The Blue Osiris

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 10/25/2012 - 12:12

While going thru my stages of who REALLY  am I, anything about the Ancient Egyptains seemed to just jump out at me. There was a time when everything about Ancient Egypt got my undivided attention. I begin to notice that Osiris was mostly colored this beautiful blue complextion. The explination I mostly heard and read was that The Egyptians was blue because they were under the influrence of the blue lotus and that was why Osiris was blue. Yesterday, while reading the post Souls of Light posted by Phil Rowen on October 24th 2012 The Hooded Sage, I discovered the truth of the matter. I began to access my junk dna (wink wink), and Spirit said; THAT is the reason for the color of Osiris, not the lotus theory. According to Souls of Light, blue is a symbol for celestrial healing and the nurturing energy; a giving spirit, kindness, loyalty, reverence and softness. Along with a strong sense of self (KNOW THYSELF). Deep blues are the energy of bewitchment. Osiris is a beautiful shade of blue with no darkness contained. OSIRIS was the god of the dead, he was the guardian of the underworld and the concort of Isis. Being that I was born to set the captives free, I wanted to set Osiris free from his misunderstood aura. The truth shall set us free.


Love Nageeta

Nageetah, thank you so much for explaining this. I also have a deep interest in ancient egypt, this was so enightening to me!!!

Please let me know about any other insights of this type. I am particularly interested in the female pharoahs, Tausret, Hatshepshut, and I think there were two others. I'm reading about them now. But ANYTHING about ancient egypt is of interest to me.

Thank you so much.

Love and blessings, Astreia


I thought all along that the blue-ness of some beings such as

those indian gods ' pictures (Indian Continent) are from their

genetic line from Sirius


under Galactic Federation Members




these blue skinned beings are from Sirius B

and have come to settle on earth   in the

ancient times. We have pockets of blue skinned

Sirius B humans in different parts of the world.

I believe their skin color has been diluted and no longer

obvious, from intermarriage with other races.  I know one

cultural group in the Philppines.


They descended from the skies, and were worshipped

as gods, by the earth humans.






Nageetah IsRae… (not verified)

Thu, 10/25/2012 - 18:49

In reply to by gaiasdaughter

That could be true too. Because my mission statement is to educate, validate and reinstate, I wanted to disvalidate the belief that Osiris was under the influence of the blue lotus, and thats why he was blue. He had all those attributes in the underworld. The Book of the Dead will educate  you to this fact.  Osiris deserved to be reinstated. The underworld did not quench his LOVE, I am one of  the validations manifested in the flesh .  Thank you for responding.

Love Nageeta



I have a story to tell about my experience in ancient Egypt.


A few years ago, I got ambitious and wanted to be a millionaire.

So, I took a real estate license and started selling houses in Las Vegas Nev.

Everything I asked Spirit, She would do. So I asked for million dollar accounts.

I got them almost everyday. People calling and listing many million dollar properties.

hah........... I forgot to ask Spirit something.....To make money from these transactions.

It was all karma. You know....crap karma.


So, one day I ask Spirit how much wealth do I have in  my private bank.

I went into deep meditation.   In this meidtation, I saw myself as a female

monarch, standing in front of a building,holding a staff.........

adorned with the Osiris plume feathers.

In front of me was my aide-de-camp...A huge nubian male adorned with

bracelets and neckace and  of gold. He was totally impressive.

He said "Majesty, everything is ready" With that he flung open this huge underground

vault. In this cavern, the front alone about the size of a footballfield, were riches any human could imagine. Gold , precious stones, etc.

As i was viewing the collection, i saw something beyond it.

 ....another  wealth that is most valuable.More valuable than the ones in front.

It is called "abundance' It means "I am  abundance. When I call for money,money comes to me from every direction and it does not stop seeking me until I am found"

That got instantly imbedded in my DNAs. ( Hello, Mission Control....I found it.)

I have lived this way ever since.


Then, I woke up

That was entertaining.

And lost interest in becoming a millionaire.

Dangggggggg...........I am already rich.


Was I  this  female pharaoh  in the Osiris' lineage ...?


NO, I was not this female pharaoh.

Never was.

I don't believe in reincarnation.

I think Spirit used this strip of film from the akashic records

to teach me about wealth ,my detachment from all that material stuff.


I am a unique ,individuated being created to be of service to the light.

Thats about who I am for now. 

Who knows..? Spirit, like Santa C, might even gift me with ascension.

Been real good. ........ LOL......












I overstand. Spirit will teach you IF you let it. As a child I would have this dream at times that really bothered me. I would go into my mothers room and she would be sobbing. I asked her what was wrong and then I heard the hiss. She had a snake in between her legs. I screamed no please and begged her to get out of the way of the snake. She said something in language (thats what I believe they call speaking in an unknown tongue), and the snake would bite her. It was a very frightening dream. When I learned later on in life that Cleopatra supposively commited suicide the same way, the dream reoccured to me. Dont feel a connection to her via family. Maybe she was trying to tell me her story so I would tell others, I dont understand yet. That was one of the many times Egypt was in my dna and its surely in my heart. Wealth, it was a dream in the past but now only if I can use it to help others would I want it. 

Love Nageeta

Nageetah IsRae… (not verified)

Thu, 10/25/2012 - 18:54

In reply to by Mario

You are welcome. Due to the fact that I got no sleep last night (felt like someone was knocking on my hearts door) and still havent, we will continue when I am refreshed. Im excited about somethin.  Smile. Love Nageeta

Can sleep so here I go. According to the website Female Pharaohs in Ancient Egyptian Queens, there were six female pharaohs. They were Nitocris of the 6th dynasty, Sobeknofru of the 12thy dynasty, Hatsheptsut of the 18th dynasty, Nefertiti also of the 18th dynasty, Twosret of the 19th dynasty, and Cleopatra 51b.c. Hatshepsut and Nefertiti are my favorites.  There is also also a book entitled The Husa that was written before the Bible and it contains some of the same wisdom as Solomons Proverbs. In the Book of the Dead ( that title does those texts injustice), Osisis bears most of the attributes of Jesus. The book was written thousands of years before the Bible. Same shytz different day. One of my hearts desire is to visit Egypt and go inside the sphinx. Im sure it will be natural to do so. Love Nageeta       yawnin maybe Osisis can put me to sleep. Hehehe

I also am very interested in the female pharoahs. I've been reading about Hatsheshut and Tausret (Twosret). I have not studied back far enough yet, so I only knew about the most recent four.

To me, this is an important aspect of the return of the feminine power.

Love and blessings,


I agree sister. Some authors of Ancient Egyptian literature falsely accused the women Pharaohs of wanting to be men. Especially Hatshepsut. Thats so far from the truth. They were balanced individuals. They KNEW THEMSELVES. That is what is transpiring in this NOW time, the return of the Divine balance of the energies. If you go to The Red

Shaman's blog, to the post Stunning Cloud Formation in!, you will see  the validation of the balance of the two Divine Energies. It has occured, again.

Love Nageeta

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