Ascension and The Dinner Table

Submitted by Reiki Doc on Thu, 10/25/2012 - 04:45

'I am a meat eater!' my son boldly exclaimed at the table, hefting a spoon full of taco meat into his mouth with gusto.

I nodded as I put the wasabi on my sushi and lifted it to my mouth. I felt peace. Why? This was the first time I made something for him that I did not partake in myself. I couldn't. I didn't want his favorite, taco meat. 

The desire not to eat meat is part of the Ascension Process. For the past six months, I have been experiencing it. But out of simple economics of feeding the family, I have had to 'keep the peace' so to speak, and make what 'everybody wants'. When it would come time to go out to dinner, it would be impossible to agree where to go. I want mexican! one would say. And my stomach would churn at the thought of yet another bean and cheese burrito, with all the fat and all the salt and nothing fresh. Let's go to Souplantation! I would counter back. Sometimes it would work, and sometimes it wouldn't.

Remember you are family first, and everyone's 'Ascension Symptoms' might be at a different 'rate' or 'degree' at the moment
honor your family by making the healthiest choices--grass-fed lean beef, organic free-range chicken, 'happy eggs' that are from hens who are not caged. Add vegetables! Last night was guacamole with onion, garlic, and tomato made fresh by me.

Trust that everyone is on the right path for them
It has been years since my Reiki Master, and it has taken me this long to get where I am. The practice of Reiki naturally raises our vibration, and leads us to make healthier choices. They are imperceptible while they are happening. But when you look back, they are significant. In this order, I got 'sleep', 'diet' and now we are working on 'exercise'--I made a pledge to go 15 minutes a day on the elliptical, no matter what. If you knew my schedule, you would see how packed it is. But now it is time.

Many people responded to a post on Facebook I had made a while back that said, 'Not everyone can go without meat, and that is okay.' This is true for a great amount of the population. There is a reason, I think, that the body has a need for it and it might have to do with the blood type. My mother is Type O, and she does not get 'full' or 'get strength' without 'a nice burger' every now and then. And she is a long-time supporter of PETA. For her health, she has to do what she has to do. I think it is in the DNA. I, on the other hand, a Type A blood, look at meat and can 'take it or leave it'. I remember how disgusting meat felt to me when I was encouraged to eat it as a child. It made me gag. Something in my DNA 'remembered'. Parents being what they are, I learned to eat it. The things that made me gag the worst were eggs, mushrooms, and dark meat on turkey.

That being said, do what is right for you and allow them to do what is right for them
Peace is a very important part of the Ascension Process. I have heard that 'All children are going to ascend, and so are their parents'. That thought gives me comfort. It also makes sense, because their little energetic systems are fresh, pure, clean, and innocent. They are the leaders of tomorrow, I think to myself. They are here to show us 'the Way'. They shall remember...

As a parent, I have noticed tension due to the natural differences in Vibration between all family members. This is to be handled with discretion and Highest Love and Acceptance of everyone's right to choose. Mealtimes are important for the family. They promote bonding, which is something that lasts across many lifetimes! Keep this in perspective. And do your best to follow the needs of YOUR body in preparation for the Ascension Process. Your body knows what to do. Take your 'inner guidance', and do not let peer pressure 'guilt' you into doing anything else.

I cooked tacos for the family and gladly ate my two rolls of sushi.  Everyone got what they wanted, and was happy to eat.



Reiki Doc

Facebook as Doctors With Reiki

Twitter as @usui2102

I have learned so much from your work.

Keep on shining, Reiki Doc. I am so glad to know there are physicians out there who are awake. I will suspend judgement next time I have to petition one for an order at 3 on the morning.  :-)

kabniel (not verified)

Thu, 10/25/2012 - 18:16

This is information only,

just sharing.


According to my inner source, our bodies require us to eat whatever

food or any combinations of strange foods that Spirit would use to

create light particles for our lightbodies. It has something to do with

the spinning of light and sound.  It seems every taboo was lifted .

Now OK to eat steaks and whatever it is your body is asking for.



The only requirement is for us to honor and bless our food so that

a portion of the prana in the food

will return to the genetic line of the ....say, ...salmon fish

(if that is what you are eating.) This will ensure the health and well being of the

fish , and will be able to increase their tribe for you to consume.

They agreed to be part of the foodchain,  as their service to all,

so we can  stop beating ourselves  about this practice.


For the pranic healers, good way to do it would be to infuse light and transmute

all discordnt energies, especially when eating at the fast food restaurants where

food is routinely prepared without love and caring.


( I thank you Lord for fast food restaurants, but please, Lord,

I can't eat THAT food...... Heh... she agrees.)


Use the  palm chakras to flash light and love and change the molecular

structure of your food and water. Go ahead. Play like you are Merlin.




I want to thank all of you for this opportunity to share.

thanks especially to the owner of this website.

Mother Father God.


I never know what will come out from my head

when answering or sharing. Information gets organized

and I get to re-learn those that were long forgotten wisdom.


Thanks, Reiki Doc.





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