Submitted by AnaShyNa on Thu, 01/05/2012 - 09:04

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Thu, 01/05/2012 - 10:40

In too years I have listen and read your broadcast. It’s always “the day is coming soon” and “meeting in near future”  But what is near future for you years ?

I also read much duality in your massages, there is the dark Kabal, the bad politicians and so on, at the same time You love us all !


Also you know everything we are thinking and doing, which I think is great if the knowledge is used to help us, and not like here where it is use to control and create fear, but If you know all that stuff, why isn’t there any change ?


I also have noticed that there is more and more chanelers, but the massages is more and more confusing and don’t give any clear answers to anything.


I have so much hoped that in 2 years things would change for the better, to see and feel some change, but I don’t. All I see around me is more and more control, corruption, people who only believe in status, money, stuff, and who don’t take responsibility for anything in there lifes, and put blame on others. In short it’s the same group who find the answers and share them, and the same who suppress others.


So yes I am much confused, what is it that has changed, what is better, when do you come, and do you come, I am beginning to doubt that because of the same massages over and over again. I need some hope, I need to see and feel some changes, and I need to know more about what is going to happen in the future, other than technology that will change our life’s. Sometimes you mention that we are getting new jobs in the future, which kind of jobs ?  And how will you ellimate the evil in world when it’s people who are greedy and power hungry who create that ? Is that going to change in the future ?


And when are we going to remember our past lifes ? again one of the thing I have read/heard in long time now. Please give me some hope and purpose to go on, and please don’t try to tell I only see the dark, because right now I do, but haven’t done in the last cuppel of years, but when I am told again and again that something great is going to happen, and the opposite is the fact, the I really lose hope.


About me, I can remember some past lifes, always had, never felt like I belong here, and have very fond memories on coming from a Liberian chip, who traveled to other worlds and teach, and also creating land and so. I have always been an honest person who regards ethics very high, and I don’t care about status, money and so. In many ways I am the opposite of most people around me. I guess that’s why I want you to come, as soon as possible, because I really can’t stand life here, and never have. And most of all, I really hurt so much inside of all that violence, suffering and duality there are on this planet. And I really need some hope that things will change soon. What will happen to all the people who do evil deeds ?  where do they go, and how will they learn to change for the better. I know that you say there is no good and bad, but I don’t agree, so much pain in a world can’t be good for any. There is nothing to learn from it. What is the purpose to war ?


Oh so many questions in my head, but most of all, how are things going to be different when you come ? how can you change people who are judging each other with out all the facts, like I am doing with you now, and you are doing with me based on this letter ?

Are you going to come “soon” or do we have to wait many years more ?

And do we soon get the earths true history, as promised in channeling’s true many years ( since 1997) or do we have to wait many years more for that ?

Well that’s it for now, I need answers, Is kind of tired of the same massages in the channeling’s, and the confusion and duality.

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