James Gilliland ~ Poly Tics ~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 11/02/2012 - 13:06



Many have asked what my stance is concerning the elections. This pretty much sums up modern politics.

Poly=Many Tics=Blood sucking parasites.

Many have asked what my stance is concerning the elections. Some say it is a choice of a lesser of two evils. This still gives the illusion you have a choice. The two evils are both under the control of the NWO puppet masters. We have a one party system – republicrats – and no matter what they promise they cannot deliver if it is not part of the plan of the aristocracy, banksters and corporations. Just ask yourself what happened to all the third party candidates?

The very few people of integrity left in politics are just a voice in the wind unless the people wake up and get behind them. Yet most are hypnotized by the corporate sponsored media backing these unethical people. What you have is a corporate sponsored dictatorial democracy. Lack is manufactured. Most of your ills and disease originate with these corporations due to toxic chemicals, bioengineered virus and bacteria, and the poisoning of the food, air, water and land.

The war and disease profiteers who care nothing for humanity and the Earth are in control “for now”. This will continue as long as politicians owe their allegiance to the corporations in their lust for power and wealth and the people remain asleep playing the game. The game is someone out there is going to step up and do it all for you rather than the God within coming forward and saying enough, “It is finished.”

With all the games and corruption there is one card most seem to forget. Nature. She has had enough and the higher powers have chosen to assist in a grand awakening and healing. Some call it a cleansing. Time to awaken, make your own personal God connection, listen to Nature she is on the move and act with the wisdom of loving detachment.

“The modern conservative is engaged in one of man’s oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.” ~John Kenneth Galbraith

Always a kick to hear from You bro! As an added footnote whicjh I might add :) is —along with the up-note on connecting w/Nature... I wish to remind all that Your own efforts of Raising your Consciousness' and or whatever one does to accelerate... Just know (check this yourself) that anyone NOW can so raise and accelerate their Self, in the body...  any of the toxic whatnots can-Not jump on, or even touch that one: If They So Choose. * It would be like a slug trying to jump on a speeding car. — We just fly on bye. Cheers   ... I will be up this winter. 


Fri, 11/02/2012 - 13:34

I totally agree with you James, The lesser of both evils is what we may get. I'm of the opinion that all will change as the light comes to fade away the shadows of the night and the dark energy will be transformed on the coming of this winter solstice. The mirror of humanity will be cleared for all to see past the vail of illusion, then the "Golden Age" will begin and we will once again be the what we started out to be.  

Love and Light to all who look and see past the illusion, we are the ones we have been waiting for.


Love and Peace is all their is, their no other way.


Esther (not verified)

Fri, 11/02/2012 - 16:33

Yes James...it is DONE! Many thanks for your continued service :-)




Fri, 11/02/2012 - 19:32


As a system buster , a renegade member of the family of light we are here to take down as fast a possible a corrupt ,poison, death machine being used against the world !Its a political system so corrupt ,dark and 3d no enlightened  being would give it power by legitmizing it in any way, let alone have a candidate or vote to be lead. A enlightened being understands and knows a simple test to tell if a system,person,ET is of the light . Light is freely given, honest,open knowledge .Dark hides knowledge ,twists it ,keeps it  from you in order to have power over you, Ego demands this. Light empowers you to be free, self directed sentient being of light with no need to be lead,why because an enlightened being takes full responsibility for his or her life .You would like a new world of 5 d ? Time to wake up and understand it can not be created by working to keep
3D up and running by supporting duality and its system ,by the way the banking system runs the political system in the US and the rest of the worlds as well. All your current politicians are criminals and are looked on by all Beings of the light , Galactic,Enlightened Humans, true Starseeds,Wayshowers,Lightworkers as Dark.
If you want to move to planet love ,have a peaceful, abundant,healthy
new paradigm first you must stop supporting and creating what you don't want!!
Peaceful noncompliance is the pathway filled with light.I trained life time after life for over 100000 years to be here and destroy this 3d political prisons system, a system so  many who say they are awakened lightwork cling to and recreate over and over again with a vote, while it kills 20000 childern a week from starvation alone.As  system busters our roll is to destroy all the dark has put in place to hold you in fear,time is now here  to let go ,i say to all ,take back your power and ownership of your life and planet .We are going to win
I tell you know now we already have won  and the criminals have been removed .
 Peace and Love  from a Renegade member of the family of light.....Tim

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