Message to the general public and the winner is???

Submitted by David Porter on Tue, 11/06/2012 - 12:16

After it's confirmed to the public that Obama Will retain this office, soon will come the revelations of the major events that those awake are eager to see fulfilled. However those who have not an ear for it will be shocked and overwelmed by the truths they are soon to learn.


Some will run and hide due to what is approching, some will want to take their weapons of "mess-distruction" and hunt down the ones responsible for the mess the Elite have put you in.


We are in the time that every eye shall see what has been hidden from us for a long, long time. What your are about to "see" won't be a pretty site indeed, but well worth the wait after the dust settles.

The ones involved with the Illuminati/cabal that up until now run you, own you and control you, will all be removed from their respective offices, some will be imprisoned and held for arraignment just before we the people rain on their evil heads, some will be shipped to other planets where they may best learn from the karma they have made, the most evil of them will be remove from Earth and incinerated.

The cabal was hoping for another "minion" in this important office that would follow their evil lead, but not this time. This will not be allowed as "The Highest Authority" of ALL has decreed that peace will now rein on earth for the next thousand years. There is no more nukes allowed to detinate for the purpose to kill and or distroy. War will soon become something of the past and forgotten.


To those that have been "CLOSED MINDED" to alternative possibilities other than what they have learned by means of main stream medias, religions and basically, "the establishment." I offer that there is information on your web now on all of it, you will just have to sift through for the truth of it as the cabal has infiltrated and posisoned as much as they think to be in their almighty way of controlling you.


They wanted to continue their controll of you, but now a new agenda is overridding all of it. This is by "Divine Decree." To igor it is to be ignorant of it, he that gets an understanding of it is less likely to join the Jim Jones clans of the world and in the same, simply not have a clue of what to do.


Shortly revolutions come,

for every open ear to hear, 

and every eye to see, 

Much clearing to be done,

in the end you will know that all is one,

So buckle up and ride the tide,

as turbulant will it be, far and wide,

Enjoy this journey that you are on,

Know Who's Hand you're in to keep you strong,

As the waters resend from their rage,

it will dawn on you, that your are in the "Golden Age."









Guest (not verified)

Tue, 11/06/2012 - 18:28

Are you implying that there wont peace after the next thousand years or you saying that after the next thousands years peace will not be guaranteed but still possible.

kabniel (not verified)

Tue, 11/06/2012 - 20:18

In reply to by reiki3

Dear Guest,


He is implying that THAT will happen in his reality.

And he wants you to participate.



This is called participatory reality

(I made it up)


But, being  spark of the Creator,


you can have a heavenly reality ,  if you so desire it.


We are waiting for you here.  (not a place but a frquency)


Your choice.





kabniel (not verified)

Tue, 11/06/2012 - 20:27

In reply to by dreamer

By the way......


it was confirmed by CBS that Obummer

won ,... one week before the election


and that


90 million voters smelled the rat and refused to

waste their time voting.


What does that tell ya.....?


People are waking up.

They are participating in creating heaven under

the Cabal's noses.



Live Heaven,





Nicely done, kabniel. Participatory reality is the mass consciousness, which will all dissolve when we realize that we are all love and all one.

Love and blessings, Astreia

Guest (not verified)

Tue, 11/06/2012 - 21:27

Porter, your timing is off. Electing a POTUS will never herald the thousand years of peace. That will take the Catching Away of the Bride of Christ and after 3 1/2 years the King of Kings will return with His Bride and at that point the thousand years of peace will begin. You're correct in believing that it is in our near future, you're just off in the timing and also in the Coronation of the King of Kings and not the inauguration of a President.

I Samuel 8:1-7

"And it came to pass, when Samuel was old, he made his sons judges over Israel.Now the name of his first-born son was Joel; and the name of his second, Abiah; they were judges in Beer-sheba, But his sons did not walk in his ways, but turned aside after lucre, and took bribes and perverted judgment. Then all the elders of Israel gathered themselves together and came to Samuel to Ramtha, And they said to him, Behold, you are old, and your sons do not walk in your ways; now give us a king to judge us like all the nations. But the thing displeased Samuel, when they said to him, Give us a king to judge us like all the nations. And Samuel prayed before the Lord, And the Lord said to Samuel, Hearken to the voice of the people in all that they say to you; for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them."

The people demanded a king, and in doing so they rejected God. God basically said, Give them what they want, they want a king, well, they are rejecting ME, GOD.


Jesus never claimed to be a king.

St. Mark 15:2-5 "And Pilate asked him, Are you the King of the Jews? He answered, saying to him, That is what you say. And the high priests accused him of many things. Then Pilate asked him again and said to him, Do you not answer? See how many are testifying against you. But Jesus gave no answer, so that Pilate marvelled."

1. When the people asked for a king, God said that meant that they were rejecting him, God himself.

2. Jesus never claimed to be a king.

Why would God send Jesus as a king if having a king meant rejection of God?

Well, God didn't send Jesus as a king. The Pharisees and Sadducees called Jesus a king because they wanted Jesus dead.

As for the bride, how would you know when Jesus took a bride? You say he comes back three and a half years after he takes a bride. I don't find that in the Bible at all.

St. Luke 22:7 "And they all said, Are you then the Son of God? Jesus said to them, You say that I am."


We don't need a king, we never needed a king.

Guest, I have taken the words from the Bible to show you that God does not want us to have a king. I don't usually go into such depth, but your remark intrigued me. Who Jesus is, it is far more marvelous than kinghood.

But we DID need to have a good President, and now we have one. Praise God for that!

Love and blessings, Astreia

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