Greetings I am MAX the Crystal Skull
I will be short, but I wanted to address any fears you might have about the great storm out over the East Coast.
Do not be afraid. This is a mythic storm and comes on the Full Moon of Taurus as a gift for Mother Earth to assist her as she releases and re-balances her energies in preparation for 12/12/12. St. Germaine and Archangel Tzaphkeil are working with this storm within the Violet Flame, the Violet Ray of Purification and the crystal energy of Amethyst.
This storm will release great amounts of negative energy for Gaia, and for all beings on the planet. Work with it. Prepare yourself if you are being affected, take care to keep safe, but do not be in fear. Be open to the powerful cleansing and clearing energy that is being made available.
Call upon St. Germaine and the Violet Flame of Purification and Archangel Tzaphkeil to aid and assist you in this effort, both for the planet and for each of you personally. Take time today to send thoughts of compassion and love to those being affected. Take this opportunity to connect with this great process as it is happening.
In Divine Light and Love,
For more information and links for Archangel Tzaphkeil check my site listed below.
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Not sure whether to believe
Not sure whether to believe this channel as the storm has been said to originate from HAARP and is not natural.
Well if HAARP did it... soes
Well if HAARP did it... soes it not simply mean they originated something that will help clean up their own mess and give ALL an opportunity (A BIG ONE) to Shift and to learn how to transform Energy? Is that not our First Mission? To dissolve illusion? And what is HAARP if not part of the illusion? Way to Go Lightworkers!
I wonder if this is the
I wonder if this is the Event.
what do u mean is this the
what do u mean is this the event? because ive been feeling like we are one event away from a total collapse i felt like it would happen in this what u mean? because u took the words out of my mouth.
you are all crazy.
you are all crazy.
My intuition tells me this
My intuition tells me this channel is bogus. Although it does have some truth to it. Yes, this massive HARRP induced 3 storm hurricane is going to release a lot of negative energies, but that doesn't mean it's natural. The elite are biting themselves in the ass when they create these monster storms because they are helping to release the very energies they are so desperately trying to cultivate. But like I said.....bogus channel. The best dis/mis info will always contain some truth, so it's not as easy to spot the lies.
HAARP is the October Surprise!??
It's totally crazy, but it does look like the hurricane is the 'October Surprise' that was promised. In fairness, noone said it would be a nice surprise (or did they?). God knows. If it isn't the October Surprise then the 'channelers' only have 2 days left before everyone arrives at the same conclusion AGAIN! And that is, that it's all a load of old nonsense!
Stay safe, stay indoors, stay warm, stay sane!
Peace and best wishes to all (especislly the unfortunate people in the path of this monstrosity of mayhem)