean things like disclosure and mass arrest, now termed containment and NESARA, just how much help are they to be for our prepartation of what is to take place in "SOON" now. And to you guys our linear years are like minutes of your understanding of time, we are down to days, so to you about a second of two.


Very few of us have seen the "light shows" in person, youtube is not going to do it for many, so why don't you have a few million of your ships that are standing ready just come by tomorrow afternoon for a bit of a show and if we all get all scard up then you can just retreat until we regain our composure, you must know of our resilients.


How about it guys and gals?


Guest (not verified)

Mon, 11/26/2012 - 08:07

Too many things have been done by Obama during the past four years. He had to choose between the LIGHT and the DARK. Unfortunately, he chose the DARK. Just like those of the DARK, he is after more power. Yes, some of the things he has done has been good. However, don't be fooled---He is not a lightworker. Please don't believe those lies about him that call him a "lightworker". It will take you down the wrong path, if you continue to be misdirected. That is what the DARK wants you to do. They want you to be misled. You have a bright future ahead of you. Choose LIGHT, not DARK!


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