The Family of Lights Solutions to Humanity's Current Situations Bankers are out of business

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 10/30/2012 - 16:45

~ Divine Decrees ~ and Love is Not Kidden'

The Angels have Now Been placed in ALL Goverments across the Planet.  They have each been assigned to each Congressman, or House Member or whatever they are called. This is to not only Speed things along, but to Assist each of them in the Divine Truth. Decreed, and So it is.

Our Solution for the Auto Industry, Send them all back to school to learn Anti-Gravity and Free Energy. Then Have all the Auto Companies Merge together in a Cooperation, this will end the need for competition. They will then become a Cooperation with Co-Creators and Co-Workers, this will put an end to CEOs. This will bring about Abundance for all, and will end the CEO's ability to suck the life force energy out of the People. This will help establish True Equality, that way Everyone Benefits, not just a select few. Decreed, and SO it is, and SO it is Done, Granted.

The Pharmaceutical Companies are to Stop the making of ALL drugs. They will Replace these with Making Colloidal Silver and Colloidal Gold. These Tonics will put an End to all Dis-Ease, Cancer, and all the Current Ailments, that have been placed on Humanity by the Illuminati. So it is and So shall be Decreed.

All the Bankers, Presidents, and CEOs who receive the BIG BONUSES, will Now Release these funds To Everyone on the Planet. If the Planet Lacks, everyone on the Planet lacks. If there are others out there Hoarding all the resources, they must give it ALL back to the Planet Immediately. "Fork it over" now, So that ALL may Share in the Abundant Resources on this Planet. It Belongs to Humanity Anyway, and is not yours. SO it is Decreed, and So it is! Granted.


The Above Decrees are a Blanket for all Corporations. If you are stealing from the people, you Will and Must Give it all Back Right Now, if not, you will be out of business, and you will be dissolved. This will completely get rid of all greed and all corruption, because if one goes down, they all go down and if one Wins, Everyone Wins. Non-Compliance of the Light's decrees, will result in the Divine Justice to be served.



AS Decreed all Spiritual egos who are just minions in disguise are to all now be revealed on Planet Earth=Heart during our intense cleansing period. Only Those who are In Service to the Love On this Planet will remain and stand as The Lighthouses of Truth they really are.


Whatever does not Serve the All for the Greatest Good of the ALL, will cease to exist. This is a Divine Decree, and SO it is and So shall be on Earth as it is in Heaven. All Decreed and Granted.


~The Highest Possible thought is Manifesting on Planet Earth=Heart which IS Heaven On Earth. This is The Highest Truth on this Planet, and So it is and So it is to Be Done in the no matter what, On Earth as It is in the Kingdom of Heaven.." Per Mother and Father God, Your Family of Light, The Galactic Federation of Light, and the Ground Crew for First Contact.~ We are Your Earth Allies In Service to The Truth On Planet Earth=Heart!~


PS~ If You are Now Present In the Oneness Energy AKA Unity You will Be Supported Complelty, if not.... well have fun, Stay CLose to those Who Serve Love! This incoming Energy will only serve those Who Are Serving Love, Peace and Unity!

Planet Wide Peace On Planet Earth=Heart Here We Come!


Love The Earth Allies




We will Be Hosting a Surpise Love Party Beginning Well, Now and when You Get there!

We Have begun at 4:30pm Pacific!~ Lets Together Move This Planet Into All Love IS! We Are Ready! You Can Join US Live At This Link:

I believe you,but I wish they would hurry things up and stop crawling like a snail

Guest (not verified)

Tue, 10/30/2012 - 23:37

Colloidal Silver has side effects. My fingernails are blue and my skin gray (fortunately not blue) from Colloidal Silver. I have tried everything I could to reverse it without success.  

You just handed me a death sentence!  I need 5 shots of insulin daily....colloidal doesn't

reduce blood my case, food doesn''t either.  Now what?  I think I deserve to live as much as you.   


Thu, 11/01/2012 - 12:59

There are many people on psych drugs...what are they to do?  The side effects are awful for many of these drugs.


There are ways to cure diabetes naturally...I would check into hemp oil for many ailments.  It is an ancient medicine.


Colloidal Siver is great stuff but you do have to be careful about how much you take.  I didn't know about the Gold.  


As we should always bless our water to cleanse it, we should also bless our medications and clear all energy from them that are from others.

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