President Obama’s Situation as I See It

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 10/23/2012 - 13:27

Written by Wes Annac

While I haven’t been following politics very closely for what to me is a good reason, as the election is coming up in the United States we are seeing much circulated about President Obama, Mitt Romney and the outcome of who is elected president. We have heard that much is riding on this election; not for any political reasons but for reasons of steering this Earth into the Golden Age we have all been working toward.

I would like to give my two cents and my opinion, knowing that it could likely be different from yours. I don’t wish to turn this into a full-blown debate about Obama, but simply give my opinion and ask that it is respected, just as I would respect the opinion of another as long as the person expressing it is themselves respectful. I have unfortunately talked with plenty of people, my own mother included, who do not believe in President Obama.

Many people feel that he had the chance and failed, and it can be disparaging for any Obama supporter to continually meet a wall of criticism of the President; sometimes, moreso than what was given to both of the Bushes. Whenever Bush showed us how against the will of the people his administration and those behind the curtain truly are, the presidential position was automatically put under much more scrutiny.

However, Bush had the advantage of being aligned with the far-right and controlled aspects of the American mainstream media, who were much less critical of him than they have been of President Obama.

I guess I should go ahead and say that I wholeheartedly support President Obama and do feel that he should be reelected and that, as some have suggested, his reelection is critical to the unfolding of the Golden Age. This is my opinion and again, may be different from yours but all perspectives should be considered and respected.

I understand the wall of negative comments that could result from me writing this article. Laundry lists of accusations and questions of the integrity of my character for supporting the President could be a result of simply expressing my opinion, and what I’ve noticed is that some seem to really want everybody to be convinced of their opinion.

Besides simply stating my opinion on this matter and getting it out there, I have no desire to convince you of how I feel; simply to display my perspective and give my personal reasons why I believe in Obama, knowing that I am unwavering in my faith and in this particular belief, and knowing that those who wish the most for all to think and ‘know’ that Obama is a puppet for the cabal or is somehow aligned against the people, are just as unwavering in their belief.

I have no desire to take that belief away from them, nor do I desire to have mine taken from me.

A strong hint as to the controlled opposition against the President that I’ve noticed, has been the circulating of clearly-racist photo shopped pictures of the President or his wife. People on spiritual forums who I would have otherwise considered completely credible have spread such types of photos around, perhaps not realizing the extent of the racism and hate employed in such pictures but simply doing so out of their own contempt for the President. I’ve literally seen pictures of Obama with a grill in his mouth and a drink in his hand, circulated by people making fun of him while giving their opinions of his alignment with evil.

I do not think that spreading such hate around is helpful in attempting to convince others of one’s opinion on this matter, and yet I have seen it happen with many people, on many different websites who are aligned against the President for their own reasons.

Much of the disdain for and disappointment in President Obama has been his seeming ‘left turn’ in enacting much of what he said he was going to do as President. Obama has been one of very few Presidents who were not in line with the agendas of the elites from the beginning, and the clear, large network of propaganda in the mainstream, alternative and spiritual media seems only to be a testament to this fact.

In my view, the unfortunate part is that Lightworkers have believed the propaganda imbued within the mainstream, alternative and spiritual media, and a part of this has to do with the aforementioned increased scrutiny against the President as the people have begun to awaken to the misdeeds [to put them lightly] of Bush and of the cabals in general. The people are not taking corruption anymore and are scrutinizing the President, whoever he may be, now more than ever.

The problem is that many of us have naturally assumed that the President has the most power as we would expect him to, based on how the American governing body is supposed to be but alas, the President holds much less power than we realize. Obama didn’t quite realize the enormous, worldwide power network he was taking-on with his many decrees and presidential ambitions, and it is my view as well as that of many others that Obama immediately met a wall of hate from those he had vowed to bring down in various different forms.

What Obama has been able to get done so far, we often don’t hear about and if we do, we usually hear about it in a critical or at the very least, speculative light. The hatred and contempt held for Bush has carried-over for a lot of people, especially many people who voted for Obama and expected the promised change in his first term, not knowing that the hidden establishment running things in Washington were and have been the real deciders of actions that are taken.

The elite’s plan was solidified from the beginning. They were likely very surprised that neither of the people who their separate factions were trying to get elected actually won in 2008, and they probably worked very quickly to devise a plan against the President that would entail threats against his Life among other awful things, and a continual blocking of every agenda he wished to enact under the guise of the Republican party blocking such things only for the interest of their parties.

Obama’s many attempted actions have been blocked for much deeper reasons than that but the separation-boasting system of Democrat and Republican, Liberal and Conservative has been used by the cabals as a shell of a reason to enact or block any type of agenda and to use separation-based mindsets to divide and distract the people on miniscule issues, so that an agenda can either be pushed through or blocked without the public realizing the broader implications of either agenda, be it for or against the interests of the people.

Propaganda through a heavily-controlled mainstream media and a slightly-controlled alternative media would reinforce views against the President and all of that fuming hatred of Bush would, after a while of Obama being in office, fashion into disappointment and hatred of him, and the awareness of the people and our expression of such an awareness would be aimed toward somebody who really has been trying to help us all along, rather than who it is to be duly aimed at; the real perpetrators of this illusory and unfair system we have in place at present.

The elites would have their Republicans block maneuvers the President makes to get various things done, while the mainstream and alternative media continually reinforce a rhetoric that the President is fulfilling nothing that he said he would, which would of course light the alternative media afire with conspiracy theories and assumptions that the President has been in-line with the agendas of the elites all along and that his campaign of hope and change was a farce. This is pretty much an assumption within many people at present, and some think Obama supporters downright crazy and ‘blind’ because we don’t resonate with what to us seems to be clear, orchestrated propaganda against the President.

The elites would gain an advantage, having their more far-right mainstream media pundits harshly criticize and attack the President nearly as soon as he took office. They would play-upon the awakening that is occurring within many on our world at this point, by issuing routine conspiracy theories themselves against the President, again, on their own far-right mainstream ‘news’ networks.

Do you ever wonder why far-right pundits almost seem to be in agreement with ‘alternative’ news-based conspiracy theories against the President? When Alex Jones and Fox News are agreeing with each other, something isn’t right.

By now, the majority of the people should have been against the President and make no mistake, a lot of people are. Many conscious Lightworkers who are very insightful and filled with important knowledge for humanity to assimilate, are aligned with the belief that Obama is not a Lightworker and we’ve all seen a plethora of vicious and sometimes petty arguments about the integrity and intention of the President.

I think that even beyond all of this, the President is under much more pressure and stress than we all realize. I have heard that some pretty awful threats were made to the President and there is likely much more to the story of his Presidency than we will yet know; even those of us who search and search for the truth endlessly. We are seeing now, the result of four years of orchestrated propaganda against the President and we are now and have been witnessing the absorbing and believing of this propaganda by many well-meaning, intelligent souls.

In my view, this is unfortunate as I believe that despite the clear purposeful blocking of the President’s plans [in various different forms] to help usher humanity into an age of peace and prosperity and despite what seemed for a long time to be his own submission and perceived defeat, it seems that there could be another round for President Obama.

It can be disheartening to see some well-meaning individuals including my own mother, who are very staunchly against the President and are more in favor of Mitt Romney for President.

Again, politics aside, I feel that Mitt Romney is and will be an instrument of the cabals and the interests and agendas of the cabals. I have my reasons for feeling this way and even many who are against Obama would likely agree about Mitt Romney, and he has especially made it clear to his billionaire-donors that he does not believe strongly in government aide; much less a redistribution of wealth.

I can also remember Ben Fulford telling us quite a long time before Romney was the presumptive republican nominee, that he had been chosen by the cabals to be President. A while after Fulford’s ‘prediction’ was given, the mainstream was indeed alight with the news that Romney was the presumptive republican nominee.

It can be difficult to watch Romney pretend to genuinely care about the American public when he speaks, knowing that as soon as he would potentially be elected, he would immediately give-in to the agendas of his donors and those who decided he would run for President. For some who are against Obama, they may feel the same thing when hearing the President speak but I find Obama’s words and intents to be genuine.

This all being said, I would like to present my personal view of President Obama’s situation as it stands at present.

Watching the orchestrated propaganda against the President, as well as what to me seems as a willing buying-in to this propaganda by many within the Lightworker collective, it seemed very recently as if the President had given up. It seemed as if he had lost the will to fight, and even many who still support him could likely feel that he was unable to move freely as President and express his true motives and agendas, while his agendas were painted continually as anything but being in the interests of the people.

He seemed to have given up, to have realized his inability to make a change while within a limited position that we have been taught is much more of a powerful position than it actually is. Just looking at the President, it seemed as if he was in a calm yet deflated state and it seems to me that this has changed very recently.

I think that Obama is on a fast pace to making a ‘comeback’ of sorts and I believe that this election is crucial to his ability to bring-forth plans that are in the best interests of not only the United States, but of all of humanity as well.

Most people would assume by this point that voting is not important as many assume the elections to be rigged and controlled completely, but in my view the successful election of Obama the first time displayed that the will of the people can decide an election despite the attempted rigging by the cabals. I think that especially now, voting is more important than ever and we can get the will of the people enacted.

To express a bit of a gut-feeling, I feel that Obama’s reelection will signal a real beginning of the diminishing of the elite’s power structure, and I think that they know it. Jon Stewart raised a good point during his recent interview with President Obama; that is, how do we know that the far-right is not going to be just as resistant in a second term is they were in Obama’s first?

In my honest opinion which is based on my view of Obama being one of the ‘good guys’; it is better to have a President who will work to enact the will of the people and meet opposition, than one who will act completely in alignment with the opposition. I understand that many believe Obama is one such person working for the opposition and that view is respected; it is simply not my own.

Watching the President recently, I feel that he has bounced back from his instated slumber and he is coming out boldly and brightly during his campaign. I’ve been following his campaign to a detached extent while trying to stay away from politics and divisive issues, as even Obama has had to play-in to some of the more illusory aspects of politics and while I feel that he had no choice in such matters, many would point to that as a seeming reason that Obama must be on ‘the dark side’.

I think that we are going to see the President shining in the time ahead and I think that his campaign will be successful, but only if we who truly support him show the initiative to help him reach a second term. I do think that voting is more important than ever at this time and will be registering to vote for President Obama. My faith in him remains solidified, though I too went through a phase wherein I thought/assumed Obama was a cabal-puppet and I can remember sending him much hatred during that time.

I support this President, and believe he has met much more resistance than he expected. He temporarily allowed this to bring him down but now that so many things are happening that serve to lead us ever-closer to the complete end of the cabals’ control of the citizens of this planet, Obama is finally seeing the wiggle-room he has always needed and rightly deserved as President of the sovereign United States of America [as opposed to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Corporation] and will begin working much more easily and strongly in a second term to help bring forth the change that many of us have worked to bring to this lost world.

Wes Annac – Contributing to the fray

Guest (not verified)

Tue, 10/23/2012 - 14:25

Be love now. Do not worry about the future.  When your in the present moment nothing matters!  You see the world as the illusion that it is.  All is a distraction created by the mind to keep you from you.  Love all.  Be Love.  All is perfect no "matter" who is elected.  Keep your energy/power for you, do not give it away.


Daniel Amick (not verified)

Tue, 10/23/2012 - 17:24

In reply to by yvonne williams

Wes - Thank you for sharing your insights.  I agree with you completely.  I feel that a win for Obama would be a show of force for the light and would indicate a turning point for peace and the upcoming golden age, (5th dimension).  He is definitely a light worker by all definitions.  


He has accomplished much more than what I would have believed he could considering what he has had to face including death threats to him and his family from the cabal.  According to AA Michael he moved ahead much more freely when he was reassured that the celestials and galactics were watching his back and protecting his family.  


I would be very disappointed if he doesn't win - disappointed in the people - but again, AA Michael said on Monday that it doesn't really matter whether he wins or not he will be our leader during and after the ascension as this is according to their plans and the divine plans.


Wes, you posted an article of mine previously and I would invite you to see one I just wrote that got posted by Linda on called Ascension has Happened.  Also Steve Bechow posted it under my name Daniel Amick.  Thanks Wes.  Much love and light to you.  I read all your posts and I'm happy to see that you include the word plethora at least once in every post. - Daniel

Guest (not verified)

Tue, 10/23/2012 - 18:47

In reply to by yvonne williams

Dear Family,

President Obama is a Lightworker and he is needed to take us into the New Golden Age. President Obama has been doing alot we have been seeing some arrests and indictments of the bankers in the news and if you search on the internet there is so much information about these arrest. There have been so many resignations of top people in theses banks.  The banks are collapsing. This is due to our President.  New banks will open. President Obama stands for unity and will take us into the Golden Age.  We are the ones that can make the Change for the new world.  We have been here on Earth in training to experience the game of separation and to learn lessons from them, for our spiritual evolution. Separation of Race, Religion, Politics, etc. Our training is now over and we will be graduating at the end of this year "Going Home". At home in the universe it is complete Joy.  Love is all there is. Everyone is one and the same living in oneness unity with one another. All of us on earth today is from a planet within our universe and we live together there in love. To go home we must unite, WE MUST BE LOVE. Loving eachother no matter what color they are. For our new world please remember this, THE CHANGE IS US!   "WE ARE WHO WE ARE WAITING FOR." There is too much hate and killing in our world today and we cannot continue this way. Right now we have no future.  If we center into our hearts and become love we will come together once again and co create our new world of love.  WE ARE ONE.




My love to you all

I have always felt as if I knew the President personally. I saw everything that has been done to defeat him but it will not happen. As far as elections I am not sure they will happen as I AM believes there are major confessions coming and major changes. The think is that I AM  is not afraid of anything but many people will be in shock. A great  many are waking up but the extent of what has happened will still shock many, especially in the US as we have such censored media. We will all have to be very kind and everyone I know who comes here is the best. I LOVE Sound of Heart/MotherFatherGod and all who come here as this has become my haven from the storm. Of course I AM loves everyone but there is only LOVE here.

I am certain that Obama is a light worker - why, even I am one, and I'm not even involved in the political shadow play!

I finally received my vote-by-mail ballot and filled it out and sent it immediately.

Now, what if Romney wins? It might be possible, you know - after all, Bush was declared president even though he lost the election. Hopefully this won't happen again, but what if it does?

Well, then we all just continue to send love and light, to everyone, even the cabal. Because love becomes pretty irrresistable after awhile and some of them might begin to realize that it is better to have love than to have a house in myriad countries and lots of Fabrege eggs and other bric-a-brac.

Then they might actually give up the "whoever dies with the most toys wins" game and get into the "love wins" attitude.

Love and blessings, Astreia

Greg (not verified)

Tue, 10/23/2012 - 16:14

I agree with your comments, I too have gone through much of the same in the last four years. It should be obvious that Romney is certainly no Obama, despite all the half-witted attempts to portray it as so.

Can anybody remember the gigantic mess Obama signed on for? I do. I remember thinking there was way too much work for anyone, even a superhero, to accomplish in one term. And that is with cooperation, which he hasnt had. Some people thought it would be a waste of time putting him in there since the house and senate are republican and the opposition would ensure nothing would get done. AND, when he was voted in, I remember shaking my head with admiration and uncertainty of the HOW is he gonna do it?? I sure didnt envy his spot then and it has just become more difficult with time. I dont follow regular media at all, being so corrupt and USELESS. BUT if the HUE-man that is Barack Obama puts even a dent, a hole, starts the hill a-crumbling, it can be fell. Light love and blessings to forward thinking love seekers.

Guest (not verified)

Tue, 10/23/2012 - 17:33

I definitely think Obama represents the new energy and Romney the old.  What I wish though is that he would just make some giant announcement about free energy technology and introduce our space family.  That it would immediately change everything in his favor and the genie would be out of the bag.  Seems simple to me.


Tue, 10/23/2012 - 17:45

In reply to by samadhimaster

agreed, but it is not simple... lol..


Keep Obama in your prayers, send him the love and insight to see what is needed to happen NOW.


Send Romney Love as well so that he may see the light and accept the truth.




The eyes of the world are watching you all in the USA! i know most of the world Wants Obama to be Elected, lets hope the American people see this as well.



Guest (not verified)

Tue, 10/23/2012 - 18:26

Wes, I know you are sincere in your support of President Obama, although I'm not sure he deserves your glowing remarks.  I hope you have at least contemplated the possibility that you may be wrong so that you won't be so devasated when the president's true colors come to light.  Wishing you the Best!

Guest (not verified)

Tue, 10/23/2012 - 18:38

So many of us are bombarded with negativity and criticism if we dare speak of support for O.  It gets so old, and tiring.  What's shocking to me the most is what I see so clearly - energetically speaking -- can be so lost on those close to me who I see as perceptive and highly intelligent, including family, professional colleagues, a close family doctor, and rock star do-gooder attorney who is for the 99%.  I know it's my ego that says to them now, "okay, when all is revealed I won't say I told you so" but I fantasize about that day. 


I've also been a fanatic about pushing people to learn about the global fiat fractal banking system as once you understand that, lots of other things begin to make sense.  Yet these same anti O folks would prefer to remain ignorant.  I guess they'd rather keep their world view as is than know Truth. 


What has changed for me is instead of feeling annoyed by Romney, I feel empathy for him and see him as someone who is deeply hurt and knows no other way to operate.  It's possible he is controlled and is just a puppet.  Last night's debate I sensed embarassment for him as he was caught in so many mis-statements.  I also felt moments of sincerity - that surprised me (all the Love from lightworkers affecting him?), though he simply does not possess the knowledge needed to help evolve the planet. 


Obama was shining like the bright star that he is.  I see gold and white light in his aura, with some greens and blues.  Atleast that's what I saw during last nights debate. 


Thank you Wes for sharing your thoughts, I, along with the other commenters here, appreciate them.  May God Bless the Obamas, all of Mother Earth and Father Sky, and all sentient life.... 

Thank you Wes for speaking your truth. Seems we agree on most everything. While reading your blog, I broke into laughter when you made the comment, something is wrong when Alex Jones and Fox agree. I used to listen to "Froggy". Many points he makes have some truth but little heart in them. There is too much fear in his solutions for my taste. Getting all riled up over politics, religion and money plays right into the hands of the oppressors.  Too many people are beginning to realize the faces of politics are not the deciders. There is a belief somewhere which still refuses to believe our own government would do bad things to the people. If the leaders were not self serving we would not be at war. President Obama clearly was not going to be able to carry out his agenda of change with political roadblocks at every turn. To have gotten this far, He must have been doing something right. Only higher consciousness could achieve such a thing. Something which I have not seen from Mr Romney. Not so sure that is possible for him.


In the Heart


Guest (not verified)

Tue, 10/23/2012 - 19:31

If elections were not rigged in this country a long disertation on your choice for the Presidency would be less of a waste of time (although still inappropriate in the context where people who respect your opinion & "knowledge" regularly search for help). Unfortunately there has not been a legitimate election in this country since before Reagan. Republican or Democrate does not matter. Color of skin does not matter. The Cabal decide. Not the voter. Remember the Supreme Court giving Bush II the Presidency when Gore had won the electorial college?


To think that Obama was ignorant of who runs the whole world would be really naive. He knew. Maybe he just sold his soul thinking he would somehow correct his path and transform into a Lightworker later?  Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. It is possible that in giving Obama four more years, the Cabal will have a well-trained puppet to do their bidding. It will be Their call, not the voter's.


Just something to consider .................the election is rigged.


I've been drawn to Obama since he ran for the nomination against Hilary and all those who thought she had it locked up.


Not so fast old guard!  Obama's in the Oval Office because voters put him there, he needs to be there and we need him to be there. He is a beacon of Light and Hope, not a God any more than you or I, since we are all Gods, but a Guiding Light for all to see.  And if he can shoulder the shit the Republicans and their Bankster allies have been throwing at him for the past 4 years, and now through this re-election process, then you and I can handle some emotional discomfort, impatience and the occasional disappointment where our Ascension process is concerned.


Somebody's doing a lot of heavy lifting, and it's not the whiners that show up here periodically to complain some important date has been missed, or nothing has changed as previously promised.


If nothing has changed for them then it's because they are doing Nothing


I trust my gut on this one and I've never been wrong when I fully trust my gut as I do with this matter.


Obama is Cool, like a Bright Light is Cool - End of Story.


We will all see what he's about shortly.  We're all in for a wakeup surprise. Meanwhile let's grow into our individual Ascension and keep making the changes that will get us to 5D. That's our job.  That's our commitment to ourselves.  That's the contract we signed before coming here.


Hold on to your hats, It's all coming to a head right about Now!


Dr Moe

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