Submitted by Lia on Fri, 01/06/2012 - 08:10

I've been thinking this morning about the problem of evil. Of course we know that in English, evil is live backwards; and ignorance begins with ignoring something. As I see it, human society, that's all of us, have been ignoring basic realities for a huge portion of our history. We have become so enmeshed in our idea that we are separate that we literally forgot who we are. Many are now remembering, or, put another way, reconnecting with other parts of ourselves, parts that have been invisible or where the connection is unseen. Inevitably, this move from ignorance will necessarily help us finally get it right, ending evil and enabling creation of a new world together.



Mary Okorn-Jimenez (not verified)

Sat, 01/07/2012 - 08:50

Allow me to offer this humble viewpoint:

Evil is live backwards (pronounced "l-eye-v"). Being alive is the opposite of being dead. The dead need life, life does not need death. Evil is the only thing that profits from death - everything else suffers. And I'm talking "profit" on an esoteric, spiritual, psychic level as well as physical. This profit is in the form of parasitism; usurpation of that which is alive - energy.

Evil cannot live without the human suffering It creates.

It is conscious of this, not ignorant. Evil is a real entity, not simply an idea or philosophy, and It wreaks real havoc in our physical world (into which It can see, but we can't see It), as well as all other levels of consciousness and dimension. This ignoring we've been doing is by design, these ideas we have had are not our own! Everything has been designed to keep humanity asleep, dumb, and enslaved. We share no blame in that. The blame resides solely with Evil.

So, in this release from guilt for "our part" in all of this, we gain a certain freedom to "see" how things really are. It is a rediscovery, certainly, for as the influence of Evil is being stripped away by our awareness, the rising energies of the Earth, and our Cosmic family, we are finally allowed our true greatness. Imagine us as we truly are - unfettered by imposed false paradigms, not bombarded by actual negative energy - it is going to be wonderful to be free from Evil!

It is not going to change - evil is the nature of Evil. We must free ourselves from the notion that It can be changed, or "lived with" - It has had Its opportunity to change, to choose an alternative source of energy. It chose to continue to torture, enslave and literally eat humanity on all levels. We must see Its nature clearly, so that in forever turning away from It, we never question ourselves.

Thank you so much for your insight, sir. I gravely appreciate your words.

We cannot kill Evil and are not responsible for It. Evil is not human. Evil is not part of who we are as a humanity - at all; Evil created this illusion of separation; Evil is brilliant, give It Its due, but It is not Divine. I suspect It wishes it was and hates us more for it, but It is not, and never can be. I really think the reason Evil is here is because we're a multi-dimensional food source - and because God is good, He gave Evil a chance. However - finally! - the judgment from the Cosmos is: no more Evil.

Regarding your reference to our Duality:

Yes, I hear that voice. And I have identified it as emanating from the R-brain, that part of our brain that scientists have identified as our "reptilian brain" - the part that has been introduced to me by something foreign to humanity. So, in this construct, my flash of anger is not mine - it has been introduced into my genetic code to produce a programmed response, which in turn creates the necessary negative energy for Evil to continue living. Brilliant, no? My power (all of our power) comes in knowing this construct, and intervening in the programmed response so as not to produce the desired effect - negative energy. (Of course it has benefited Evil to keep us from knowing about the construct, or "Matrix".)

I use "omniscient detachment" as a tool to separate myself from anger or other negative emotions and divest Evil of Its energy source. I literally see it as the Battle Between Good and Evil. Only awareness can tip the scales in our favor. Conscious reprogramming of that r-brain in every moment will topple those scales.

To your query of our co-creation of Evil:

I created the situation ripe for Evil's influence simply by being Human, and the nature of humanity is Divine - a much sought-after quality in the Multiverse. As a perfect piece of God in this Cosmos, all you had to do to enslave me was make me forget my Divinity. Everything else was a piece of cake!

Much love to you sir, and thank you again for your thoughtful presence in the world. It is appreciated.

As you've inspired me, I hope I have been of service to you.

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